All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.0.14
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OK                              Ok
GO								Go
and								and
NA								n/a
Save							Save
Remove							Remove
Name							Name
Yes								Yes
No								No
Other							Other
status							Status
Status							Status
NotSet							Not Set
Edit							Edit
Cancel							Cancel
Duplicate						Duplicate
Close							Close
Lookup							Lookup
SelectOne						Select one...
Type							Type
Search							Search
NoResultsFound					No Results Found
PrimaryEmailAddr				Primary Email Address
UserInfo						User Info
SiteInfo						Site Info
AddressInfo						Address Info
PasswordInfo					Password Info
ChangeDate						Change Date
ExpirationDate					Expiration Date
AccountLocked					Account Locked
FailedCount						Failed Count
AccountStatus					Account Status
ManagedBy						Managed By
RoleOrder						Role Order
CanManage						Can Manage
ManagedBy						Managed By
SelectSite						Select a Site
SiteUsers						Site Users
FileSelect						File Select
FileUploadError					There was an error during your upload at {1,time}
FileProcessingError				{0} at {1,time}
ExportComplete					Exported {0,number,integer} records in {1,number,integer} milliseconds at {1,time}
ImportSuccessful				Import Successful
ImportSuccessfulInfo			Import completed {0,number,integer} records in {1,number,integer} milliseconds at {2,time}			Resource
resourceLinkList.role			Role
latLong							Lat / Long
calculate						Calculate
Import							Import
Export							Export
internalName					Internal Name
TermsOfService					Terms of Service
RenewalDays						Renewal Days
TosText							TOS Text
DisplayName						Display Name
LastRefreshed					Last Refreshed at {0,time}
Refresh							Refresh
Notifications					Notifications
Analytics						Analytics
Info							Info

# in the name sense...
salutation						Salutation
firstName						First Name
middleInit						Middle Initial
lastName						Last Name
suffix							Suffix

# in the email sense...
From							From
To								To
Subject							Subject
EmailBody						Email Body
SendEmail						Send Email
Email							Email
SMS								SMS
fromAddress						From Address
fromName						From Name
subject							Subject
Template						Template
Subscriptions					Subscriptions
EventName						Event Name

# Address Data
address1						Address 1
address2						Address 2
city							City
state							State
stateProvRegion					State/Province/Region
postalCode						Postal Code
country							Country
primaryEmailAddress				Email Address
timeZone						Timezone
telephoneNumber					Telephone Number
faxNumber						Fax Number
countryCode						Country Code

# Authentication and Passwords
Username-Password-Mismatch		Username/Password Mismatch
Username-Locked					User account is locked
Username-Disabled				User account is disabled
Username-Password-Expired		Your password has expired
Password-Length					Password must contain at least {0,number,integer} characters
Password-Mismatch				Passwords do not match
UserAccount-Exists				User account name already in use
ForgotYourPassword				Forgot your password?
Username						Username
UserName						User Name
userName						Username
UnknownUser						Unknown User
Password						Password
Password1						Password 1
Password2						Password 2
SignIn							Sign In
Logout							Logout
CreateAccount					Create Account
Invalid-Account-Name			The username you have selected is invalid, reason: {0}
Missing-ReqAcctData				The user account is missing the required {0} value
ExpiredPassword					Password Expired
ExpiredPasswordInfo				Your password has expired, please reset it below
User-ExpirePassword				Password for ''{0}'' has been expired
ForgotPassword					Forgot Password
ForgotPasswordInfo				Please provide a new password
SavePassword					Save Password
SendPWResetEmail				Send Password Reset Email
ResetPassword-EmailSent			A reset password email was sent to ''{0}'' at {1,time}
ResetPassword-Email				{0},\n\nYour password has been set to ''{1}''. You will be required to change it on your first login.\n\nPlease note that you can request your password to be reset by clicking on the 'Forgot Password' link on the login homepage.  A link will be sent to you which will allow you to reset your password.\n\nThank You!
ResetPassword-EmailSubject		Password Changed
ForgotPassword-Email			There was a request in our system to allow you to reset your password.\n\nTo change your password, click here:\n\n{0}
ForgotPassword-EmailSubject		Password Update Request
ForgotPasswordLink-Expired		The forgot password link you are using has expired, please re-request.
ForgotPasswordLink-Invalid		The forgot password link you are using is invalid, please re-request.
ForgotPassword-Sent				Forgot password email sent to ''{0}''
NewUser							New User
NewSite							New Site
FailedPasswordReset				Error while resetting user password!
supportEmail					Support Email

# Setup
ApplicationSetup				Application Setup
ApplicationSetupLogin			Application setup Login
ApplicationSetupInfo			Please login above to access the application setup. The application setup allows you to configure the baseline pieces of the application and this step should be completed prior to launching the application.
CreateAdminAccount				Create an Admin Account
CreateAdminAccountInfo			Please provide a username and password for the admin account for this application. You will use this login information for future application setup activities.
ConfigItems						Config Items
Application-Name				Application Name
Parameter						Parameter
Value							Value
AccountSettings					Account Settings
LoggedInAs						Logged in as {0}

# Data Entry Issues
EntryErrors						Please correct the following items
EntryError-IsRequired			{0} is required
EntryError-ResourceSelect		{0} is required
EntryError-NotificationSelect	{0} is required
EntryError-NumberFormat			{0} must be a number
EntryError-MinLength			{0} must be at least {1,number,integer} character(s) long
EntryError-MaxLength			{0} must not be longer than {1,number,integer} character(s)
EntryError-MinValueLong			{0} must not be less than {1,number,long}
EntryError-MaxValueLong			{0} must not be greater than {1,number,long}
EntryError-MinValueInt			{0} must not be less than {1,number,integer}
EntryError-MaxValueInt			{0} must not be greater than {1,number,integer}
EntryError-MinValueFloat		{0} must not be less than {1,number,float}
EntryError-MaxValueFloat		{0} must not be greater than {1,number,float}
EntryError-EmailFormat			{0} is not a valid email address format
EntryError-CodeFormat			{0} is not a valid code format, please verify your entry
EntryError-DateFormat			{0} is not a valid date format, it must be {1}
EntryError-SelectOne			{0} please make a selection
EntryError-InvalidPhoneNumber	{0} is not in the proper format
EntryError-PasswordMismatch		Your passwords do not match
EntryError-PasswordLength		Your password must be at least {0,number,integer} characters long
EntryError-PasswordAdvanced		Your password must contain at least 1 UPPER case, 1 lower case, and 1 symbol
Object-Exists					Object by that name already exists
Number							Number

InvalidAccessAttempt			Invalid Access Attempt
InvalidAuthorizationConfig		Application authorization configuration is invalid - {0}
ResourceDefinitions				Resource Definitions
ResourceDefinition				Resource Definition
ResourceType					Resource Type
NewResourceDefinition			New Resource Definition
Add-ResourceLink				Add a Resource Link
Resource						Resource
LinkData						Link Data
Roles							Roles
Role							Role
Permissions						Permissions
Permission						Permission
Plugins							Plugins
Plugin							Plugin
Parent							Parent
UserAccounts					User Accounts
UserAccount						User Account
New-UserAccount					New User Account
Lookup-UserAccount				Lookup User Account
InviteSent						Invitation was sent at {0,time}, feel free to invite additional friends!
User-Updated					User Account ''{0}'' was updated at {1,time}
Site-Updated					Site Account ''{0}'' was updated at {1,time}
User-AccountCreated				User Account ''{0}'' created with password ''{1}''
Site-AccountCreated				Site Account ''{0}'' created
Object-AccountCreated			''{0}'' created
Object-Updated					''{0}'' was updated at {1,time}
GotoUser						Goto user account ''{0}''
GotoSite						Goto site account ''{0}''
Goto							Goto ''{0}''
Invalid-UserName				Invalid User Name
Invalid-SiteName				Invalid Site Name
Unknown-UserName				Unknown User Name
BasicSettings					Basic Settings
LinkActionClass					Link Action Class
ExpirePassword					Expire Password
ResetPassword					Reset Password
SendResetPWLink					Send Reset Password Link

# Site
New-SiteAccount					New Site Account
SiteAccounts					Site Accounts
siteName						Site Name
SiteName						Site Name
Site-AccountCreated				Site Account ''{0}'' created
SiteAccount-Exists				Site name already in use

# Sample
SampleValue						Sample Value

AdminApp						Admin Application
UserAdmin						User Admin
SiteAdmin						Site Admin
Admin							Admin
UserSearch						User Search
SiteSearch						Site Search
CreateNewUser					Create New User
CreateNewSite					Create New Site
ResourceAccessInfo				Resource Access Info
ImportSites						Import Sites

Add-Subscription				Add Subscription
General							General
Description						Description
uid								UID

from							From
to								To
created							Creation Date
createdBy						Created By
credits							Credits
price							Price
transactionId					Transaction ID
CreditCardInfo					Credit Card Info
InvoiceInfo						Invoice Info

ObjectTemplates					Object Templates
TemplateItems					Template Items
UserTemplate					User Template

Event							Event
Method							Method
Variable						Variable
Value							Value
LinkText						Link Text

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