com.vaadin.polymer.iron.element.IronLocalstorageElement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This code was generated with Vaadin Web Component GWT API Generator,
* from iron-localstorage project by unknown author
* that is licensed with license.
package com.vaadin.polymer.iron.element;
import com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.*;
* Element access to Web Storage API (window.localStorage).
* Keeps value
property in sync with localStorage.
* Value is saved as json by default.
* Usage:
* ls-sample
will automatically save changes to its value.
* <dom-module id="ls-sample">
* <iron-localstorage name="my-app-storage"
* value="{{cartoon}}"
* on-iron-localstorage-load-empty="initializeDefaultCartoon"
* ></iron-localstorage>
* </dom-module>
* <script>
* Polymer({
* is: 'ls-sample',
* properties: {
* cartoon: {
* type: Object
* }
* },
* // initializes default if nothing has been stored
* initializeDefaultCartoon: function() {
* this.cartoon = {
* name: "Mickey",
* hasEars: true
* }
* },
* // use path set api to propagate changes to localstorage
* makeModifications: function() {
* this.set('', "Minions");
* this.set('cartoon.hasEars', false);
* }
* });
* </script>
Tech notes:
* value.*
is observed, and saved on modifications. You must use
property notification methods to modify value for changes to be observed.
* Set auto-save-disabled
to prevent automatic saving.
* Value is saved as JSON by default.
* To delete a key, set value to null
* Element listens to StorageAPI storage
event, and will reload upon receiving it.
* Warning: do not bind value to sub-properties until Polymer
bug 1550
is resolved. Local storage will be blown away.
<iron-localstorage value="{{}}"
will cause data loss.
public interface IronLocalstorageElement extends HTMLElement {
public static final String TAG = "iron-localstorage";
public static final String SRC = "iron-localstorage/iron-localstorage.html";
* Value will not be saved automatically if true. You’ll have to do it manually with save()
* JavaScript Info:
* @property autoSaveDisabled
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty boolean getAutoSaveDisabled();
* Value will not be saved automatically if true. You’ll have to do it manually with save()
* JavaScript Info:
* @property autoSaveDisabled
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty void setAutoSaveDisabled(boolean value);
* Last error encountered while saving/loading items
* JavaScript Info:
* @property errorMessage
* @type String
@JsProperty String getErrorMessage();
* Last error encountered while saving/loading items
* JavaScript Info:
* @property errorMessage
* @type String
@JsProperty void setErrorMessage(String value);
* localStorage item key
* JavaScript Info:
* @property name
* @type String
@JsProperty String getName();
* localStorage item key
* JavaScript Info:
* @property name
* @type String
@JsProperty void setName(String value);
* Loads the value again. Use if you modify
localStorage using DOM calls, and want to
keep this element in sync.
* JavaScript Info:
* @method reload
void reload();
* Saves the value to localStorage. Call to save if autoSaveDisabled is set.
If value
is null, deletes localStorage.
* JavaScript Info:
* @method save
void save();
* If true: do not convert value to JSON on save/load
* JavaScript Info:
* @property useRaw
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty boolean getUseRaw();
* If true: do not convert value to JSON on save/load
* JavaScript Info:
* @property useRaw
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty void setUseRaw(boolean value);
* The data associated with this storage.
If set to null item will be deleted.
* JavaScript Info:
* @property value
* @type *
@JsProperty JavaScriptObject getValue();
* The data associated with this storage.
If set to null item will be deleted.
* JavaScript Info:
* @property value
* @type *
@JsProperty void setValue(JavaScriptObject value);
* JavaScript Info:
* @method attached
void attached();
* JavaScript Info:
* @method detached
void detached();
* JavaScript Info:
* @property observers
* @type Array
@JsProperty JsArray getObservers();
* JavaScript Info:
* @property observers
* @type Array
@JsProperty void setObservers(JsArray value);