Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This code was generated with Vaadin Web Component GWT API Generator,
* from app-localize-behavior project by The Polymer Authors
* that is licensed with license.
import com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.*;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsOverlay;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
* Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior
wraps the format.js library to
help you internationalize your application. Note that if you’re on a browser that
does not natively support the Intl
object, you must load the polyfill yourself. An example polyfill can
be found here.
* Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior
supports the same message-syntax
of format.js, in its entirety; use the library docs as reference for the
available message formats and options.
* Sample application loading resources from an external file:
* <dom-module id="x-app">
* <template>
* <div>{{localize('hello', 'name', 'Batman')}}</div>
* </template>
* <script>
* Polymer({
* is: "x-app",
* behaviors: [
* Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior
* ],
* properties: {
* language: {
* value: 'en'
* },
* }
* attached: function() {
* this.loadResources(this.resolveUrl('locales.json'));
* },
* });
* </script>
* </dom-module>
Alternatively, you can also inline your resources inside the app itself:
* <dom-module id="x-app">
* <template>
* <div>{{localize('hello', 'name', 'Batman')}}</div>
* </template>
* <script>
* Polymer({
* is: "x-app",
* behaviors: [
* Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior
* ],
* properties: {
* language: {
* value: 'en'
* },
* resources: {
* value: function() {
* return {
* 'en': { 'hello': 'My name is {name}.' },
* 'fr': { 'hello': 'Je m\'apelle {name}.' }
* }
* }
* }
* });
* </script>
* </dom-module>
public interface AppLocalizeBehavior {
@JsOverlay public static final String NAME = "Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior";
@JsOverlay public static final String SRC = "app-localize-behavior/app-localize-behavior.html";
* If true, will bubble up the event to the parents
* JavaScript Info:
* @property bubbleEvent
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty boolean getBubbleEvent();
* If true, will bubble up the event to the parents
* JavaScript Info:
* @property bubbleEvent
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty void setBubbleEvent(boolean value);
* Optional dictionary of user defined formats, as explained here:
* For example, a valid dictionary of formats would be:
this.formats = {
number: { USD: { style: ‘currency’, currency: ‘USD’ } }
* JavaScript Info:
* @property formats
* @type Object
@JsProperty JavaScriptObject getFormats();
* Optional dictionary of user defined formats, as explained here:
* For example, a valid dictionary of formats would be:
this.formats = {
number: { USD: { style: ‘currency’, currency: ‘USD’ } }
* JavaScript Info:
* @property formats
* @type Object
@JsProperty void setFormats(JavaScriptObject value);
* Translates a string to the current language
. Any parameters to the
string should be passed in order, as follows:
localize(stringKey, param1Name, param1Value, param2Name, param2Value)
* JavaScript Info:
* @property localize
* @type Function
@JsProperty Function getLocalize();
* Translates a string to the current language
. Any parameters to the
string should be passed in order, as follows:
localize(stringKey, param1Name, param1Value, param2Name, param2Value)
* JavaScript Info:
* @property localize
* @type Function
@JsProperty void setLocalize(Function value);
* The dictionary of localized messages, for each of the languages that
are going to be used. See for
more information on the message syntax.
* For example, a valid dictionary would be:
this.resources = {
‘en’: { ‘greeting’: ‘Hello!’ }, ‘fr’ : { ‘greeting’: ‘Bonjour!’ }
* JavaScript Info:
* @property resources
* @type Object
@JsProperty JavaScriptObject getResources();
* The dictionary of localized messages, for each of the languages that
are going to be used. See for
more information on the message syntax.
* For example, a valid dictionary would be:
this.resources = {
‘en’: { ‘greeting’: ‘Hello!’ }, ‘fr’ : { ‘greeting’: ‘Bonjour!’ }
* JavaScript Info:
* @property resources
* @type Object
@JsProperty void setResources(JavaScriptObject value);
* If true, will use the provided key when
the translation does not exist for that key.
* JavaScript Info:
* @property useKeyIfMissing
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty boolean getUseKeyIfMissing();
* If true, will use the provided key when
the translation does not exist for that key.
* JavaScript Info:
* @property useKeyIfMissing
* @type Boolean
@JsProperty void setUseKeyIfMissing(boolean value);
* The language used for translation.
* JavaScript Info:
* @property language
* @type String
@JsProperty String getLanguage();
* The language used for translation.
* JavaScript Info:
* @property language
* @type String
@JsProperty void setLanguage(String value);
* JavaScript Info:
* @method loadResources
* @param {} path
void loadResources(Object path);