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/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2010  Mark Harrah
package sbt
package inc

import xsbti.api.Source

 * The merge/groupBy functionality requires understanding of the concepts of internalizing/externalizing dependencies:
 * Say we have source files X, Y. And say we have some analysis A_X containing X as a source, and likewise for A_Y and Y.
 * If X depends on Y then A_X contains an external dependency X -> Y.
 * However if we merge A_X and A_Y into a combined analysis A_XY, then A_XY contains X and Y as sources, and therefore
 * X -> Y must be converted to an internal dependency in A_XY. We refer to this as "internalizing" the dependency.
 * The reverse transformation must occur if we group an analysis A_XY into A_X and A_Y, so that the dependency X->Y
 * crosses the boundary. We refer to this as "externalizing" the dependency.
 * These transformations are complicated by the fact that internal dependencies are expressed as source file -> source file,
 * but external dependencies are expressed as source file -> fully-qualified class name.
trait Analysis
	val stamps: Stamps
	val apis: APIs
	/** Mappings between sources, classes, and binaries. */
	val relations: Relations
	val infos: SourceInfos
	/** Information about compiler runs accumulated since `clean` command has been run. */
	val compilations: Compilations

	/** Concatenates Analysis objects naively, i.e., doesn't internalize external deps on added files. See `Analysis.merge`. */
	def ++ (other: Analysis): Analysis

	/** Drops all analysis information for `sources` naively, i.e., doesn't externalize internal deps on removed files. */
	def -- (sources: Iterable[File]): Analysis

	def copy(stamps: Stamps = stamps, apis: APIs = apis, relations: Relations = relations, infos: SourceInfos = infos,
	    compilations: Compilations = compilations): Analysis
	def addSource(src: File, api: Source, stamp: Stamp, directInternal: Iterable[File], inheritedInternal: Iterable[File], info: SourceInfo): Analysis
	def addBinaryDep(src: File, dep: File, className: String, stamp: Stamp): Analysis
	def addExternalDep(src: File, dep: String, api: Source, inherited: Boolean): Analysis
	def addProduct(src: File, product: File, stamp: Stamp, name: String): Analysis

	/** Partitions this Analysis using the discriminator function. Externalizes internal deps that cross partitions. */
	def groupBy[K](discriminator: (File => K)): Map[K, Analysis]

	override lazy val toString = Analysis.summary(this)

object Analysis
	lazy val Empty: Analysis = new MAnalysis(Stamps.empty, APIs.empty, Relations.empty, SourceInfos.empty, Compilations.empty)

	/** Merge multiple analysis objects into one. Deps will be internalized as needed. */
	def merge(analyses: Traversable[Analysis]): Analysis = {
		// Merge the Relations, internalizing deps as needed.
		val mergedSrcProd = Relation.merge(analyses map { _.relations.srcProd })
		val mergedBinaryDep = Relation.merge(analyses map { _.relations.binaryDep })
		val mergedClasses = Relation.merge(analyses map { _.relations.classes })

		val stillInternal = Relation.merge(analyses map { })
		val (internalized, stillExternal) = Relation.merge(analyses map { }) partition { case (a, b) => mergedClasses._2s.contains(b) }
		val internalizedFiles = Relation.reconstruct(internalized.forwardMap mapValues { _ flatMap mergedClasses.reverse })
		val mergedInternal = stillInternal ++ internalizedFiles

		val stillInternalPI = Relation.merge(analyses map { _.relations.publicInherited.internal })
		val (internalizedPI, stillExternalPI) = Relation.merge(analyses map { _.relations.publicInherited.external }) partition { case (a, b) => mergedClasses._2s.contains(b) }
		val internalizedFilesPI = Relation.reconstruct(internalizedPI.forwardMap mapValues { _ flatMap mergedClasses.reverse })
		val mergedInternalPI = stillInternalPI ++ internalizedFilesPI

		val mergedRelations = Relations.make(
			Relations.makeSource(mergedInternal, stillExternal),
			Relations.makeSource(mergedInternalPI, stillExternalPI),

		// Merge the APIs, internalizing APIs for targets of dependencies we internalized above.
		val concatenatedAPIs = (APIs.empty /: (analyses map {_.apis}))(_ ++ _)
		val stillInternalAPIs = concatenatedAPIs.internal
		val (internalizedAPIs, stillExternalAPIs) = concatenatedAPIs.external partition { x: (String, Source) => internalized._2s.contains(x._1) }
		val internalizedFilesAPIs = internalizedAPIs flatMap {
			case (cls: String, source: Source) => mergedRelations.definesClass(cls) map { file: File => (file, concatenatedAPIs.internalAPI(file)) }
		val mergedAPIs = APIs(stillInternalAPIs ++ internalizedFilesAPIs, stillExternalAPIs)

		val mergedStamps = Stamps.merge(analyses map { _.stamps })
		val mergedInfos = SourceInfos.merge(analyses map { _.infos })
		val mergedCompilations = Compilations.merge(analyses map { _.compilations })

		new MAnalysis(mergedStamps, mergedAPIs, mergedRelations, mergedInfos, mergedCompilations)

	def summary(a: Analysis): String =
		val (j, s) = a.apis.allInternalSources.partition(_.getName.endsWith(".java"))
		val c = a.stamps.allProducts
		val ext = a.apis.allExternals
		val jars = a.relations.allBinaryDeps.filter(_.getName.endsWith(".jar"))
		val unreportedCount =
		val sections =
			counted("Scala source", "", "s", s.size) ++
			counted("Java source", "", "s", j.size) ++
			counted("class", "", "es", c.size) ++
			counted("external source dependenc", "y", "ies", ext.size) ++
			counted("binary dependenc", "y", "ies", jars.size) ++
			counted("unreported warning", "", "s", unreportedCount)
		sections.mkString("Analysis: ", ", ", "")

	def counted(prefix: String, single: String, plural: String, count: Int): Option[String] =
		count match
			case 0 => None
			case 1 => Some("1 " + prefix + single)
			case x => Some(x.toString + " " + prefix + plural)

private class MAnalysis(val stamps: Stamps, val apis: APIs, val relations: Relations, val infos: SourceInfos, val compilations: Compilations) extends Analysis
	def ++ (o: Analysis): Analysis = new MAnalysis(stamps ++ o.stamps, apis ++ o.apis, relations ++ o.relations,
		infos ++ o.infos, compilations ++ o.compilations)

	def -- (sources: Iterable[File]): Analysis =
		val newRelations = relations -- sources
		def keep[T](f: (Relations, T) => Set[_]): T => Boolean = !f(newRelations, _).isEmpty

		val newAPIs = apis.removeInternal(sources).filterExt( keep(_ usesExternal _) )
		val newStamps = stamps.filter( keep(_ produced _), sources, keep(_ usesBinary _))
		val newInfos = infos -- sources
		new MAnalysis(newStamps, newAPIs, newRelations, newInfos, compilations)

	def copy(stamps: Stamps, apis: APIs, relations: Relations, infos: SourceInfos, compilations: Compilations = compilations): Analysis =
	  new MAnalysis(stamps, apis, relations, infos, compilations)

	def addSource(src: File, api: Source, stamp: Stamp, directInternal: Iterable[File], inheritedInternal: Iterable[File], info: SourceInfo): Analysis =
		copy( stamps.markInternalSource(src, stamp), apis.markInternalSource(src, api), relations.addInternalSrcDeps(src, directInternal, inheritedInternal), infos.add(src, info) )

	def addBinaryDep(src: File, dep: File, className: String, stamp: Stamp): Analysis =
		copy( stamps.markBinary(dep, className, stamp), apis, relations.addBinaryDep(src, dep), infos )

	def addExternalDep(src: File, dep: String, depAPI: Source, inherited: Boolean): Analysis =
		copy( stamps, apis.markExternalAPI(dep, depAPI), relations.addExternalDep(src, dep, inherited), infos )

	def addProduct(src: File, product: File, stamp: Stamp, name: String): Analysis =
		copy( stamps.markProduct(product, stamp), apis, relations.addProduct(src, product, name), infos )

	def groupBy[K](discriminator: File => K): Map[K, Analysis] = {
		def discriminator1(x: (File, _)) = discriminator(x._1)  // Apply the discriminator to the first coordinate.

		val kSrcProd = relations.srcProd.groupBy(discriminator1)
		val kBinaryDep = relations.binaryDep.groupBy(discriminator1)
		val kClasses = relations.classes.groupBy(discriminator1)
		val kSourceInfos = infos.allInfos.groupBy(discriminator1)

		val (kStillInternal, kExternalized) = partition { case (a, b) => discriminator(a) == discriminator(b) } match {
			case (i, e) => (i.groupBy(discriminator1), e.groupBy(discriminator1))
		val kStillExternal =

		// Find all possible groups.
		val allMaps = kSrcProd :: kBinaryDep :: kStillInternal :: kExternalized :: kStillExternal :: kClasses :: kSourceInfos :: Nil
		val allKeys: Set[K] = (Set.empty[K] /: (allMaps map { _.keySet }))(_ ++ _)

		// Map from file to a single representative class defined in that file.
		// This is correct (for now): currently all classes in an external dep share the same Source object,
		// and a change to any of them will act like a change to all of them.
		// We don't use all the top-level classes in source.api.definitions, even though that's more intuitively
		// correct, because this can cause huge bloat of the analysis file.
		def getRepresentativeClass(file: File): Option[String] = apis.internalAPI(file).api.definitions.headOption map { }

		// Create an Analysis for each group.
		(for (k <- allKeys) yield {
			def getFrom[A, B](m: Map[K, Relation[A, B]]): Relation[A, B] = m.getOrElse(k, Relation.empty)

			// Products and binary deps.
			val srcProd = getFrom(kSrcProd)
			val binaryDep = getFrom(kBinaryDep)

			// Direct Sources.
			val stillInternal = getFrom(kStillInternal)
			val stillExternal = getFrom(kStillExternal)
			val externalized = getFrom(kExternalized)
			val externalizedClasses = Relation.reconstruct(externalized.forwardMap mapValues { _ flatMap getRepresentativeClass })
			val newExternal = stillExternal ++ externalizedClasses

			// Public inherited sources.
			val stillInternalPI = stillInternal filter relations.publicInherited.internal.contains
			val stillExternalPI = stillExternal filter relations.publicInherited.external.contains
			val externalizedPI = externalized filter relations.publicInherited.internal.contains
			val externalizedClassesPI = Relation.reconstruct(externalizedPI.forwardMap mapValues { _ flatMap getRepresentativeClass })
			val newExternalPI = stillExternalPI ++ externalizedClassesPI

			// Class names.
			val classes = getFrom(kClasses)

			// Create new relations for this group.
			val newRelations = Relations.make(
				Relations.makeSource(stillInternal, newExternal),
			  Relations.makeSource(stillInternalPI, newExternalPI),

			// Compute new API mappings.
			def apisFor[T](m: Map[T, Source], x: Traversable[T]): Map[T, Source] =
				(x map { e: T => (e, m.get(e)) } collect { case (t, Some(source)) => (t, source)}).toMap
			val stillInternalAPIs = apisFor(apis.internal, srcProd._1s)
			val stillExternalAPIs = apisFor(apis.external, stillExternal._2s)
			val externalizedAPIs = apisFor(apis.internal, externalized._2s)
			val externalizedClassesAPIs = externalizedAPIs flatMap {
				case (file: File, source: Source) => getRepresentativeClass(file) map { cls: String => (cls, source) }
			val newAPIs = APIs(stillInternalAPIs, stillExternalAPIs ++ externalizedClassesAPIs)

			// New stamps.
			val newStamps = Stamps(
				stamps.sources.filterKeys({ discriminator(_) == k }),

			// New infos.
			val newSourceInfos = SourceInfos.make(kSourceInfos.getOrElse(k, Map.empty))

			(k, new MAnalysis(newStamps, newAPIs, newRelations, newSourceInfos, compilations))

	override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
		// Note: Equality doesn't consider source infos or compilations.
		case o: MAnalysis => stamps == o.stamps && apis == o.apis && relations == o.relations
		case _ => false

	override lazy val hashCode = (stamps :: apis :: relations :: Nil).hashCode

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