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akka.dispatch.affinity.AffinityPool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Lightbend Inc. 

package akka.dispatch.affinity

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport
import java.lang.Integer.reverseBytes

import akka.dispatch._
import akka.util.Helpers.Requiring
import com.typesafe.config.Config

import akka.annotation.{ ApiMayChange, InternalApi }
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.util.{ ImmutableIntMap, OptionVal, ReentrantGuard }

import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

private[affinity] object AffinityPool {
  type PoolState = Int
  // PoolState: waiting to be initialized
  final val Uninitialized = 0
  // PoolState: currently in the process of initializing
  final val Initializing = 1
  // PoolState: accepts new tasks and processes tasks that are enqueued
  final val Running = 2
  // PoolState: does not accept new tasks, processes tasks that are in the queue
  final val ShuttingDown = 3
  // PoolState: does not accept new tasks, does not process tasks in queue
  final val ShutDown = 4
  // PoolState: all threads have been stopped, does not process tasks and does not accept new ones
  final val Terminated = 5

  // Method handle to JDK9+ onSpinWait method
  private val onSpinWaitMethodHandle =
    try OptionVal.Some(MethodHandles.lookup.findStatic(classOf[Thread], "onSpinWait", methodType(classOf[Void])))
    catch {
      case NonFatal(_) => OptionVal.None

  type IdleState = Int
  // IdleState: Initial state
  final val Initial = 0
  // IdleState: Spinning
  final val Spinning = 1
  // IdleState: Yielding
  final val Yielding = 2
  // IdleState: Parking
  final val Parking = 3

  // Following are auxiliary class and trait definitions
  private final class IdleStrategy(idleCpuLevel: Int) {

    private[this] val maxSpins = 1100 * idleCpuLevel - 1000
    private[this] val maxYields = 5 * idleCpuLevel
    private[this] val minParkPeriodNs = 1
    private[this] val maxParkPeriodNs = MICROSECONDS.toNanos(250 - ((80 * (idleCpuLevel - 1)) / 3))

    private[this] var state: IdleState = Initial
    private[this] var turns = 0L
    private[this] var parkPeriodNs = 0L
    @volatile private[this] var idling = false

    @inline private[this] def transitionTo(newState: IdleState): Unit = {
      state = newState
      turns = 0

    def isIdling: Boolean = idling

    def idle(): Unit = {
      (state: @switch) match {
        case Initial =>
          idling = true
        case Spinning =>
          onSpinWaitMethodHandle match {
            case OptionVal.Some(m) => m.invokeExact()
            case OptionVal.None    =>
          turns += 1
          if (turns > maxSpins)
        case Yielding =>
          turns += 1
          if (turns > maxYields) {
            parkPeriodNs = minParkPeriodNs
          } else Thread.`yield`()
        case Parking =>
          parkPeriodNs = Math.min(parkPeriodNs << 1, maxParkPeriodNs)

    def reset(): Unit = {
      idling = false

  private final class BoundedAffinityTaskQueue(capacity: Int) extends AbstractBoundedNodeQueue[Runnable](capacity)

 * An [[ExecutorService]] implementation which pins actor to particular threads
 * and guaranteed that an actor's [[Mailbox]] will e run on the thread it used
 * it used to run. In situations where we see a lot of cache ping pong, this
 * might lead to significant performance improvements.
private[akka] class AffinityPool(
    id: String,
    parallelism: Int,
    affinityGroupSize: Int,
    threadFactory: ThreadFactory,
    idleCpuLevel: Int,
    final val queueSelector: QueueSelector,
    rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler)
    extends AbstractExecutorService {

  if (parallelism <= 0)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size of pool cannot be less or equal to 0")

  import AffinityPool._

  // Held while starting/shutting down workers/pool in order to make
  // the operations linear and enforce atomicity. An example of that would be
  // adding a worker. We want the creation of the worker, addition
  // to the set and starting to worker to be an atomic action. Using
  // a concurrent set would not give us that
  private val bookKeepingLock = new ReentrantGuard()

  // condition used for awaiting termination
  private val terminationCondition = bookKeepingLock.newCondition()

  // indicates the current state of the pool
  @volatile final private var poolState: PoolState = Uninitialized

  private[this] final val workQueues = Array.fill(parallelism)(new BoundedAffinityTaskQueue(affinityGroupSize))
  private[this] final val workers = mutable.Set[AffinityPoolWorker]()

  def start(): this.type =
    bookKeepingLock.withGuard {
      if (poolState == Uninitialized) {
        poolState = Initializing
        workQueues.foreach(q => addWorker(workers, q))
        poolState = Running

  // WARNING: Only call while holding the bookKeepingLock
  private def addWorker(workers: mutable.Set[AffinityPoolWorker], q: BoundedAffinityTaskQueue): Unit = {
    val worker = new AffinityPoolWorker(q, new IdleStrategy(idleCpuLevel))

   * Each worker should go through that method while terminating.
   * In turn each worker is responsible for modifying the pool
   * state accordingly. For example if this is the last worker
   * and the queue is empty and we are in a ShuttingDown state
   * the worker can transition the pool to ShutDown and attempt
   * termination
   * Furthermore, if this worker has experienced abrupt termination
   * due to an exception being thrown in user code, the worker is
   * responsible for adding one more worker to compensate for its
   * own termination
  private def onWorkerExit(w: AffinityPoolWorker, abruptTermination: Boolean): Unit =
    bookKeepingLock.withGuard {
      if (abruptTermination && poolState == Running)
        addWorker(workers, w.q)
      else if (workers.isEmpty && !abruptTermination && poolState >= ShuttingDown) {
        poolState = ShutDown // transition to shutdown and try to transition to termination

  override def execute(command: Runnable): Unit = {
    val queue = workQueues(queueSelector.getQueue(command, parallelism)) // Will throw NPE if command is null
    if (poolState >= ShuttingDown || !queue.add(command))
      rejectionHandler.reject(command, this)

  override def awaitTermination(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean = {
    // recurse until pool is terminated or time out reached
    def awaitTermination(nanos: Long): Boolean = {
      if (poolState == Terminated) true
      else if (nanos <= 0) false
      else awaitTermination(terminationCondition.awaitNanos(nanos))

    bookKeepingLock.withGuard {
      // need to hold the lock to avoid monitor exception

  // WARNING: Only call while holding the bookKeepingLock
  private def attemptPoolTermination(): Unit =
    if (workers.isEmpty && poolState == ShutDown) {
      poolState = Terminated

  override def shutdownNow(): java.util.List[Runnable] =
    bookKeepingLock.withGuard {
      poolState = ShutDown
      // like in the FJ executor, we do not provide facility to obtain tasks that were in queue

  override def shutdown(): Unit =
    bookKeepingLock.withGuard {
      poolState = ShuttingDown
      // interrupts only idle workers.. so others can process their queues

  override def isShutdown: Boolean = poolState >= ShutDown

  override def isTerminated: Boolean = poolState == Terminated

  override def toString: String =
    s"${Logging.simpleName(this)}(id = $id, parallelism = $parallelism, affinityGroupSize = $affinityGroupSize, threadFactory = $threadFactory, idleCpuLevel = $idleCpuLevel, queueSelector = $queueSelector, rejectionHandler = $rejectionHandler)"

  private[this] final class AffinityPoolWorker(val q: BoundedAffinityTaskQueue, val idleStrategy: IdleStrategy)
      extends Runnable {
    val thread: Thread = threadFactory.newThread(this)

    def start(): Unit =
      if (thread eq null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(s"Was not able to allocate worker thread for ${AffinityPool.this}")
      else thread.start()

    override def run(): Unit = {
      // Returns true if it executed something, false otherwise
      def executeNext(): Boolean = {
        val c = q.poll()
        val next = c ne null
        if (next) {

        } else {
          idleStrategy.idle() // if not wait for a bit

       * We keep running as long as we are Running
       * or we're ShuttingDown but we still have tasks to execute,
       * and we're not interrupted.
      @tailrec def runLoop(): Unit =
        if (!Thread.interrupted()) {
          (poolState: @switch) match {
            case Uninitialized => ()
            case Initializing | Running =>
            case ShuttingDown =>
              if (executeNext()) runLoop()
              else ()
            case ShutDown | Terminated => ()

      var abruptTermination = true
      try {
        abruptTermination = false // if we have reached here, our termination is not due to an exception
      } finally {
        onWorkerExit(this, abruptTermination)

    def stop(): Unit = if (!thread.isInterrupted) thread.interrupt()

    def stopIfIdle(): Unit = if (idleStrategy.isIdling) stop()

private[akka] final class AffinityPoolConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites)
    extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) {

  private val poolSize = ThreadPoolConfig.scaledPoolSize(
  private val taskQueueSize = config.getInt("task-queue-size")

  private val idleCpuLevel = config
    .requiring(level => 1 <= level && level <= 10, "idle-cpu-level must be between 1 and 10")

  private val queueSelectorFactoryFQCN = config.getString("queue-selector")
  private val queueSelectorFactory: QueueSelectorFactory =
      .createInstanceFor[QueueSelectorFactory](queueSelectorFactoryFQCN, immutable.Seq(classOf[Config] -> config))
      .recover {
        case _ =>
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            s"Cannot instantiate QueueSelectorFactory(queueSelector = $queueSelectorFactoryFQCN), make sure it has an accessible constructor which accepts a Config parameter")

  private val rejectionHandlerFactoryFCQN = config.getString("rejection-handler")
  private val rejectionHandlerFactory = prerequisites.dynamicAccess
    .createInstanceFor[RejectionHandlerFactory](rejectionHandlerFactoryFCQN, Nil)
    .recover {
      case exception =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Cannot instantiate RejectionHandlerFactory(rejection-handler = $rejectionHandlerFactoryFCQN), make sure it has an accessible empty constructor",

  override def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = {
    val tf = threadFactory match {
      case m: MonitorableThreadFactory =>
        // add the dispatcher id to the thread names
        m.withName( + "-" + id)
      case other => other

    new ExecutorServiceFactory {
      override def createExecutorService: ExecutorService =
        new AffinityPool(

trait RejectionHandler {
  def reject(command: Runnable, service: ExecutorService): Unit

trait RejectionHandlerFactory {
  def create(): RejectionHandler

trait QueueSelectorFactory {
  def create(): QueueSelector

 * A `QueueSelector` is responsible for, given a `Runnable` and the number of available
 * queues, return which of the queues that `Runnable` should be placed in.
trait QueueSelector {

   * Must be deterministic—return the same value for the same input.
   * @return given a `Runnable` a number between 0 .. `queues` (exclusive)
   * @throws NullPointerException when `command` is `null`
  def getQueue(command: Runnable, queues: Int): Int

private[akka] final class ThrowOnOverflowRejectionHandler extends RejectionHandlerFactory with RejectionHandler {
  override def reject(command: Runnable, service: ExecutorService): Unit =
    throw new RejectedExecutionException(s"Task $command rejected from $service")
  override def create(): RejectionHandler = this

private[akka] final class FairDistributionHashCache(val config: Config) extends QueueSelectorFactory {
  private final val MaxFairDistributionThreshold = 2048

  private[this] final val fairDistributionThreshold = config
      thr => 0 <= thr && thr <= MaxFairDistributionThreshold,
      s"fair-work-distribution.threshold must be between 0 and $MaxFairDistributionThreshold")

  override def create(): QueueSelector =
    new AtomicReference[ImmutableIntMap](ImmutableIntMap.empty) with QueueSelector {
      override def toString: String =
        s"FairDistributionHashCache(fairDistributionThreshold = $fairDistributionThreshold)"
      private[this] final def improve(h: Int): Int =
        0x7FFFFFFF & (reverseBytes(h * 0x9e3775cd) * 0x9e3775cd) // `sbhash`: In memory of Phil Bagwell.
      override final def getQueue(command: Runnable, queues: Int): Int = {
        val runnableHash = command.hashCode()
        if (fairDistributionThreshold == 0)
          improve(runnableHash) % queues
        else {
          def cacheLookup(prev: ImmutableIntMap, hash: Int): Int = {
            val existingIndex = prev.get(runnableHash)
            if (existingIndex >= 0) existingIndex
            else if (prev.size > fairDistributionThreshold) improve(hash) % queues
            else {
              val index = prev.size % queues
              if (compareAndSet(prev, prev.updated(runnableHash, index))) index
              else cacheLookup(get(), hash)
          cacheLookup(get(), runnableHash)

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