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akka.util.ManifestInfo.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Lightbend Inc. 

package akka.util

import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.jar.Attributes
import java.util.jar.Manifest

import scala.collection.immutable

import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent

import akka.event.Logging

 * Akka extension that extracts [[ManifestInfo.Version]] information from META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in jar files
 * on the classpath of the `ClassLoader` of the `ActorSystem`.
object ManifestInfo extends ExtensionId[ManifestInfo] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  private val ImplTitle = "Implementation-Title"
  private val ImplVersion = "Implementation-Version"
  private val ImplVendor = "Implementation-Vendor-Id"

  private val BundleName = "Bundle-Name"
  private val BundleVersion = "Bundle-Version"
  private val BundleVendor = "Bundle-Vendor"

  private val knownVendors = Set(
    "Lightbend Inc.",

  override def get(system: ActorSystem): ManifestInfo = super.get(system)
  override def get(system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): ManifestInfo = super.get(system)

  override def lookup(): ManifestInfo.type = ManifestInfo

  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): ManifestInfo = new ManifestInfo(system)

   * Comparable version information
  final class Version(val version: String) extends Comparable[Version] {
    private val (numbers: Array[Int], rest: String) = {
      val numbers = new Array[Int](3)
      val segments: Array[String] = version.split("[.-]")
      var segmentPos = 0
      var numbersPos = 0
      while (numbersPos < 3) {
        if (segmentPos < segments.length) try {
          numbers(numbersPos) = segments(segmentPos).toInt
          segmentPos += 1
        } catch {
          case _: NumberFormatException =>
            // This means that we have a trailing part on the version string and
            // less than 3 numbers, so we assume that this is a "newer" version
            numbers(numbersPos) = Integer.MAX_VALUE
        numbersPos += 1

      val rest: String =
        if (segmentPos >= segments.length) ""
        else String.join("-", Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(segments, segmentPos, segments.length): _*))

      (numbers, rest)

    override def compareTo(other: Version): Int = {
      var diff = 0
      diff = numbers(0) - other.numbers(0)
      if (diff == 0) {
        diff = numbers(1) - other.numbers(1)
        if (diff == 0) {
          diff = numbers(2) - other.numbers(2)
          if (diff == 0) {
            diff = rest.compareTo(

    override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
      case v: Version => compareTo(v) == 0
      case _          => false

    override def hashCode(): Int = {
      var result = HashCode.SEED
      result = HashCode.hash(result, numbers(0))
      result = HashCode.hash(result, numbers(1))
      result = HashCode.hash(result, numbers(2))
      result = HashCode.hash(result, rest)

    override def toString: String = version

  private[util] def checkSameVersion(
      productName: String,
      dependencies: immutable.Seq[String],
      versions: Map[String, Version]): Option[String] = {
    val filteredVersions = versions.filterKeys(dependencies.toSet)
    val values = filteredVersions.values.toSet
    if (values.size > 1) {
      val highestVersion = values.max
      val toBeUpdated = filteredVersions.collect { case (k, v) if v != highestVersion => s"$k" }.mkString(", ")
        s"You are using version $highestVersion of $productName, but it appears " +
        s"you (perhaps indirectly) also depend on older versions of related artifacts. " +
        s"You can solve this by adding an explicit dependency on version $highestVersion " +
        s"of the [$toBeUpdated] artifacts to your project. " +
        "See also:")
    } else None

 * Utility that extracts [[ManifestInfo#Version]] information from META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in jar files on the classpath.
 * Note that versions can only be found in ordinary jar files, for example not in "fat jars' assembled from
 * many jar files.
final class ManifestInfo(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
  import ManifestInfo._

   * Versions of artifacts from known vendors.
  val versions: Map[String, Version] = {

    var manifests = Map.empty[String, Version]

    try {
      val resources = system.dynamicAccess.classLoader.getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
      while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
        val ios = resources.nextElement().openStream()
        try {
          val manifest = new Manifest(ios)
          val attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes
          val title = attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(ImplTitle)) match {
            case null => attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(BundleName))
            case t    => t
          val version = attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(ImplVersion)) match {
            case null => attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(BundleVersion))
            case v    => v
          val vendor = attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(ImplVendor)) match {
            case null => attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(BundleVendor))
            case v    => v

          if (title != null
              && version != null
              && vendor != null
              && knownVendors(vendor)) {
            manifests = manifests.updated(title, new Version(version))
        } finally {
    } catch {
      case ioe: IOException =>
        Logging(system, getClass).warning("Could not read manifest information. {}", ioe)

   * Verify that the version is the same for all given artifacts.
   * If configuration `` it will throw an `IllegalStateException` if the
   * versions are not the same for all given artifacts.
   * @return `true` if versions are the same
  def checkSameVersion(productName: String, dependencies: immutable.Seq[String], logWarning: Boolean): Boolean = {
    checkSameVersion(productName, dependencies, logWarning, throwException = system.settings.FailMixedVersions)

   * Verify that the version is the same for all given artifacts.
   * If `throwException` is `true` it will throw an `IllegalStateException` if the versions are not the same
   * for all given artifacts.
   * @return `true` if versions are the same
  def checkSameVersion(
      productName: String,
      dependencies: immutable.Seq[String],
      logWarning: Boolean,
      throwException: Boolean): Boolean = {
    ManifestInfo.checkSameVersion(productName, dependencies, versions) match {
      case Some(message) =>
        if (logWarning)
          Logging(system, getClass).warning(message)

        if (throwException)
          throw new IllegalStateException(message)
      case None => true

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