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import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }

import akka.japi.{ Creator, Option => JOption }
import akka.japi.Util.{ immutableSeq, immutableSingletonSeq }
import akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.util.Reflect.instantiator
import akka.serialization.{ JavaSerializer, SerializationExtension, Serializers }
import akka.dispatch._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicReference => AtomVar }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import java.lang.reflect.{ InvocationHandler, InvocationTargetException, Method, Proxy }

import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent

 * A TypedActorFactory is something that can created TypedActor instances.
@deprecated("Use '' API.", since = "2.6.0")
trait TypedActorFactory {

   * Underlying dependency is to be able to create normal Actors
  protected def actorFactory: ActorRefFactory

   * Underlying dependency to a TypedActorExtension, which can either be contextual or ActorSystem "global"
  protected def typedActor: TypedActorExtension

   * Stops the underlying ActorRef for the supplied TypedActor proxy,
   * if any, returns whether it could find the find the ActorRef or not
  def stop(proxy: AnyRef): Boolean = getActorRefFor(proxy) match {
    case null => false
    case ref  => ref.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].stop; true

   * Sends a PoisonPill the underlying ActorRef for the supplied TypedActor proxy,
   * if any, returns whether it could find the find the ActorRef or not
  def poisonPill(proxy: AnyRef): Boolean = getActorRefFor(proxy) match {
    case null => false
    case ref  => ref ! PoisonPill; true

   * Returns whether the supplied AnyRef is a TypedActor proxy or not
  def isTypedActor(proxyOrNot: AnyRef): Boolean

   * Retrieves the underlying ActorRef for the supplied TypedActor proxy, or null if none found
  def getActorRefFor(proxy: AnyRef): ActorRef

   * Creates a new TypedActor with the specified properties
  def typedActorOf[R <: AnyRef, T <: R](props: TypedProps[T]): R = {
    val proxyVar = new AtomVar[R] //Chicken'n'egg-resolver
    val c = props.creator //Cache this to avoid closing over the Props
    val i = props.interfaces //Cache this to avoid closing over the Props
    val ap = Props(new TypedActor.TypedActor[R, T](proxyVar, c(), i)).withDeploy(props.actorProps.deploy)
    typedActor.createActorRefProxy(props, proxyVar, actorFactory.actorOf(ap))

   * Creates a new TypedActor with the specified properties
  def typedActorOf[R <: AnyRef, T <: R](props: TypedProps[T], name: String): R = {
    val proxyVar = new AtomVar[R] //Chicken'n'egg-resolver
    val c = props.creator //Cache this to avoid closing over the Props
    val i = props.interfaces //Cache this to avoid closing over the Props
    val ap = Props(new[R, T](proxyVar, c(), i)).withDeploy(props.actorProps.deploy)
    typedActor.createActorRefProxy(props, proxyVar, actorFactory.actorOf(ap, name))

   * Creates a TypedActor that intercepts the calls and forwards them as [[]]
   * to the provided ActorRef.
  def typedActorOf[R <: AnyRef, T <: R](props: TypedProps[T], actorRef: ActorRef): R =
    typedActor.createActorRefProxy(props, null: AtomVar[R], actorRef)


 * This represents the TypedActor Akka Extension, access to the functionality is done through a given ActorSystem.
@deprecated("Use '' API.", since = "2.6.0")
object TypedActor extends ExtensionId[TypedActorExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  override def get(system: ActorSystem): TypedActorExtension = super.get(system)
  override def get(system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): TypedActorExtension = super.get(system)

  def lookup() = this
  def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): TypedActorExtension = new TypedActorExtension(system)

   * Returns a contextual TypedActorFactory of this extension, this means that any TypedActors created by this TypedActorExtension
   * will be children to the specified context, this allows for creating hierarchies of TypedActors.
   * Do _not_ let this instance escape the TypedActor since that will not be thread-safe.
  @deprecated("Use '' API.", since = "2.6.0")
  def apply(context: ActorContext): TypedActorFactory = ContextualTypedActorFactory(apply(context.system), context)

   * Returns a contextual TypedActorFactory of this extension, this means that any TypedActors created by this TypedActorExtension
   * will be children to the specified context, this allows for creating hierarchies of TypedActors.
   * Do _not_ let this instance escape the TypedActor since that will not be thread-safe.
   * Java API
  def get(context: ActorContext): TypedActorFactory = apply(context)

   * This class represents a Method call, and has a reference to the Method to be called and the parameters to supply
   * It's sent to the ActorRef backing the TypedActor and can be serialized and deserialized
  final case class MethodCall(method: Method, parameters: Array[AnyRef]) {

    def isOneWay = method.getReturnType == java.lang.Void.TYPE
    def returnsFuture = classOf[Future[_]].isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType)
    def returnsJOption = classOf[akka.japi.Option[_]].isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType)
    def returnsOption = classOf[scala.Option[_]].isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType)

     * Invokes the Method on the supplied instance
     * Throws the underlying exception if there's an InvocationTargetException thrown on the invocation.
    def apply(instance: AnyRef): AnyRef =
      try {
        parameters match {
          case null                     => method.invoke(instance)
          case args if args.length == 0 => method.invoke(instance)
          case args                     => method.invoke(instance, args: _*)
      } catch { case i: InvocationTargetException => throw i.getTargetException }

    @throws(classOf[ObjectStreamException]) private def writeReplace(): AnyRef = parameters match {
      case null => SerializedMethodCall(method.getDeclaringClass, method.getName, method.getParameterTypes, null)
      case ps if ps.length == 0 =>
        SerializedMethodCall(method.getDeclaringClass, method.getName, method.getParameterTypes, Array())
      case ps =>
        val serialization = SerializationExtension(akka.serialization.JavaSerializer.currentSystem.value)
        val serializedParameters = new Array[(Int, String, Array[Byte])](ps.length)
        for (i <- 0 until ps.length) {
          val p = ps(i)
          val s = serialization.findSerializerFor(p)
          val m = Serializers.manifestFor(s, p)
          serializedParameters(i) = (s.identifier, m, s.toBinary(parameters(i))) //Mutable for the sake of sanity

        SerializedMethodCall(method.getDeclaringClass, method.getName, method.getParameterTypes, serializedParameters)

   * Represents the serialized form of a MethodCall, uses readResolve and writeReplace to marshall the call
  private[akka] final case class SerializedMethodCall(
      ownerType: Class[_],
      methodName: String,
      parameterTypes: Array[Class[_]],
      serializedParameters: Array[(Int, String, Array[Byte])]) {

    //TODO implement writeObject and readObject to serialize
    //TODO Possible optimization is to special encode the parameter-types to conserve space
    @throws(classOf[ObjectStreamException]) private def readResolve(): AnyRef = {
      val system = akka.serialization.JavaSerializer.currentSystem.value
      if (system eq null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Trying to deserialize a SerializedMethodCall without an ActorSystem in scope." +
          " Use akka.serialization.JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue(system) { ... }")
      val serialization = SerializationExtension(system)
        ownerType.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes: _*),
        serializedParameters match {
          case null               => null
          case a if a.length == 0 => Array[AnyRef]()
          case a =>
            val deserializedParameters: Array[AnyRef] = new Array[AnyRef](a.length) //Mutable for the sake of sanity
            for (i <- 0 until a.length) {
              val (sId, manifest, bytes) = a(i)
              deserializedParameters(i) = serialization.deserialize(bytes, sId, manifest).get


  private val selfReference = new ThreadLocal[AnyRef]
  private val currentContext = new ThreadLocal[ActorContext]

  private case object NullResponse

   * Returns the reference to the proxy when called inside a method call in a TypedActor
   * Example:

* class FooImpl extends Foo { * def doFoo { * val myself = TypedActor.self[Foo] * } * } * * Useful when you want to send a reference to this TypedActor to someone else. * * NEVER EXPOSE "this" to someone else, always use "self[TypeOfInterface(s)]" * * Throws IllegalStateException if called outside of the scope of a method on this TypedActor. * * Throws ClassCastException if the supplied type T isn't the type of the proxy associated with this TypedActor. */ def self[T <: AnyRef] = selfReference.get.asInstanceOf[T] match { case null => throw new IllegalStateException("Calling TypedActor.self outside of a TypedActor implementation method!") case some => some } /** * Returns the ActorContext (for a TypedActor) when inside a method call in a TypedActor. */ def context: ActorContext = currentContext.get match { case null => throw new IllegalStateException("Calling TypedActor.context outside of a TypedActor implementation method!") case some => some } /** * Returns the default dispatcher (for a TypedActor) when inside a method call in a TypedActor. */ implicit def dispatcher = context.dispatcher /** * INTERNAL API * * Implementation of TypedActor as an Actor */ private[akka] class TypedActor[R <: AnyRef, T <: R]( val proxyVar: AtomVar[R], createInstance: => T, interfaces: immutable.Seq[Class[_]]) extends Actor { // if we were remote deployed we need to create a local proxy if (!context.parent.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].isLocal) TypedActor.get(context.system).createActorRefProxy(TypedProps(interfaces, createInstance), proxyVar, context.self) private val me = withContext[T](createInstance) override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = me match { case l: Supervisor => l.supervisorStrategy case _ => super.supervisorStrategy } override def preStart(): Unit = withContext { me match { case l: PreStart => l.preStart() case _ => super.preStart() } } @silent("deprecated") override def postStop(): Unit = try { withContext { me match { case l: PostStop => l.postStop() case _ => super.postStop() } } } finally { TypedActor(context.system).invocationHandlerFor(proxyVar.get) match { case null => case some => some.actorVar.set(context.system.deadLetters) //Point it to the DLQ proxyVar.set(null.asInstanceOf[R]) } } override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = withContext { me match { case l: PreRestart => l.preRestart(reason, message) case _ => context.children .foreach(context.stop) //Can't be super.preRestart(reason, message) since that would invoke postStop which would set the actorVar to DL and proxyVar to null } } override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = withContext { me match { case l: PostRestart => l.postRestart(reason) case _ => super.postRestart(reason) } } protected def withContext[U](unitOfWork: => U): U = { TypedActor.selfReference.set(proxyVar.get) TypedActor.currentContext.set(context) try unitOfWork finally { TypedActor.selfReference.set(null) TypedActor.currentContext.set(null) } } def receive = { case m: MethodCall => withContext { if (m.isOneWay) m(me) else { try { val s = sender() m(me) match { case f: Future[_] if m.returnsFuture => implicit val dispatcher = context.dispatcher f.onComplete { case Success(null) => s ! NullResponse case Success(result) => s ! result case Failure(f) => s ! Status.Failure(f) } case null => s ! NullResponse case result => s ! result } } catch { case NonFatal(e) => sender() ! Status.Failure(e) throw e } } } case msg if me.isInstanceOf[Receiver] => withContext { me.asInstanceOf[Receiver].onReceive(msg, sender()) } } } /** * Mix this into your TypedActor to be able to define supervisor strategy */ trait Supervisor { /** * User overridable definition the strategy to use for supervising * child actors. */ def supervisorStrategy(): SupervisorStrategy } /** * Mix this into your TypedActor to be able to intercept Terminated messages */ trait Receiver { def onReceive(message: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit } /** * Mix this into your TypedActor to be able to hook into its lifecycle */ trait PreStart { /** * User overridable callback. *

* Is called when an Actor is started by invoking 'actor'. */ def preStart(): Unit } /** * Mix this into your TypedActor to be able to hook into its lifecycle */ trait PostStop { /** * User overridable callback. *

* Is called when 'actor.stop()' is invoked. */ def postStop(): Unit } /** * Mix this into your TypedActor to be able to hook into its lifecycle */ trait PreRestart { /** * User overridable callback: '''By default it disposes of all children and then calls `postStop()`.''' * @param reason the Throwable that caused the restart to happen * @param message optionally the current message the actor processed when failing, if applicable *

* Is called on a crashed Actor right BEFORE it is restarted to allow clean * up of resources before Actor is terminated. * By default it terminates all children and calls postStop() */ def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit } trait PostRestart { /** * User overridable callback: By default it calls `preStart()`. * @param reason the Throwable that caused the restart to happen *

* Is called right AFTER restart on the newly created Actor to allow reinitialization after an Actor crash. */ def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] class TypedActorInvocationHandler( @transient val extension: TypedActorExtension, @transient val actorVar: AtomVar[ActorRef], @transient val timeout: Timeout) extends InvocationHandler with Serializable { def actor = actorVar.get @throws(classOf[Throwable]) def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]): AnyRef = method.getName match { case "toString" => actor.toString case "equals" => (args.length == 1 && (proxy eq args(0)) || actor == extension.getActorRefFor(args(0))) .asInstanceOf[AnyRef] //Force boxing of the boolean case "hashCode" => actor.hashCode.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] case _ => implicit val dispatcher = extension.system.dispatcher import akka.pattern.ask MethodCall(method, args) match { case m if m.isOneWay => actor ! m; null //Null return value case m if m.returnsFuture => ask(actor, m)(timeout).map { case NullResponse => null case other => other } case m if m.returnsJOption || m.returnsOption => val f = ask(actor, m)(timeout) (try { Await.ready(f, timeout.duration).value } catch { case _: TimeoutException => None }) match { case None | Some(Success(NullResponse)) | Some(Failure(_: AskTimeoutException)) => if (m.returnsJOption) JOption.none[Any] else None case Some(t: Try[_]) => t.get.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] } case m => Await.result(ask(actor, m)(timeout), timeout.duration) match { case NullResponse => null case other => other.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] } } } @throws(classOf[ObjectStreamException]) private def writeReplace(): AnyRef = SerializedTypedActorInvocationHandler(actor, timeout.duration) } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] final case class SerializedTypedActorInvocationHandler( val actor: ActorRef, val timeout: FiniteDuration) { @throws(classOf[ObjectStreamException]) private def readResolve(): AnyRef = JavaSerializer.currentSystem.value match { case null => throw new IllegalStateException( "SerializedTypedActorInvocationHandler.readResolve requires that " + "JavaSerializer.currentSystem.value is set to a non-null value") case some => toTypedActorInvocationHandler(some) } @silent("deprecated") def toTypedActorInvocationHandler(system: ActorSystem): TypedActorInvocationHandler = new TypedActorInvocationHandler(TypedActor(system), new AtomVar[ActorRef](actor), new Timeout(timeout)) } } /** * TypedProps is a TypedActor configuration object, that is thread safe and fully sharable. * It's used in TypedActorFactory.typedActorOf to configure a TypedActor instance. */ object TypedProps { val defaultDispatcherId: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId val defaultTimeout: Option[Timeout] = None val defaultLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None /** * @return a sequence of interfaces that the specified class implements, * or a sequence containing only itself, if itself is an interface. */ def extractInterfaces(clazz: Class[_]): immutable.Seq[Class[_]] = if (clazz.isInterface) immutableSingletonSeq(clazz) else immutableSeq(clazz.getInterfaces) /** * Uses the supplied class as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * proxying all the interfaces it implements. * * Scala API */ def apply[T <: AnyRef](implementation: Class[T]): TypedProps[T] = new TypedProps[T](implementation) /** * Uses the supplied class as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * and that has the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements, * appended in the sequence of interfaces. * * Scala API */ def apply[T <: AnyRef](interface: Class[_ >: T], implementation: Class[T]): TypedProps[T] = new TypedProps[T](extractInterfaces(interface), instantiator(implementation)) /** * Uses the supplied thunk as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * and that has the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements, * appended in the sequence of interfaces. * * Scala API */ def apply[T <: AnyRef](interface: Class[_ >: T], creator: => T): TypedProps[T] = new TypedProps[T](extractInterfaces(interface), () => creator) /** * Uses the supplied class as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * proxying all the interfaces it implements. * * Scala API */ def apply[T <: AnyRef: ClassTag](): TypedProps[T] = new TypedProps[T](implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]) /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] def apply[T <: AnyRef](interfaces: immutable.Seq[Class[_]], creator: => T): TypedProps[T] = new TypedProps[T](interfaces, () => creator) } /** * TypedProps is a TypedActor configuration object, that is thread safe and fully sharable. * It's used in TypedActorFactory.typedActorOf to configure a TypedActor instance. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class TypedProps[T <: AnyRef] protected[TypedProps] ( interfaces: immutable.Seq[Class[_]], creator: () => T, dispatcher: String = TypedProps.defaultDispatcherId, deploy: Deploy = Props.defaultDeploy, timeout: Option[Timeout] = TypedProps.defaultTimeout, loader: Option[ClassLoader] = TypedProps.defaultLoader) { /** * Uses the supplied class as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * and that has the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements, * appended in the sequence of interfaces. */ def this(implementation: Class[T]) = this(interfaces = TypedProps.extractInterfaces(implementation), creator = instantiator(implementation)) /** * Java API: Uses the supplied Creator as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * and that has the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements, * appended in the sequence of interfaces. */ def this(interface: Class[_ >: T], implementation: Creator[T]) = this(interfaces = TypedProps.extractInterfaces(interface), creator = implementation.create _) /** * Java API: Uses the supplied class as the factory for the TypedActor implementation, * and that has the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements, * appended in the sequence of interfaces. */ def this(interface: Class[_ >: T], implementation: Class[T]) = this(interfaces = TypedProps.extractInterfaces(interface), creator = instantiator(implementation)) /** * Returns a new TypedProps with the specified dispatcher set. */ def withDispatcher(d: String): TypedProps[T] = copy(dispatcher = d) /** * Returns a new TypedProps with the specified deployment configuration. */ def withDeploy(d: Deploy): TypedProps[T] = copy(deploy = d) /** * Java API: return a new TypedProps that will use the specified ClassLoader to create its proxy class in * If loader is null, it will use the bootstrap classloader. */ def withLoader(loader: ClassLoader): TypedProps[T] = withLoader(Option(loader)) /** * Scala API: return a new TypedProps that will use the specified ClassLoader to create its proxy class in * If loader is null, it will use the bootstrap classloader. * * Scala API */ def withLoader(loader: Option[ClassLoader]): TypedProps[T] = this.copy(loader = loader) /** * Java API: return a new TypedProps that will use the specified Timeout for its non-void-returning methods, * if null is specified, it will use the default timeout as specified in the configuration. */ def withTimeout(timeout: Timeout): TypedProps[T] = this.copy(timeout = Option(timeout)) /** * Scala API: return a new TypedProps that will use the specified Timeout for its non-void-returning methods, * if None is specified, it will use the default timeout as specified in the configuration. * * */ def withTimeout(timeout: Option[Timeout]): TypedProps[T] = this.copy(timeout = timeout) /** * Returns a new TypedProps that has the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements, * appended in the sequence of interfaces. */ def withInterface(interface: Class[_ >: T]): TypedProps[T] = this.copy(interfaces = interfaces ++ TypedProps.extractInterfaces(interface)) /** * Returns a new TypedProps without the specified interface, * or if the interface class is not an interface, all the interfaces it implements. */ def withoutInterface(interface: Class[_ >: T]): TypedProps[T] = this.copy(interfaces = interfaces.diff(TypedProps.extractInterfaces(interface))) /** * Returns the representation of this TypedProps */ def actorProps(): Props = if (dispatcher == Props.default.dispatcher) Props.default.withDeploy(deploy) else Props.default.withDispatcher(dispatcher).withDeploy(deploy) } /** * ContextualTypedActorFactory allows TypedActors to create children, effectively forming the same Actor Supervision Hierarchies * as normal Actors can. */ @silent("deprecated") final case class ContextualTypedActorFactory(typedActor: TypedActorExtension, actorFactory: ActorContext) extends TypedActorFactory { override def getActorRefFor(proxy: AnyRef): ActorRef = typedActor.getActorRefFor(proxy) override def isTypedActor(proxyOrNot: AnyRef): Boolean = typedActor.isTypedActor(proxyOrNot) } @silent("deprecated") class TypedActorExtension(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends TypedActorFactory with Extension { import TypedActor._ //Import the goodies from the companion object protected def actorFactory: ActorRefFactory = system protected def typedActor = this import system.settings import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps /** * Default timeout for typed actor methods with non-void return type */ final val DefaultReturnTimeout = Timeout(settings.config.getMillisDuration("")) /** * Retrieves the underlying ActorRef for the supplied TypedActor proxy, or null if none found */ def getActorRefFor(proxy: AnyRef): ActorRef = invocationHandlerFor(proxy) match { case null => null case handler => } /** * Returns whether the supplied AnyRef is a TypedActor proxy or not */ def isTypedActor(proxyOrNot: AnyRef): Boolean = invocationHandlerFor(proxyOrNot) ne null // Private API /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] def createActorRefProxy[R <: AnyRef, T <: R]( props: TypedProps[T], proxyVar: AtomVar[R], actorRef: => ActorRef): R = { //Warning, do not change order of the following statements, it's some elaborate chicken-n-egg handling val actorVar = new AtomVar[ActorRef](null) val proxy = Proxy .newProxyInstance( props.loader .orElse(props.interfaces.collectFirst { case any => any.getClassLoader }) .orNull, //If we have no loader, we arbitrarily take the loader of the first interface props.interfaces.toArray, new TypedActorInvocationHandler(this, actorVar, props.timeout.getOrElse(DefaultReturnTimeout))) .asInstanceOf[R] if (proxyVar eq null) { actorVar.set(actorRef) proxy } else { proxyVar.set(proxy) // Chicken and egg situation we needed to solve, set the proxy so that we can set the self-reference inside each receive actorVar.set(actorRef) //Make sure the InvocationHandler gets a hold of the actor reference, this is not a problem since the proxy hasn't escaped this method yet proxyVar.get } } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] def invocationHandlerFor(typedActor: AnyRef): TypedActorInvocationHandler = if ((typedActor ne null) && classOf[Proxy].isAssignableFrom(typedActor.getClass) && Proxy.isProxyClass( typedActor.getClass)) typedActor match { case null => null case other => Proxy.getInvocationHandler(other) match { case null => null case handler: TypedActorInvocationHandler => handler case _ => null } } else null }

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