com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.vaadin.polymer;
import com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.Function;
import com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.HTMLElement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage.GLOBAL;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public abstract class Polymer {
private static PolymerRoot Polymer;
public static Base Base;
private static boolean hasHtmlImports = htmlImportsSupported();
* Set the location of the bower_components for the application.
* By default it is computed from the module base.
* Additionally this can be set from JS modifying the
* `window.gwtBowerLocation` property.
@JsProperty(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
public static native void setGwtBowerLocation(String s);
@JsProperty(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
public static native String getGwtBowerLocation();
static {
if (getGwtBowerLocation() == null) {
String moduleBase = GWT.getModuleBaseForStaticFiles();
String moduleName = GWT.getModuleName();
// SSO linker does not set correctly the module base
if (!moduleBase.contains(moduleName)) {
moduleBase = moduleName + "/";
setGwtBowerLocation(moduleBase + "bower_components/");
@JsType(isNative=true, namespace="Polymer")
public interface DomApi {
T querySelector(String selector);
JsArray querySelectorAll(String selector);
void appendChild(Object el);
JsArray children();
@JsType(isNative=true, namespace=GLOBAL)
public interface PolymerRoot {
void updateStyles();
DomApi dom(Object el);
@JsType(isNative=true, namespace="Polymer")
public interface Base {
* Returns the first node in this element’s local DOM that matches selector.
Element $$(String selector);
* Toggles the named boolean class on the node, adding the class if bool is
* truthy and removing it if bool is falsey.
void toggleClass(String name, boolean b, Element node);
* Toggles the named boolean attribute on the node.
void toggleAttribute(String name, boolean b, Element node);
* Moves a boolean attribute from oldNode to newNode, unsetting the attribute
* (if set) on oldNode and setting it on newNode
void attributeFollows(String name, Element newNode, Element oldNode);
* Moves a class from oldNode to newNode, removing the class (if present)
* on oldNode and adding it to newNode.
void classFollows(String name, Element newNode, Element oldNode);
* Fires a custom event. The options object can contain the following properties:
* node: Node to fire the event on (defaults to this).
* bubbles: Whether the event should bubble. Defaults to true.
* cancelable: Whether the event can be canceled with preventDefault. Defaults to false.
void fire(String type, JavaScriptObject detail, JavaScriptObject options);
* Calls method asynchronously. If no wait time is specified, runs tasks with microtask
* timing (after the current method finishes, but before the next event from the event
* queue is processed). Returns a handle that can be used to cancel the task.
Object async(Function method, int wait);
* Cancels the identified async task.
void cancelAsync(Object handle);
* Applies a CSS transform to the specified node, or host element if no node is
* specified. transform is specified as a string. For example:
* transform('rotateX(90deg)', elm);
void transform(String transform, Element node);
* Transforms the specified node, or host element if no node is specified. For example:
* translate3d('100px', '100px', '100px', elm);
void translate3d(String x, String y, String z, Element node);
* Dynamically imports an HTML document.
void importHref(String href, Function onload, Function onerror);
* Takes a URL relative to the of an imported Polymer element, and returns
* a path relative to the current document. This method can be used, for example,
* to refer to an asset delivered alongside an HTML import.
String resolveUrl(String url);
private static Set urlImported = new HashSet<>();
private static HashMap> whenImported = new HashMap<>();
* Inserts the appropriate <import> of a component given by url.
* @param href either an absolute url or a path relative to bower_components folder.
public static void importHref(String href) {
importHref(href, null, null);
* Inserts the appropriate <import> of a component given by url.
* @param href either an absolute url or a path relative to bower_components folder.
* @param ok callback to run in case of success
public static void importHref(String href, Function ok) {
importHref(href, ok, null);
private static String absoluteHref(String hrefOrTag) {
if (!hrefOrTag.startsWith("http")) {
// It's a tag
if (hrefOrTag.matches("[\\w-]+")) {
hrefOrTag = hrefOrTag + "/" + hrefOrTag;
// Not ending with html or js
if (!hrefOrTag.matches(".*\\.(html|js)$")) {
hrefOrTag += ".html";
hrefOrTag = getGwtBowerLocation() + hrefOrTag;
return hrefOrTag;
// Loads Polymer once if not done yet, and queue all callbaks until ready
private static native void whenPolymerLoaded(Function ok)
function resolve() {
// Set our static reference to Base
@com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer::Polymer = $wnd.Polymer;
@com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer::Base = $wnd.Polymer.Base;
// Polymer dynamic loaded does not remove unresolved
if (!$wnd.Polymer) {
// Dynamic load Polymer and wait until ready
if (!$wnd._pending_oks) {
$wnd._pending_oks = [ok];
var l = $doc.createElement('link');
l.rel = 'import';
l.href = @com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer::absoluteHref(*)('polymer');
l.onload = function() {
// Run all tasks waiting for Polymer be ready
$wnd._pending_oks = undefined;
} else {
* Inserts the appropriate <import> of a component given by url.
* If the components is already registered it does not import anything so as
* the user could import elements in the hosted page, or vulcanize them.
* If the component is being imported, all callbacks are queued until ready.
* @param hrefOrTag it can be an absolute url, a relative path or a tag name.
* - if it is a relative path, we prefix it with bower_components
* in case it is not already prefixed.
* - if it is a tag, we compose the relative url:
* bower_components/tagName/tagName.html
* @param ok callback to run in case of success
* @param err callback to run in case of failure
public static void importHref(String hrefOrTag, final Function ok, final Function err) {
final String href = absoluteHref(hrefOrTag);
Function done = arg -> {
List pending = whenImported.get(href);
if (pending != null) {
for (Function f : pending) {;
return null;
if (Base == null) {
whenPolymerLoaded(arg -> {
importHref(hrefOrTag, ok, err);
return null;
if (!urlImported.contains(href)) {
if (!isRegistered(href)) {
List pending = whenImported.get(href);
if (pending == null) {
pending = new ArrayList();
whenImported.put(href, pending);
Base.importHref(href, done, err);
if (ok != null) {
if (ok != null) {;
* Inserts the appropriate <import> of a list of components
* @param hrefs a list of absolute urls or relative paths to load.
public static void importHref(final List hrefs) {
importHref(hrefs, null, null);
* Inserts the appropriate <import> of a list of components
* @param hrefs a list of absolute urls or relative paths to load.
* @param ok callback to run in case of all import success
* @param err callback to run in case of failure
public static void importHref(final List hrefs, final Function ok) {
importHref(hrefs, ok, null);
* Inserts the appropriate <import> of a list of components
* @param hrefs a list of absolute urls or relative paths to load.
* @param ok callback to run in case of all import success
* @param err callback to run in case of failure
public static void importHref(final List hrefs, final Function ok, Function err) {
Function allOk = ok == null ? ok : new Function() {
int count = hrefs.size();
public Object call(Object arg) {
if (--count == 0) {;
return null;
for (String href : hrefs) {
importHref(href, allOk, err);
* Returns a new instance of the Element. It loads the web component
* from the bower_components/src url if it was not loaded yet.
public static T createElement(final String tagName, final String... imports) {
final T e = (T)Document.get().createElement(tagName);
if (imports.length > 0) {
ensureCustomElement(e, imports);
} else {
ensureCustomElement(e, tagName);
return e;
public static void ensureCustomElement(final T elem, String... imports) {
if (isRegisteredElement(elem)) {
// Import all necessary stuff for this element
for (String src : imports) {
importHref(src, null, null);
* Returns a new instance of the Element. It loads the web component
* from the bower_components/tagName/tagName.html url if not loaded yet.
public static T createElement(String tagName) {
return createElement(tagName, new String[]{});
* Returns the JsInterop instance of Document
public static com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.Document getDocument() {
return (com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.Document)Document.get();
* Return true if the element is already registered.
* Useful when components are loaded previously, i.e. when vulcanizing imports.
private static boolean isRegistered(String hrefOrTag) {
Element e = Document.get().createElement(hrefOrTag.replaceFirst("^.*/(.+).html$", "$1"));
return isRegisteredElement(e);
* Check whether a certain custom element has been registered.
private native static boolean isRegisteredElement(Object e)
return !!e && e.constructor !== $wnd.HTMLElement && e.constructor != $wnd.HTMLUnknownElement;
public static void ready(HTMLElement e, Function f) {
whenReady(f, (Element)e);
public static void ready(Element e, Function f) {
whenReady(f, e);
* Update all style elements on the page.
public static void updateStyles() {
* Executes a function after all imports have been loaded.
public static void whenReady(Function f) {
whenReady(f, null);
private native static boolean htmlImportsSupported()
return 'import' in $doc.createElement('link');
* Executes a function after all imports have been loaded and when the
* passed element is ready to use.
* For browsers not supporting html imports, it loads the webcomponentsjs polyfill.
public static native void whenReady(Function f, Element e)
function registered() {
if (e) {
var id = setInterval(function() {
if (@com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer::isRegisteredElement(*)(e)) {
if (f) f(e);
}, 10);
} else {
if (f) f();
function done() {
function loadPolyfill() {
var s = $doc.createElement('script');
s.src = @com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer::absoluteHref(*)
s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = done;
if (!$wnd.HTMLImports) {
if (@com.vaadin.polymer.Polymer::hasHtmlImports) {
} else {
} else {
* If an element is not ready, loops until it gets ready, then
* run a Function (JsFunction or JavaFunction)
* @deprecated use {@link #whenReady(Function, Element)} instead.
private static void onReady(Element e, Object f) {
whenReady((Function)f, e);
* Utility method to show a loading element if there is no one in
* hosting page.
public static void startLoading() {
Element l = DOM.getElementById("loading");
if (l == null) {
l = DOM.createDiv();
l.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;text-align:center;font-family:arial;font-size:24px;color:#4285f4;");
l.setInnerText("loading" + "...");
public static void endLoading(final Element container, Element webcomponent) {
endLoading(container, webcomponent, null);
* Utility method to remove a loading message and show a container when a
* web component becomes available.
* @param container : The container to show when the component is available
* @param webcomponent : Web component to monitor
* @param callback : Calback function
public static void endLoading(final Element container, Element webcomponent, final Function func) {
container.getStyle().setProperty("transition", "opacity 1.1s");
ready(webcomponent, new Function() {
public Object call(Object arg) {
return func != null ? : null;
* Force a browser re-flow. For some reason in Chrome we need to force
* it the very first time we initialize the UI. It seems it happens with
* widgets and no with elements but not 100% positive. To test it try
* to reload the app in SDM and do not move the mouse, moving or clicking
* mouse on body also makes the UI re-draw.
private static native void reFlow()
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1) {
var c = 0;
var id = setInterval(function() {
// Using $doc.body.offsetWidth in an if, otherwise closure
// compiler prunes it.
if (c++ >= 20 && $doc.body.offsetWidth > 0)
}, 50);
* Box a native JS array in a Java List. It does not have any performance
* penalty because we directly set the native array of the super ArrayList
* implementation.
public static native List asList(JavaScriptObject o)
var l = @java.util.ArrayList::new()();
[email protected]::array = o;
return l;
* UnBox the native JS array in a Java List. It does not have any performance
* penalty because we directly take the native array of the super ArrayList
* implementation.
public static native JsArray asJsArray(List> l)
return [email protected]::array;
* Utility method for getting a property for a JS object
public native static T property(Object jso, String name)
return jso[name] || null;
* Utility method for setting properties to JS objects.
* In case that value is a JSON string it must be based to Polymer attribute setter
* so as it's able to parse. Needed when setting json values in UIBinder.
public native static void property(HTMLElement jso, String name, String value)
if (jso.setAttribute && /^[\[\{]/.test(value)) {
jso.setAttribute(name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase(), value);
} else {
jso[name] = value;
* Utility method for setting properties to JS objects.
public native static void property(Object jso, String name, Object value)
jso[name] = value;
* Utility method for setting a function to a JS object.
* Useful for binding functions to templates.
public static void function(Object jso, String name, Function fnc) {
property(jso, name, fnc);
* Utility method for calling a function of a JS object.
public native static T apply(Object jso, String methodName, Object... args)
return jso[methodName].apply(jso, args);
public static native T cast(Object o)
return o;
* Return the dom API of one element.
public static DomApi dom(Object element) {
return Polymer.dom(element);
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