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import java.util.Optional
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.function.Supplier

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._
import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

import akka.Done
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.pattern.after
import akka.util.{ OptionVal, Timeout }

object CoordinatedShutdown extends ExtensionId[CoordinatedShutdown] with ExtensionIdProvider {

   * The first pre-defined phase that applications can add tasks to.
   * Note that more phases can be added in the application's
   * configuration by overriding this phase with an additional
   * depends-on.
  val PhaseBeforeServiceUnbind = "before-service-unbind"

   * Stop accepting new incoming requests in for example HTTP.
  val PhaseServiceUnbind = "service-unbind"

   * Wait for requests that are in progress to be completed.
  val PhaseServiceRequestsDone = "service-requests-done"

   * Final shutdown of service endpoints.
  val PhaseServiceStop = "service-stop"

   * Phase for custom application tasks that are to be run
   * after service shutdown and before cluster shutdown.
  val PhaseBeforeClusterShutdown = "before-cluster-shutdown"

   * Graceful shutdown of the Cluster Sharding regions.
  val PhaseClusterShardingShutdownRegion = "cluster-sharding-shutdown-region"

   * Emit the leave command for the node that is shutting down.
  val PhaseClusterLeave = "cluster-leave"

   * Shutdown cluster singletons
  val PhaseClusterExiting = "cluster-exiting"

   * Wait until exiting has been completed
  val PhaseClusterExitingDone = "cluster-exiting-done"

   * Shutdown the cluster extension
  val PhaseClusterShutdown = "cluster-shutdown"

   * Phase for custom application tasks that are to be run
   * after cluster shutdown and before ActorSystem termination.
  val PhaseBeforeActorSystemTerminate = "before-actor-system-terminate"

   * Last phase. See terminate-actor-system and exit-jvm above.
   * Don't add phases that depends on this phase because the
   * dispatcher and scheduler of the ActorSystem have been shutdown.
  val PhaseActorSystemTerminate = "actor-system-terminate"

   * Reason for the shutdown, which can be used by tasks in case they need to do
   * different things depending on what caused the shutdown. There are some
   * predefined reasons, but external libraries applications may also define
   * other reasons.
  trait Reason

   * Scala API: The reason for the shutdown was unknown. Needed for backwards compatibility.
  case object UnknownReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The reason for the shutdown was unknown. Needed for backwards compatibility.
  def unknownReason: Reason = UnknownReason

   * Scala API: The shutdown was initiated by ActorSystem.terminate.
  case object ActorSystemTerminateReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The shutdown was initiated by ActorSystem.terminate.
  def actorSystemTerminateReason: Reason = ActorSystemTerminateReason

   * Scala API: The shutdown was initiated by a JVM shutdown hook, e.g. triggered by SIGTERM.
  case object JvmExitReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The shutdown was initiated by a JVM shutdown hook, e.g. triggered by SIGTERM.
  def jvmExitReason: Reason = JvmExitReason

   * Scala API: The shutdown was initiated by Cluster downing.
  case object ClusterDowningReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The shutdown was initiated by Cluster downing.
  def clusterDowningReason: Reason = ClusterDowningReason

   * Scala API: The shutdown was initiated by a failure to join a seed node.
  case object ClusterJoinUnsuccessfulReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The shutdown was initiated by a failure to join a seed node.
  def clusterJoinUnsuccessfulReason: Reason = ClusterJoinUnsuccessfulReason

   * Scala API: The shutdown was initiated by a configuration clash within the existing cluster and the joining node
  case object IncompatibleConfigurationDetectedReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The shutdown was initiated by a configuration clash within the existing cluster and the joining node
  def incompatibleConfigurationDetectedReason: Reason = IncompatibleConfigurationDetectedReason

   * Scala API: The shutdown was initiated by Cluster leaving.
  case object ClusterLeavingReason extends Reason

   * Java API: The shutdown was initiated by Cluster leaving.
  def clusterLeavingReason: Reason = ClusterLeavingReason

  @volatile private var runningJvmHook = false

  override def get(system: ActorSystem): CoordinatedShutdown = super.get(system)

  override def get(system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): CoordinatedShutdown = super.get(system)

  override def lookup = CoordinatedShutdown

  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): CoordinatedShutdown = {
    val conf = system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.coordinated-shutdown")
    val phases = phasesFromConfig(conf)
    val coord = new CoordinatedShutdown(system, phases)
    initPhaseActorSystemTerminate(system, conf, coord)
    initJvmHook(system, conf, coord)
    // Avoid leaking actor system references when system is terminated before JVM is #23384
    // Catching RejectedExecutionException in case extension is accessed first time when
    // system is already terminated, see #25592. The extension is eagerly loaded when ActorSystem
    // is started but it might be a race between (failing?) startup and shutdown.
    def cleanupActorSystemJvmHook(): Unit = {
      coord.actorSystemJvmHook match {
        case OptionVal.Some(cancellable) if !runningJvmHook && !cancellable.isCancelled =>
          coord.actorSystemJvmHook = OptionVal.None
        case _ =>
    try system.registerOnTermination(cleanupActorSystemJvmHook())
    catch {
      case _: RejectedExecutionException => cleanupActorSystemJvmHook()

  // locate reason-specific overrides and merge with defaults.
  @InternalApi private[akka] def confWithOverrides(conf: Config, reason: Option[Reason]): Config = {
      .flatMap { r =>
        val basePath = s"""reason-overrides."${r.getClass.getName}""""
        if (conf.hasPath(basePath)) Some(conf.getConfig(basePath).withFallback(conf)) else None

  private def initPhaseActorSystemTerminate(
      system: ExtendedActorSystem,
      conf: Config,
      coord: CoordinatedShutdown): Unit = {
    coord.addTask(PhaseActorSystemTerminate, "terminate-system") { () =>
      val confForReason = confWithOverrides(conf, coord.shutdownReason())
      val terminateActorSystem = confForReason.getBoolean("terminate-actor-system")
      val exitJvm = confForReason.getBoolean("exit-jvm")
      val exitCode = confForReason.getInt("exit-code")

      if (exitJvm && terminateActorSystem) {
        // In case ActorSystem shutdown takes longer than the phase timeout,
        // exit the JVM forcefully anyway.
        // We must spawn a separate thread to not block current thread,
        // since that would have blocked the shutdown of the ActorSystem.
        val timeout = coord.timeout(PhaseActorSystemTerminate)
        val t = new Thread {
          override def run(): Unit = {
            if (Try(Await.ready(system.whenTerminated, timeout)).isFailure && !runningJvmHook)

      if (terminateActorSystem) {
        system.finalTerminate() { _ =>
          if (exitJvm && !runningJvmHook) System.exit(exitCode)
      } else if (exitJvm) {
      } else

  private def initJvmHook(system: ActorSystem, conf: Config, coord: CoordinatedShutdown): Unit = {
    val runByJvmShutdownHook = system.settings.JvmShutdownHooks && conf.getBoolean("run-by-jvm-shutdown-hook")
    if (runByJvmShutdownHook) {
      coord.actorSystemJvmHook = OptionVal.Some(coord.addCancellableJvmShutdownHook {
        runningJvmHook = true // avoid System.exit from PhaseActorSystemTerminate task
        if (!system.whenTerminated.isCompleted) {
          coord.log.debug("Starting coordinated shutdown from JVM shutdown hook")
          try {
            // totalTimeout will be 0 when no tasks registered, so at least 3.seconds
            val totalTimeout = coord.totalTimeout().max(3.seconds)
            Await.ready(, totalTimeout)
          } catch {
            case NonFatal(e) =>
              coord.log.warning("CoordinatedShutdown from JVM shutdown failed: {}", e.getMessage)

  private[akka] final case class Phase(
      dependsOn: Set[String],
      timeout: FiniteDuration,
      recover: Boolean,
      enabled: Boolean)

  private[akka] def phasesFromConfig(conf: Config): Map[String, Phase] = {
    import akka.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
    val defaultPhaseTimeout = conf.getString("default-phase-timeout")
    val phasesConf = conf.getConfig("phases")
    val defaultPhaseConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
      timeout = $defaultPhaseTimeout
      recover = true
      enabled = true
      depends-on = []
    """) {
      case (k, _: java.util.Map[_, _]) =>
        val c = phasesConf.getConfig(k).withFallback(defaultPhaseConfig)
        val dependsOn = c.getStringList("depends-on").asScala.toSet
        val timeout = c.getDuration("timeout", MILLISECONDS).millis
        val recover = c.getBoolean("recover")
        val enabled = c.getBoolean("enabled")
        k -> Phase(dependsOn, timeout, recover, enabled)
      case (k, v) =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Expected object value for [$k], got [$v]")

  private[akka] def topologicalSort(phases: Map[String, Phase]): List[String] = {
    var result = List.empty[String]
    var unmarked = phases.keySet ++ phases.values.flatMap(_.dependsOn) // in case phase is not defined as key
    var tempMark = Set.empty[String] // for detecting cycles

    while (unmarked.nonEmpty) {

    def depthFirstSearch(u: String): Unit = {
      if (tempMark(u))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Cycle detected in graph of phases. It must be a DAG. " +
          s"phase [$u] depends transitively on itself. All dependencies: $phases")
      if (unmarked(u)) {
        tempMark += u
        phases.get(u) match {
          case Some(p) => p.dependsOn.foreach(depthFirstSearch)
          case None    =>
        unmarked -= u // permanent mark
        tempMark -= u
        result = u :: result



final class CoordinatedShutdown private[akka] (
    system: ExtendedActorSystem,
    phases: Map[String, CoordinatedShutdown.Phase])
    extends Extension {
  import CoordinatedShutdown.{ Reason, UnknownReason }

  private[akka] val log = Logging(system, getClass)
  private val knownPhases = phases.keySet ++ phases.values.flatMap(_.dependsOn)

  private[akka] val orderedPhases = CoordinatedShutdown.topologicalSort(phases)

  private trait PhaseDefinition {
    def size: Int
    def run(recoverEnabled: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done]

  private object tasks {
    private val registeredPhases = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, StrictPhaseDefinition]()
    private trait TaskDefinition extends Cancellable {
      private[tasks] def run(recoverEnabled: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done]
    private object TaskDefinition {
      def apply(phaseName: String, task: () => Future[Done], name: String): TaskDefinition = new TaskDefinition {
        // This is a vanilla class instead of a case class to avoid default implementations of .hashCode() and .equals
        // Different code paths could register the same task under the same name multiple times; in this case we want to
        // run that task as many times as it was registered (minus the number of times those were cancelled), so they must
        // be distinct in a Set[TaskDefinition].

        private sealed trait TaskState
        private case object Pending extends TaskState
        private case object Cancelled extends TaskState
        private case class Running(job: Promise[Done]) extends TaskState
        private val taskState = new AtomicReference[TaskState](Pending)

        override private[tasks] def run(recoverEnabled: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done] = {
          val job = Promise[Done]()
          val nextTaskState = taskState.updateAndGet {
            case Pending           => Running(job)
            case Cancelled         => Cancelled
            case Running(otherJob) => Running(otherJob)
          nextTaskState match {
            case Running(runningJob) if runningJob == job =>
              // only start the job if atomic update succeeds and we were the winner of any race
              if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
                log.debug("Performing task [{}] in CoordinatedShutdown phase [{}]", name, phaseName)
              job.completeWith(try {
                task.apply().recover {
                  case NonFatal(exc) if recoverEnabled =>
                    log.warning("Task [{}] failed in phase [{}]: {}", name, phaseName, exc.getMessage)
              } catch { // in case task.apply() throws
                case NonFatal(exc) if recoverEnabled =>
                    "Task [{}] in phase [{}] threw an exception before its future could be constructed: {}",
                case NonFatal(exc) =>
            case Running(otherJob) =>
              log.warning("Task [{}] in phase [{}] was invoked multiple times and deduplicated.", name, phaseName)
            case Cancelled =>
            case Pending =>
              log.error("Atomic update produced an impossible value; this should never happen!")

        override def cancel(): Boolean = {
          val nextTaskState = taskState.updateAndGet {
            case Pending => Cancelled
            case other   => other
          nextTaskState match {
            case Cancelled =>
                .merge(phaseName, StrictPhaseDefinition.empty, (previous, incoming) => previous.merge(incoming))
              if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
                log.debug("Successfully cancelled CoordinatedShutdown task [{}] from phase [{}].", name, phaseName)
            case _ =>

        // must be side-effect free
        override def isCancelled: Boolean = {
          taskState.get() == Cancelled

    private case class StrictPhaseDefinition(tasks: Set[TaskDefinition]) extends PhaseDefinition {
      // This is a case class so that the update methods on ConcurrentHashMap can correctly deal with equality
      override val size: Int = tasks.size

      override def run(recoverEnabled: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done] = {
        Future.sequence( => Done)(ExecutionContexts.parasitic)

      // This method may be run multiple times during the compare-and-set loop of ConcurrentHashMap, so it must be side-effect-free
      def merge(other: StrictPhaseDefinition): StrictPhaseDefinition = {
        val nextTasks = (tasks ++ other.tasks).filterNot(_.isCancelled)
        copy(tasks = nextTasks)

    private object StrictPhaseDefinition {
      def single(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): StrictPhaseDefinition = {
      val empty: StrictPhaseDefinition = StrictPhaseDefinition(Set.empty)

    def get(phaseName: String): Option[PhaseDefinition] = Option(registeredPhases.get(phaseName))

    def totalDuration(): FiniteDuration = {
      import akka.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
      registeredPhases.keySet.asScala.foldLeft(Duration.Zero) {
        case (acc, phase) =>
          acc + timeout(phase)

    def register(phaseName: String, task: () => Future[Done], name: String): Cancellable = {
      val cancellable: TaskDefinition = TaskDefinition(phaseName, task, name)

        (previous, incoming) => previous.merge(incoming))

  private val runStarted = new AtomicReference[Option[Reason]](None)
  private val runPromise = Promise[Done]()

  private val _jvmHooksLatch = new AtomicReference[CountDownLatch](new CountDownLatch(0))
  @volatile private var actorSystemJvmHook: OptionVal[Cancellable] = OptionVal.None

  private[akka] lazy val terminationWatcher =
    system.systemActorOf(CoordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher.props, "coordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher")

  private[akka] def jvmHooksLatch: CountDownLatch = _jvmHooksLatch.get

   * Scala API: Add a task to a phase, returning an object which will cancel it
   * on demand and remove it from the task pool (so long as the same task has not
   * been added elsewhere). Tasks in a phase are run concurrently, with no ordering
   * assumed.
   * Adding a task to a phase does not remove any other tasks from the phase.
   * If the same task is added multiple times, each addition will be run unless cancelled.
   * Tasks should typically be registered as early as possible -- once coordinated
   * shutdown begins, tasks may be added without ever being run. A task may add tasks
   * to a later stage with confidence that they will be run.
  def addCancellableTask(phase: String, taskName: String)(task: () => Future[Done]): Cancellable = {
      s"Unknown phase [$phase], known phases [$knownPhases]. All phases (along with their optional dependencies) must be defined in configuration")
      "Set a task name when adding tasks to the Coordinated Shutdown. " +
      "Try to use unique, self-explanatory names.")
    tasks.register(phase, task, taskName)

   * Java API: Add a task to a phase, returning an object which will cancel it
   * on demand and remove it from the task pool (so long as the same task has not
   * been added elsewhere). Tasks in a phase are run concurrently, with no ordering
   * assumed.
   * Adding a task to a phase does not remove any other tasks from the phase.
   * If the same task is added multiple times, each addition will be run unless cancelled.
   * Tasks should typically be registered as early as possible -- once coordinated
   * shutdown begins, tasks may be added without ever being run. A task may add tasks
   * to a later stage with confidence that they will be run.
  def addCancellableTask(phase: String, taskName: String, task: Supplier[CompletionStage[Done]]): Cancellable = {
    addCancellableTask(phase, taskName)(() => task.get().toScala)

   * Scala API: Add a task to a phase. It doesn't remove previously added tasks.
   * Tasks added to the same phase are executed in parallel without any
   * ordering assumptions. Next phase will not start until all tasks of
   * previous phase have been completed.
   * Tasks should typically be registered as early as possible after system
   * startup. When running the coordinated shutdown tasks that have been registered
   * will be performed but tasks that are added too late will not be run.
   * It is possible to add a task to a later phase by a task in an earlier phase
   * and it will be performed.
  def addTask(phase: String, taskName: String)(task: () => Future[Done]): Unit = {
      s"Unknown phase [$phase], known phases [$knownPhases]. " +
      "All phases (along with their optional dependencies) must be defined in configuration")
      "Set a task name when adding tasks to the Coordinated Shutdown. " +
      "Try to use unique, self-explanatory names.")
    tasks.register(phase, task, taskName)

   * Java API: Add a task to a phase. It doesn't remove previously added tasks.
   * Tasks added to the same phase are executed in parallel without any
   * ordering assumptions. Next phase will not start until all tasks of
   * previous phase have been completed.
   * Tasks should typically be registered as early as possible after system
   * startup. When running the coordinated shutdown tasks that have been registered
   * will be performed but tasks that are added too late will not be run.
   * It is possible to add a task to a later phase by a task in an earlier phase
   * and it will be performed.
  def addTask(phase: String, taskName: String, task: Supplier[CompletionStage[Done]]): Unit =
    addTask(phase, taskName)(() => task.get().toScala)

   * Scala API: Add an actor termination task to a phase. It doesn't remove
   * previously added tasks. Tasks added to the same phase are executed in
   * parallel without any ordering assumptions. Next phase will not start until
   * all tasks of previous phase have been completed.
   * When executed, this task will first send the given stop message, if defined,
   * to the actor, then it will watch the actor, and complete when the actor
   * terminates.
   * Tasks should typically be registered as early as possible after system
   * startup. When running the coordinated shutdown tasks that have been registered
   * will be performed but tasks that are added too late will not be run.
   * It is possible to add a task to a later phase by a task in an earlier phase
   * and it will be performed.
  def addActorTerminationTask(phase: String, taskName: String, actor: ActorRef, stopMsg: Option[Any]): Unit =
    addTask(phase, taskName) { () =>
      stopMsg.foreach(msg => actor ! msg)
      import akka.pattern.ask
      // addTask will verify that phases(phase) exists, so this should be safe
      implicit val timeout = Timeout(phases(phase).timeout)
      (terminationWatcher ? CoordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher.Watch(actor)).mapTo[Done]

   * Java API: Add an actor termination task to a phase. It doesn't remove
   * previously added tasks. Tasks added to the same phase are executed in
   * parallel without any ordering assumptions. Next phase will not start until
   * all tasks of previous phase have been completed.
   * When executed, this task will first send the given stop message, if defined,
   * to the actor, then it will watch the actor, and complete when the actor
   * terminates.
   * Tasks should typically be registered as early as possible after system
   * startup. When running the coordinated shutdown tasks that have been registered
   * will be performed but tasks that are added too late will not be run.
   * It is possible to add a task to a later phase by a task in an earlier phase
   * and it will be performed.
  def addActorTerminationTask(phase: String, taskName: String, actor: ActorRef, stopMsg: Optional[Any]): Unit =
    addActorTerminationTask(phase, taskName, actor, stopMsg.asScala)

   * The `Reason` for the shutdown as passed to the `run` method. `None` if the shutdown
   * has not been started.
  def shutdownReason(): Option[Reason] = runStarted.get()

   * The `Reason` for the shutdown as passed to the `run` method. `Optional.empty` if the shutdown
   * has not been started.
  def getShutdownReason(): Optional[Reason] = shutdownReason().asJava

   * Scala API: Run tasks of all phases. The returned
   * `Future` is completed when all tasks have been completed,
   * or there is a failure when recovery is disabled.
   * It's safe to call this method multiple times. It will only run the shutdown sequence once.
  def run(reason: Reason): Future[Done] = run(reason, None)

  @deprecated("Use the method with `reason` parameter instead", since = "2.5.8")
  def run(): Future[Done] = run(UnknownReason)

   * Java API: Run tasks of all phases. The returned
   * `CompletionStage` is completed when all tasks have been completed,
   * or there is a failure when recovery is disabled.
   * It's safe to call this method multiple times. It will only run the shutdown sequence once.
  def runAll(reason: Reason): CompletionStage[Done] = run(reason).toJava

  @deprecated("Use the method with `reason` parameter instead", since = "2.5.8")
  def runAll(): CompletionStage[Done] = runAll(UnknownReason)

   * Scala API: Run tasks of all phases including and after the given phase.
   * The returned `Future` is completed when all such tasks have been completed,
   * or there is a failure when recovery is disabled.
   * It's safe to call this method multiple times. It will only run shutdown sequence once.
  def run(reason: Reason, fromPhase: Option[String]): Future[Done] = {
    if (runStarted.compareAndSet(None, Some(reason))) {
      implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatchers.internalDispatcher
      val debugEnabled = log.isDebugEnabled
      log.debug("Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [{}]", reason)
      def loop(remainingPhases: List[String]): Future[Done] = {
        remainingPhases match {
          case Nil => Future.successful(Done)
          case phaseName :: remaining if !phases(phaseName).enabled =>
            tasks.get(phaseName).foreach { phaseDef =>
    "Phase [{}] disabled through configuration, skipping [{}] tasks.", phaseName, phaseDef.size)
          case phaseName :: remaining =>
            val phaseResult = tasks.get(phaseName) match {
              case None =>
                if (debugEnabled) log.debug("Performing phase [{}] with [0] tasks", phaseName)
              case Some(phaseDef) =>
                if (debugEnabled) {
                  log.debug("Performing phase [{}] with [{}] tasks.", phaseName, phaseDef.size)
                val recoverEnabled = phases(phaseName).recover
                val result =
                val timeout = phases(phaseName).timeout
                val deadline = + timeout
                val timeoutFut = try {
                  after(timeout, system.scheduler) {
                    if (phaseName == CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseActorSystemTerminate && deadline.hasTimeLeft()) {
                      // too early, i.e. triggered by system termination
                    } else if (result.isCompleted)
                    else if (recoverEnabled) {
                      log.warning("Coordinated shutdown phase [{}] timed out after {}", phaseName, timeout)
                    } else
                        new TimeoutException(s"Coordinated shutdown phase [$phaseName] timed out after $timeout"))
                } catch {
                  case _: IllegalStateException =>
                    // The call to `after` threw IllegalStateException, triggered by system termination
                Future.firstCompletedOf(List(result, timeoutFut))
            if (remaining.isEmpty)
              phaseResult // avoid flatMap when system terminated in last phase
              phaseResult.flatMap(_ => loop(remaining))

      val remainingPhases = fromPhase match {
        case None    => orderedPhases // all
        case Some(p) => orderedPhases.dropWhile(_ != p)
      val done = loop(remainingPhases)

  @deprecated("Use the method with `reason` parameter instead", since = "2.5.8")
  def run(fromPhase: Option[String]): Future[Done] =
    run(UnknownReason, fromPhase)

   * Java API: Run tasks of all phases including and after the given phase.
   * The returned `CompletionStage` is completed when all such tasks have been completed,
   * or there is a failure when recovery is disabled.
   * It's safe to call this method multiple times. It will only run the shutdown sequence once.
  def run(reason: Reason, fromPhase: Optional[String]): CompletionStage[Done] =
    run(reason, fromPhase.asScala).toJava

  @deprecated("Use the method with `reason` parameter instead", since = "2.5.8")
  def run(fromPhase: Optional[String]): CompletionStage[Done] =
    run(UnknownReason, fromPhase)

   * The configured timeout for a given `phase`.
   * For example useful as timeout when actor `ask` requests
   * is used as a task.
  def timeout(phase: String): FiniteDuration =
    phases.get(phase) match {
      case Some(p) => p.timeout
      case None =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown phase [$phase]. All phases must be defined in configuration")

   * Sum of timeouts of all phases that have some task.
  def totalTimeout(): FiniteDuration = {

   * Scala API: Add a JVM shutdown hook that will be run when the JVM process
   * begins its shutdown sequence. Added hooks may run in any order
   * concurrently, but they are running before Akka internal shutdown
   * hooks, e.g. those shutting down Artery.
  def addJvmShutdownHook[T](hook: => T): Unit = addCancellableJvmShutdownHook(hook)

   * Scala API: Add a JVM shutdown hook that will be run when the JVM process
   * begins its shutdown sequence. Added hooks may run in any order
   * concurrently, but they are running before Akka internal shutdown
   * hooks, e.g. those shutting down Artery.
   * The returned ``Cancellable`` makes it possible to de-register the hook. For example
   * on actor system shutdown to avoid leaking references to the actor system in tests.
   * For shutdown hooks that does not have any requirements on running before the Akka
   * shutdown hooks the standard library JVM shutdown hooks APIs are better suited.
  @tailrec def addCancellableJvmShutdownHook[T](hook: => T): Cancellable = {
    if (runStarted.get.isEmpty) {
      val currentLatch = _jvmHooksLatch.get
      val newLatch = new CountDownLatch(currentLatch.getCount.toInt + 1)
      if (_jvmHooksLatch.compareAndSet(currentLatch, newLatch)) {
        val thread = new Thread {
          override def run(): Unit = {
            try hook
            finally _jvmHooksLatch.get.countDown()
        try {
          new Cancellable {
            @volatile var cancelled = false
            def cancel(): Boolean = {
              try {
                if (Runtime.getRuntime.removeShutdownHook(thread)) {
                  cancelled = true
                } else {
              } catch {
                case _: IllegalStateException =>
                  // shutdown already in progress
            def isCancelled: Boolean = cancelled
        } catch {
          case e: IllegalStateException =>
            // Shutdown in progress, if CoordinatedShutdown is created via a JVM shutdown hook (Artery)
            log.warning("Could not addJvmShutdownHook, due to: {}", e.getMessage)
      } else
        addCancellableJvmShutdownHook(hook) // lost CAS, retry
    } else {

   * Java API: Add a JVM shutdown hook that will be run when the JVM process
   * begins its shutdown sequence. Added hooks may run in any order
   * concurrently, but they are running before Akka internal shutdown
   * hooks, e.g. those shutting down Artery.
  def addJvmShutdownHook(hook: Runnable): Unit =

   * Java API: Add a JVM shutdown hook that will be run when the JVM process
   * begins its shutdown sequence. Added hooks may run in an order
   * concurrently, but they are running before Akka internal shutdown
   * hooks, e.g. those shutting down Artery.
   * The returned ``Cancellable`` makes it possible to de-register the hook. For example
   * on actor system shutdown to avoid leaking references to the actor system in tests.
   * For shutdown hooks that does not have any requirements on running before the Akka
   * shutdown hooks the standard library JVM shutdown hooks APIs are better suited.
  def addCancellableJvmShutdownHook(hook: Runnable): Cancellable =


private[akka] object CoordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher {
  final case class Watch(actor: ActorRef)

  def props: Props = Props(new CoordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher)

private[akka] class CoordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher extends Actor {

  import CoordinatedShutdownTerminationWatcher._

  private var watching = Map.empty[ActorRef, List[ActorRef]].withDefaultValue(Nil)

  override def receive: Receive = {

    case Watch(actor: ActorRef) =>
      watching += (actor -> (sender() :: watching(actor)))

    case Terminated(actor) =>
      watching(actor).foreach(_ ! Done)
      watching -= actor


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