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package com.twitter.finagle.stats
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricBuilder.CounterType
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricBuilder.CounterishGaugeType
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricBuilder.GaugeType
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricBuilder.HistogramType
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricBuilder.MetricType
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricBuilder.UnlatchedCounter
import java.util.function.Supplier
import scala.annotation.varargs
* Represents the "role" this service plays with respect to this metric.
* Usually either Server (the service is processing a request) or Client (the server has sent a
* request to another service). In many cases, there is no relevant role for a metric, in which
* case NoRole should be used.
sealed trait SourceRole {
* Java-friendly helper for accessing the object itself.
def getInstance(): SourceRole = this
case object NoRoleSpecified extends SourceRole
case object Client extends SourceRole
case object Server extends SourceRole
* finagle-stats has configurable scope separators. As this package is wrapped by finagle-stats, we
* cannot retrieve it from finagle-stats. Consequently, we created this object so that the
* scope-separator can be passed in for stringification of the MetricBuilder objects.
object metadataScopeSeparator {
@volatile private var separator: String = "/"
def apply(): String = separator
private[finagle] def setSeparator(separator: String): Unit = {
this.separator = separator
object MetricBuilder {
* Construct a MethodBuilder.
* @param keyIndicator indicates whether this metric is crucial to this service (ie, an SLO metric)
* @param description human-readable description of a metric's significance
* @param units the unit associated with the metrics value (milliseconds, megabytes, requests, etc)
* @param role whether the service is playing the part of client or server regarding this metric
* @param verbosity see StatsReceiver for details
* @param sourceClass the name of the class which generated this metric (ie, com.twitter.finagle.StatsFilter)
* @param name the full metric name
* @param relativeName the relative metric name which will be appended to the scope of the StatsReceiver prior to long term storage
* @param processPath a universal coordinate for the resource
* @param percentiles used to indicate buckets for histograms, to be set by the StatsReceiver
* @param metricType the type of the metric being constructed
* @param isStandard whether the metric should the standard path separator or defer to the metrics store for the separator
* @param statsReceiver used for the actual metric creation, set by the StatsReceiver when creating a MetricBuilder
def apply(
keyIndicator: Boolean = false,
description: String = "No description provided",
units: MetricUnit = Unspecified,
role: SourceRole = NoRoleSpecified,
verbosity: Verbosity = Verbosity.Default,
sourceClass: Option[String] = None,
name: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
labels: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
relativeName: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
processPath: Option[String] = None,
percentiles: IndexedSeq[Double] = IndexedSeq.empty,
isStandard: Boolean = false,
metricType: MetricType,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver
): MetricBuilder = {
new MetricBuilder(
* Construct a new `MetricBuilder`
* Simpler method for constructing a `MetricBuilder`. This API is a little more friendly for java
* users as they can bootstrap a `MetricBuilder` and then proceed to use with `.with` API's rather
* than being forced to use the mega apply method.
* @param metricType the type of the metric being constructed.
* @param statsReceiver used for the actual metric creation, set by the StatsReceiver when creating a MetricBuilder.
def newBuilder(metricType: MetricType, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver): MetricBuilder =
apply(metricType = metricType, statsReceiver = statsReceiver)
* Indicate the Metric type, [[CounterType]] will create a [[Counter]],
* [[GaugeType]] will create a standard [[Gauge]], and [[HistogramType]] will create a [[Stat]].
* @note [[CounterishGaugeType]] will also create a [[Gauge]], but specifically one that
* models a [[Counter]].
sealed trait MetricType {
def toPrometheusString: String
def toJsonString: String
case object CounterType extends MetricType {
def toJsonString: String = "counter"
def toPrometheusString: String = toJsonString
case object CounterishGaugeType extends MetricType {
def toJsonString: String = "counterish_gauge"
def toPrometheusString: String = "gauge"
case object GaugeType extends MetricType {
def toJsonString: String = "gauge"
def toPrometheusString: String = toJsonString
case object HistogramType extends MetricType {
def toJsonString: String = "histogram"
def toPrometheusString: String = "summary"
/** Counter type that will be always unlatched */
case object UnlatchedCounter extends MetricType {
def toJsonString: String = "unlatched_counter"
def toPrometheusString: String = "counter"
sealed trait Metadata {
* Extract the MetricBuilder from Metadata
* Will return `None` if it's `NoMetadata`
def toMetricBuilder: Option[MetricBuilder] = this match {
case metricBuilder: MetricBuilder => Some(metricBuilder)
case NoMetadata => None
case MultiMetadata(schemas) =>
schemas.find(_ != NoMetadata).flatMap(_.toMetricBuilder)
case object NoMetadata extends Metadata
case class MultiMetadata(schemas: Seq[Metadata]) extends Metadata
* A builder class used to configure settings and metadata for metrics prior to instantiating them.
* Calling any of the three build methods (counter, gauge, or histogram) will cause the metric to be
* instantiated in the underlying StatsReceiver.
class MetricBuilder private (
val keyIndicator: Boolean,
val description: String,
val units: MetricUnit,
val role: SourceRole,
val verbosity: Verbosity,
val sourceClass: Option[String],
val name: Seq[String],
private[finagle] val labels: Map[String, String],
val relativeName: Seq[String],
val processPath: Option[String],
// Only persisted and relevant when building histograms.
val percentiles: IndexedSeq[Double],
val isStandard: Boolean,
val metricType: MetricType,
@deprecated("Being removed to make MetricBuilder strictly a metric definition.", "2022-03-28")
val statsReceiver: StatsReceiver)
extends Metadata {
* This copy method omits statsReceiver and percentiles as arguments because they should be
* set only during the initial creation of a MetricBuilder by a StatsReceiver, which should use
* itself as the value for statsReceiver.
private[this] def copy(
keyIndicator: Boolean = this.keyIndicator,
description: String = this.description,
units: MetricUnit = this.units,
role: SourceRole = this.role,
verbosity: Verbosity = this.verbosity,
sourceClass: Option[String] = this.sourceClass,
name: Seq[String] =,
labels: Map[String, String] = this.labels,
relativeName: Seq[String] = this.relativeName,
processPath: Option[String] = this.processPath,
isStandard: Boolean = this.isStandard,
percentiles: IndexedSeq[Double] = this.percentiles,
metricType: MetricType = this.metricType
): MetricBuilder = {
new MetricBuilder(
keyIndicator = keyIndicator,
description = description,
units = units,
role = role,
verbosity = verbosity,
sourceClass = sourceClass,
name = name,
labels = labels,
relativeName = relativeName,
processPath = processPath,
percentiles = percentiles,
isStandard = isStandard,
statsReceiver = this.statsReceiver,
metricType = metricType
private[finagle] def withStandard: MetricBuilder = {
this.copy(isStandard = true)
private[finagle] def withUnlatchedCounter: MetricBuilder = {
require(this.metricType == CounterType, "unable to set a non counter to unlatched counter")
this.copy(metricType = UnlatchedCounter)
def withKeyIndicator(isKeyIndicator: Boolean = true): MetricBuilder =
this.copy(keyIndicator = isKeyIndicator)
def withDescription(desc: String): MetricBuilder = this.copy(description = desc)
def withVerbosity(verbosity: Verbosity): MetricBuilder = this.copy(verbosity = verbosity)
def withSourceClass(sourceClass: Option[String]): MetricBuilder =
this.copy(sourceClass = sourceClass)
def withIdentifier(processPath: Option[String]): MetricBuilder =
this.copy(processPath = processPath)
def withUnits(units: MetricUnit): MetricBuilder = this.copy(units = units)
def withRole(role: SourceRole): MetricBuilder = this.copy(role = role)
def withName(name: String*): MetricBuilder = this.copy(name = name)
// Temporarily private while API's are under development
private[finagle] def withLabels(labels: Map[String, String]): MetricBuilder =
this.copy(labels = labels)
def withRelativeName(relativeName: String*): MetricBuilder =
if (this.relativeName == Seq.empty) this.copy(relativeName = relativeName) else this
def withPercentiles(percentiles: Double*): MetricBuilder =
this.copy(percentiles = percentiles.toIndexedSeq)
def withCounterishGauge: MetricBuilder = {
this.metricType == GaugeType,
"Cannot create a CounterishGauge from a Counter or Histogram")
this.copy(metricType = CounterishGaugeType)
* Generates a CounterType MetricBuilder which can be used to create a counter in a StatsReceiver.
* Used to test that builder class correctly propagates configured metadata.
* @return a Countertype MetricBuilder.
private[MetricBuilder] final def counterSchema: MetricBuilder =
this.copy(metricType = CounterType)
* Generates a GaugeType MetricBuilder which can be used to create a gauge in a StatsReceiver.
* Used to test that builder class correctly propagates configured metadata.
* @return a GaugeType MetricBuilder.
private[MetricBuilder] final def gaugeSchema: MetricBuilder = this.copy(metricType = GaugeType)
* Generates a HistogramType MetricBuilder which can be used to create a histogram in a StatsReceiver.
* Used to test that builder class correctly propagates configured metadata.
* @return a HistogramType MetricBuilder.
private[MetricBuilder] final def histogramSchema: MetricBuilder =
this.copy(metricType = HistogramType)
* Generates a CounterishGaugeType MetricBuilder which can be used to create a counter-ish gauge
* in a StatsReceiver. Used to test that builder class correctly propagates configured metadata.
* @return a CounterishGaugeType MetricBuilder.
private[MetricBuilder] final def counterishGaugeSchema: MetricBuilder =
this.copy(metricType = CounterishGaugeType)
* Produce a counter as described by the builder inside the underlying StatsReceiver.
* @return the counter created.
@deprecated("Use the StatsReceiver interface for instantiation.", "2022-03-28")
final def counter(name: String*): Counter = {
this.statsReceiver.validateMetricType(this, CounterType)
this.statsReceiver.counter(this.withName(name: _*))
* Produce a gauge as described by the builder inside the underlying StatsReceiver.
* @return the gauge created.
@deprecated("Use the StatsReceiver interface for instantiation.", "2022-03-28")
final def gauge(name: String*)(f: => Float): Gauge = {
this.statsReceiver.validateMetricType(this, GaugeType)
this.statsReceiver.addGauge(this.withName(name: _*))(f)
* Produce a gauge as described by the builder inside the underlying StatsReceiver.
* This API is for Java compatibility
* @return the gauge created.
@deprecated("Use the StatsReceiver interface for instantiation.", "2022-03-28")
final def gauge(f: Supplier[Float], name: String*): Gauge = {
this.statsReceiver.validateMetricType(this, GaugeType)
this.statsReceiver.addGauge(this.withName(name: _*))(f.get())
* Produce a histogram as described by the builder inside the underlying StatsReceiver.
* @return the histogram created.
@deprecated("Use the StatsReceiver interface for instantiation.", "2022-03-28")
final def histogram(name: String*): Stat = {
this.statsReceiver.validateMetricType(this, HistogramType)
this.statsReceiver.stat(this.withName(name: _*))
def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[MetricBuilder]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: MetricBuilder =>
that.canEqual(this) &&
keyIndicator == that.keyIndicator &&
description == that.description &&
units == that.units &&
role == that.role &&
verbosity == that.verbosity &&
sourceClass == that.sourceClass &&
name == &&
labels == that.labels &&
relativeName == that.relativeName &&
processPath == that.processPath &&
percentiles == that.percentiles &&
metricType == that.metricType
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val state =
state.foldLeft(keyIndicator.hashCode())((a, b) => 31 * a + b.hashCode())
override def toString(): String = {
val nameString = name.mkString(metadataScopeSeparator())
s"MetricBuilder($keyIndicator, $description, $units, $role, $verbosity, $sourceClass, $nameString, $relativeName, $processPath, $percentiles, $metricType, $statsReceiver)"