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import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.AccountExistsException;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.InvalidSiteAccountName;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.exceptions.PasswordLengthException;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.main.UAppCfg;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.main.UNotificationSvc;
import com.untzuntz.ustack.main.UOpts;

public class CreditAccount extends UntzDBObject {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CreditAccount.class);
	public static final String STATUS_DISABLED = "Disabled";
	public static final String STATUS_ACTIVE = "Active";
	public static final String TYPE_CREDIT = "Credit";
	public static final String TYPE_INVOICE = "Invoice";
	public static final String TYPE_CORPORATE = "Corporate";
	public static final String TYPE_SPONSORED = "Sponsored";
	public static final String TYPE_DEMO = "Demo";
	public String getCollectionName() { return "creditAccounts"; }
	private CreditAccount()
		// setup basic values on account
		put("created", new Date());
		put("type", TYPE_CREDIT);
		put("creditCount", 0);
		put("priceTotal", 0);

	public String getAccountId() {
		return get("_id") + "";

	/** Gets the DB Collection for the CreditAccount object */
	public static DBCollection getDBCollection() {
		return new CreditAccount().getCollection();

	/** Return the name of the database that houses the 'creditAccount' collection */
	public static final String getDatabaseName() {
		if (UOpts.getString(UAppCfg.DATABASE_CREDITACCT_COL) != null)
			return UOpts.getString(UAppCfg.DATABASE_CREDITACCT_COL);
		return UOpts.getAppName();

	 * Generate a CreditAccount object from the MongoDB object
	 * @param user
	public CreditAccount(DBObject acct) {

	/** Rename the item - this runs a check to verify the new name isn't in use */
	public void renameAccount(String name) throws AccountExistsException,InvalidSiteAccountName
		if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
			throw new InvalidSiteAccountName("CreditAccount");
		CreditAccount site = getAccount(name);
		if (site != null) // already exists
			throw new AccountExistsException("CreditAccount");


	/** Return BasicDBList of funding sources */
	public BasicDBList getProductActionList()
		BasicDBList ret = (BasicDBList)get("prodActionList");
		if (ret == null)
			ret = new BasicDBList();
		return ret;
	public void setProductActionList(BasicDBList list) {
		put("prodActionList", list);
	public void removeProductIdForAction(String action)
		BasicDBList list = getProductActionList();
		for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
			DBObject obj = (DBObject)list.get(i);
			if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( (String)obj.get("action") ))
	public void setProductIdForAction(String action, String productId)
		if (action == null || productId == null)
		BasicDBList list = getProductActionList();
		DBObject tgt = null;
		for (int i = 0; tgt == null && i < list.size(); i++)
			DBObject obj = (DBObject)list.get(i);
			if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( (String)obj.get("action") ))
				tgt = obj;
		if (tgt == null)
			tgt = new BasicDBObject("action", action);
			tgt.put("productId", productId);
			tgt.put("productId", productId);
	public String getProductIdByAction(String action)
		if (action == null)
			return null;
		BasicDBList list = getProductActionList();
		for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
			DBObject obj = (DBObject)list.get(i);
			if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( (String)obj.get("action") ))
				return (String)obj.get("productId");
		return null;

	/** Sets the account name */
	public void setAccountName(String name)
		put("name", name);

	/** Returns the username */
	public String getAccountName()
		return getString("name");
	/** Sets the uid */
	private void setUid(String uid)
		uid = uid.toLowerCase();
		put("uid", uid);

	/** Returns the uid */
	public String getUid()
		return getString("uid");
	public void setPIN(String pin)
		put("pin", pin);
		put("pinChangeDate", new Date());
		put("pinErrorCount", 0);
	 * Increase failed password count and lock account if necessary
	public void increasePINErrorCount()
		Integer errCnt = (Integer)get("pinErrorCount");
		if (errCnt == null)
			errCnt = new Integer(0);
		put("pinErrorCount", errCnt);"PIN Error Cout: " + errCnt);
		if (errCnt >= UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.PASSWORD_ERROR_LIMIT)) // we hit the max - lock it up!

	 * Locks the account for the configed amount of time
	public void lockAccount()
		int lockSec = UOpts.getInt(UAppCfg.USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKTIME_SEC);
		Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
		now.add(Calendar.SECOND, lockSec);
		put("locked", now.getTime());		

	 * Determine if the account is currently locked
	 * @return
	public boolean isLocked()
		if (get("locked") == null)
			return false;
		// the lock date is set to when the account will be unlocked, if it is before 'now' we are not locked
		Date lockDate = (Date)get("locked");
		if (lockDate.before(new Date()))
			return false;
		return true;

	 * Clears fields to set account to a unlocked state
	public void unlock()

	/** Resets the password error count value */
	public void resetPasswordErrorCount()
	/** Returns the number of failed pin attempts */
	public int getPINErrorCount()
		if (get("pinErrorCount") == null)
			return 0;
		return (Integer)get("pinErrorCount");

	public void setVolumePricingProducts(String val)
		if (val == null)
			put("volumePricingProducts", val);

	public String getVolumePricingProducts()
		return getString("volumePricingProducts");
	/** Return BasicDBList of volume pricing */
	public BasicDBList getVolumePricingList()
		BasicDBList ret = (BasicDBList)get("volumePricingList");
		if (ret == null)
			ret = new BasicDBList();
		return ret;
	public void addVolumeStep(int count, int price)
		DBObject newStep = new BasicDBObject("count", count).append("price", price);
		BasicDBList list = getVolumePricingList();

	public void setVolumePricingList(BasicDBList list)
		put("volumePricingList", list);

	/** Return BasicDBList of funding sources */
	public BasicDBList getFundingSourceList()
		BasicDBList ret = (BasicDBList)get("fundingSourceList");
		if (ret == null)
			ret = new BasicDBList();
		return ret;

	public FundingConfig getFundingConfig(int idx)
		BasicDBList list = getFundingSourceList();
		if (idx > list.size())
			return null;
		FundingConfig cfg = new FundingConfig((DBObject)list.get(idx));
		list.set(idx, cfg);
		return cfg;
	/** Set the funding source list */
	public void setFundingSourceList(BasicDBList list)
		put("fundingSourceList", list);
	public void setFundingProductId(String productId)
		put("fundingProductId", productId);
	public void removeFundingProductId()
	public String getFundingProductId()
		return getString("fundingProductId");
	public void setAutoRecharge(boolean rc) {
		put("autoRecharge", rc + "");
	public boolean isAutoRecharge()
		return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(getString("autoRecharge"));
	public void setFundingRefreshLevel(int lvl)
		put("fundingRefreshLevel", lvl);
	public int getFundingRefreshLevel()
		return getInt("fundingRefreshLevel");
	public int getCreditCount()
		return getInt("creditCount");
	public int getPriceTotal()
		return getInt("priceTotal");
	public void addFundingSource(FundingConfig funding)
		BasicDBList list = getFundingSourceList();
	 * Hit account configured funding sources for more credits
	 * @param actor
	public void refreshCredits(String actor)
		if (getFundingProductId() != null)
			Product refresh = Product.getByProductId(getFundingProductId());
			if (refresh != null)
				try { 
					processProductTransaction(actor, refresh);

					NumberFormat currency = new DecimalFormat("$ #.00");
					put("lastTransactionValue", currency.format(refresh.getDefaultPrice() / 100.0f));
					DBObject acctSearch = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("creditAccountUid", getUid()).get();
					UNotificationSvc svc = new UNotificationSvc();
					svc.setData("creditAccount", this);
					svc.notify("ustack.creditRefreshed", acctSearch);

				} catch (Exception err) {}
				logger.error("Trying to refresh credits for account [" + getAccountName() + "/" + getAccountId() + "] -> Failed due to an invalid funding product id [" + getFundingProductId() + "]");
			logger.error("Trying to refresh credits for account [" + getAccountName() + "/" + getAccountId() + "] -> Failed due to no funding product id");
	public void setExternalAPIName(String name)
		put("externalAPIName", name);
	public String getExternalAPIName() 
		String ret = getString("externalAPIName");
		if (ret == null)
			ret = " Test API";
		return ret;
	public void processProductTransaction(String actor, Product refresh) throws Exception
		String transactionId = null;
		FundingInt successFund = null;
		boolean success = false;
		if (refresh == null)
			throw new Exception("Invalid product for transaction");
		if (refresh.getDefaultPrice() == 0)
			success = true;
			Exception lastErr = null;
			BasicDBList list = getFundingSourceList();
			 * Start at the top of the funding list and move down until we 'win'
			for (int i = 0; !success && i < list.size(); i++)
				FundingConfig cfg = new FundingConfig( (DBObject)list.get(i) );
				FundingInt fint = FundingConfig.getFundingInstance(cfg.getFundingActorClass());
				if (fint != null)
					fint.setAPIName( getExternalAPIName() );
					try {
						transactionId = fint.requestFunding(actor, null, refresh.getDescription(), refresh.getDefaultPrice(), "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("TestCase")));
						successFund = fint;
						success = true;
					} catch (NoFundingAddedException err) {
			"Funding Request Skipped [" + getAccountName() + "/" + getAccountId() + "] -> Reason: " + err.getMessage(), err);
						lastErr = err;
					} catch (Exception err) {
						logger.warn("Funding Request Failed [" + getAccountName() + "/" + getAccountId() + "] -> Reason: " + err.getMessage(), err);
						// Save the failed transaction as part of the account record
						AccountTransaction failedTran = new AccountTransaction(actor, refresh.getProductId());
						failedTran.put("from", "n/a");
						failedTran.put("to", "Transaction Failed");
						failedTran.put("status", "error");
						failedTran.put("errorText", err.getMessage());
						failedTran.put("acctId", getAccountId());
						// Alert!
						DBObject acctSearch = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("creditAccountUid", getUid()).get();
						UNotificationSvc svc = new UNotificationSvc();
						svc.setData("creditAccount", this);
						svc.setData("failedTransaction", failedTran);
						svc.notify("ustack.fundingFailed", acctSearch);
						lastErr = err;
					logger.error("Failed to load funding actor class : " + cfg.getFundingActorClass());
			if (!success)
				throw lastErr;
		// apply credits to the account based on the product that was approved above
		AccountTransaction refreshTran = new AccountTransaction(actor, refresh.getProductId());
		try {
			if (successFund != null)
				refreshTran.put("from", successFund.getDescription());
				refreshTran.put("from", "n/a");
			refreshTran.put("to", "Account Balance");
			if (transactionId != null)
				refreshTran.put("transactionId", transactionId);
			executeTransaction(actor, refreshTran);
		} catch (InsufficientFundsException er) {
			// ignore as we should only be adding funding
	 *  Takes action on the account against the incoming transaction 
	 * 	Note: this does allow the caller to get to negative credits on the account
	public void executeTransaction(String actor, AccountTransaction tran) throws InsufficientFundsException
		int credits = getInt("creditCount");
		credits += tran.getCredits();
		int price = getInt("priceTotal");
		price += tran.getPrice();
		// Update account values
		put("creditCount", credits);
		put("priceTotal", price);

		// Check if we moved into the 'red'
		if (tran.getCredits() < 0 && getInt("creditCount") < 0)
			logger.warn("Disabling Credit Account [" + getAccountName() + "/" + getAccountId() + "] due to insufficient credits : " + getInt("creditCount"));
		else if (getInt("creditCount") > 0) // if we emerged

		// set the account id on the transaction (for reporting) and remove the _id so we have unique transactions (ensures matching of credit counts)
		tran.put("acctId", getAccountId());
		save(actor); // save the accoun and transaction
		if (tran.getCredits() < 0)
			DBObject acctSearch = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("creditAccountUid", getUid()).get();

			// We are below the funding level, send an alert
			if (getInt("creditCount") < getFundingRefreshLevel())
				UNotificationSvc svc = new UNotificationSvc();
				svc.setData("creditAccount", this);
				svc.notify("ustack.creditRefreshNeeded", acctSearch);
				// account needs refresh let's try to do that in this transaction

			// Accoun is in the red, alert on that too if necessary
			if (getInt("creditCount") < 0)
				UNotificationSvc svc = new UNotificationSvc();
				svc.setData("creditAccount", this);
				svc.notify("ustack.insufficientFunding", acctSearch);
				throw new InsufficientFundsException();

	 * Determines if the credit account is disabled by the credit account status
	 * @return
	public boolean isDisabled()
		String status = getStatus();
		if (STATUS_DISABLED.equalsIgnoreCase(status))
			return true;
		return false;

	/** Sets the credit account's status */
	public void setStatus(String status)
		put("status", status);

	 * Returns the current credit account status
	 * @return
	public String getStatus()
		String status = (String)get("status");
		if (status == null)
			return STATUS_ACTIVE;
		return status;

	/** Sets the credit account's type */
	public void setType(String type)
		put("type", type);

	 * Returns the current credit account type
	 * @return
	public String getType()
		String type = (String)get("type");
		if (type == null)
			return TYPE_CREDIT;
		return type;
	 * Create a new credit account
	 * @param name
	 * @return
	 * @throws AccountExistsException
	 * @throws PasswordLengthException
	public static CreditAccount createAccount(String name)
		if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid account name");
		// create the actual account
		CreditAccount acct = new CreditAccount();

		boolean valid = false;
		while (!valid)
			UUID nUid = UUID.randomUUID();
			String uidStr = nUid.toString();
			if (uidStr.length() > 20)
				uidStr = uidStr.substring(0, 20);
			if (getAccountByUid(uidStr) == null)
				valid = true;
		}"Creating credit account '" + name + "'");
		return acct;

	 * Get a credit account by name
	 * @param userName
	 * @return
	public static CreditAccount getAccount(String name)
		if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
			return null;
		DBObject acct = null;
		try {
			acct = new CreditAccount().getCollection().findOne(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("name", Pattern.compile(".*" + name + ".*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).get());
		} catch (Exception exp) { 
			return null;
		if (acct == null)
			return null;
		return new CreditAccount(acct);
	 * Get a credit account by name
	 * @param userName
	 * @return
	public static CreditAccount getAccountByUid(String uid)
		if (uid == null || uid.length() == 0)
			return null;
		uid = uid.toLowerCase();
		DBObject acct = null;
		try {
			acct = new CreditAccount().getCollection().findOne(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("uid", uid).get());
		} catch (Exception exp) { 
			return null;
		if (acct == null)
			return null;
		return new CreditAccount(acct);
	 * Get a credit account by uid
	 * @param uid
	 * @return
	public static CreditAccount getAccountById(String uid)
		if (uid == null)
			return null;
		DBObject acct = new CreditAccount().getCollection().findOne(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("_id", new ObjectId(uid)).get());
		if (acct == null)
			return null;
		return new CreditAccount(acct);

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