xsbt.api.NameHashing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package xsbt.api
import xsbti.api.SourceAPI
import xsbti.api.Definition
import xsbti.api.DefinitionType
import xsbti.api.ClassLike
import xsbti.api._internalOnly_NameHash
import xsbti.api._internalOnly_NameHashes
import xsbti.api.DefinitionType.ClassDef
import xsbti.api.DefinitionType.Module
import xsbti.api.DefinitionType.PackageModule
import xsbti.api.DefinitionType.Trait
* A class that computes hashes for each group of definitions grouped by a simple name.
* See `nameHashes` method for details.
class NameHashing {
import NameHashing._
* This method takes an API representation and extracts a flat collection of all
* definitions contained in that API representation. Then it groups definition
* by a simple name. Lastly, it computes a hash sum of all definitions in a single
* group.
* NOTE: The hashing sum used for hashing a group of definition is insensitive
* to order of definitions.
def nameHashes(source: SourceAPI): _internalOnly_NameHashes = {
val apiPublicDefs = publicDefs(source)
val (regularDefs, implicitDefs) = apiPublicDefs.partition(locDef => !locDef.definition.modifiers.isImplicit)
val regularNameHashes = nameHashesForLocatedDefinitions(regularDefs)
val implicitNameHashes = nameHashesForLocatedDefinitions(implicitDefs)
new _internalOnly_NameHashes(regularNameHashes.toArray, implicitNameHashes.toArray)
private def nameHashesForLocatedDefinitions(locatedDefs: Iterable[LocatedDefinition]): Iterable[_internalOnly_NameHash] = {
val groupedBySimpleName = locatedDefs.groupBy(locatedDef => localName(locatedDef.definition.name))
val hashes = groupedBySimpleName.mapValues(hashLocatedDefinitions)
hashes.toIterable.map({ case (name: String, hash: Int) => new _internalOnly_NameHash(name, hash) })
private def hashLocatedDefinitions(locatedDefs: Iterable[LocatedDefinition]): Int = {
val defsWithExtraHashes = locatedDefs.toSeq.map(ld => ld.definition -> ld.location.hashCode)
* A visitor that visits given API object and extracts all nested public
* definitions it finds. The extracted definitions have Location attached
* to them which identifies API object's location.
* The returned location is basically a path to a definition that contains
* the located definition. For example, if we have:
* object Foo {
* class Bar { def abc: Int }
* }
* then location of `abc` is Seq((TermName, Foo), (TypeName, Bar))
private class ExtractPublicDefinitions extends Visit {
val locatedDefs = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[LocatedDefinition]()
private var currentLocation: Location = Location()
override def visitAPI(s: SourceAPI): Unit = {
s.packages foreach visitPackage
s.definitions foreach {
case topLevelDef: ClassLike =>
val packageName = {
val fullName = topLevelDef.name()
val lastDotIndex = fullName.lastIndexOf('.')
if (lastDotIndex <= 0) "" else fullName.substring(0, lastDotIndex - 1)
currentLocation = packageAsLocation(packageName)
override def visitDefinition(d: Definition): Unit = {
val locatedDef = LocatedDefinition(currentLocation, d)
locatedDefs += locatedDef
d match {
case cl: xsbti.api.ClassLike =>
val savedLocation = currentLocation
currentLocation = classLikeAsLocation(currentLocation, cl)
currentLocation = savedLocation
case _ =>
private def publicDefs(source: SourceAPI): Iterable[LocatedDefinition] = {
val visitor = new ExtractPublicDefinitions
private def localName(name: String): String = {
// when there's no dot in name `lastIndexOf` returns -1 so we handle
// that case properly
val index = name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1
private def packageAsLocation(pkg: String): Location = if (pkg != "") {
val selectors = pkg.split('.').map(name => Selector(name, TermName)).toSeq
Location(selectors: _*)
} else Location.Empty
private def classLikeAsLocation(prefix: Location, cl: ClassLike): Location = {
val selector = {
val clNameType = NameType(cl.definitionType)
Selector(localName(cl.name), clNameType)
Location((prefix.selectors :+ selector): _*)
object NameHashing {
private case class LocatedDefinition(location: Location, definition: Definition)
* Location is expressed as sequence of annotated names. The annotation denotes
* a type of a name, i.e. whether it's a term name or type name.
* Using Scala compiler terminology, location is defined as a sequence of member
* selections that uniquely identify a given Symbol.
private case class Location(selectors: Selector*)
private object Location {
val Empty = Location(Seq.empty: _*)
private case class Selector(name: String, nameType: NameType)
private sealed trait NameType
private object NameType {
import DefinitionType._
def apply(dt: DefinitionType): NameType = dt match {
case Trait | ClassDef => TypeName
case Module | PackageModule => TermName
private case object TermName extends NameType
private case object TypeName extends NameType
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