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package com.unblu.webapi.jersey.v3.api;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.unblu.webapi.jersey.v3.invoker.ApiClient;
import com.unblu.webapi.jersey.v3.invoker.ApiException;
import com.unblu.webapi.jersey.v3.invoker.ApiResponse;
import com.unblu.webapi.jersey.v3.invoker.Configuration;
import com.unblu.webapi.jersey.v3.invoker.Pair;
import com.unblu.webapi.model.v3.User;
import com.unblu.webapi.model.v3.UserPasswordContainer;
import com.unblu.webapi.model.v3.UserQuery;
import com.unblu.webapi.model.v3.UserResult;
import com.unblu.webapi.model.v3.UsersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody;
import com.unblu.webapi.model.v3.UsersUpdatePasswordBody;
public class UsersApi {
private ApiClient apiClient;
public UsersApi() {
public UsersApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return apiClient;
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* create Creates the given entity in the system. The ID of the entity is ignored for create operations, a new one is generated.<br>
* @param user The entity to create (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersCreate(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersCreateWithHttpInfo(user, expand).getData();
* create Creates the given entity in the system. The ID of the entity is ignored for create operations, a new one is generated.<br>
* @param user The entity to create (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersCreateWithHttpInfo(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = user;
// verify the required parameter 'user' is set
if (user == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'user' when calling usersCreate");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/create";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* createUserWithRandomPassword Creates a new user with a random password. The random password is returned and also sent via email, if email is configured
* correctly.<br>
* @param user The data to create the new user with (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return UserPasswordContainer
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public UserPasswordContainer usersCreateUserWithRandomPassword(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersCreateUserWithRandomPasswordWithHttpInfo(user, expand).getData();
* createUserWithRandomPassword Creates a new user with a random password. The random password is returned and also sent via email, if email is configured
* correctly.<br>
* @param user The data to create the new user with (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<UserPasswordContainer>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersCreateUserWithRandomPasswordWithHttpInfo(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = user;
// verify the required parameter 'user' is set
if (user == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'user' when calling usersCreateUserWithRandomPassword");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/createUserWithRandomPassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* createWithPassword Creates a new user with the provided password.<br>
* @param userPasswordContainer The user and the password to create (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersCreateWithPassword(UserPasswordContainer userPasswordContainer, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersCreateWithPasswordWithHttpInfo(userPasswordContainer, expand).getData();
* createWithPassword Creates a new user with the provided password.<br>
* @param userPasswordContainer The user and the password to create (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersCreateWithPasswordWithHttpInfo(UserPasswordContainer userPasswordContainer, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = userPasswordContainer;
// verify the required parameter 'userPasswordContainer' is set
if (userPasswordContainer == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'userPasswordContainer' when calling usersCreateWithPassword");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/createWithPassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* delete Deletes the entity for the given ID<br>
* @param id The ID of the entity which should be deleted (optional)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public void usersDelete(String id) throws ApiException {
* delete Deletes the entity for the given ID<br>
* @param id The ID of the entity which should be deleted (optional)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersDeleteWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/delete";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "id", id));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, null);
* delete Deletes the entity for the given ID<br>
* @param id The ID of the entity which should be deleted (optional)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @deprecated
public void usersDeleteLegacyGet(String id) throws ApiException {
* delete Deletes the entity for the given ID<br>
* @param id The ID of the entity which should be deleted (optional)
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @deprecated
public ApiResponse usersDeleteLegacyGetWithHttpInfo(String id) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/delete";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "id", id));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, null);
* doesUserLoginExist Checks if the given username exists in the current account. This endpoint can be used for all types of user, including virtual
* visitors.<br>
* @param username The username to look up (optional)
* @return Boolean
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public Boolean usersDoesUserLoginExist(String username) throws ApiException {
return usersDoesUserLoginExistWithHttpInfo(username).getData();
* doesUserLoginExist Checks if the given username exists in the current account. This endpoint can be used for all types of user, including virtual
* visitors.<br>
* @param username The username to look up (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<Boolean>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersDoesUserLoginExistWithHttpInfo(String username) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/doesUserLoginExist";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "username", username));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* getByUsername Returns the user with the given username.<br>
* @param username The username of the requested user (optional)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersGetByUsername(String username, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersGetByUsernameWithHttpInfo(username, expand).getData();
* getByUsername Returns the user with the given username.<br>
* @param username The username of the requested user (optional)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersGetByUsernameWithHttpInfo(String username, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/getByUsername";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "username", username));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* getQuotaUsage Returns the number of entities already existing (for the current account)<br>
* @return Integer
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public Integer usersGetQuotaUsage() throws ApiException {
return usersGetQuotaUsageWithHttpInfo().getData();
* getQuotaUsage Returns the number of entities already existing (for the current account)<br>
* @return ApiResponse<Integer>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersGetQuotaUsageWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/getQuotaUsage";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* isSuperUser Checks if the given user ID belongs to a superadmin user.<br>
* @param userId The user ID to check (optional)
* @return Boolean
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public Boolean usersIsSuperUser(String userId) throws ApiException {
return usersIsSuperUserWithHttpInfo(userId).getData();
* isSuperUser Checks if the given user ID belongs to a superadmin user.<br>
* @param userId The user ID to check (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<Boolean>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersIsSuperUserWithHttpInfo(String userId) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/isSuperUser";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* isUsernameAvailable Checks if the username is available, in general or for the given user ID. If the context account isn't ingress-enabled, calling the
* endpoint checks all accounts and includes virtual visitors. If ingress is enabled, only users in the context account are checked.<br>
* @param name The username to check (optional)
* @param userId The user ID of the user to check the username for. If their username matches the one provided, the username is considered to be available.
* (optional)
* @return Boolean
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public Boolean usersIsUsernameAvailable(String name, String userId) throws ApiException {
return usersIsUsernameAvailableWithHttpInfo(name, userId).getData();
* isUsernameAvailable Checks if the username is available, in general or for the given user ID. If the context account isn't ingress-enabled, calling the
* endpoint checks all accounts and includes virtual visitors. If ingress is enabled, only users in the context account are checked.<br>
* @param name The username to check (optional)
* @param userId The user ID of the user to check the username for. If their username matches the one provided, the username is considered to be available.
* (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<Boolean>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersIsUsernameAvailableWithHttpInfo(String name, String userId) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/isUsernameAvailable";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "name", name));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* read Returns the user for the given ID.<br>
* @param id The ID of the user to return (optional)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersRead(String id, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersReadWithHttpInfo(id, expand).getData();
* read Returns the user for the given ID.<br>
* @param id The ID of the user to return (optional)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersReadWithHttpInfo(String id, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/read";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "id", id));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* readMultiple Gets a list of users for the given IDs. The response doesn't include virtual visitors.<br>
* @param requestBody The IDs of the users to be fetched (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return List<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public List usersReadMultiple(List requestBody, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersReadMultipleWithHttpInfo(requestBody, expand).getData();
* readMultiple Gets a list of users for the given IDs. The response doesn't include virtual visitors.<br>
* @param requestBody The IDs of the users to be fetched (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<List<User>>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse> usersReadMultipleWithHttpInfo(List requestBody, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = requestBody;
// verify the required parameter 'requestBody' is set
if (requestBody == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'requestBody' when calling usersReadMultiple");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/readMultiple";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType> localVarReturnType = new GenericType>() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* search Search for users in the current account. The response doesn't include virtual visitors.<br>
* @param userQuery (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return UserResult
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public UserResult usersSearch(UserQuery userQuery, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersSearchWithHttpInfo(userQuery, expand).getData();
* search Search for users in the current account. The response doesn't include virtual visitors.<br>
* @param userQuery (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<UserResult>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersSearchWithHttpInfo(UserQuery userQuery, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = userQuery;
// verify the required parameter 'userQuery' is set
if (userQuery == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'userQuery' when calling usersSearch");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/search";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* transformVirtualToPhysical Converts the user with the given username from a virtual to a physical user. This also changes the related `Person`
* entity to a physical`Person`. If the user's already physical, the user is simply returned. If no user with the given username exists, the
* endpoint returns an error.<br>
* @param usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersTransformVirtualToPhysical(UsersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalWithHttpInfo(usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody, expand).getData();
* transformVirtualToPhysical Converts the user with the given username from a virtual to a physical user. This also changes the related `Person`
* entity to a physical`Person`. If the user's already physical, the user is simply returned. If no user with the given username exists, the
* endpoint returns an error.<br>
* @param usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalWithHttpInfo(UsersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody;
// verify the required parameter 'usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody' is set
if (usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'usersTransformVirtualToPhysicalBody' when calling usersTransformVirtualToPhysical");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/transformVirtualToPhysical";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* update Updates the given user with the provided data.<br>
* @param user The new user data (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersUpdate(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersUpdateWithHttpInfo(user, expand).getData();
* update Updates the given user with the provided data.<br>
* @param user The new user data (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersUpdateWithHttpInfo(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = user;
// verify the required parameter 'user' is set
if (user == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'user' when calling usersUpdate");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/update";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* updateAndRemovePassword Updates a user and removes their existing password. Without a password, the user can't log in to Unblu directly. Users without a
* password are typically used in setups with ID propagation.<br>
* @param user The user to update; their password will be removed (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersUpdateAndRemovePassword(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersUpdateAndRemovePasswordWithHttpInfo(user, expand).getData();
* updateAndRemovePassword Updates a user and removes their existing password. Without a password, the user can't log in to Unblu directly. Users without a
* password are typically used in setups with ID propagation.<br>
* @param user The user to update; their password will be removed (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersUpdateAndRemovePasswordWithHttpInfo(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = user;
// verify the required parameter 'user' is set
if (user == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'user' when calling usersUpdateAndRemovePassword");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/updateAndRemovePassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* updatePassword Updates the given user's password.<br>
* @param usersUpdatePasswordBody (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersUpdatePassword(UsersUpdatePasswordBody usersUpdatePasswordBody, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersUpdatePasswordWithHttpInfo(usersUpdatePasswordBody, expand).getData();
* updatePassword Updates the given user's password.<br>
* @param usersUpdatePasswordBody (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersUpdatePasswordWithHttpInfo(UsersUpdatePasswordBody usersUpdatePasswordBody, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = usersUpdatePasswordBody;
// verify the required parameter 'usersUpdatePasswordBody' is set
if (usersUpdatePasswordBody == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'usersUpdatePasswordBody' when calling usersUpdatePassword");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/updatePassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* updatePassword Updates the given user's password.<br>
* @param expand (optional)
* @param userId (optional)
* @param password (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @deprecated
public User usersUpdatePasswordLegacyGet(String expand, String userId, String password) throws ApiException {
return usersUpdatePasswordLegacyGetWithHttpInfo(expand, userId, password).getData();
* updatePassword Updates the given user's password.<br>
* @param expand (optional)
* @param userId (optional)
* @param password (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
* @deprecated
public ApiResponse usersUpdatePasswordLegacyGetWithHttpInfo(String expand, String userId, String password) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/updatePassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "userId", userId));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "password", password));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* updateUserWithRandomPassword Updates a user's password with a new random password, and updates the user's data. The random password is returned and
* also sent via email, if email is configured correctly.<br>
* @param user The user to update and assign a random password to (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return UserPasswordContainer
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public UserPasswordContainer usersUpdateUserWithRandomPassword(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersUpdateUserWithRandomPasswordWithHttpInfo(user, expand).getData();
* updateUserWithRandomPassword Updates a user's password with a new random password, and updates the user's data. The random password is returned and
* also sent via email, if email is configured correctly.<br>
* @param user The user to update and assign a random password to (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<UserPasswordContainer>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersUpdateUserWithRandomPasswordWithHttpInfo(User user, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = user;
// verify the required parameter 'user' is set
if (user == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'user' when calling usersUpdateUserWithRandomPassword");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/updateUserWithRandomPassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* updateWithPassword Updates the password and user data of the given user.<br>
* @param userPasswordContainer A container for the user to update and their new password (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return User
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public User usersUpdateWithPassword(UserPasswordContainer userPasswordContainer, String expand) throws ApiException {
return usersUpdateWithPasswordWithHttpInfo(userPasswordContainer, expand).getData();
* updateWithPassword Updates the password and user data of the given user.<br>
* @param userPasswordContainer A container for the user to update and their new password (required)
* @param expand (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<User>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersUpdateWithPasswordWithHttpInfo(UserPasswordContainer userPasswordContainer, String expand) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = userPasswordContainer;
// verify the required parameter 'userPasswordContainer' is set
if (userPasswordContainer == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'userPasswordContainer' when calling usersUpdateWithPassword");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/updateWithPassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "expand", expand));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* userHasPassword Checks if a user has a password. This endpoint can be used for any type of user, including virtual visitors.<br>
* @param userId The ID of the user to check (optional)
* @return Boolean
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public Boolean usersUserHasPassword(String userId) throws ApiException {
return usersUserHasPasswordWithHttpInfo(userId).getData();
* userHasPassword Checks if a user has a password. This endpoint can be used for any type of user, including virtual visitors.<br>
* @param userId The ID of the user to check (optional)
* @return ApiResponse<Boolean>
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ApiResponse usersUserHasPasswordWithHttpInfo(String userId) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = new HashMap<>();
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/users/userHasPassword";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "userId", userId));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "basicAuth" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);