com.ui4j.api.browser.BrowserFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ui4j.api.browser;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import com.ui4j.api.util.Logger;
import com.ui4j.api.util.LoggerFactory;
import com.ui4j.spi.BrowserProvider;
import com.ui4j.spi.ShutdownListener;
* A factory from which {@link BrowserEngine} instances can be obtained.
* Static methods are provided through which a currently-usable (i.e. not-yet-shutdown)
* {@link BrowserEngine} of a specified {@link BrowserType} can be obtained.
* The static {@link #getWebKit()} method provides the simplest way to obtain an instance of
* Ui4j's built-in {@link BrowserEngine} of type {@link BrowserType#WebKit}. This uses Ui4j's
* {@code ui4j-webkit} subproject/packages to provide a {@link BrowserEngine} based on JavaFX's
* built-in "webkit" browser engine.
* An additional static {@link #getBrowser(BrowserType)} method is provided through which
* {@link BrowserEngine}s of other {@link BrowserType}s can be obtained, subject to suitable
* {@link BrowserProvider} implementations for them being available on the classpath and configured
* via a {@code META-INF/services/com.ui4j.spi.BrowserProvider} file (or otherwise made available
* for loading via the {@link ServiceLoader} class). However, note that at present the
* {@link BrowserType} enumeration only defines a single {@link BrowserType} of
* {@link BrowserType#WebKit}.
* All of this class's public methods are thread-safe.
public final class BrowserFactory {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrowserFactory.class);
private static final ConcurrentMap BROWSERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final ShutdownListener SHUTDOWN_LISTENER = new ShutdownAdapter();
private static class ShutdownAdapter implements ShutdownListener {
public void onShutdown(BrowserEngine engine) {
for (Map.Entry next : BROWSERS.entrySet()) {
if (next.getValue().equals(engine)) {
private BrowserFactory() {
* Returns a {@link BrowserEngine} of a specified {@link BrowserType}.
* The {@link BrowserType} values that are supported are those for which at least one
* {@link BrowserProvider} implementation for that {@link BrowserType} can be found at runtime
* by the {@link ServiceLoader} class.
* By default, Ui4j includes a built-in {@link BrowserProvider} that supports
* {@link BrowserEngine}s of type {@link BrowserType#WebKit}, and has a built-in
* {@code META-INF/services/com.ui4j.spi.BrowserProvider} configuration file through which the
* {@link ServiceLoader} class can find that {@link BrowserProvider} implementation.
* Refer to the {@link ServiceLoader} documentation for details of how
* {@link BrowserProvider} implementations are found and how additional {@link BrowserProvider}
* implementations can be made available to support other {@link BrowserType}s.
* Note that:
* - At any point in time only a single not-yet-shutdown {@link BrowserEngine} instance is
* maintained for each {@link BrowserType}. Repeated calls to this method for the same
* {@link BrowserType} will return the same {@link BrowserEngine} instance unless and
* until that instance's {@link BrowserEngine#shutdown()} method is called, after which
* the next such call to this method for that {@link BrowserType} creates and returns a
* new {@link BrowserEngine} instance.
* - If no {@link BrowserProvider} implementation is present for the specified
* {@link BrowserType}, this method returns null.
* - If multiple {@link BrowserProvider} implementations are present for the specified
* {@link BrowserType}, this method does not specify which of these will be used.
* - Although this mechanism potentially supports multiple {@link BrowserType}s, at
* present the {@link BrowserType} enumeration only defines a single {@link BrowserType}
* of {@link BrowserType#WebKit}.
* @param type The type of {@link BrowserEngine} to be returned. Must be non-null.
* @return A {@link BrowserEngine} of the given {@code type} (which is guaranteed to have not
* yet been shutdown), or null if no {@link BrowserProvider} is present for the given
* {@code type}.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code type} is null.
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError if the {@link ServiceLoader} class throws such an
* exception when attempting to locate, load and instantiate the available
* {@link BrowserProvider} implementations (for example, if an invalid
* provider-configuration file is present for {@link BrowserProvider} service providers, or
* if any of the {@link BrowserProvider} implementations found by {@link ServiceLoader}
* throw exceptions when instantiated).
public static synchronized BrowserEngine getBrowser(BrowserType type) {
if (BROWSERS.containsKey(type)) {
return BROWSERS.get(type);
ServiceLoader loader = ServiceLoader.load(BrowserProvider.class);
Iterator iter = loader.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
BrowserProvider provider = iter.next();
if (type.equals(provider.getBrowserType())) {
LOG.info("Initializing " + type);
BrowserEngine browser = provider.create();
BROWSERS.put(type, browser);
return BROWSERS.get(type);
* Returns a {@link BrowserEngine} of type {@link BrowserType#WebKit}.
* This is exactly equivalent to passing the type {@link BrowserType#WebKit} to the
* {@link #getBrowser(BrowserType)} method.
* Note that as per {@link #getBrowser(BrowserType)}, at any point in time only a single
* not-yet-shutdown {@link BrowserEngine} instance of type {@link BrowserType#WebKit} is
* maintained. Repeated calls to this method return the same {@link BrowserEngine} instance
* unless and until that instance's {@link BrowserEngine#shutdown()} method is called, after
* which the next such call to this method creates and returns a new {@link BrowserEngine}
* instance.
* @return A {@link BrowserEngine} of type {@link BrowserType#WebKit}. Note that this is
* normally guaranteed to be non-null, but null can potentially be returned if Ui4j's
* built-in configuration of a {@link BrowserProvider} for {@link BrowserType#WebKit} is not
* found on the classpath (or has been changed or overridden such that the relevant
* {@link BrowserProvider} is not found) and no alternative {@link BrowserProvider} for the
* {@link BrowserType#WebKit} type is present.
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError if the {@link ServiceLoader} class throws such an
* exception when attempting to locate, load and instantiate the available
* {@link BrowserProvider} implementations (for example, if an invalid
* provider-configuration file is present for {@link BrowserProvider} service providers, or
* if any of the {@link BrowserProvider} implementations found by {@link ServiceLoader}
* throw exceptions when instantiated).
* @see #getBrowser(BrowserType)
public static synchronized BrowserEngine getWebKit() {
return getBrowser(BrowserType.WebKit);
public static synchronized BrowserEngine getJxBrowser() {
return getBrowser(BrowserType.JxBrowser);