com.untzuntz.ustack.data.UserAccount Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.untzuntz.ustack.data;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.jasypt.salt.RandomSaltGenerator;
import org.jasypt.util.password.StrongPasswordEncryptor;
import com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser;
import com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.aaa.ResourceDefinition;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.aaa.ResourceLink;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.aaa.RoleDefinition;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.AccountExistsException;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.ForgotPasswordLinkExpired;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.InvalidAccessAttempt;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.InvalidUserAccountName;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.PasswordException;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.PasswordLengthException;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.PasswordPriorException;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.main.Msg;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.main.UAppCfg;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.main.UOpts;
* A User Account
* @author jdanner
public class UserAccount extends UntzDBObject {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UserAccount.class);
public static final String STATUS_DISABLED = "Disabled";
public static final String STATUS_ACTIVE = "Active";
public String getCollectionName() { return "users"; }
public static UserAccount getTestObject() {
UserAccount u = new UserAccount();
u.setUserName("[email protected]");
u.setAddress1("123 Main St.");
u.setAddress2("Suite 123");
u.setCity("San Francisco");
u.setCountry("United States");
u.setPrimaryEmail("[email protected]");
u.setPrimaryTelephone(new BasicDBObject("countryCode", "1").append("phoneNumber", "999-888-7777"));
return u;
private UserAccount()
// setup basic values on account
put("created", new Date());
public Date getCreated() {
return (Date)get("created");
public String getUserId() {
return get("_id") + "";
/** Gets the DB Collection for the UserAccount object */
public static DBCollection getDBCollection() {
return new UserAccount().getCollection();
/** Return the name of the database that houses the 'users' collection */
public static final String getDatabaseName() {
if (UOpts.getString(UAppCfg.DATABASE_USERS_COL) != null)
return UOpts.getString(UAppCfg.DATABASE_USERS_COL);
return UOpts.getAppName();
* Generate a UserAccount object from the MongoDB object
* @param user
public UserAccount(DBObject user) {
/** Sets the username */
private void setUserName(String userName)
userName = userName.toLowerCase();
put("userName", userName);
/** Returns the username */
public String getUserName()
return (String)get("userName");
/** first name + last name */
public String getFullName()
return getFirstName() + " " + getLastName();
public void setFirstName(String val)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("firstName"), val))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "firstName").append("original", get("firstName")).append("new", val));
put("firstName", val);
public String getFirstName()
return getString("firstName");
public void setMiddleInitial(String val)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("middleInit"), val))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "middleInit").append("original", get("middleInit")).append("new", val));
if (val == null || val.length() == 0)
put("middleInit", val);
public String getMiddleInitial()
return getString("middleInit");
public void setLastName(String val)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("lastName"), val))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "lastName").append("original", get("lastName")).append("new", val));
put("lastName", val);
public String getLastName()
return getString("lastName");
public void setSalutation(String val)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("salutation"), val))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "salutation").append("original", get("salutation")).append("new", val));
if (val == null || val.length() == 0)
put("salutation", val);
public String getSalutation()
return getString("salutation");
public void setSuffix(String val)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("suffix"), val))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "suffix").append("original", get("suffix")).append("new", val));
if (val == null || val.length() == 0)
put("suffix", val);
public String getSuffix()
return getString("suffix");
public String getTimeZone()
String tz = getString("timeZone");
if (tz == null || tz.length() == 0)
return "Etc/GMT-0";
return tz;
public void setTimeZone(String tz)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("timeZone"), tz))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "timeZone").append("original", get("timeZone")).append("new", tz));
if (tz != null && tz.length() > 0)
put("timeZone", tz);
public String getCountry()
return getString("country");
public void setCountry(String c)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("country"), c))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "country").append("original", get("country")).append("new", c));
if (c != null && c.length() > 0)
put("country", c);
public boolean isPayOnReceive()
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getString("payOnReceive")))
return true;
return false;
public void setPayOnReceive(boolean pay)
put("payOnReceive", pay);
public String getCreditAccount()
return getString("creditAccountId");
public void setCreditAccount(String c)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("creditAccountId"), c))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "creditAccountId").append("original", get("creditAccountId")).append("new", c));
if (c != null && c.length() > 0)
put("creditAccountId", c);
public String getAddress1()
return getString("address1");
public void setAddress1(String data)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("address1"), data))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "address1").append("original", get("address1")).append("new", data));
if (data != null && data.length() > 0)
put("address1", data);
public String getAddress2()
return getString("address2");
public void setAddress2(String data)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("address2"), data))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "address2").append("original", get("address2")).append("new", data));
if (data != null && data.length() > 0)
put("address2", data);
public String getCity()
return getString("city");
public void setCity(String data)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("city"), data))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "city").append("original", get("city")).append("new", data));
if (data != null && data.length() > 0)
put("city", data);
public String getState()
return getString("state");
public void setState(String data)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("state"), data))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "state").append("original", get("state")).append("new", data));
if (data != null && data.length() > 0)
put("state", data);
public String getPostalCode()
return getString("postalCode");
public void setPostalCode(String data)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("postalCode"), data))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeInfo", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "postalCode").append("original", get("postalCode")).append("new", data));
if (data != null && data.length() > 0)
put("postalCode", data);
* Returns the total number of user accounts
* @return
public static long getAccountCount()
return MongoDB.getCollection(getDatabaseName(), "users").count();
* Increase failed password count and lock account if necessary
public void increasePasswordErrorCount()
Integer errCnt = (Integer)get("passwordErrorCount");
if (errCnt == null)
errCnt = new Integer(0);
put("passwordErrorCount", errCnt);
logger.info("Password Error Cout: " + errCnt);
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "PasswordError", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("errorCount", errCnt));
if (errCnt >= UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_ERROR_LIMIT)) // we hit the max - lock it up!
/** Resets the password error count value */
public void resetPasswordErrorCount()
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "PasswordErrorCountReset", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()));
/** Returns the number of failed password attempts */
public int getPasswordErrorCount()
if (get("passwordErrorCount") == null)
return 0;
return (Integer)get("passwordErrorCount");
* Locks the user account for the configed amount of time
public void lockAccount()
int lockSec = UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKTIME_SEC);
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
now.add(Calendar.SECOND, lockSec);
put("locked", now.getTime());
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "LockedAccount", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("lockedUntil", now.getTime()));
* Salts, encrypts and stores password
* @param password
public void setPassword(String actor, String password) throws PasswordException
if (password.length() < UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH)) // verify password length
AuditLog.log("core", actor, "SetPasswordError", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("reason", String.format("Minimum Length (%d) not met - attempted %d", UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH), password.length())));
throw new PasswordLengthException(UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH));
if (isDisabled())
AuditLog.log("core", actor, "SetPasswordError", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("reason", "Account is disabled"));
* Check for prior password usage
StrongPasswordEncryptor encryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor();
BasicDBList past = (BasicDBList)get("past");
for (int i = 0; past != null && i < past.size(); i++)
DBObject p = (DBObject)past.get(i);
if (encryptor.checkPassword(p.get("s") + password, (String)p.get("p")))
AuditLog.log("core", actor, "SetPasswordError", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("reason", String.format("User tried to set password to a prior password [idx: %d]", i)));
throw new PasswordPriorException();
* Update prior password listing
if (past == null)
past = new BasicDBList();
past.add(new BasicDBObject("s", get("salt")).append("p", get("password")));
if (past.size() > 5)
put("past", past);
// salt + password setup
RandomSaltGenerator rsg = new RandomSaltGenerator();
String saltStr = new String(rsg.generateSalt(10));
int passwordLength = password.length();
put("salt", saltStr);
password = saltStr + password; // salt the password for enhanced one-way hash
String encPassword = encryptor.encryptPassword(password); // encrypt
put("password", encPassword);
put("passwordChangeDate", new Date());
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "SetPassword", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("length", passwordLength));
// clear locking data
/** Returns the date the password was last changed (or set) */
public Date getPasswordChangeDate()
return (Date)get("passwordChangeDate");
/** Returns the date the password will expire */
public Date getPasswordExpirationDate()
return (Date)get("passwordExpirationDate");
/** Forces the password expiration date to 'now' */
public void expirePassword(String actor)
// TODO: Implement audit log
put("passwordExpirationDate", new Date());
/** Sets the password expiration date based on the application settings */
private Date setPasswordExpiration()
// setup a password expiration date if applicable by config
int pwExpDays = UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_IN_DAYS);
if (pwExpDays > 0)
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
now.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, pwExpDays);
put("passwordExpirationDate", now.getTime());
logger.info("Setting Password Expiration to '" + now.getTime() + "' for user '" + getUserName() + "' ==> " + pwExpDays + " days from now");
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "SetPasswordExpiration", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("passwordExpirationDate", now.getTime()));
return now.getTime();
else if (get("passwordExpirationDate") != null)
return null;
* Clears the profile update flag
public void resetProfileUpdateRequired()
* Determines if the system should ask the user to update their profile info
* @return
public boolean isProfileUpdateRequired()
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getString("profileUpdateRequired")))
return true;
return false;
* Determines if the user account is disabled by the user account status
* @return
public boolean isDisabled()
String status = getStatus();
if (STATUS_DISABLED.equalsIgnoreCase(status))
return true;
return false;
* Determines if the user's password has expired
* @return
public boolean isPasswordExpired()
Date expDate = (Date)get("passwordExpirationDate");
if (expDate == null) // will happen if the app user adds this feature after the fact
expDate = setPasswordExpiration();
if (expDate != null && expDate.before(new Date()))
return true;
return false;
/** Sets the user's status */
public void setStatus(String status)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("status"), status))
AuditLog.log("core", "core", "ChangeUserStatus", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("oldStatus", getString("status")).append("newStatus", status));
put("status", status);
* Returns the current user status
* @return
public String getStatus()
String status = (String)get("status");
if (status == null)
return status;
* Determine if the user account is currently locked
* @return
public boolean isLocked()
if (get("locked") == null)
return false;
// the lock date is set to when the account will be unlocked, if it is before 'now' we are not locked
Date lockDate = (Date)get("locked");
if (lockDate.before(new Date()))
return false;
return true;
* Clears fields to set account to a unlocked state
public void unlock()
Date lockDate = (Date)get("locked");
if (lockDate != null && lockDate.before(new Date()))
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "UnlockedUserAccount", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()));
// clear forgot password values
* Indicates the user has logged into the system, reset password failures and updates lastLogin value
public void loggedIn()
put("lastLogin", new Date());
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "Login", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()));
public void loggedOut()
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "Logout", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("type", "explicit"));
* Sets the name of server/host that the user was last logged into -- this is to help locate logs or other info if the app is running on multiple servers
* @param hostName
public void setLastLoginHost(String hostName)
logger.info("User '" + getUserName() + "' logged into host '" + hostName + "'");
put("lastLoginHost", hostName);
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "LoginHost", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("host", hostName));
* Returns the primary email address associated with this user account
* @return
public String getPrimaryEmail()
return getString("primaryEmailAddress");
* Sets the primary email address for this user account
* @param email
public void setPrimaryEmail(String email)
put("primaryEmailAddress", email);
* Sets the address book value for this object
* @param book
public void setAddressBook(AddressBook book)
if (book == null)
put("addrBookId", book.getAddressBookId());
* Returns the address book for this object
* @return
public AddressBook getAddressBook()
AddressBook ret = null;
String id = getString("addrBookId");
if (id == null)
try {
ret = AddressBook.getByUserId(getUserId());
} catch (Exception er) {
logger.error("General failure while trying to create an address book", er);
ret = AddressBook.getById( id );
return ret;
public void setPrimaryTelephone(DBObject phone)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("primaryTelephone"), phone))
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "ChangePhoneNumber", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("original", get("primaryTelephone")).append("new", phone));
if (phone == null)
put("primaryTelephone", phone);
public DBObject getPrimaryTelephone() {
return (DBObject)get("primaryTelephone");
public String getPrimaryTelephoneString()
DBObject phone = getPrimaryTelephone();
if (phone == null)
return null;
return (String)phone.get("countryCode") + " " + (String)phone.get("phoneNumber");
public void setFaxNumber(DBObject phone)
if (AuditLog.changed(get("faxNumber"), phone))
AuditLog.log("core", UOpts.SUBSYS_AUTH, "ChangeFaxNumber", new BasicDBObject("userName", getUserName()).append("original", get("faxNumber")).append("new", phone));
if (phone == null)
put("faxNumber", phone);
public DBObject getFaxNumber() {
return (DBObject)get("faxNumber");
public String getFaxNumberString()
DBObject phone = getFaxNumber();
if (phone == null)
return null;
return (String)phone.get("countryCode") + " " + (String)phone.get("phoneNumber");
// /**
// * Sends a forgot password link via email to the user
// */
// public void sendForgotPassword(String from) throws RequiredAccountDataMissingException,AddressException
// {
// if (getPrimaryEmail() == null)
// throw new RequiredAccountDataMissingException("Email Address");
// int fgpwExpireHours = UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_FORGOT_LINK_IN_HOURS);
// String linkUid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// StrongPasswordEncryptor encryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor();
// String encLink = encryptor.encryptPassword(linkUid); // encrypt
// Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
// now.add(Calendar.HOUR, fgpwExpireHours);
// put("forgotPassExpiration", now.getTime());
// put("forgotPassUid", encLink);
// String url = "http://localhost:8080/TProject/setup/rdr?act=forgotpw&user=" + getUserName() + "&uid=" + linkUid;
// Emailer.postMail(getPrimaryEmail(), from, null, Msg.getString("PasswordReset-EmailSubject"), Msg.getString("PasswordReset-Email", url), null);
// }
* Determines if the provided uid is valid for this user
* @param uid
* @return
* @throws InvalidAccessAttempt
* @throws ForgotPasswordLinkExpired
public boolean isValidForgotPassword(String uid) throws InvalidAccessAttempt,ForgotPasswordLinkExpired
StrongPasswordEncryptor encryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor();
if (!encryptor.checkPassword(uid, getString("forgotPassUid")))
throw new InvalidAccessAttempt();
Date lockDate = (Date)get("forgotPassExpiration");
if (lockDate.before(new Date()))
throw new ForgotPasswordLinkExpired();
return true;
/** Sets the tos list */
private void setTermsConditions(BasicDBList list)
put("tosList", list);
/** Add a TOS (this indicates the user has accepted) */
public void addTOS(TermsConditions tos)
DBObject lTos = getTOS(tos.getName());
if (lTos == null)
lTos = new BasicDBObject();
if (tos.getRenewalDays() > 0)
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, tos.getRenewalDays());
lTos.put("nextApproval", cal.getTime());
lTos.put("name", tos.getName());
lTos.put("approved", new Date());
BasicDBList list = getTermsConditions();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
DBObject thisObj = (DBObject)list.get(i);
if (tos.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( (String)thisObj.get("name") ))
found = true;
list.set(i, lTos);
if (!found)
/** Returns a TOS Item */
public DBObject getTOS(String name)
BasicDBList list = getTermsConditions();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
DBObject tos = (DBObject)list.get(i);
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase( (String)tos.get("name") ))
return tos;
return null;
* returns 'true' if the tos has been agreed to, false otherwise
* @param name
* @return
public boolean isTOSAgreed(String name)
DBObject tos = getTOS(name);
if (tos == null)
return false;
Date napproval = (Date)tos.get("nextApproval");
if (napproval == null)
return true;
if (napproval.before(new Date()))
return false;
return true;
* Returns a list of TermsConditions names that the user needs to complete
* @param containerName
* @return
public List getTermsConditionsRenewList()
Hashtable tosRollup = new Hashtable();
List ret = new Vector();
BasicDBList resourceLinkList = getResourceLinkList();
for (int i = 0; i < resourceLinkList.size(); i++)
ResourceLink link = new ResourceLink((DBObject)resourceLinkList.get(i));
ResourceDefinition def = ResourceDefinition.getByName( link.getName() );
if (def != null)
RoleDefinition role = def.getRoleByName(link.getRoleName());
if (role != null)
BasicDBList tosList = role.getTOSList();
for (int j = 0; j < tosList.size(); j++)
tosRollup.put( (String)tosList.get(j), "T" );
// check if user has agreed to all tos agreements
Enumeration enu = tosRollup.keys();
while (enu.hasMoreElements())
String tosName = enu.nextElement();
if (!isTOSAgreed(tosName))
return ret;
public static UserAccount getByAPIMapping(String name, String userId)
BasicDBList items = new BasicDBList();
items.add(new BasicDBObject("name", name));
items.add(new BasicDBObject("userId", userId));
DBObject match = new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch", items);
DBObject search = new BasicDBObject("apiMappingList", match);
logger.info("getByAPIMapping -> Search: " + search);
DBObject user = new UserAccount().getCollection().findOne(search);
if (user == null)
return null;
return new UserAccount(user);
/** Find a user by a field on the account */
public static UserAccount getByField(String field, String value)
DBObject search = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(field, value).get();
logger.info("getByField -> Search: " + search);
DBObject user = new UserAccount().getCollection().findOne(search);
if (user == null)
return null;
return new UserAccount(user);
public static UserAccount createInMemoryUser(String userName)
UserAccount user = new UserAccount();
user.put("doNotSave", "true");
return user;
* Create a new user account
* @param userName
* @param password
* @return
* @throws AccountExistsException
* @throws PasswordLengthException
public static UserAccount createUser(String actor, String userName, String password) throws AccountExistsException,PasswordException
if (userName == null || userName.length() == 0)
throw new InvalidUserAccountName(Msg.getString("Invalid-UserName"));
userName = userName.toLowerCase().trim();
UserAccount user = getUser(userName);
if (user != null) // already exists
throw new AccountExistsException("User");
// create the actual account
user = new UserAccount();
user.put("createdBy", actor);
user.setPassword(actor, password);
logger.info("Creating user account '" + userName + "'");
AuditLog.log("core", actor, "CreateUser", new BasicDBObject("userName", userName));
return user;
public static UserAccount getByAPIToken(String clientId, String token) {
if (clientId == null || clientId.length() == 0 || token == null || token.length() == 0)
return null;
clientId = clientId.toLowerCase().trim();
DBObject elemMatch = new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch", new BasicDBObject("name", clientId).append("t", token) );
DBObject user = null;
try {
user = new UserAccount().getCollection().findOne(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("apiMappingList", elemMatch).get());
} catch (Exception exp) {
return null;
if (user == null)
return null;
return new UserAccount(user);
* Get a user account by name
* @param userName
* @return
public static UserAccount getUser(String userName)
if (userName == null || userName.length() == 0)
return null;
userName = userName.toLowerCase().trim();
DBObject user = null;
try {
user = new UserAccount().getCollection().findOne(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("userName", userName).get());
} catch (Exception exp) {
return null;
if (user == null)
return null;
return new UserAccount(user);
public final static String[] SULATATIONS = new String[] { "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms.", "Dr.", "Drs." };
public final static String[] SUFFIXS = new String[] { "D.C.", "D.O.", "J.D.", "M.D.", "Ph.D.", "D.P.M." };
* Import Data
* @param col
* @param in
* @throws IOException
public static int importData(DBCollection col, InputStream in, String actor) throws Exception
LabeledCSVParser myParser = new LabeledCSVParser( new CSVParser(in) );
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
String year = sdf.format(new Date());
Country usa = Country.getCountryByName("United States");
Hashtable defs = new Hashtable();
SiteAccount check = null;
int cnt = 0;
while(myParser.getLine() != null)
logger.info("Importing " + cnt + "...");
String siteId = myParser.getValueByLabel("siteId");
if (check == null && siteId != null && siteId.length() > 0)
check = SiteAccount.getSiteById(siteId);
if (check == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid site id provided");
String userName = myParser.getValueByLabel("userName");
String pass = myParser.getValueByLabel("lastName").toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "") + year + "!";
logger.info("User Password: " + pass);
UserAccount user = UserAccount.getUser(userName);
if (user == null)
user = UserAccount.createUser(actor, userName, pass);
String[] labels = myParser.getLabels();
for (String hdr : labels)
String val = myParser.getValueByLabel(hdr);
if (val != null)
if ("primaryTelephone".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr))
if (val.length() > 0)
user.setPrimaryTelephone(UntzDBObject.getPhoneObject("1", val));
else if ("faxNumber".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr))
if (val.length() > 0)
user.setFaxNumber(UntzDBObject.getPhoneObject("1", val));
else if ("resourceRole".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr)) {}
else if ("userName".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr)) {}
else if ("siteId".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr)) {}
else if (hdr.startsWith("resRole"))
String resName = val.substring(0, val.indexOf("|"));
String roleName = val.substring(val.indexOf("|") + 1);
ResourceDefinition def = defs.get(resName);
if (def == null)
def = ResourceDefinition.getByName(resName);
ResourceLink link = new ResourceLink(def, roleName);
if (siteId != null && siteId.length() > 0)
link.put("siteId", siteId);
link.put("linkText", check.getSiteName());
else if ("resourceName".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr))
ResourceDefinition def = defs.get(val);
if (def == null)
def = ResourceDefinition.getByName(val);
ResourceLink link = new ResourceLink(def, myParser.getValueByLabel("resourceRole"));
else if ("stateAbbrev".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr))
if (user.get("state") == null)
if ("United States".equalsIgnoreCase(myParser.getValueByLabel("country")))
DBObject state = usa.getStateByAbbrev(val);
if (state != null)
user.put("state", (String)state.get("state"));
else if ("managedBy".equalsIgnoreCase(hdr))
user.put(hdr, val);
UserAccount.save(user, actor);
return cnt;
* Get a user account by uid
* @param userName
* @return
public static UserAccount getUserById(String uid)
if (uid == null)
return null;
DBObject user = new UserAccount().getCollection().findOne(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("_id", new ObjectId(uid)).get());
if (user == null)
return null;
return new UserAccount(user);
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