com.uid2.shared.vertx.VertxUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.uid2.shared.vertx;
import com.uid2.shared.Const;
import io.vertx.config.ConfigRetriever;
import io.vertx.config.ConfigRetrieverOptions;
import io.vertx.config.ConfigStoreOptions;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
public class VertxUtils {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VertxUtils.class);
public static JsonObject getJsonConfig(Vertx vertx) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
VertxUtils.createConfigRetriever(vertx).getConfig(ar -> {
if (ar.failed()) {
else {
return future.get();
// See also
// Create config retriever that is slightly different than the default implementation:
// instead of 1 default config file, it provides 2 config files, one default config that
// provides default values but can be override by vertx, env or sys store.
// another override config that supersedes everything else.
// Order of config evaluation:
// 1. A conf/default-config.json file.
// 2. The Vert.x verticle config(), config() object can be customized by providing DeploymentOptions with vertx.deployVerticle
// 3. The system properties
// 4. The environment variables
// 5. A conf/config.json file. This path can be overridden using the vertx-config-path system property or VERTX_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
// see
public static ConfigRetriever createConfigRetriever(Vertx vertx) {
ConfigRetrieverOptions retrieverOptions = new ConfigRetrieverOptions();
String defaultConfigPath = getDefaultConfigPath(vertx);
if (defaultConfigPath != null && !defaultConfigPath.trim().isEmpty()) {
String format = extractFormatFromFileExtension(defaultConfigPath);"Default config file path: " + defaultConfigPath + ", format:" + format);
ConfigStoreOptions defaultStore = new ConfigStoreOptions()
.setConfig(new JsonObject().put("path", defaultConfigPath));
ConfigStoreOptions vertxConfig = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("json")
ConfigStoreOptions sysConfig = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("sys");
ConfigStoreOptions envConfig = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("env");
String overrideConfigPath = getOverrideConfigPath(vertx);
if (overrideConfigPath != null && !overrideConfigPath.trim().isEmpty()) {
String format = extractFormatFromFileExtension(overrideConfigPath);"Override config file path: " + overrideConfigPath + ", format:" + format);
ConfigStoreOptions overrideStore = new ConfigStoreOptions()
.setConfig(new JsonObject().put("path", overrideConfigPath));
return ConfigRetriever.create(vertx, retrieverOptions);
public static Map.Entry parseClientAppVersion(String appVersions) {
final int eqpos = appVersions.indexOf('=');
if (eqpos == -1) {
return null;
final String appName = appVersions.substring(0, eqpos);
final int seppos = appVersions.indexOf(';', eqpos + 1);
final String appVersion = seppos == -1
? appVersions.substring(eqpos + 1)
: appVersions.substring(eqpos + 1, seppos);
return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(appName, appVersion);
static String extractFormatFromFileExtension(String path) {
int index = path.lastIndexOf(".");
if (index == -1) {
// Default format
return "json";
} else {
String ext = path.substring(index + 1);
if (ext.trim().isEmpty()) {
return "json";
if ("yml".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
ext = "yaml";
return ext.toLowerCase();
private static String getDefaultConfigPath(Vertx vertx) {
String value = System.getenv("VERTX_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH");
if (value == null || value.trim().isEmpty()) {
value = System.getProperty(Const.Config.VERTX_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH_PROP);
if (value != null && !value.trim().isEmpty()) {
return value.trim();
boolean exists = vertx.fileSystem().existsBlocking(Const.Config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH);
if (exists) {
return Const.Config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH;
return null;
private static String getOverrideConfigPath(Vertx vertx) {
// honor vertx-config-path, as it is essentially the override config that supersedes everything else
String value = System.getenv("VERTX_CONFIG_PATH");
if (value == null || value.trim().isEmpty()) {
value = System.getProperty(Const.Config.VERTX_CONFIG_PATH_PROP);
if (value != null && !value.trim().isEmpty()) {
return value.trim();
boolean exists = vertx.fileSystem().existsBlocking(Const.Config.OVERRIDE_CONFIG_PATH);
if (exists) {
return Const.Config.OVERRIDE_CONFIG_PATH;
return null;