Get the AIXM-EUR-JAXB jar file for easy integration
Welcome to our AIXM-EUR-JAXB jar download page. Here, you can get the latest version of the AIXM-EUR-JAXB jar file, which allows for easy integration with your project. Whether you are working on aviation-related software, data management, or any other fields that require AIXM (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model) support, this jar file will aid in simplifying your development process. Simply click on the download button below and start benefiting from the capabilities of AIXM-EUR-JAXB in your project today!
Files of the artifact aixm-eur-jaxb version 5.1.0-alpha4 from the group com.uvic-cfar.swim.
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Source code of aixm-eur-jaxb version 5.1.0-alpha4
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