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/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2010  Mark Harrah
package sbt
package inc

import{File, IOException}
import Stamp.getStamp
import scala.util.matching.Regex

trait ReadStamps
	/** The Stamp for the given product at the time represented by this Stamps instance.*/
	def product(prod: File): Stamp
	/** The Stamp for the given source file at the time represented by this Stamps instance.*/
	def internalSource(src: File): Stamp
	/** The Stamp for the given binary dependency at the time represented by this Stamps instance.*/
	def binary(bin: File): Stamp

/** Provides information about files as they were at a specific time.*/
trait Stamps extends ReadStamps
	def allInternalSources: collection.Set[File]
	def allBinaries: collection.Set[File]
	def allProducts: collection.Set[File]
	def sources: Map[File, Stamp]
	def binaries: Map[File, Stamp]
	def products: Map[File, Stamp]
	def classNames: Map[File, String]
	def className(bin: File): Option[String]
	def markInternalSource(src: File, s: Stamp): Stamps
	def markBinary(bin: File, className: String, s: Stamp): Stamps
	def markProduct(prod: File, s: Stamp): Stamps
	def filter(prod: File => Boolean, removeSources: Iterable[File], bin: File => Boolean): Stamps
	def ++ (o: Stamps): Stamps
	def groupBy[K](prod: Map[K, File => Boolean], sourcesGrouping: File => K, bin: Map[K, File => Boolean]): Map[K, Stamps]

sealed trait Stamp
	override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
		case o: Stamp => Stamp.equivStamp.equiv(this, o)
		case _ => false

  override def toString: String = Stamp.toString(this)

final class Hash(val value: Array[Byte]) extends Stamp {
	override def hashCode: Int = java.util.Arrays.hashCode(value)
final class LastModified(val value: Long) extends Stamp {
	override def hashCode: Int = (value ^ (value >>> 32)).toInt
final class Exists(val value: Boolean) extends Stamp {
	override def hashCode: Int = if(value) 0 else 1

object Stamp
	implicit val equivStamp: Equiv[Stamp] = new Equiv[Stamp] {
		def equiv(a: Stamp, b: Stamp) = (a,b) match {
			case (h1: Hash, h2: Hash) => h1.value sameElements h2.value
			case (e1: Exists, e2: Exists) => e1.value == e2.value
			case (lm1: LastModified, lm2: LastModified) => lm1.value == lm2.value
			case _ => false

  // NOTE: toString/fromString used for serialization, not just for debug prints.

  def toString(s: Stamp): String = s match {
    case e: Exists => if(e.value) "exists" else "absent"
    case h: Hash => "hash(" + Hash.toHex(h.value) + ")"
    case lm: LastModified => "lastModified(" + lm.value + ")"

	private val hashPattern = """hash\((\w+)\)""".r
	private val lastModifiedPattern = """lastModified\((\d+)\)""".r

  def fromString(s: String): Stamp = s match {
		case "exists" => new Exists(true)
		case "absent" => new Exists(false)
		case hashPattern(value) => new Hash(Hash.fromHex(value))
		case lastModifiedPattern(value) => new LastModified(java.lang.Long.parseLong(value))
		case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized Stamp string representation: " + s)

	def show(s: Stamp): String = s match {
		case h: Hash => "hash(" + Hash.toHex(h.value) + ")"
		case e: Exists => if(e.value) "exists" else "does not exist"
		case lm: LastModified => "last modified(" + lm.value + ")"
	val hash = (f: File) => tryStamp(new Hash(Hash(f)))
	val lastModified = (f: File) => tryStamp(new LastModified(f.lastModified))
	val exists = (f: File) => tryStamp(if(f.exists) present else notPresent)
	def tryStamp(g: => Stamp): Stamp = try { g } catch { case i: IOException => notPresent }
	val notPresent = new Exists(false)
	val present = new Exists(true)
	def getStamp(map: Map[File, Stamp], src: File): Stamp = map.getOrElse(src, notPresent)

object Stamps
	/** Creates a ReadStamps instance that will calculate and cache the stamp for sources and binaries
	* on the first request according to the provided `srcStamp` and `binStamp` functions.  Each
	* stamp is calculated separately on demand.
	* The stamp for a product is always recalculated. */
	def initial(prodStamp: File => Stamp, srcStamp: File => Stamp, binStamp: File => Stamp): ReadStamps = new InitialStamps(prodStamp, srcStamp, binStamp)
	def empty: Stamps =
		val eSt = Map.empty[File, Stamp]
		apply(eSt, eSt, eSt, Map.empty[File, String])
	def apply(products: Map[File, Stamp], sources: Map[File, Stamp], binaries: Map[File, Stamp], binaryClassNames: Map[File, String]): Stamps = 
		new MStamps(products, sources, binaries, binaryClassNames)

	def merge(stamps: Traversable[Stamps]): Stamps = (Stamps.empty /: stamps)(_ ++ _)

private class MStamps(val products: Map[File, Stamp], val sources: Map[File, Stamp], val binaries: Map[File, Stamp], val classNames: Map[File, String]) extends Stamps
	def allInternalSources: collection.Set[File] = sources.keySet
	def allBinaries: collection.Set[File] = binaries.keySet
	def allProducts: collection.Set[File] = products.keySet
	def ++ (o: Stamps): Stamps =
		new MStamps(products ++ o.products, sources ++ o.sources, binaries ++ o.binaries, classNames ++ o.classNames)
	def markInternalSource(src: File, s: Stamp): Stamps =
		new MStamps(products, sources.updated(src, s), binaries, classNames)

	def markBinary(bin: File, className: String, s: Stamp): Stamps =
		new MStamps(products, sources, binaries.updated(bin, s), classNames.updated(bin, className))

	def markProduct(prod: File, s: Stamp): Stamps =
		new MStamps(products.updated(prod, s), sources, binaries, classNames)
	def filter(prod: File => Boolean, removeSources: Iterable[File], bin: File => Boolean): Stamps =
		new MStamps(products.filterKeys(prod), sources -- removeSources, binaries.filterKeys(bin), classNames.filterKeys(bin))
	def groupBy[K](prod: Map[K, File => Boolean], f: File => K, bin: Map[K, File => Boolean]): Map[K, Stamps] =
		val sourcesMap: Map[K, Map[File, Stamp]] = sources.groupBy(x => f(x._1))

		val constFalse = (f: File) => false
		def kStamps(k: K): Stamps = new MStamps(
			products.filterKeys(prod.getOrElse(k, constFalse)),
			sourcesMap.getOrElse(k, Map.empty[File,Stamp]),
			binaries.filterKeys(bin.getOrElse(k, constFalse)),
			classNames.filterKeys(bin.getOrElse(k, constFalse))

		(for (k <- prod.keySet ++ sourcesMap.keySet ++ bin.keySet) yield (k, kStamps(k))).toMap

	def product(prod: File) = getStamp(products, prod)
	def internalSource(src: File) = getStamp(sources, src)
	def binary(bin: File) = getStamp(binaries, bin)
	def className(bin: File) = classNames get bin

	override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
		case o: MStamps => products == o.products && sources == o.sources && binaries == o.binaries && classNames == o.classNames
		case _ => false

	override lazy val hashCode: Int = (products :: sources :: binaries :: classNames :: Nil).hashCode
	override def toString: String =
		"Stamps for: %d products, %d sources, %d binaries, %d classNames".format(products.size, sources.size, binaries.size, classNames.size)

private class InitialStamps(prodStamp: File => Stamp, srcStamp: File => Stamp, binStamp: File => Stamp) extends ReadStamps
	import collection.mutable.{HashMap, Map}
	// cached stamps for files that do not change during compilation
	private val sources: Map[File, Stamp] = new HashMap
	private val binaries: Map[File, Stamp] = new HashMap
	def product(prod: File): Stamp = prodStamp(prod)
	def internalSource(src: File): Stamp = synchronized { sources.getOrElseUpdate(src, srcStamp(src)) }
	def binary(bin: File): Stamp = synchronized { binaries.getOrElseUpdate(bin, binStamp(bin)) }

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