Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import{File, IOException}
import{URI, URISyntaxException, URLClassLoader}
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
* Inspect and load the classpath. Inspired by
* Guava's ClassPath utility.
* @note This is not a generic facility -- it supports
* PremainLoader.
private object ClassPath {
private val ignoredPackages = Seq(
"apple/", "ch/epfl/", "com/apple/", "com/oracle/",
"com/sun/", "java/", "javax/", "scala/", "sun/", "sunw/")
// TODO: we can inspect the constant pool for "Premain"
// if needed to speed up start.
* Information about a classpath entry.
case class Info(path: String, loader: ClassLoader) {
val name =
if (path.endsWith(".class"))
(path take (path.length - 6)).replace('/', '.')
path.replace('/', '.')
* Load the classpath described by this entry.
def load(initialize: Boolean = false): Class[_] =
Class.forName(name, initialize, loader)
* Browse the given classloader recursively from
* its package root.
def browse(loader: ClassLoader): Seq[Info] = {
val buf = mutable.Buffer[Info]()
for ((uri, loader) <- getEntries(loader))
browseUri(uri, loader, buf)
private def isClass(name: String) =
(name endsWith ".class") && ((name endsWith "$.class") || !(name contains "$"))
private def getEntries(loader: ClassLoader): Seq[(URI, ClassLoader)] = {
val ents = mutable.Buffer[(URI, ClassLoader)]()
val parent = loader.getParent()
if (parent != null)
ents ++= getEntries(parent)
loader match {
case urlLoader: URLClassLoader =>
for (url <- urlLoader.getURLs()) {
ents += (url.toURI() -> loader)
case _ =>
private def browseUri(uri: URI, loader: ClassLoader, buf: mutable.Buffer[Info]) {
if (uri.getScheme != "file")
val f = new File(uri)
if (!f.exists())
if (f.isDirectory)
browseDir(f, loader, "", buf)
browseJar(f, loader, buf)
private def browseDir(dir: File, loader: ClassLoader, prefix: String, buf: mutable.Buffer[Info]) {
if (ignoredPackages exists (_ == prefix)) {
println("ignored "+prefix)
for (f <- dir.listFiles)
if (f.isDirectory())
browseDir(f, loader, prefix + f.getName + "/", buf)
else if (isClass(f.getName))
buf += Info(prefix + f.getName, loader)
private def browseJar(file: File, loader: ClassLoader, buf: mutable.Buffer[Info]) {
val jarFile = try new JarFile(file) catch {
case _: IOException => return // not a Jar file
try {
for (uri <- jarClasspath(file, jarFile.getManifest))
browseUri(uri, loader, buf)
for {
e <- jarFile.entries.asScala
if !e.isDirectory
n = e.getName
if !(ignoredPackages exists (n startsWith _))
if isClass(n)
} buf += Info(n, loader)
} finally {
try jarFile.close() catch {
case _: IOException =>
private def jarClasspath(jarFile: File, manifest: java.util.jar.Manifest): Seq[URI] = for {
m <- Option(manifest).toSeq
attr <- Option(m.getMainAttributes().getValue("Class-Path")).toSeq
el <- attr.split(" ")
uri <- uriFromJarClasspath(jarFile, el)
} yield uri
def uriFromJarClasspath(jarFile: File, path: String) = try {
val uri = new URI(path)
if (uri.isAbsolute)
Some(new File(jarFile.getParentFile, path.replace('/', File.separatorChar)).toURI)
} catch {
case _: URISyntaxException => None
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