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sbt.compiler.JavaCompiler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
* Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Mark Harrah, Seth Tisue
package sbt
package compiler
import{ File, PrintWriter }
import xsbti.{ Severity, Reporter }
import xsbti.compile.Output
@deprecated("Please use the new set of compilers in sbt.compilers.javac", "0.13.8")
abstract class JavacContract(val name: String, val clazz: String) {
def exec(args: Array[String], writer: PrintWriter): Int
/** An interface we use to call the Java compiler. */
@deprecated("Please use the new set of compilers in sbt.compilers.javac", "0.13.8")
trait JavaCompiler extends xsbti.compile.JavaCompiler {
* Runs the java compiler
* @param sources The source files to compile
* @param classpath The classpath for the compiler
* @param outputDirectory The output directory for class files
* @param options The arguments to pass into Javac
* @param log A log in which we write all the output from Javac.
def apply(sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String])(implicit log: Logger): Unit
def compile(sources: Array[File], classpath: Array[File], output: xsbti.compile.Output, options: Array[String], log: xsbti.Logger): Unit = {
val outputDirectory = output match {
case single: xsbti.compile.SingleOutput => single.outputDirectory
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Javac doesn't support multiple output directories")
apply(sources, classpath, outputDirectory, options)(log)
// TODO - Fix this so that the reporter is actually used.
def compileWithReporter(sources: Array[File], classpath: Array[File], output: Output, options: Array[String], reporter: Reporter, log: xsbti.Logger): Unit = {
compile(sources, classpath, output, options, log)
def onArgs(f: Seq[String] => Unit): JavaCompiler
@deprecated("Please use the new set of compilers in sbt.compilers.javac", "0.13.8")
trait Javadoc {
def doc(sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String], maximumErrors: Int, log: Logger)
def onArgs(f: Seq[String] => Unit): Javadoc
@deprecated("Please use the new set of compilers in sbt.compilers.javac", "0.13.8")
trait JavaTool extends Javadoc with JavaCompiler {
def apply(sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String])(implicit log: Logger) =
compile(JavaCompiler.javac, sources, classpath, outputDirectory, options)(log)
def doc(sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String], maximumErrors: Int, log: Logger) =
compile(JavaCompiler.javadoc, sources, classpath, outputDirectory, options)(log)
def compile(contract: JavacContract, sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String])(implicit log: Logger): Unit
def onArgs(f: Seq[String] => Unit): JavaTool
@deprecated("Please use the new set of compilers in sbt.compilers.javac", "0.13.8")
object JavaCompiler {
@deprecated("Please use the new set of compilers in sbt.compilers.javac", "0.13.8")
type Fork = (JavacContract, Seq[String], Logger) => Int
val javac = new JavacContract("javac", "") {
def exec(args: Array[String], writer: PrintWriter) = {
val m = Class.forName(clazz).getDeclaredMethod("compile", classOf[Array[String]], classOf[PrintWriter])
m.invoke(null, args, writer).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer].intValue
val javadoc = new JavacContract("javadoc", "") {
def exec(args: Array[String], writer: PrintWriter) = {
val m = Class.forName(clazz).getDeclaredMethod("execute", classOf[String], classOf[PrintWriter], classOf[PrintWriter], classOf[PrintWriter], classOf[String], classOf[Array[String]])
m.invoke(null, name, writer, writer, writer, "", args).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer].intValue
def construct(f: Fork, cp: ClasspathOptions, scalaInstance: ScalaInstance): JavaTool = new JavaTool0(f, cp, scalaInstance, _ => ())
/** The actual implementation of a JavaTool (javadoc + javac). */
private[this] class JavaTool0(f: Fork, cp: ClasspathOptions, scalaInstance: ScalaInstance, onArgsF: Seq[String] => Unit) extends JavaTool {
def onArgs(g: Seq[String] => Unit): JavaTool = new JavaTool0(f, cp, scalaInstance, g)
def commandArguments(sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String], log: Logger): Seq[String] =
val augmentedClasspath = if (cp.autoBoot) classpath ++ Seq(scalaInstance.libraryJar) else classpath
val javaCp = ClasspathOptions.javac(cp.compiler)
(new CompilerArguments(scalaInstance, javaCp))(sources, augmentedClasspath, Some(outputDirectory), options)
def compile(contract: JavacContract, sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: File, options: Seq[String])(implicit log: Logger): Unit = {
val arguments = commandArguments(sources, classpath, outputDirectory, options, log)
val code: Int = f(contract, arguments, log)
log.debug( + " returned exit code: " + code)
if (code != 0) throw new CompileFailed(arguments.toArray, + " returned nonzero exit code", Array())
def directOrFork(cp: ClasspathOptions, scalaInstance: ScalaInstance)(implicit doFork: Fork): JavaTool =
construct(directOrForkJavac, cp, scalaInstance)
def direct(cp: ClasspathOptions, scalaInstance: ScalaInstance): JavaTool =
construct(directJavac, cp, scalaInstance)
def fork(cp: ClasspathOptions, scalaInstance: ScalaInstance)(implicit doFork: Fork): JavaTool =
construct(forkJavac, cp, scalaInstance)
def directOrForkJavac(implicit doFork: Fork) = (contract: JavacContract, arguments: Seq[String], log: Logger) =>
try { directJavac(contract, arguments, log) }
catch {
case e @ (_: ClassNotFoundException | _: NoSuchMethodException) =>
log.debug(contract.clazz + " not found with appropriate method signature; forking " + + " instead")
forkJavac(doFork)(contract, arguments, log)
/** `doFork` should be a function that forks javac with the provided arguments and sends output to the given Logger.*/
def forkJavac(implicit doFork: Fork) = (contract: JavacContract, arguments: Seq[String], log: Logger) =>
val (jArgs, nonJArgs) = arguments.partition(_.startsWith("-J"))
def externalJavac(argFile: File) =
doFork(contract, jArgs :+ ("@" + normalizeSlash(argFile.getAbsolutePath)), log)
val directJavac = (contract: JavacContract, arguments: Seq[String], log: Logger) =>
val logger = new LoggerWriter(log)
val writer = new PrintWriter(logger)
val argsArray = arguments.toArray
log.debug("Attempting to call " + + " directly...")
var exitCode = -1
try { exitCode = contract.exec(argsArray, writer) }
finally { logger.flushLines(if (exitCode == 0) Level.Warn else Level.Error) }
* Helper method to create an argument file that we pass to Javac. Gets over the windows
* command line length limitation.
* @param args The string arguments to pass to Javac.
* @param f A function which is passed the arg file.
* @tparam T The return type.
* @return The result of using the argument file.
def withArgumentFile[T](args: Seq[String])(f: File => T): T =
import IO.{ Newline, withTemporaryDirectory, write }
withTemporaryDirectory { tmp =>
val argFile = new File(tmp, "argfile")
// javac's argument file seems to allow naive space escaping with quotes. escaping a quote with a backslash does not work
def escapeSpaces(s: String): String = '\"' + normalizeSlash(s) + '\"'
def normalizeSlash(s: String) = s.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')