com.uber.cadence.activity.Activity Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012-2016, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Modifications copyright (C) 2017 Uber Technologies, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is
* located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.uber.cadence.activity;
import com.uber.cadence.client.ActivityCompletionException;
import com.uber.cadence.internal.sync.ActivityInternal;
import com.uber.cadence.internal.sync.WorkflowInternal;
import com.uber.cadence.serviceclient.IWorkflowService;
import com.uber.cadence.workflow.ActivityException;
import com.uber.cadence.workflow.ActivityTimeoutException;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Optional;
* An activity is the implementation of a particular task in the business logic.
* Activity Interface
* Activities are defined as methods of a plain Java interface. Each method defines a single
* activity type. A single workflow can use more than one activity interface and call more than one
* activity method from the same interface. The only requirement is that activity method arguments
* and return values are serializable to a byte array using the provided {@link
* com.uber.cadence.converter.DataConverter} implementation. The default implementation uses JSON
* serializer, but an alternative implementation can be easily configured.
Example of an interface that defines four activities:
* public interface FileProcessingActivities {
* void upload(String bucketName, String localName, String targetName);
* String download(String bucketName, String remoteName);
* {@literal @}ActivityMethod(scheduleToCloseTimeoutSeconds = 2)
* String processFile(String localName);
* void deleteLocalFile(String fileName);
* }
* An optional {@literal @}{@link ActivityMethod} annotation can be used to specify activity options
* like timeouts or a task list. Required options that are not specified through the annotation must
* be specified at run time.
* Activity Implementation
* Activity implementation is an implementation of an activity interface. A single instance of
* the activity's implementation is shared across multiple simultaneous activity invocations.
* Therefore, the activity implementation code must be thread safe.
The values passed to activities through invocation parameters or returned through a result
* value are recorded in the execution history. The entire execution history is transferred from the
* Cadence service to workflow workers when a workflow state needs to recover. A large execution
* history can thus adversely impact the performance of your workflow. Therefore, be mindful of the
* amount of data you transfer via activity invocation parameters or return values. Other than that,
* no additional limitations exist on activity implementations.
* public class FileProcessingActivitiesImpl implements FileProcessingActivities {
* private final AmazonS3 s3Client;
* private final String localDirectory;
* void upload(String bucketName, String localName, String targetName) {
* File f = new File(localName);
* s3Client.putObject(bucket, remoteName, f);
* }
* String download(String bucketName, String remoteName, String localName) {
* // Implementation omitted for brevity.
* return downloadFileFromS3(bucketName, remoteName, localDirectory + localName);
* }
* String processFile(String localName) {
* // Implementation omitted for brevity.
* return compressFile(localName);
* }
* void deleteLocalFile(String fileName) {
* File f = new File(localDirectory + fileName);
* f.delete();
* }
* }
* Accessing Activity Info
* The {@link Activity} class provides static getters to access information about the workflow
* that invoked it. Note that this information is stored in a thread-local variable. Therefore,
* calls to Activity accessors succeed only in the thread that invoked the activity function.
* public class FileProcessingActivitiesImpl implements FileProcessingActivities {
* {@literal @}Override
* public String download(String bucketName, String remoteName, String localName) {
*"domain=" + Activity.getDomain());
* WorkflowExecution execution = Activity.getWorkflowExecution();
*"workflowId=" + execution.getWorkflowId());
*"runId=" + execution.getRunId());
* ActivityTask activityTask = Activity.getTask();
*"activityId=" + activityTask.getActivityId());
*"activityTimeout=" + activityTask.getStartToCloseTimeoutSeconds());
* return downloadFileFromS3(bucketName, remoteName, localDirectory + localName);
* }
* ...
* }
* Asynchronous Activity Completion
* Sometimes an activity lifecycle goes beyond a synchronous method invocation. For example, a
* request can be put in a queue and later a reply comes and is picked up by a different worker
* process. The whole request-reply interaction can be modeled as a single Cadence activity.
To indicate that an activity should not be completed upon its method return, call {@link
* Activity#doNotCompleteOnReturn()} from the original activity thread. Then later, when replies
* come, complete the activity using {@link com.uber.cadence.client.ActivityCompletionClient}. To
* correlate activity invocation with completion use either {@code TaskToken} or workflow and
* activity IDs.
* public class FileProcessingActivitiesImpl implements FileProcessingActivities {
* public String download(String bucketName, String remoteName, String localName) {
* byte[] taskToken = Activity.getTaskToken(); // Used to correlate reply
* asyncDownloadFileFromS3(taskToken, bucketName, remoteName, localDirectory + localName);
* Activity.doNotCompleteOnReturn();
* return "ignored"; // Return value is ignored when doNotCompleteOnReturn was called.
* }
* ...
* }
* When the download is complete, the download service potentially calls back from a different
* process:
* public void completeActivity(byte[] taskToken, R result) {
* completionClient.complete(taskToken, result);
* }
* public void failActivity(byte[] taskToken, Exception failure) {
* completionClient.completeExceptionally(taskToken, failure);
* }
* Activity Heartbeating
* Some activities are long running. To react to their crashes quickly, use a heartbeat
* mechanism. Use the {@link Activity#heartbeat(Object)} function to let the Cadence service know
* that the activity is still alive. You can piggyback `details` on an activity heartbeat. If an
* activity times out, the last value of `details` is included in the ActivityTimeoutException
* delivered to a workflow. Then the workflow can pass the details to the next activity invocation.
* This acts as a periodic checkpointing mechanism of an activity's progress.
* public class FileProcessingActivitiesImpl implements FileProcessingActivities {
* {@literal @}Override
* public String download(String bucketName, String remoteName, String localName) {
* InputStream inputStream = openInputStream(file);
* try {
* byte[] bytes = new byte[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
* while ((read = != -1) {
* totalRead += read;
* f.write(bytes, 0, read);
* // Let the service know about the download progress.
* Activity.heartbeat(totalRead);
* }
* }finally{
* inputStream.close();
* }
* }
* ...
* }
* @see com.uber.cadence.worker.Worker
* @see com.uber.cadence.workflow.Workflow
* @see com.uber.cadence.client.WorkflowClient
public final class Activity {
* If this method is called during an activity execution then activity is not going to complete
* when its method returns. It is expected to be completed asynchronously using {@link
* com.uber.cadence.client.ActivityCompletionClient}.
public static void doNotCompleteOnReturn() {
* @return task token that is required to report task completion when manual activity completion
* is used.
public static byte[] getTaskToken() {
return ActivityInternal.getTask().getTaskToken();
/** @return workfow execution that requested the activity execution */
public static com.uber.cadence.WorkflowExecution getWorkflowExecution() {
return ActivityInternal.getTask().getWorkflowExecution();
/** @return task that caused activity execution */
public static ActivityTask getTask() {
return ActivityInternal.getTask();
* Use to notify Cadence service that activity execution is alive.
* @param details In case of activity timeout can be accessed through {@link
* ActivityTimeoutException#getDetails(Class)} method.
* @throws ActivityCompletionException Indicates that activity execution is expected to be
* interrupted. The reason for interruption is indicated by a type of subclass of the
* exception.
public static void heartbeat(V details) throws ActivityCompletionException {
* Extracts heartbeat details from the last failed attempt. This is used in combination with retry
* options. An activity could be scheduled with an optional {@link
* com.uber.cadence.common.RetryOptions} on {@link ActivityOptions}. If an activity failed then
* the server would attempt to dispatch another activity task to retry according to the retry
* options. If there was heartbeat details reported by the activity from the failed attempt, the
* details would be delivered along with the activity task for the retry attempt. The activity
* could extract the details by {@link #getHeartbeatDetails(Class)}() and resume from the
* progress.
* @param detailsClass type of the heartbeat details
public static Optional getHeartbeatDetails(Class detailsClass) {
return ActivityInternal.getHeartbeatDetails(detailsClass, detailsClass);
* Similar to {@link #getHeartbeatDetails(Class)}. Use when details is of a generic type.
* @param detailsClass type of the heartbeat details
* @param detailsType type including generic information of the heartbeat details.
public static Optional getHeartbeatDetails(Class detailsClass, Type detailsType) {
return ActivityInternal.getHeartbeatDetails(detailsClass, detailsType);
* @return an instance of the Simple Workflow Java client that is the same used by the invoked
* activity worker. It can be useful if activity wants to use WorkflowClient for some
* operations like sending signal to its parent workflow. @TODO getWorkflowClient method to
* hide the service.
public static IWorkflowService getService() {
return ActivityInternal.getService();
public static String getDomain() {
return ActivityInternal.getDomain();
* If there is a need to return a checked exception from an activity do not add the exception to a
* method signature but rethrow it using this method. The library code will unwrap it
* automatically when propagating exception to the caller. There is no need to wrap unchecked
* exceptions, but it is safe to call this method on them.
* The reason for such design is that returning originally thrown exception from a remote call
* (which child workflow and activity invocations are ) would not allow adding context information
* about a failure, like activity and child workflow id. So stubs always throw a subclass of
* {@link ActivityException} from calls to an activity and subclass of {@link
* com.uber.cadence.workflow.ChildWorkflowException} from calls to a child workflow. The original
* exception is attached as a cause to these wrapper exceptions. So as exceptions are always
* wrapped adding checked ones to method signature causes more pain than benefit.
Throws original exception if e is {@link RuntimeException} or {@link Error}. Never returns.
* But return type is not empty to be able to use it as:
* try {
* return someCall();
* } catch (Exception e) {
* throw CheckedExceptionWrapper.throwWrapped(e);
* }
* If throwWrapped returned void it wouldn't be possible to write
* throw CheckedExceptionWrapper.throwWrapped
and compiler would complain about missing
* return.
* @return never returns as always throws.
public static RuntimeException wrap(Exception e) {
return WorkflowInternal.wrap(e);
/** Prohibit instantiation */
private Activity() {}