sbt.compiler.CompilerArguments.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
* Copyright 2009, 2010 Mark Harrah
package sbt
package compiler
import xsbti.ArtifactInfo
import scala.util
import CompilerArguments.{ abs, absString, BootClasspathOption }
* Forms the list of options that is passed to the compiler from the required inputs and other options.
* The directory containing scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar (scalaLibDirectory) is required in
* order to add these jars to the boot classpath. The 'scala.home' property must be unset because Scala
* puts jars in that directory on the bootclasspath. Because we use multiple Scala versions,
* this would lead to compiling against the wrong library jar.
final class CompilerArguments(scalaInstance: xsbti.compile.ScalaInstance, cp: xsbti.compile.ClasspathOptions) {
def apply(sources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], outputDirectory: Option[File], options: Seq[String]): Seq[String] =
val cpWithCompiler = finishClasspath(classpath)
// Scala compiler's treatment of empty classpath is troublesome (as of 2.9.1).
// We append a random dummy element as workaround.
val dummy = "dummy_" + Integer.toHexString(util.Random.nextInt)
val classpathOption = Seq("-classpath", if (cpWithCompiler.isEmpty) dummy else absString(cpWithCompiler))
val outputOption = outputDirectory map { out => Seq("-d", out.getAbsolutePath) } getOrElse Seq()
options ++ outputOption ++ bootClasspathOption(hasLibrary(classpath)) ++ classpathOption ++ abs(sources)
def finishClasspath(classpath: Seq[File]): Seq[File] =
filterLibrary(classpath) ++ include(cp.compiler, scalaInstance.compilerJar) ++ include(cp.extra, scalaInstance.otherJars: _*)
private[this] def include(flag: Boolean, jars: File*) = if (flag) jars else Nil
private[this] def abs(files: Seq[File]) = < _)
private[this] def checkScalaHomeUnset() {
val scalaHome = System.getProperty("scala.home")
assert((scalaHome eq null) || scalaHome.isEmpty, "'scala.home' should not be set (was " + scalaHome + ")")
def createBootClasspathFor(classpath: Seq[File]) = createBootClasspath(hasLibrary(classpath) || cp.compiler || cp.extra)
/** Add the correct Scala library jar to the boot classpath if `addLibrary` is true.*/
def createBootClasspath(addLibrary: Boolean) =
val originalBoot = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path", "")
if (addLibrary) {
val newBootPrefix = if (originalBoot.isEmpty) "" else originalBoot + File.pathSeparator
newBootPrefix + scalaInstance.libraryJar.getAbsolutePath
} else
def filterLibrary(classpath: Seq[File]) = if (cp.filterLibrary) classpath filterNot isScalaLibrary else classpath
def hasLibrary(classpath: Seq[File]) = classpath exists isScalaLibrary
private[this] val isScalaLibrary: File => Boolean = file => {
val name = file.getName
(name contains ArtifactInfo.ScalaLibraryID) || file.getName == scalaInstance.libraryJar.getName
def bootClasspathOption(addLibrary: Boolean) = if (cp.autoBoot) Seq(BootClasspathOption, createBootClasspath(addLibrary)) else Nil
def bootClasspath(addLibrary: Boolean) = if (cp.autoBoot) IO.parseClasspath(createBootClasspath(addLibrary)) else Nil
def bootClasspathFor(classpath: Seq[File]) = bootClasspath(hasLibrary(classpath))
import Path._
def extClasspath: Seq[File] = (IO.parseClasspath(System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs")) * "*.jar").get
object CompilerArguments {
val BootClasspathOption = "-bootclasspath"
def abs(files: Seq[File]): Seq[String] =
def abs(files: Set[File]): Seq[String] = abs(files.toSeq)
def absString(files: Seq[File]): String = abs(files).mkString(File.pathSeparator)
def absString(files: Set[File]): String = absString(files.toSeq)
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