xsbt.api.ShowAPI.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
* Copyright 2010 Mark Harrah
package xsbt.api
import xsbti.api._
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
final class ShowLazy[A](delegate: => Show[A]) extends Show[A] {
private lazy val s = delegate
def show(a: A) = s.show(a)
import ShowAPI._
object ShowAPI {
def Show[T](implicit s: Show[T]): Show[T] = s
def show[T](t: T)(implicit s: Show[T]): String = s.show(t)
def bounds(lower: Type, upper: Type)(implicit t: Show[Type]): String =
">: " + t.show(lower) + " <: " + t.show(upper)
import ParameterModifier._
def parameterModifier(base: String, pm: ParameterModifier): String =
pm match {
case Plain => base
case Repeated => base + "*"
case ByName => "=> " + base
def concat[A](list: Seq[A], as: Show[A], sep: String): String = mapSeq(list, as).mkString(sep)
def commas[A](list: Seq[A], as: Show[A]): String = concat(list, as, ", ")
def spaced[A](list: Seq[A], as: Show[A]): String = concat(list, as, " ")
def lines[A](list: Seq[A], as: Show[A]): String = mapSeq(list, as).mkString("\n")
def mapSeq[A](list: Seq[A], as: Show[A]): Seq[String] = list.map(as.show)
trait ShowBase {
implicit def showAnnotation(implicit as: Show[AnnotationArgument], t: Show[Type]): Show[Annotation] =
new Show[Annotation] { def show(a: Annotation) = "@" + t.show(a.base) + (if (a.arguments.isEmpty) "" else "(" + commas(a.arguments, as) + ")") }
implicit def showAnnotationArgument: Show[AnnotationArgument] =
new Show[AnnotationArgument] { def show(a: AnnotationArgument) = a.name + " = " + a.value }
import Variance._
implicit def showVariance: Show[Variance] =
new Show[Variance] { def show(v: Variance) = v match { case Invariant => ""; case Covariant => "+"; case Contravariant => "-" } }
implicit def showSource(implicit ps: Show[Package], ds: Show[Definition]): Show[SourceAPI] =
new Show[SourceAPI] { def show(a: SourceAPI) = lines(a.packages, ps) + "\n" + lines(a.definitions, ds) }
implicit def showPackage: Show[Package] =
new Show[Package] { def show(pkg: Package) = "package " + pkg.name }
implicit def showAccess(implicit sq: Show[Qualified]): Show[Access] =
new Show[Access] {
def show(a: Access) =
a match {
case p: Public => ""
case q: Qualified => sq.show(q)
implicit def showQualified(implicit sq: Show[Qualifier]): Show[Qualified] =
new Show[Qualified] {
def show(q: Qualified) =
((q match {
case p: Protected => "protected"
case p: Private => "private"
+ sq.show(q.qualifier))
implicit def showQualifier: Show[Qualifier] =
new Show[Qualifier] {
def show(q: Qualifier) =
q match {
case _: Unqualified => ""
case _: ThisQualifier => "[this]"
case i: IdQualifier => "[" + i.value + "]"
implicit def showModifiers: Show[Modifiers] =
new Show[Modifiers] {
def show(m: Modifiers) =
val mods =
(m.isOverride, "override") ::
(m.isFinal, "final") ::
(m.isSealed, "sealed") ::
(m.isImplicit, "implicit") ::
(m.isAbstract, "abstract") ::
(m.isLazy, "lazy") ::
mods.filter(_._1).map(_._2).mkString(" ")
implicit def showDefinitionType: Show[DefinitionType] =
new Show[DefinitionType] {
import DefinitionType._
def show(dt: DefinitionType) =
dt match {
case Trait => "trait"
case ClassDef => "class"
case Module => "object"
case PackageModule => "package object"
trait ShowDefinitions {
implicit def showVal(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], t: Show[Type]): Show[Val] =
new Show[Val] { def show(v: Val) = definitionBase(v, "val")(acs, ms, ans) + ": " + t.show(v.tpe) }
implicit def showVar(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], t: Show[Type]): Show[Var] =
new Show[Var] { def show(v: Var) = definitionBase(v, "var")(acs, ms, ans) + ": " + t.show(v.tpe) }
implicit def showDef(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]], vp: Show[Seq[ParameterList]], t: Show[Type]): Show[Def] =
new Show[Def] { def show(d: Def) = parameterizedDef(d, "def")(acs, ms, ans, tp) + vp.show(d.valueParameters) + ": " + t.show(d.returnType) }
implicit def showClassLike(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]], dt: Show[DefinitionType], s: Show[Structure], t: Show[Type]): Show[ClassLike] =
new Show[ClassLike] { def show(cl: ClassLike) = parameterizedDef(cl, dt.show(cl.definitionType))(acs, ms, ans, tp) + " requires " + t.show(cl.selfType) + " extends " + s.show(cl.structure) }
implicit def showTypeAlias(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]], t: Show[Type]): Show[TypeAlias] =
new Show[TypeAlias] { def show(ta: TypeAlias) = parameterizedDef(ta, "type")(acs, ms, ans, tp) + " = " + t.show(ta.tpe) }
implicit def showTypeDeclaration(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]], t: Show[Type]): Show[TypeDeclaration] =
new Show[TypeDeclaration] { def show(td: TypeDeclaration) = parameterizedDef(td, "type")(acs, ms, ans, tp) + bounds(td.lowerBound, td.upperBound) }
def showClassLikeSimple(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]], dt: Show[DefinitionType]): Show[ClassLike] =
new Show[ClassLike] { def show(cl: ClassLike) = parameterizedDef(cl, dt.show(cl.definitionType))(acs, ms, ans, tp) }
def parameterizedDef(d: ParameterizedDefinition, label: String)(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]]): String =
definitionBase(d, label)(acs, ms, ans) + tp.show(d.typeParameters)
def definitionBase(d: Definition, label: String)(implicit acs: Show[Access], ms: Show[Modifiers], ans: Show[Annotation]): String =
space(spaced(d.annotations, ans)) + space(acs.show(d.access)) + space(ms.show(d.modifiers)) + space(label) + d.name
def space(s: String) = if (s.isEmpty) s else s + " "
trait ShowDefinition {
implicit def showDefinition(implicit vl: Show[Val], vr: Show[Var], ds: Show[Def], cl: Show[ClassLike], ta: Show[TypeAlias], td: Show[TypeDeclaration]): Show[Definition] =
new Show[Definition] {
def show(d: Definition) =
d match {
case v: Val => vl.show(v)
case v: Var => vr.show(v)
case d: Def => ds.show(d)
case c: ClassLike => cl.show(c)
case t: TypeAlias => ta.show(t)
case t: TypeDeclaration => td.show(t)
trait ShowType {
implicit def showType(implicit s: Show[SimpleType], a: Show[Annotated], st: Show[Structure], c: Show[Constant], e: Show[Existential], po: Show[Polymorphic]): Show[Type] =
new Show[Type] {
def show(t: Type) =
t match {
case q: SimpleType => s.show(q)
case q: Constant => c.show(q)
case q: Annotated => a.show(q)
case q: Structure => st.show(q)
case q: Existential => e.show(q)
case q: Polymorphic => po.show(q)
implicit def showSimpleType(implicit pr: Show[Projection], pa: Show[ParameterRef], si: Show[Singleton], et: Show[EmptyType], p: Show[Parameterized]): Show[SimpleType] =
new Show[SimpleType] {
def show(t: SimpleType) =
t match {
case q: Projection => pr.show(q)
case q: ParameterRef => pa.show(q)
case q: Singleton => si.show(q)
case q: EmptyType => et.show(q)
case q: Parameterized => p.show(q)
trait ShowBasicTypes {
implicit def showSingleton(implicit p: Show[Path]): Show[Singleton] =
new Show[Singleton] { def show(s: Singleton) = p.show(s.path) }
implicit def showEmptyType: Show[EmptyType] =
new Show[EmptyType] { def show(e: EmptyType) = "" }
implicit def showParameterRef: Show[ParameterRef] =
new Show[ParameterRef] { def show(p: ParameterRef) = "<" + p.id + ">" }
trait ShowTypes {
implicit def showStructure(implicit t: Show[Type], d: Show[Definition]): Show[Structure] =
new Show[Structure] {
def show(s: Structure) = {
// don't show inherited class like definitions to avoid dealing with cycles
val safeInherited = s.inherited.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[ClassLike])
val showInherited: Show[Definition] = new Show[Definition] {
def show(deff: Definition): String = "^inherited^ " + d.show(deff)
concat(s.parents, t, " with ") + "\n{\n" + lines(safeInherited, showInherited) + "\n" + lines(s.declared, d) + "\n}"
implicit def showAnnotated(implicit as: Show[Annotation], t: Show[Type]): Show[Annotated] =
new Show[Annotated] { def show(a: Annotated) = spaced(a.annotations, as) + " " + t.show(a.baseType) }
implicit def showProjection(implicit t: Show[SimpleType]): Show[Projection] =
new Show[Projection] { def show(p: Projection) = t.show(p.prefix) + "#" + p.id }
implicit def showParameterized(implicit t: Show[Type]): Show[Parameterized] =
new Show[Parameterized] { def show(p: Parameterized) = t.show(p.baseType) + mapSeq(p.typeArguments, t).mkString("[", ", ", "]") }
implicit def showConstant(implicit t: Show[Type]): Show[Constant] =
new Show[Constant] { def show(c: Constant) = t.show(c.baseType) + "(" + c.value + ")" }
implicit def showExistential(implicit t: Show[Type], tp: Show[TypeParameter]): Show[Existential] =
new Show[Existential] {
def show(e: Existential) =
t.show(e.baseType) + e.clause.map(t => "type " + tp.show(t)).mkString(" forSome { ", "; ", "}")
implicit def showPolymorphic(implicit t: Show[Type], tps: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]]): Show[Polymorphic] =
new Show[Polymorphic] { def show(p: Polymorphic) = t.show(p.baseType) + tps.show(p.parameters) }
trait ShowPath {
implicit def showPath(implicit pc: Show[PathComponent]): Show[Path] =
new Show[Path] { def show(p: Path) = mapSeq(p.components, pc).mkString(".") }
implicit def showPathComponent(implicit sp: Show[Path]): Show[PathComponent] =
new Show[PathComponent] {
def show(p: PathComponent) =
p match {
case s: Super => "super[" + sp.show(s.qualifier) + "]"
case _: This => "this"
case i: Id => i.id
trait ShowValueParameters {
implicit def showParameterLists(implicit pl: Show[ParameterList]): Show[Seq[ParameterList]] =
new Show[Seq[ParameterList]] { def show(p: Seq[ParameterList]) = concat(p, pl, "") }
implicit def showParameterList(implicit mp: Show[MethodParameter]): Show[ParameterList] =
new Show[ParameterList] { def show(pl: ParameterList) = "(" + (if (pl.isImplicit) "implicit " else "") + commas(pl.parameters, mp) + ")" }
implicit def showMethodParameter(implicit t: Show[Type]): Show[MethodParameter] =
new Show[MethodParameter] {
def show(mp: MethodParameter) =
mp.name + ": " + parameterModifier(t.show(mp.tpe), mp.modifier) + (if (mp.hasDefault) "= ..." else "")
trait ShowTypeParameters {
implicit def showTypeParameters(implicit as: Show[TypeParameter]): Show[Seq[TypeParameter]] =
new Show[Seq[TypeParameter]] { def show(tps: Seq[TypeParameter]) = if (tps.isEmpty) "" else mapSeq(tps, as).mkString("[", ",", "]") }
implicit def showTypeParameter(implicit as: Show[Annotation], tp: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]], t: Show[Type], v: Show[Variance]): Show[TypeParameter] =
new Show[TypeParameter] {
def show(tps: TypeParameter) =
spaced(tps.annotations, as) + " " + v.show(tps.variance) + tps.id + tp.show(tps.typeParameters) + " " + bounds(tps.lowerBound, tps.upperBound)
// this class is a hack to resolve some diverging implicit errors.
// I'm pretty sure the cause is the Show[Seq[T]] dominating Show[X] issue.
// It could probably be reduced a bit if that is the case (below was trial and error)
object DefaultShowAPI extends ShowBase with ShowBasicTypes with ShowValueParameters {
def apply(d: Definition) = ShowAPI.show(d)
def apply(d: Type) = ShowAPI.show(d)
implicit lazy val showVal: Show[Val] = Cyclic.showVal
implicit lazy val showVar: Show[Var] = Cyclic.showVar
implicit lazy val showClassLike: Show[ClassLike] = Cyclic.showClassLike
implicit lazy val showTypeDeclaration: Show[TypeDeclaration] = Cyclic.showTypeDeclaration
implicit lazy val showTypeAlias: Show[TypeAlias] = Cyclic.showTypeAlias
implicit lazy val showDef: Show[Def] = Cyclic.showDef
implicit lazy val showProj: Show[Projection] = Cyclic.showProjection
implicit lazy val showPoly: Show[Polymorphic] = Cyclic.showPolymorphic
implicit lazy val showSimple: Show[SimpleType] = new ShowLazy(Cyclic.showSimpleType)
implicit lazy val showAnnotated: Show[Annotated] = Cyclic.showAnnotated
implicit lazy val showExistential: Show[Existential] = Cyclic.showExistential
implicit lazy val showConstant: Show[Constant] = Cyclic.showConstant
implicit lazy val showParameterized: Show[Parameterized] = Cyclic.showParameterized
implicit lazy val showTypeParameters: Show[Seq[TypeParameter]] = new ShowLazy(Cyclic.showTypeParameters)
implicit lazy val showTypeParameter: Show[TypeParameter] = Cyclic.showTypeParameter
implicit lazy val showDefinition: Show[Definition] = new ShowLazy(Cyclic.showDefinition)
implicit lazy val showType: Show[Type] = new ShowLazy(Cyclic.showType)
implicit lazy val showStructure: Show[Structure] = new ShowLazy(Cyclic.showStructure)
implicit lazy val showPath: Show[Path] = new ShowLazy(Cyclic.showPath)
implicit lazy val showPathComponent: Show[PathComponent] = Cyclic.showPathComponent
private object Cyclic extends ShowTypes with ShowType with ShowPath with ShowDefinition with ShowDefinitions with ShowTypeParameters
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