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sbt.ProcessImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2009  Mark Harrah, Vesa Vilhonen
package sbt

import java.lang.{ Process => JProcess, ProcessBuilder => JProcessBuilder }
import{ BufferedReader, Closeable, InputStream, InputStreamReader, IOException, OutputStream, PrintStream }
import{ FilterInputStream, FilterOutputStream, PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream }
import{ File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream }

/** Runs provided code in a new Thread and returns the Thread instance. */
private object Spawn {
  def apply(f: => Unit): Thread = apply(f, false)
  def apply(f: => Unit, daemon: Boolean): Thread =
      val thread = new Thread() { override def run() = { f } }
private object Future {
  def apply[T](f: => T): () => T =
      val result = new SyncVar[Either[Throwable, T]]
      def run(): Unit =
        try { result.set(Right(f)) }
        catch { case e: Exception => result.set(Left(e)) }
      () =>
        result.get match {
          case Right(value)    => value
          case Left(exception) => throw exception

object BasicIO {
  def apply(buffer: StringBuffer, log: Option[ProcessLogger], withIn: Boolean) = new ProcessIO(input(withIn), processFully(buffer), getErr(log), inheritInput(withIn))
  def apply(log: ProcessLogger, withIn: Boolean) = new ProcessIO(input(withIn), processInfoFully(log), processErrFully(log), inheritInput(withIn))

  def getErr(log: Option[ProcessLogger]) = log match { case Some(lg) => processErrFully(lg); case None => toStdErr }

  private def processErrFully(log: ProcessLogger) = processFully(s => log.error(s))
  private def processInfoFully(log: ProcessLogger) = processFully(s =>

  def closeOut = (_: OutputStream).close()
  final val BufferSize = 8192
  final val Newline = System.getProperty("line.separator")

  def close(c: = try { c.close() } catch { case _: => () }
  def processFully(buffer: Appendable): InputStream => Unit = processFully(appendLine(buffer))
  def processFully(processLine: String => Unit): InputStream => Unit =
    in =>
        val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))
  def processLinesFully(processLine: String => Unit)(readLine: () => String) {
    def readFully() {
      val line = readLine()
      if (line != null) {
  def connectToIn(o: OutputStream) { transferFully(Uncloseable protect, o) }
  def input(connect: Boolean): OutputStream => Unit = if (connect) connectToIn else closeOut
  def standard(connectInput: Boolean): ProcessIO = standard(input(connectInput), inheritInput(connectInput))
  def standard(in: OutputStream => Unit, inheritIn: JProcessBuilder => Boolean): ProcessIO = new ProcessIO(in, toStdOut, toStdErr, inheritIn)

  def toStdErr = (in: InputStream) => transferFully(in, System.err)
  def toStdOut = (in: InputStream) => transferFully(in, System.out)

  def transferFully(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream): Unit =
    try { transferFullyImpl(in, out) }
    catch { case _: InterruptedException => () }

  private[this] def appendLine(buffer: Appendable): String => Unit =
    line =>

  private[this] def transferFullyImpl(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) {
    val continueCount = 1 //if(in.isInstanceOf[PipedInputStream]) 1 else 0
    val buffer = new Array[Byte](BufferSize)
    def read() {
      val byteCount =
      if (byteCount >= continueCount) {
        out.write(buffer, 0, byteCount)

  def inheritInput(connect: Boolean) = { p: JProcessBuilder => if (connect) InheritInput(p) else false }
private[sbt] object ExitCodes {
  def ignoreFirst: (Int, Int) => Int = (a, b) => b
  def firstIfNonzero: (Int, Int) => Int = (a, b) => if (a != 0) a else b

private abstract class AbstractProcessBuilder extends ProcessBuilder with SinkPartialBuilder with SourcePartialBuilder {
  def #&&(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new AndProcessBuilder(this, other)
  def #||(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new OrProcessBuilder(this, other)
  def #|(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder =
      require(other.canPipeTo, "Piping to multiple processes is not supported.")
      new PipedProcessBuilder(this, other, false, exitCode = ExitCodes.ignoreFirst)
  def ###(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new SequenceProcessBuilder(this, other)

  protected def toSource = this
  protected def toSink = this

  def run(): Process = run(false)
  def run(connectInput: Boolean): Process = run(BasicIO.standard(connectInput))
  def run(log: ProcessLogger): Process = run(log, false)
  def run(log: ProcessLogger, connectInput: Boolean): Process = run(BasicIO(log, connectInput))

  private[this] def getString(log: Option[ProcessLogger], withIn: Boolean): String =
      val buffer = new StringBuffer
      val code = this ! BasicIO(buffer, log, withIn)
      if (code == 0) buffer.toString else error("Nonzero exit value: " + code)
  def !! = getString(None, false)
  def !!(log: ProcessLogger) = getString(Some(log), false)
  def !!< = getString(None, true)
  def !!<(log: ProcessLogger) = getString(Some(log), true)

  def lines: Stream[String] = lines(false, true, None)
  def lines(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String] = lines(false, true, Some(log))
  def lines_! : Stream[String] = lines(false, false, None)
  def lines_!(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String] = lines(false, false, Some(log))

  private[this] def lines(withInput: Boolean, nonZeroException: Boolean, log: Option[ProcessLogger]): Stream[String] =
      val streamed = Streamed[String](nonZeroException)
      val process = run(new ProcessIO(BasicIO.input(withInput), BasicIO.processFully(streamed.process), BasicIO.getErr(log), BasicIO.inheritInput(withInput)))
      Spawn { streamed.done(process.exitValue()) }

  def ! = run(false).exitValue()
  def !< = run(true).exitValue()
  def !(log: ProcessLogger) = runBuffered(log, false).exitValue()
  def !<(log: ProcessLogger) = runBuffered(log, true).exitValue()
  def runBuffered(log: ProcessLogger, connectInput: Boolean) =
    log.buffer { run(log, connectInput) }
  def !(io: ProcessIO) = run(io).exitValue()

  def canPipeTo = false

private[sbt] class URLBuilder(url: URL) extends URLPartialBuilder with SourcePartialBuilder {
  protected def toSource = new URLInput(url)
private[sbt] class FileBuilder(base: File) extends FilePartialBuilder with SinkPartialBuilder with SourcePartialBuilder {
  protected def toSource = new FileInput(base)
  protected def toSink = new FileOutput(base, false)
  def #<<(f: File): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new FileInput(f))
  def #<<(u: URL): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new URLInput(u))
  def #<<(s: => InputStream): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new InputStreamBuilder(s))
  def #<<(b: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new PipedProcessBuilder(b, new FileOutput(base, true), false, ExitCodes.firstIfNonzero)

private abstract class BasicBuilder extends AbstractProcessBuilder {
  protected[this] def checkNotThis(a: ProcessBuilder) = require(a != this, "Compound process '" + a + "' cannot contain itself.")
  final def run(io: ProcessIO): Process =
      val p = createProcess(io)
  protected[this] def createProcess(io: ProcessIO): BasicProcess
private abstract class BasicProcess extends Process {
  def start(): Unit

private abstract class CompoundProcess extends BasicProcess {
  def destroy() { destroyer() }
  def exitValue() = getExitValue().getOrElse(error("No exit code: process destroyed."))

  def start() = getExitValue

  protected lazy val (getExitValue, destroyer) =
      val code = new SyncVar[Option[Int]]()
      val thread = Spawn(code.set(runAndExitValue()))

        Future { thread.join(); code.get },
        () => thread.interrupt()

  /** Start and block until the exit value is available and then return it in Some.  Return None if destroyed (use 'run')*/
  protected[this] def runAndExitValue(): Option[Int]

  protected[this] def runInterruptible[T](action: => T)(destroyImpl: => Unit): Option[T] =
      try { Some(action) }
      catch { case _: InterruptedException => destroyImpl; None }

private abstract class SequentialProcessBuilder(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, operatorString: String) extends BasicBuilder {
  override def toString = " ( " + a + " " + operatorString + " " + b + " ) "
private class PipedProcessBuilder(first: ProcessBuilder, second: ProcessBuilder, toError: Boolean, exitCode: (Int, Int) => Int) extends SequentialProcessBuilder(first, second, if (toError) "#|!" else "#|") {
  override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new PipedProcesses(first, second, io, toError, exitCode)
private class AndProcessBuilder(first: ProcessBuilder, second: ProcessBuilder) extends SequentialProcessBuilder(first, second, "#&&") {
  override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new AndProcess(first, second, io)
private class OrProcessBuilder(first: ProcessBuilder, second: ProcessBuilder) extends SequentialProcessBuilder(first, second, "#||") {
  override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new OrProcess(first, second, io)
private class SequenceProcessBuilder(first: ProcessBuilder, second: ProcessBuilder) extends SequentialProcessBuilder(first, second, "###") {
  override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new ProcessSequence(first, second, io)

private class SequentialProcess(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, io: ProcessIO, evaluateSecondProcess: Int => Boolean) extends CompoundProcess {
  protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() =
      val first =
      runInterruptible(first.exitValue)(first.destroy()) flatMap
        { codeA =>
          if (evaluateSecondProcess(codeA)) {
            val second =
          } else
private class AndProcess(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, io: ProcessIO) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ == 0)
private class OrProcess(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, io: ProcessIO) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ != 0)
private class ProcessSequence(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, io: ProcessIO) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, ignore => true)

private class PipedProcesses(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, defaultIO: ProcessIO, toError: Boolean, exitCode: (Int, Int) => Int) extends CompoundProcess {
  protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() =
      val currentSource = new SyncVar[Option[InputStream]]
      val pipeOut = new PipedOutputStream
      val source = new PipeSource(currentSource, pipeOut, a.toString)

      val pipeIn = new PipedInputStream(pipeOut)
      val currentSink = new SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]]
      val sink = new PipeSink(pipeIn, currentSink, b.toString)

      def handleOutOrError(fromOutput: InputStream) = currentSource.put(Some(fromOutput))

      val firstIO =
        if (toError)
      val secondIO = defaultIO.withInput(toInput => currentSink.put(Some(toInput)))

      val second =
      val first =
      try {
        runInterruptible {
          val firstResult = first.exitValue
          val secondResult = second.exitValue
          exitCode(firstResult, secondResult)
        } {
      } finally {
private class PipeSource(currentSource: SyncVar[Option[InputStream]], pipe: PipedOutputStream, label: => String) extends Thread {
  final override def run() {
    currentSource.get match {
      case Some(source) =>
        try { BasicIO.transferFully(source, pipe) }
        catch { case e: IOException => println("I/O error " + e.getMessage + " for process: " + label); e.printStackTrace() }
        finally {
      case None =>
private class PipeSink(pipe: PipedInputStream, currentSink: SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]], label: => String) extends Thread {
  final override def run() {
    currentSink.get match {
      case Some(sink) =>
        try { BasicIO.transferFully(pipe, sink) }
        catch { case e: IOException => println("I/O error " + e.getMessage + " for process: " + label); e.printStackTrace() }
        finally {
      case None =>

private[sbt] class DummyProcessBuilder(override val toString: String, exitValue: => Int) extends AbstractProcessBuilder {
  override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = new DummyProcess(exitValue)
  override def canPipeTo = true
 * A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process.  `ioThreads` are the Threads created to do I/O.
 * The implementation of `exitValue` waits until these threads die before returning.
private class DummyProcess(action: => Int) extends Process {
  private[this] val exitCode = Future(action)
  override def exitValue() = exitCode()
  override def destroy() {}
/** Represents a simple command without any redirection or combination. */
private[sbt] class SimpleProcessBuilder(p: JProcessBuilder) extends AbstractProcessBuilder {
  override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process =
      import io._
      val inherited = inheritInput(p)
      val process = p.start()

      // spawn threads that process the output and error streams, and also write input if not inherited.
      if (!inherited)
      val outThread = Spawn(processOutput(process.getInputStream))
      val errorThread =
        if (!p.redirectErrorStream)
          Spawn(processError(process.getErrorStream)) :: Nil
      new SimpleProcess(process, outThread :: errorThread)
  override def toString = p.command.toString
  override def canPipeTo = true

 * A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process. `outputThreads` are the Threads created to read from the
 * output and error streams of the process.
 * The implementation of `exitValue` wait for the process to finish and then waits until the threads reading output and error streams die before
 * returning. Note that the thread that reads the input stream cannot be interrupted, see and
private class SimpleProcess(p: JProcess, outputThreads: List[Thread]) extends Process {
  override def exitValue() =
      try {
      } catch {
        case _: InterruptedException => p.destroy()
      outputThreads.foreach(_.join()) // this ensures that all output is complete before returning (waitFor does not ensure this)
  override def destroy() = p.destroy()

private class FileOutput(file: File, append: Boolean) extends OutputStreamBuilder(new FileOutputStream(file, append), file.getAbsolutePath)
private class URLInput(url: URL) extends InputStreamBuilder(url.openStream, url.toString)
private class FileInput(file: File) extends InputStreamBuilder(new FileInputStream(file), file.getAbsolutePath)

import Uncloseable.protect
private class OutputStreamBuilder(stream: => OutputStream, label: String) extends ThreadProcessBuilder(label, _.writeInput(protect(stream))) {
  def this(stream: => OutputStream) = this(stream, "")
private class InputStreamBuilder(stream: => InputStream, label: String) extends ThreadProcessBuilder(label, _.processOutput(protect(stream))) {
  def this(stream: => InputStream) = this(stream, "")

private abstract class ThreadProcessBuilder(override val toString: String, runImpl: ProcessIO => Unit) extends AbstractProcessBuilder {
  override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process =
      val success = new SyncVar[Boolean]
      new ThreadProcess(Spawn { runImpl(io); success.set(true) }, success)
private final class ThreadProcess(thread: Thread, success: SyncVar[Boolean]) extends Process {
  override def exitValue() =
      if (success.get) 0 else 1
  override def destroy() { thread.interrupt() }

object Uncloseable {
  def apply(in: InputStream): InputStream = new FilterInputStream(in) { override def close() {} }
  def apply(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = new FilterOutputStream(out) { override def close() {} }
  def protect(in: InputStream): InputStream = if (in eq Uncloseable(in) else in
  def protect(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = if ((out eq System.out) || (out eq System.err)) Uncloseable(out) else out
private object Streamed {
  def apply[T](nonzeroException: Boolean): Streamed[T] =
      val q = new java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue[Either[Int, T]]
      def next(): Stream[T] =
        q.take match {
          case Left(0)    => Stream.empty
          case Left(code) => if (nonzeroException) error("Nonzero exit code: " + code) else Stream.empty
          case Right(s)   => Stream.cons(s, next)
      new Streamed((s: T) => q.put(Right(s)), code => q.put(Left(code)), () => next())

private final class Streamed[T](val process: T => Unit, val done: Int => Unit, val stream: () => Stream[T]) extends NotNull

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