com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.model.Configuration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2000-2024 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Vaadin Commercial License and Service Terms.
* See {@literal } for the full
* license.
package com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.Chart;
* Chart's configuration root object containing all the child objects that are
* used to configure chart, axes, legend, titles etc.
public class Configuration extends AbstractConfigurationObject
implements ChartConfiguration {
private Accessibility accessibility;
private ChartModel chart = new ChartModel();
private Title title;
private Subtitle subtitle;
private AxisList xAxis;
private AxisList yAxis;
private AxisList zAxis;
private AxisList colorAxis;
private Tooltip tooltip;
private Legend legend;
private Credits credits;
private Map plotOptions = new HashMap<>();
private HTMLLabels labels;
private List series = new ArrayList<>();
private Drilldown drilldown;
private PaneList pane;
private Exporting exporting = new Exporting(false);
private RangeSelector rangeSelector;
private Scrollbar scrollbar;
private Loading loading;
private Navigation navigation;
private NoData noData;
private Navigator navigator;
private Time time;
private final List changeListeners = new ArrayList<>();
* @see #setAccessibility(Accessibility)
public Accessibility getAccessibility() {
if (accessibility == null) {
setAccessibility(new Accessibility());
return accessibility;
* Sets options for configuring accessibility for the chart.
* @param accessibility
public void setAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {
this.accessibility = accessibility;
* @see #setChart(ChartModel)
public ChartModel getChart() {
if (chart == null) {
setChart(new ChartModel());
return chart;
* Sets options regarding the chart and plot areas as well as general chart
* options.
* @param chart
* ChartModel to set, not null
public void setChart(ChartModel chart) {
Objects.requireNonNull(chart, "Given ChartModel may not be null");
this.chart = chart;
* @see #setSeries(List)
public List getSeries() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(series);
* Adds a single series to the list of series in this configuration.
* @param series
public void addSeries(Series series) {
* Sets the actual series to append to the chart. Series objects contains
* the data content (individual points/columns etc.) of the plot. The series
* object could have data (the content), name, labels, tooltips, markers
* etc.
* In addition to the attributes listed above, any member of the plotOptions
* for that specific type of plot can be added to a series individually. For
* example, even though a general lineWidth is specified in
* AbstractPlotOptions, an individual lineWidth can be specified for each
* series (e.g. to enable each series have different lineWidth).
* If the chart is already rendered on the client,
* {@link Chart#drawChart(boolean)} needs to be called with
* true
as parameter so the configuration object is resent to
* the client.
* @param series
public void setSeries(List series) {
this.series = new ArrayList<>(series);
for (Series s : series) {
* @see #setSeries(List)
* @param series
public void setSeries(Series... series) {
* If series is a {@link DataSeries} and has drilldown Series that haven't
* be added to the {@link Drilldown} configuration object they will be added
* at this point
* @param series
private void addSeriesToDrilldownConfiguration(Series series) {
if (series instanceof DataSeries) {
DataSeries dataSeries = (DataSeries) series;
if (dataSeries.hasDrilldownSeries()) {
Drilldown drilldown = getDrilldown();
for (Series s : ((DataSeries) series).getDrilldownSeries()) {
* Configuration options for drill down, the concept of inspecting
* increasingly high resolution data through clicking on chart items like
* columns or pie slices.
* @return current drilldown configuration
public Drilldown getDrilldown() {
if (drilldown == null) {
drilldown = new Drilldown();
return drilldown;
* @see #setTitle(Title)
public Title getTitle() {
if (title == null) {
title = new Title();
return title;
* The main title of the chart.
* @param title
public void setTitle(Title title) {
this.title = title;
* Sets the new chart's main title to the given string
* @param text
* Text of title
public void setTitle(String text) {
title = new Title(text);
* @return The chart's subtitle
public Subtitle getSubTitle() {
if (subtitle == null) {
subtitle = new Subtitle();
return subtitle;
* Sets the subtitle to the given text
* @param text
* Text of subtitle
public void setSubTitle(String text) {
subtitle = new Subtitle(text);
* Sets the chart's subtitle
* @param subTitle
public void setSubTitle(Subtitle subTitle) {
subtitle = subTitle;
* Returns the X-axis or category axis. Normally this is the horizontal
* axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the vertical axis. In case
* of multiple axes defined, the first axis is returned. An axis will be
* created if no axis is defined.
* @return the X-axis or category axis.
public XAxis getxAxis() {
if (xAxis == null) {
xAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (xAxis.getNumberOfAxes() == 0) {
XAxis x = new XAxis();
return xAxis.getAxis(0);
* @return the number of X-axes defined
public int getNumberOfxAxes() {
if (xAxis == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return xAxis.getNumberOfAxes();
* @return The X-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
public XAxis getxAxis(int index) {
if (index >= 0 && xAxis != null && getNumberOfxAxes() > index) {
return xAxis.getAxis(index);
} else {
return null;
* Removes all defined X-axes
public void removexAxes() {
xAxis = null;
* Adds an X-axis to the configuration
* @param axis
* The X-Axis to add.
* @see #getxAxis()
public void addxAxis(XAxis axis) {
if (xAxis == null) {
xAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (axis.getConfiguration() == null) {
* Returns the Y-axis or value axis. Normally this is the vertical axis,
* though if the chart is inverted this is the horizontal axis. In case
* there are multiple axes defined (a list), only the first axis is
* returned. If none exist, a Y-axis will be created.
* @return The first Y-axis
* @see #getyAxes()
public YAxis getyAxis() {
if (yAxis == null) {
yAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (yAxis.getNumberOfAxes() == 0) {
YAxis y = new YAxis();
return yAxis.getAxis(0);
* @return The number of Y-axes defined
public int getNumberOfyAxes() {
if (yAxis == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return yAxis.getNumberOfAxes();
* @return The Y-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
public YAxis getyAxis(int index) {
if (index >= 0 && yAxis != null && getNumberOfyAxes() > index) {
return yAxis.getAxis(index);
} else {
return null;
* Removes all defined Y-axes
public void removeyAxes() {
yAxis = null;
* Adds a Y-axis.
* @param axis
* The Y-axis to add.
* @see #getyAxes()
* @see #getyAxis()
public void addyAxis(YAxis axis) {
if (yAxis == null) {
yAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (axis.getConfiguration() == null) {
* @return A list of all defined Y-axes, null if none are found.
public AxisList getyAxes() {
if (yAxis != null) {
return yAxis;
} else {
return null;
* Returns the Z-axis. In case there are multiple axes defined (a list),
* only the first axis is returned. If none exist, a Z-axis will be created.
* @return The first Z-axis
* @see #getzAxes()
public ZAxis getzAxis() {
if (zAxis == null) {
zAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (zAxis.getNumberOfAxes() == 0) {
ZAxis y = new ZAxis();
return zAxis.getAxis(0);
* @return The number of Z-axes defined
public int getNumberOfzAxes() {
if (zAxis == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return zAxis.getNumberOfAxes();
* @return The Z-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
public ZAxis getzAxis(int index) {
if (index >= 0 && zAxis != null && getNumberOfzAxes() > index) {
return zAxis.getAxis(index);
} else {
return null;
* Removes all defined Z-axes
public void removezAxes() {
zAxis = null;
* Adds a Z-axis.
* @param axis
* The Z-axis to add.
* @see #getzAxes()
* @see #getzAxis()
public void addzAxis(ZAxis axis) {
if (zAxis == null) {
zAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (axis.getConfiguration() == null) {
* @return A list of all defined Z-axes, null if none are found.
public AxisList getzAxes() {
if (zAxis != null) {
return zAxis;
} else {
return null;
* @see #setTooltip(Tooltip)
* @return the tooltip options for this chart. If none have been set, a new
* Tooltip object with the default options is created.
public Tooltip getTooltip() {
if (tooltip == null) {
tooltip = new Tooltip();
return tooltip;
* Sets the options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a
* series or point.
* @param tooltip
public void setTooltip(Tooltip tooltip) {
this.tooltip = tooltip;
* @see #setCredits(Credits)
public Credits getCredits() {
if (credits == null) {
credits = new Credits();
return credits;
* Sets/changes the credits label that is added in the lower right corner of
* the chart.
* @param credits
public void setCredits(Credits credits) {
this.credits = credits;
* Disables the credits by setting a Credits object with the enabled
* property set to false.
public void disableCredits() {
Credits disabled = new Credits();
* @see #setLegend(Legend)
public Legend getLegend() {
if (legend == null) {
legend = new Legend();
return legend;
* Sets the legend. The legend is a box containing a symbol and name for
* each series item or point item in the chart.
* @param legend
public void setLegend(Legend legend) {
this.legend = legend;
* Returns all plot options used by this configuration.
* @see #setPlotOptions(AbstractPlotOptions...)
public Collection getPlotOptions() {
return plotOptions.values();
* Returns the plot options for a specific chart type used by this
* configuration.
* Returns null if no plot options was found for the type
* @see #setPlotOptions(AbstractPlotOptions...)
* @param type
public AbstractPlotOptions getPlotOptions(ChartType type) {
return plotOptions.get(type.toString());
* Sets component-wide default plot options.
* If the component contains several chart types, this method can be called
* with several plot option types. Subsequent calls with the same plot type
* will replace previous options for that specific chart type i.e only the
* latest options for each chart type is honored.
* {@link PlotOptionsSeries} is a special plot options type that can be used
* to define rules for all chart types.
* @see AbstractPlotOptions
* @param plotOptions
public void setPlotOptions(AbstractPlotOptions... plotOptions) {
for (AbstractPlotOptions po : plotOptions) {
* Adds plot options
* @see #setPlotOptions(AbstractPlotOptions...)
* @param plotOptions
public void addPlotOptions(AbstractPlotOptions plotOptions) {
if (plotOptions instanceof PlotOptionsSeries) {
this.plotOptions.put("series", plotOptions);
} else {
* @see #setLabels(HTMLLabels)
* @return Labels or null if not defined
public HTMLLabels getLabels() {
return labels;
* Sets HTML labels that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
* @param labels
public void setLabels(HTMLLabels labels) {
this.labels = labels;
* Sets whether to enable exporting
* @param exporting
* @see Exporting
* @see #setExporting(Exporting)
public void setExporting(Boolean exporting) {
* Sets the exporting module settings.
* @param exporting
* @see Exporting
public void setExporting(Exporting exporting) {
this.exporting = exporting;
* @see #setExporting(Exporting)
public Exporting getExporting() {
return exporting;
* @see #setExporting(Boolean)
public Boolean isExporting() {
return exporting.getEnabled();
* @see #addPane(Pane)
public Pane getPane() {
if (pane == null) {
pane = new PaneList();
if (pane.getNumberOfPanes() == 0) {
pane.addPane(new Pane());
return pane.getPane(0);
* Adds a pane. This applies only to polar charts and angular gauges. This
* configuration object holds general options for the combined X and Y -axes
* set. Each XAxis or YAxis can reference the pane by index.
* @param pane
public void addPane(Pane pane) {
if (this.pane == null) {
this.pane = new PaneList();
* Set settings for range selector.
* This is only valid if the chart is configured to use timeline. See
* {@link com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.Chart#setTimeline(Boolean)}}
* @param rangeSelector
* @see RangeSelector
public void setRangeSelector(RangeSelector rangeSelector) {
this.rangeSelector = rangeSelector;
* @see #setRangeSelector
public RangeSelector getRangeSelector() {
if (rangeSelector == null) {
rangeSelector = new RangeSelector();
return rangeSelector;
* @see #setScrollbar(Scrollbar)
public Scrollbar getScrollbar() {
if (scrollbar == null) {
scrollbar = new Scrollbar();
return scrollbar;
* Set configuration for the scrollbar.
* Allows panning over the X axis of the chart
* @param scrollbar
public void setScrollbar(Scrollbar scrollbar) {
this.scrollbar = scrollbar;
* @see #setNoData(NoData)
public NoData getNoData() {
if (noData == null) {
noData = new NoData();
return noData;
* Set options for displaying a message when no data is available.
* The actual text to display is set in the {@link Lang#setNoData(String)}
* @param noData
public void setNoData(NoData noData) {
this.noData = noData;
* @see #setNavigation(Navigation)
public Navigation getNavigation() {
if (navigation == null) {
navigation = new Navigation();
return navigation;
* Set options for buttons and menus appearing in the exporting module.
* @param navigation
public void setNavigation(Navigation navigation) {
this.navigation = navigation;
* @see #setLoading(Loading)
public Loading getLoading() {
if (loading == null) {
loading = new Loading();
return loading;
* Set loading options control the appearance of the loading screen that
* covers the plot area on chart operations.
* @param loading
public void setLoading(Loading loading) {
this.loading = loading;
* @see #setNavigator(Navigator)
public Navigator getNavigator() {
if (navigator == null) {
navigator = new Navigator();
return navigator;
* Set configuration for the navigator
* @param navigator
public void setNavigator(Navigator navigator) {
this.navigator = navigator;
* @see #setTime(Time)
public Time getTime() {
return time;
* Set configuration for time options
* @param time
public void setTime(Time time) {
this.time = time;
* Reverses the ListSeries (transposes it such that categories would be
* series names and vice versa) to help stacking
* throws {@link IllegalStateException} if series are not ListSeries type
public void reverseListSeries() {
List newSeries = new ArrayList<>();
String[] newCategories = new String[series.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < getxAxis().getCategories().length; j++) {
String name = getxAxis().getCategories()[j];
List numbers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) {
if (series.get(i) instanceof ListSeries) {
numbers.add(((ListSeries) series.get(i)).getData()[j]);
newCategories[i] = series.get(i).getName();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
newSeries.add(new ListSeries(name, numbers.toArray(new Number[1])));
series = newSeries;
* Notifies listeners that a data point has been added
* @param series
* @param value
void fireDataAdded(Series series, Number value) {
DataAddedEvent dataAddedEvent = new DataAddedEvent(series, value);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
* Notifies listeners that a data point has been added
* @param shift
void fireDataAdded(Series series, DataSeriesItem item, boolean shift) {
DataAddedEvent dataAddedEvent = new DataAddedEvent(series, item, shift);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
/** Notifies listeners that a data point has been removed */
void fireDataRemoved(Series series, int index) {
DataRemovedEvent dataRemovedEvent = new DataRemovedEvent(series, index);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
/** Notifies listeners that a data point has been updated */
void fireDataUpdated(Series series, Number value, int pointIndex) {
DataUpdatedEvent dataUpdatedEvent = new DataUpdatedEvent(series, value,
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
/** Notifies listeners that a data point has been updated */
void fireDataUpdated(Series series, DataSeriesItem item, int pointIndex) {
DataUpdatedEvent dataUpdatedEvent = new DataUpdatedEvent(series, item,
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
* Notifies listeners that a new data series has been added.
* @param series
* The added series
void fireSeriesAdded(Series series) {
SeriesAddedEvent seriesAddedEvent = new SeriesAddedEvent(series);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
* Notifies listeners that a data series has been updated.
* @param series
* The updated series
void fireSeriesChanged(Series series) {
SeriesChangedEvent event = new SeriesChangedEvent(series);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
/** Notifies listeners that a series is enabled or disabled */
void fireSeriesEnabled(Series series, boolean enabled) {
SeriesStateEvent seriesEnablationEvent = new SeriesStateEvent(series,
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
* Gets the axis dimension.
* @param axis
* Axis to check.
* @return Dimension, as defined in ChartClientRpc.
private AxisDimension getAxisDimension(Axis axis) {
if (axis instanceof ColorAxis) {
return AxisDimension.COLOR_AXIS;
} else if (axis instanceof XAxis) {
return AxisDimension.X_AXIS;
} else if (axis instanceof YAxis) {
return AxisDimension.Y_AXIS;
} else if (axis instanceof ZAxis) {
return AxisDimension.Z_AXIS;
} else {
return null;
* Returns axis index in the dimension.
* @param dimension
* Dimension of the axis.
* @param axis
* Axis to get index for.
* @return Index of the axis at given dimension.
private int getAxisIndex(AxisDimension dimension, Axis axis) {
switch (dimension) {
case X_AXIS:
return xAxis.indexOf(axis);
case Y_AXIS:
return yAxis.indexOf(axis);
case Z_AXIS:
return zAxis.indexOf(axis);
return colorAxis.indexOf(axis);
return -1;
* Fires axis rescaled event.
* @param axis
* Axis that is the source of the event.
* @param minimum
* New minimum.
* @param maximum
* New maximum.
* @param redraw
* Whether or not to redraw.
* @param animate
* Whether or not to animate.
public void fireAxesRescaled(Axis axis, Number minimum, Number maximum,
boolean redraw, boolean animate) {
// determine the dimension of the axis, either x or y
AxisDimension axisType = getAxisDimension(axis);
if (axisType != null) {
int axisIndex = getAxisIndex(axisType, axis);
AxisRescaledEvent event = new AxisRescaledEvent(axisType.getIndex(),
axisIndex, minimum, maximum, redraw, animate);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
* Reset zoom level by setting axes extremes to null
public void resetZoom() {
this.resetZoom(true, true);
* Reset zoom level by setting axes extremes to null
* @param redraw
* Whether or not to redraw.
* @param animate
* Whether or not to animate.
public void resetZoom(boolean redraw, boolean animate) {
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
listener.resetZoom(redraw, animate);
* Fires point sliced event
* @param series
* @param index
* @param sliced
* @param redraw
* @param animation
void fireItemSliced(Series series, int index, boolean sliced,
boolean redraw, boolean animation) {
ItemSlicedEvent event = new ItemSlicedEvent(series, index, sliced,
redraw, animation);
for (ConfigurationChangeListener listener : changeListeners) {
* Sets the listener to be notified of e.g. data series changes
* This method is used internally by the library. Usage by the end user will
* cause unexpected behavior.
* @param listener
* Listener to add.
public void addChangeListener(ConfigurationChangeListener listener) {
if (!changeListeners.contains(listener)) {
* Removes a change listener.
* @param listener
* Listener to remove.
public void removeChangeListener(ConfigurationChangeListener listener) {
* Returns the color axis. This is used in color-based diagrams, like heat
* maps. In case of multiple axes defined, the first axis is returned. An
* axis will be created if no axis is defined.
* @return the color axis.
public ColorAxis getColorAxis() {
if (colorAxis == null) {
colorAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (colorAxis.getNumberOfAxes() == 0) {
ColorAxis c = new ColorAxis();
return colorAxis.getAxis(0);
* @return the number of color axes defined
public int getNumberOfColorAxes() {
if (colorAxis == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return colorAxis.getNumberOfAxes();
* @return The Color-axis with the given index or null if the index is not
* valid
public ColorAxis getColorAxis(int index) {
if (index > 0 && colorAxis != null && getNumberOfColorAxes() > index) {
return colorAxis.getAxis(index);
} else {
return null;
* Removes all defined color-axes
public void removeColorAxes() {
colorAxis = null;
* Adds a color-axis to the configuration
* @param axis
* The color Axis to add.
* @see #getColorAxis()
public void addColorAxis(ColorAxis axis) {
if (colorAxis == null) {
colorAxis = new AxisList<>();
if (axis.getConfiguration() == null) {