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xsbt.api.SameAPI.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Mark Harrah
package xsbt.api

import xsbti.api._

import Function.tupled
import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }

@deprecated("This class is not used in incremental compiler and will be removed in next major version.", "0.13.2")
class NameChanges(val newTypes: Set[String], val removedTypes: Set[String], val newTerms: Set[String], val removedTerms: Set[String]) {
  override def toString =
    (("New types", newTypes) :: ("Removed types", removedTypes) :: ("New terms", newTerms) :: ("Removed terms", removedTerms) :: Nil).map {
      case (label, set) => label + ":\n\t" + set.mkString("\n\t")
    }.mkString("Name changes:\n  ", "\n  ", "\n")


object TopLevel {
  @deprecated("The NameChanges class is deprecated and will be removed in next major version.", "0.13.2")
  def nameChanges(a: Iterable[Source], b: Iterable[Source]): NameChanges = {
    val api = (_: Source).api
    apiNameChanges(a map api, b map api)
  /** Identifies removed and new top-level definitions by name. */
  @deprecated("The NameChanges class is deprecated and will be removed in next major version.", "0.13.2")
  def apiNameChanges(a: Iterable[SourceAPI], b: Iterable[SourceAPI]): NameChanges =
      def changes(s: Set[String], t: Set[String]) = (s -- t, t -- s)

      val (avalues, atypes) = definitions(a)
      val (bvalues, btypes) = definitions(b)

      val (newTypes, removedTypes) = changes(names(atypes), names(btypes))
      val (newTerms, removedTerms) = changes(names(avalues), names(bvalues))

      new NameChanges(newTypes, removedTypes, newTerms, removedTerms)
  def definitions(i: Iterable[SourceAPI]) = SameAPI.separateDefinitions(i.toSeq.flatMap(_.definitions))
  def names(s: Iterable[Definition]): Set[String] = Set() ++

/** Checks the API of two source files for equality.*/
object SameAPI {
  def apply(a: Source, b: Source): Boolean =
    a.apiHash == b.apiHash && (a.hash.length > 0 && b.hash.length > 0) && apply(a.api, b.api)

  def apply(a: Def, b: Def): Boolean =
    (new SameAPI(false, true)).sameDefinitions(List(a), List(b), true)

  def apply(a: SourceAPI, b: SourceAPI): Boolean =
      val start = System.currentTimeMillis

      /*println("\n=========== API #1 ================")
		import DefaultShowAPI._
		println("\n=========== API #2 ================")

      val result = (new SameAPI(false, true)).check(a, b)
      val end = System.currentTimeMillis
      //println(" API comparison took: " + (end - start) / 1000.0 + " s")

  def separateDefinitions(s: Seq[Definition]): (Seq[Definition], Seq[Definition]) =
  def isValueDefinition(d: Definition): Boolean =
    d match {
      case _: FieldLike | _: Def => true
      case c: ClassLike          => isValue(c.definitionType)
      case _                     => false
  def isValue(d: DefinitionType): Boolean =
    d == DefinitionType.Module || d == DefinitionType.PackageModule
  /** Puts the given definitions in a map according to their names.*/
  def byName(s: Seq[Definition]): Map[String, List[Definition]] =
      var map = Map[String, List[Definition]]()
      for (d <- s; name =
        map = map.updated(name, d :: map.getOrElse(name, Nil))

   * Removes definitions that should not be considered for API equality.
   * All top-level definitions are always considered: 'private' only means package-private.
   * Other definitions are considered if they are not qualified with 'private[this]' or 'private'.
  def filterDefinitions(d: Seq[Definition], topLevel: Boolean, includePrivate: Boolean) = if (topLevel || includePrivate) d else d.filter(isNonPrivate)
  def isNonPrivate(d: Definition): Boolean = isNonPrivate(d.access)
  /** Returns false if the `access` is `Private` and qualified, true otherwise.*/
  def isNonPrivate(access: Access): Boolean =
    access match {
      case p: Private if !p.qualifier.isInstanceOf[IdQualifier] => false
      case _ => true
 * Used to implement API equality.
 * If `includePrivate` is true, `private` and `private[this]` members are included in the comparison.  Otherwise, those members are excluded.
class SameAPI(includePrivate: Boolean, includeParamNames: Boolean) {
  import SameAPI._

  private val pending = new mutable.HashSet[AnyRef]
  private[this] val debugEnabled = java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("xsbt.api.debug")
  def debug(flag: Boolean, msg: => String): Boolean =
      if (debugEnabled && !flag) println(msg)

  /** Returns true if source `a` has the same API as source `b`.*/
  def check(a: SourceAPI, b: SourceAPI): Boolean =
      samePackages(a, b) &&
        debug(sameDefinitions(a, b), "Definitions differed")

  def samePackages(a: SourceAPI, b: SourceAPI): Boolean =
    sameStrings(packages(a), packages(b))
  def packages(s: SourceAPI): Set[String] =
    Set() ++

  def sameDefinitions(a: SourceAPI, b: SourceAPI): Boolean =
    sameDefinitions(a.definitions, b.definitions, true)
  def sameDefinitions(a: Seq[Definition], b: Seq[Definition], topLevel: Boolean): Boolean =
      val (avalues, atypes) = separateDefinitions(filterDefinitions(a, topLevel, includePrivate))
      val (bvalues, btypes) = separateDefinitions(filterDefinitions(b, topLevel, includePrivate))
      debug(sameDefinitions(byName(avalues), byName(bvalues)), "Value definitions differed") &&
        debug(sameDefinitions(byName(atypes), byName(btypes)), "Type definitions differed")
  def sameDefinitions(a: scala.collection.Map[String, List[Definition]], b: scala.collection.Map[String, List[Definition]]): Boolean =
    debug(sameStrings(a.keySet, b.keySet), "\tDefinition strings differed (a: " + (a.keySet -- b.keySet) + ", b: " + (b.keySet -- a.keySet) + ")") &&
      zippedEntries(a, b).forall(tupled(sameNamedDefinitions))

   * Checks that the definitions in `a` are the same as those in `b`, ignoring order.
   * Each list is assumed to have already been checked to have the same names (by `sameDefinitions`, for example).
  def sameNamedDefinitions(a: List[Definition], b: List[Definition]): Boolean =
      def sameDefs(a: List[Definition], b: List[Definition]): Boolean =
          a match {
            case adef :: atail =>
              def sameDef(seen: List[Definition], remaining: List[Definition]): Boolean =
                remaining match {
                  case Nil => debug(false, "Definition different in new API: \n" +
                  case bdef :: btail =>
                    val eq = sameDefinitionContent(adef, bdef)
                    if (eq) sameDefs(atail, seen ::: btail) else sameDef(bdef :: seen, btail)
              sameDef(Nil, b)
            case Nil => true
      debug((a.length == b.length), "\t\tLength differed for " +"empty")) && sameDefs(a, b)

  /** Checks that the two definitions are the same, other than their name.*/
  def sameDefinitionContent(a: Definition, b: Definition): Boolean =
    samePending(a, b)(sameDefinitionContentDirect)
  def sameDefinitionContentDirect(a: Definition, b: Definition): Boolean =
      // == &&
      debug(sameAccess(a.access, b.access), "Access differed") &&
        debug(sameModifiers(a.modifiers, b.modifiers), "Modifiers differed") &&
        debug(sameAnnotations(a.annotations, b.annotations), "Annotations differed") &&
        debug(sameDefinitionSpecificAPI(a, b), "Definition-specific differed")

  def sameAccess(a: Access, b: Access): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (_: Public, _: Public)         => true
      case (qa: Protected, qb: Protected) => sameQualifier(qa, qb)
      case (qa: Private, qb: Private)     => sameQualifier(qa, qb)
      case _                              => debug(false, "Different access categories")
  def sameQualifier(a: Qualified, b: Qualified): Boolean =
    sameQualifier(a.qualifier, b.qualifier)
  def sameQualifier(a: Qualifier, b: Qualifier): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (_: Unqualified, _: Unqualified)     => true
      case (_: ThisQualifier, _: ThisQualifier) => true
      case (ia: IdQualifier, ib: IdQualifier)   => debug(ia.value == ib.value, "Different qualifiers")
      case _                                    => debug(false, "Different qualifier categories: " + a.getClass.getName + " -- " + b.getClass.getName)

  def sameModifiers(a: Modifiers, b: Modifiers): Boolean =
    bitSet(a) == bitSet(b)

  def bitSet(m: Modifiers): immutable.BitSet =
      import m._
      val bs = new mutable.BitSet
      setIf(bs, isAbstract, 0)
      setIf(bs, isOverride, 1)
      setIf(bs, isFinal, 2)
      setIf(bs, isSealed, 3)
      setIf(bs, isImplicit, 4)
      setIf(bs, isLazy, 5)
      setIf(bs, isMacro, 6)
  def setIf(bs: mutable.BitSet, flag: Boolean, i: Int): Unit =
    if (flag) bs += i

  def sameAnnotations(a: Seq[Annotation], b: Seq[Annotation]): Boolean =
    sameSeq(a, b)(sameAnnotation)
  def sameAnnotation(a: Annotation, b: Annotation): Boolean =
    debug(sameType(a.base, b.base), "Annotation base type differed") &&
      debug(sameAnnotationArguments(a.arguments, b.arguments), "Annotation arguments differed (" + a + ") and (" + b + ")")
  def sameAnnotationArguments(a: Seq[AnnotationArgument], b: Seq[AnnotationArgument]): Boolean =
    argumentMap(a) == argumentMap(b)
  def argumentMap(a: Seq[AnnotationArgument]): Map[String, String] =
    Map() ++ => (, arg.value))

  def sameDefinitionSpecificAPI(a: Definition, b: Definition): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (fa: FieldLike, fb: FieldLike) => sameFieldSpecificAPI(fa, fb)
      case (pa: ParameterizedDefinition, pb: ParameterizedDefinition) => sameParameterizedDefinition(pa, pb)
      case _ => false

  def sameParameterizedDefinition(a: ParameterizedDefinition, b: ParameterizedDefinition): Boolean =
    debug(sameTypeParameters(a.typeParameters, b.typeParameters), "Different type parameters for " + &&
      sameParameterizedSpecificAPI(a, b)

  def sameParameterizedSpecificAPI(a: ParameterizedDefinition, b: ParameterizedDefinition): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (da: Def, db: Def) => sameDefSpecificAPI(da, db)
      case (ca: ClassLike, cb: ClassLike) => sameClassLikeSpecificAPI(ca, cb)
      case (ta: TypeAlias, tb: TypeAlias) => sameAliasSpecificAPI(ta, tb)
      case (ta: TypeDeclaration, tb: TypeDeclaration) => sameDeclarationSpecificAPI(ta, tb)
      case _ => false

  def sameDefSpecificAPI(a: Def, b: Def): Boolean =
    debug(sameValueParameters(a.valueParameters, b.valueParameters), "Different def value parameters for " + &&
      debug(sameType(a.returnType, b.returnType), "Different def return type for " +
  def sameAliasSpecificAPI(a: TypeAlias, b: TypeAlias): Boolean =
    debug(sameType(a.tpe, b.tpe), "Different alias type for " +
  def sameDeclarationSpecificAPI(a: TypeDeclaration, b: TypeDeclaration): Boolean =
    debug(sameType(a.lowerBound, b.lowerBound), "Different lower bound for declaration " + &&
      debug(sameType(a.upperBound, b.upperBound), "Different upper bound for declaration " +
  def sameFieldSpecificAPI(a: FieldLike, b: FieldLike): Boolean =
    debug(sameFieldCategory(a, b), "Different field categories (" + + "=" + a.getClass.getName + " -- " + + "=" + a.getClass.getName + ")") &&
      debug(sameType(a.tpe, b.tpe), "Different field type for " +

  def sameFieldCategory(a: FieldLike, b: FieldLike): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (_: Val, _: Val) => true
      case (_: Var, _: Var) => true
      case _                => false

  def sameClassLikeSpecificAPI(a: ClassLike, b: ClassLike): Boolean =
    sameDefinitionType(a.definitionType, b.definitionType) &&
      sameType(a.selfType, b.selfType) &&
      sameStructure(a.structure, b.structure)

  def sameValueParameters(a: Seq[ParameterList], b: Seq[ParameterList]): Boolean =
    sameSeq(a, b)(sameParameterList)

  def sameParameterList(a: ParameterList, b: ParameterList): Boolean =
    (a.isImplicit == b.isImplicit) &&
      sameParameters(a.parameters, b.parameters)
  def sameParameters(a: Seq[MethodParameter], b: Seq[MethodParameter]): Boolean =
    sameSeq(a, b)(sameMethodParameter)
  def sameMethodParameter(a: MethodParameter, b: MethodParameter): Boolean =
    (!includeParamNames || == &&
      sameType(a.tpe, b.tpe) &&
      (a.hasDefault == b.hasDefault) &&
      sameParameterModifier(a.modifier, b.modifier)
  def sameParameterModifier(a: ParameterModifier, b: ParameterModifier) =
    a == b
  def sameDefinitionType(a: DefinitionType, b: DefinitionType): Boolean =
    a == b
  def sameVariance(a: Variance, b: Variance): Boolean =
    a == b

  def sameTypeParameters(a: Seq[TypeParameter], b: Seq[TypeParameter]): Boolean =
    debug(sameSeq(a, b)(sameTypeParameter), "Different type parameters")
  def sameTypeParameter(a: TypeParameter, b: TypeParameter): Boolean =
      sameTypeParameters(a.typeParameters, b.typeParameters) &&
        debug(sameAnnotations(a.annotations, b.annotations), "Different type parameter annotations") &&
        debug(sameVariance(a.variance, b.variance), "Different variance") &&
        debug(sameType(a.lowerBound, b.lowerBound), "Different lower bound") &&
        debug(sameType(a.upperBound, b.upperBound), "Different upper bound") &&
  def sameTags(a: String, b: String): Boolean =
    debug(a == b, "Different type parameter bindings: " + a + ", " + b)

  def sameType(a: Type, b: Type): Boolean =
    samePending(a, b)(sameTypeDirect)
  def sameTypeDirect(a: Type, b: Type): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (sa: SimpleType, sb: SimpleType)   => debug(sameSimpleTypeDirect(sa, sb), "Different simple types: " + DefaultShowAPI(sa) + " and " + DefaultShowAPI(sb))
      case (ca: Constant, cb: Constant)       => debug(sameConstantType(ca, cb), "Different constant types: " + DefaultShowAPI(ca) + " and " + DefaultShowAPI(cb))
      case (aa: Annotated, ab: Annotated)     => debug(sameAnnotatedType(aa, ab), "Different annotated types")
      case (sa: Structure, sb: Structure)     => debug(sameStructureDirect(sa, sb), "Different structure type")
      case (ea: Existential, eb: Existential) => debug(sameExistentialType(ea, eb), "Different existential type")
      case (pa: Polymorphic, pb: Polymorphic) => debug(samePolymorphicType(pa, pb), "Different polymorphic type")
      case _                                  => differentCategory("type", a, b)

  def sameConstantType(ca: Constant, cb: Constant): Boolean =
    sameType(ca.baseType, cb.baseType) &&
      ca.value == cb.value
  def sameExistentialType(a: Existential, b: Existential): Boolean =
    sameTypeParameters(a.clause, b.clause) &&
      sameType(a.baseType, b.baseType)
  def samePolymorphicType(a: Polymorphic, b: Polymorphic): Boolean =
    sameTypeParameters(a.parameters, b.parameters) &&
      sameType(a.baseType, b.baseType)
  def sameAnnotatedType(a: Annotated, b: Annotated): Boolean =
    sameType(a.baseType, b.baseType) &&
      sameAnnotations(a.annotations, b.annotations)
  def sameStructure(a: Structure, b: Structure): Boolean =
    samePending(a, b)(sameStructureDirect)

  private[this] def samePending[T](a: T, b: T)(f: (T, T) => Boolean): Boolean =
    if (pending add ((a, b))) f(a, b) else true

  def sameStructureDirect(a: Structure, b: Structure): Boolean =
      sameSeq(a.parents, b.parents)(sameType) &&
        sameMembers(a.declared, b.declared) &&
        sameMembers(a.inherited, b.inherited)

  def sameMembers(a: Seq[Definition], b: Seq[Definition]): Boolean =
    sameDefinitions(a, b, false)

  def sameSimpleType(a: SimpleType, b: SimpleType): Boolean =
    samePending(a, b)(sameSimpleTypeDirect)
  def sameSimpleTypeDirect(a: SimpleType, b: SimpleType): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (pa: Projection, pb: Projection)       => debug(sameProjection(pa, pb), "Different projection")
      case (pa: ParameterRef, pb: ParameterRef)   => debug(sameParameterRef(pa, pb), "Different parameter ref")
      case (sa: Singleton, sb: Singleton)         => debug(sameSingleton(sa, sb), "Different singleton")
      case (_: EmptyType, _: EmptyType)           => true
      case (pa: Parameterized, pb: Parameterized) => debug(sameParameterized(pa, pb), "Different parameterized")
      case _                                      => differentCategory("simple type", a, b)
  def differentCategory(label: String, a: AnyRef, b: AnyRef): Boolean =
    debug(false, "Different category of " + label + " (" + a.getClass.getName + " and " + b.getClass.getName + ") for (" + a + " and " + b + ")")

  def sameParameterized(a: Parameterized, b: Parameterized): Boolean =
    sameSimpleType(a.baseType, b.baseType) &&
      sameSeq(a.typeArguments, b.typeArguments)(sameType)
  def sameParameterRef(a: ParameterRef, b: ParameterRef): Boolean = sameTags(,
  def sameSingleton(a: Singleton, b: Singleton): Boolean =
    samePath(a.path, b.path)
  def sameProjection(a: Projection, b: Projection): Boolean =
    sameSimpleType(a.prefix, b.prefix) &&
      ( ==

  def samePath(a: Path, b: Path): Boolean =
    samePathComponents(a.components, b.components)
  def samePathComponents(a: Seq[PathComponent], b: Seq[PathComponent]): Boolean =
    sameSeq(a, b)(samePathComponent)
  def samePathComponent(a: PathComponent, b: PathComponent): Boolean =
    (a, b) match {
      case (_: This, _: This)     => true
      case (sa: Super, sb: Super) => samePathSuper(sa, sb)
      case (ia: Id, ib: Id)       => samePathId(ia, ib)
      case _                      => false
  def samePathSuper(a: Super, b: Super): Boolean =
    samePath(a.qualifier, b.qualifier)
  def samePathId(a: Id, b: Id): Boolean = ==

  // precondition: a.keySet == b.keySet
  protected def zippedEntries[A, B](a: scala.collection.Map[A, B], b: scala.collection.Map[A, B]): Iterable[(B, B)] =
    for ((key, avalue) <- a) yield (avalue, b(key))

  def sameStrings(a: scala.collection.Set[String], b: scala.collection.Set[String]): Boolean =
    a == b
  final def sameSeq[T](a: Seq[T], b: Seq[T])(eq: (T, T) => Boolean): Boolean =
    (a.length == b.length) && (a zip b).forall(tupled(eq))

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