Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap}
import com.twitter.util._
* A type class providing evidence for parsing type `T` as a flag value.
* Any class that is to be provided as a flaggable value must have an
* accompanying implicit `Flaggable` (contained within a companion object of the
* class in question) for converting a string to an object of that type. For
* instance, to make a hypothetical type called `Foo` flaggable:
* {{{
* class Foo {
* ...
* }
* object Foo {
* implicit val flagOfFoo = new Flaggable[Foo] {
* def parse(v: String): Foo = {
* ...
* }
* }
* }
* }}}
* For simple implicit definitions based on existing `String => T` functions,
* use the `Flaggable.mandatory` function:
* {{{
* object Foo {
* def parse(v: String: Foo = {
* ...
* }
* implicit val ofFoo = Flaggable.mandatory(Foo.parse(_))
* }
* }}}
* [1]
trait Flaggable[T] {
* Parse a string (i.e. a value set on the command line) into an object of
* type `T`.
def parse(s: String): T
* Create a string-representation of an object of type `T`. Used in
* `Flag.toString`.
def show(t: T): String = t.toString
* An optional default value for the Flaggable.
def default: Option[T] = None
* Default `Flaggable` implementations.
object Flaggable {
def mandatory[T](f: String => T) = new Flaggable[T] {
def parse(s: String) = f(s)
implicit val ofBoolean = new Flaggable[Boolean] {
override def default = Some(true)
def parse(s: String) = s.toBoolean
implicit val ofString = mandatory(identity)
implicit val ofInt = mandatory(_.toInt)
implicit val ofLong = mandatory(_.toLong)
implicit val ofFloat = mandatory(_.toFloat)
implicit val ofDouble = mandatory(_.toDouble)
implicit val ofDuration = mandatory(Duration.parse(_))
implicit val ofStorageUnit = mandatory(StorageUnit.parse(_))
private val defaultTimeFormat = new TimeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z")
implicit val ofTime = mandatory(defaultTimeFormat.parse(_))
implicit object ofInetSocketAddress extends Flaggable[InetSocketAddress] {
def parse(v: String) = v.split(":") match {
case Array("", p) =>
new InetSocketAddress(p.toInt)
case Array(h, p) =>
new InetSocketAddress(h, p.toInt)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException
override def show(addr: InetSocketAddress) =
Option(addr.getAddress) match {
case Some(a) if a.isAnyLocalAddress => ""
case _ => addr.getHostName
implicit def ofTuple[T: Flaggable, U: Flaggable] = new Flaggable[(T, U)] {
private val tflag = implicitly[Flaggable[T]]
private val uflag = implicitly[Flaggable[U]]
def parse(v: String) = v.split(",") match {
case Array(t, u) => (tflag.parse(t), uflag.parse(u))
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a 't,u'")
override def show(tup: (T, U)) = {
val (t, u) = tup","
implicit def ofSeq[T: Flaggable] = new Flaggable[Seq[T]] {
private val flag = implicitly[Flaggable[T]]
def parse(v: String): Seq[T] = v.split(",") map flag.parse
override def show(seq: Seq[T]) = seq map mkString ","
implicit def ofMap[K: Flaggable, V: Flaggable] = new Flaggable[Map[K, V]] {
private val kflag = implicitly[Flaggable[K]]
private val vflag = implicitly[Flaggable[V]]
def parse(in: String): Map[K, V] = {
val tuples = in.split(',').foldLeft(Seq.empty[String]) {
case (acc, s) if !s.contains('=') =>
// In order to support comma-separated values, we concatenate
// consecutive tokens that don't contain equals signs.
acc.init :+ (acc.last + ',' + s)
case (acc, s) => acc :+ s
tuples map { tup =>
tup.split("=") match {
case Array(k, v) => (kflag.parse(k), vflag.parse(v))
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a 'k=v'")
} toMap
override def show(out: Map[K, V]) = {
out.toSeq map { case (k, v) => k.toString + "=" + v.toString } mkString(",")
* Exception thrown upon flag-parsing failure. Should typically lead to process
* death, since continued execution would run the risk of unexpected behavior on
* account of incorrectly-interpreted or malformed flag values.
* @param message A string name of the flag for which parsing failed.
* @param cause The underlying [[java.lang.Throwable]] that caused this exception.
case class FlagParseException(message: String, cause: Throwable = null)
extends Exception(message, cause)
case class FlagUsageError(usage: String) extends Exception
class FlagValueRequiredException extends Exception(Flags.FlagValueRequiredMessage)
class FlagUndefinedException extends Exception(Flags.FlagUndefinedMessage)
* A single command-line flag, instantiated by a [[]]
* instance. Its current value can be extracted via `apply()`.
* @see [[]]
class Flag[T: Flaggable] private[app](val name: String, val help: String, defaultOrUsage: Either[() => T, String]) {
private[app] def this(name: String, help: String, default: => T) = this(name, help, Left(() => default))
private[app] def this(name: String, help: String, usage: String) = this(name, help, Right(usage))
protected val flaggable = implicitly[Flaggable[T]]
@volatile private[this] var value: Option[T] = None
protected def getValue: Option[T] = value
@volatile private[this] var _parsingDone = false
protected[this] def parsingDone = _parsingDone
private def default: Option[T] = defaultOrUsage.left.toOption map { d => d() }
private def valueOrDefault: Option[T] = getValue orElse default
private[this] def flagNotFound: IllegalArgumentException =
new IllegalArgumentException("flag '%s' not found".format(name))
* Return this flag's current value. The default value is returned
* when the flag has not otherwise been set.
def apply(): T = {
if (!parsingDone)
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("").severe("Flag %s read before parse.".format(name))
valueOrDefault getOrElse { throw flagNotFound }
/** Reset this flag's value */
def reset() {
value = None
_parsingDone = false
/** True if the flag has been set */
def isDefined = getValue.isDefined
/** Get the value if it has been set */
def get: Option[T] = getValue
/** String representation of this flag's default value */
def defaultString = getOrElse { throw flagNotFound })
def usageString =
defaultOrUsage match {
case Left(_) => " -%s='%s': %s".format(name, defaultString, help)
case Right(usage) => " -%s=<%s>: %s".format(name, usage, help)
* String representation of this flag in -foo='bar' format,
* suitable for being used on the command line.
override def toString = {
valueOrDefault match {
case None => "-" + name + "="
case Some(v) => "-" + name + "='" +"'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"
/** Parse value `raw` into this flag. */
def parse(raw: String) {
value = Some(flaggable.parse(raw))
_parsingDone = true
/** Parse this flag with no argument. */
def parse() {
value = flaggable.default
_parsingDone = true
private[app] def finishParsing() {
_parsingDone = true
/** Indicates whether or not the flag is valid without an argument. */
def noArgumentOk = flaggable.default.isDefined
object Flags {
private[app] val FlagValueRequiredMessage = "flag value is required"
private[app] val FlagUndefinedMessage = "flag undefined"
sealed trait FlagParseResult
* Indicates successful flag parsing.
* @param remainder A remainder list of unparsed arguments.
case class Ok(remainder: Seq[String]) extends FlagParseResult
* Indicates that a help flag (i.e. -help) was encountered
* @param usage A string containing the application usage instructions.
case class Help(usage: String) extends FlagParseResult
* Indicates that an error occurred during flag-parsing.
* @param reason A string explaining the error that occurred.
case class Error(reason: String) extends FlagParseResult
* A simple flags implementation. We support only two formats:
* for flags with optional values (e.g. booleans):
* -flag, -flag=value
* for flags with required values:
* -flag[= ]value
* That's it. These can be parsed without ambiguity.
* There is no support for mandatory arguments: That is not what
* flags are for.
* `Flags.apply` adds a new flag to the flag set, so it is idiomatic
* to assign instances of `Flags` to a singular `flag` val:
* {{{
* val flag = new Flags("myapp")
* val i = flag("i", 123, "iteration count")
* }}}
* Global flags, detached from a particular `Flags` instance but
* accessible to all, are defined by [[]].
* @param argv0 The name of the application that is to be configured via flags
* @param includeGlobal If true, [[ GlobalFlags]] will
* be included during flag parsing. If false, only flags defined in the
* application itself will be consulted.
class Flags(argv0: String, includeGlobal: Boolean) {
import Flags._
def this(argv0: String) = this(argv0, false)
private[this] val flags = new HashMap[String, Flag[_]]
@volatile private[this] var cmdUsage = ""
// Add a help flag by default
private[this] val helpFlag = this("help", false, "Show this help")
def reset() = synchronized {
flags foreach { case (_, f) => f.reset() }
private[app] def finishParsing(): Unit = {
flags.values.foreach { _.finishParsing() }
private[this] def resolveGlobalFlag(f: String) =
if (includeGlobal) GlobalFlag.get(f) else None
private[this] def resolveFlag(f: String): Option[Flag[_]] =
synchronized { flags.get(f) orElse resolveGlobalFlag(f) }
private[this] def hasFlag(f: String) = resolveFlag(f).isDefined
private[this] def flag(f: String) = resolveFlag(f).get
* Parse an array of flag strings.
* @param args The array of strings to parse.
* @param allowUndefinedFlags If true, undefined flags (i.e. those that are
* not defined in the application via a `flag.apply` invocation) are allowed.
* If false, undefined flags will result in a FlagParseException being thrown.
* @return A [[]] representing the
* result of parsing `args`.
def parseArgs(
args: Array[String],
allowUndefinedFlags: Boolean = false
): FlagParseResult = synchronized {
val remaining = new ArrayBuffer[String]
var i = 0
while (i < args.size) {
val a = args(i)
i += 1
if (a == "--") {
remaining ++= args.slice(i, args.size)
i = args.size
} else if (a startsWith "-") {
a drop 1 split("=", 2) match {
// There seems to be a bug Scala's pattern matching
// optimizer that leaves `v' dangling in the last case if
// we make this a wildcard (Array(k, _@_*))
case Array(k) if !hasFlag(k) =>
if (allowUndefinedFlags)
remaining += a
return Error(
"Error parsing flag \"%s\": %s\n%s".format(k, FlagUndefinedMessage, usage)
// Flag isn't defined
case Array(k, _) if !hasFlag(k) =>
if (allowUndefinedFlags)
remaining += a
else return Error(
"Error parsing flag \"%s\": %s\n%s".format(k, FlagUndefinedMessage, usage)
// Optional argument without a value
case Array(k) if flag(k).noArgumentOk =>
// Mandatory argument without a value and with no more arguments.
case Array(k) if i == args.size =>
return Error(
"Error parsing flag \"%s\": %s\n%s".format(k, FlagValueRequiredMessage, usage)
// Mandatory argument with another argument
case Array(k) =>
i += 1
try flag(k).parse(args(i-1)) catch {
case NonFatal(e) => return Error(
"Error parsing flag \"%s\": %s\n%s".format(k, e.getMessage, usage)
// Mandatory k=v
case Array(k, v) =>
try flag(k).parse(v) catch {
case e: Throwable => return Error(
"Error parsing flag \"%s\": %s\n%s".format(k, e.getMessage, usage)
} else {
remaining += a
if (helpFlag())
* Parse an array of flag strings.
* @note This method has been deprecated in favor of `Flags.parseArgs`,
* which indicates success or failure by returning
* [[]] rather than relying on thrown
* exceptions.
* @param args The array of strings to parse.
* @param undefOk If true, undefined flags (i.e. those that are not defined
* in the application via a `flag.apply` invocation) are allowed. If false,
* undefined flags will result in a FlagParseException being thrown.
* @throws FlagParseException if an error occurs during flag-parsing.
@deprecated("Prefer result-value based `Flags.parseArgs` method", "6.17.1")
def parse(
args: Array[String],
undefOk: Boolean = false
): Seq[String] = parseArgs(args, undefOk) match {
case Ok(remainder) => remainder
case Help(usage) => throw FlagUsageError(usage)
case Error(reason) => throw FlagParseException(reason)
* Parse an array of flag strings or exit the application (with exit code 1)
* upon failure to do so.
* @param args The array of strings to parse.
* @param undefOk If true, undefined flags (i.e. those that are not defined
* in the application via a `flag.apply` invocation) are allowed. If false,
* undefined flags will result in a FlagParseException being thrown.
def parseOrExit1(args: Array[String], undefOk: Boolean = true): Seq[String] =
parseArgs(args, undefOk) match {
case Ok(remainder) =>
case Help(usage) =>
throw new IllegalStateException
case Error(reason) =>
throw new IllegalStateException
* Add a flag. The canonical way to do so is via `Flags#apply`, but this
* method is left public for any rare edge cases where it is necessary.
* @param f A concrete Flag to add
def add(f: Flag[_]) = synchronized {
if (flags contains
System.err.printf("Flag %s already defined!\n",
flags( = f
* Add a named flag with a default value and a help message.
* @param name The name of the flag.
* @param default A default value, as a thunk.
* @param help The help string of the flag.
def apply[T: Flaggable](name: String, default: => T, help: String) = {
val f = new Flag[T](name, help, default)
* Add a named flag with a help message.
* @param name The name of the flag.
* @param help The help string of the flag.
def apply[T](name: String, help: String)(implicit _f: Flaggable[T], m: Manifest[T]) = {
val f = new Flag[T](name, help, m.toString)
* Set the flags' command usage; this is a message printed
* before the flag definitions in the usage string.
def setCmdUsage(u: String) {
cmdUsage = u
def usage: String = synchronized {
val lines =
for (k <- flags.keys.toArray.sorted)
yield flags(k).usageString
val globalLines = if (!includeGlobal) Seq.empty else {
val cmd = if (cmdUsage.nonEmpty) cmdUsage+"\n" else "usage: "
cmd+argv0+" [...]\n"+
(lines mkString "\n")+(
if (globalLines.isEmpty) "" else {
"\nglobal flags:\n"+
(globalLines mkString "\n")
* Get all of the flags known to this Flags instance.
* @param includeGlobal If true, all registered
* [[ GlobalFlags]] will be included
* in output. Defaults to the `includeGlobal` settings of this instance.
* @param classLoader The [[java.lang.ClassLoader]] used to fetch
* [[ GlobalFlags]], if necessary. Defaults to this
* instance's classloader.
* @return All of the flags known to this this Flags instance.
def getAll(
includeGlobal: Boolean = this.includeGlobal,
classLoader: ClassLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
): Iterable[Flag[_]] = synchronized {
var flags = TreeSet[Flag[_]]()( ++ this.flags.valuesIterator
if (includeGlobal) {
flags ++= GlobalFlag.getAll(classLoader).iterator
* Formats all values of all flags known to this instance into a format
* suitable for logging.
* @param includeGlobal See `getAll` above.
* @param classLoader See `getAll` above.
* @return All of the flag values in alphabetical order, grouped into (set, unset).
def formattedFlagValues(
includeGlobal: Boolean = this.includeGlobal,
classLoader: ClassLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
): (Iterable[String], Iterable[String]) = {
val (set, unset) = getAll(includeGlobal, classLoader).partition { _.get.isDefined }
( { _ + " \\" }, { _ + " \\" })
* Creates a string containing all values of all flags known to this instance
* into a format suitable for logging.
* @param includeGlobal See `getAll` above.
* @param classLoader Set `getAll` above
* @return A string suitable for logging.
def formattedFlagValuesString(
includeGlobal: Boolean = this.includeGlobal,
classLoader: ClassLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
): String = {
val (set, unset) = formattedFlagValues(includeGlobal, classLoader)
val lines = Seq("Set flags:") ++
set ++
Seq("Unset flags:") ++
* Subclasses of GlobalFlag (that are defined in libraries) are "global" in the
* sense that they are accessible by any application that depends on that library.
* Regardless of where in a library a GlobalFlag is defined, a value for it can
* be passed as a command-line flag by any binary that includes the library.
* The set of defined GlobalFlags can be enumerated (via `GlobalFlag.getAll)` by
* the application.
* {{{
* object MyFlag extends GlobalFlag("my", "default value", "this is my global flag")
* }}}
* All such global flag declarations in a given classpath are visible to and
* used by [[]].
* A flag's name (as set on the command line) is its fully-qualified classname.
* For example, the flag
* {{{
* package com.twitter.server
* object port extends GlobalFlag(8080, "the TCP port to which we bind")
* }}}
* is settable by the command-line flag `-com.twitter.server.port`.
* Global flags may also be set by Java system properties with keys
* named in the same way. However, values supplied by flags override
* those supplied by system properties.
class GlobalFlag[T] private[app](
defaultOrUsage: Either[() => T, String],
help: String
)(implicit _f: Flaggable[T]) extends Flag[T](null, help, defaultOrUsage) {
override protected[this] def parsingDone: Boolean = true
def this(default: T, help: String)(implicit _f: Flaggable[T]) = this(Left(() => default), help)
def this(help: String)(implicit _f: Flaggable[T], m: Manifest[T]) = this(Right(m.toString), help)
// Unfortunately, `getClass` in the the extends... above
// doesn't give the right answer.
override val name = getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$")
protected override def getValue = super.getValue orElse {
Option(System.getProperty(name)) flatMap { p =>
try Some(flaggable.parse(p)) catch {
case NonFatal(exc) =>
"Failed to parse system property "+name+" as flag", exc)
def getGlobalFlag: Flag[_] = this
private object GlobalFlag {
def get(f: String): Option[Flag[_]] = try {
val cls = Class.forName(f)
val m = cls.getMethod("getGlobalFlag")
} catch {
case _: ClassNotFoundException
| _: NoSuchMethodException
| _: IllegalArgumentException => None
def getAll(loader: ClassLoader) = {
val markerClass = classOf[GlobalFlagVisible]
val flags = new ArrayBuffer[Flag[_]]
for (info <- ClassPath.browse(loader)) try {
val cls = info.load()
if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(markerClass) && ( endsWith "$")) {
get( match {
case Some(f) => flags += f
case None => println("failed for "
} catch {
case _: IllegalStateException
| _: NoClassDefFoundError
| _: ClassNotFoundException =>
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