com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.model.EditorModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.gwt.editor.rebind.model;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JClassType;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JField;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JGenericType;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JMethod;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JParameterizedType;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JType;
import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.TypeOracle;
import com.google.gwt.editor.client.CompositeEditor;
import com.google.gwt.editor.client.Editor;
import com.google.gwt.editor.client.IsEditor;
import com.google.gwt.editor.client.LeafValueEditor;
import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.gwt.rebind.model.JBeanMethod;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Analyzes an Editor driver declaration.
public class EditorModel {
private static final EditorData[] EMPTY_EDITOR_DATA = new EditorData[0];
* Given type assignable to ComposedEditor<Foo,Bar>
, return
* {Foo, Bar}
. It is an error to call this method with a type not
* assignable to {@link ComposedEditor}.
static JClassType[] calculateCompositeTypes(JClassType editorType) {
JClassType compositeEditorIntf = editorType.getOracle().findType(
assert compositeEditorIntf.isAssignableFrom(editorType) : editorType.getQualifiedSourceName()
+ " is not a ComposedEditor";
for (JClassType supertype : editorType.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) {
JParameterizedType parameterized = supertype.isParameterized();
if (parameterized != null) {
// Found the Editor supertype
if (compositeEditorIntf.equals(parameterized.getBaseType())) {
JClassType[] typeArgs = parameterized.getTypeArgs();
assert typeArgs.length == 3;
return new JClassType[] {typeArgs[1], typeArgs[2]};
assert false : "Did not find ComposedEditor parameterization for "
+ editorType.getQualifiedSourceName();
throw new RuntimeException();
* Given type assignable to Editor<Foo>
, return
* Foo
. It is an error to call this method with a type not
* assignable to {@link Editor}.
static JClassType calculateEditedType(TreeLogger logger, JClassType editorType)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
JClassType editorIntf = editorType.getOracle().findType(
JClassType parameterization[] = ModelUtils.findParameterizationOf(
editorIntf, editorType);
if (parameterization != null) {
return parameterization[0];
noEditorParameterizationMessage(editorIntf, editorType));
throw new UnableToCompleteException();
* Given type assignable to IsEditor<Foo, FooEditor>
, return
* FooEditor
. It is an error to call this method with a type not
* assignable to {@link IsEditor}.
static JClassType calculateIsEditedType(TreeLogger logger,
JClassType editorType) throws UnableToCompleteException {
JClassType editorIntf = editorType.getOracle().findType(
JClassType[] parameterization = ModelUtils.findParameterizationOf(
editorIntf, editorType);
if (parameterization != null) {
return parameterization[0];
noEditorParameterizationMessage(editorIntf, editorType));
throw new UnableToCompleteException();
static String cycleErrorMessage(JType editorType, String originalPath,
String errorPath) {
return String.format(
"Cycle detected in editor graph. Editor type %s at path %s can"
+ " be reached again at path %s",
editorType.getQualifiedSourceName(), originalPath, errorPath);
static String foundPrimitiveMessage(JType type, String getterExpression,
String path) {
return String.format("Found unexpected type %s while evauating path"
+ " \"%s\" using getter expression \"%s\"",
type.getQualifiedSourceName(), path, getterExpression);
static String mustExtendMessage(JType driverType) {
return String.format(
"You must declare an interface that extends the %s type",
static String noEditorParameterizationMessage(JClassType editorIntf,
JClassType type) {
return String.format("The type %s is assignable to the raw %s type, but"
+ " a type parameterization is required.",
type.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName(), editorIntf.getName());
static String noGetterMessage(String propertyName, JType proxyType) {
return String.format(
"Could not find a getter for path %s in proxy type %s", propertyName,
static String poisonedMessage() {
return "Unable to create Editor model due to previous errors";
static String tooManyInterfacesMessage(JType intf) {
return String.format("The type %s extends more than one interface",
static String unexpectedInputTypeMessage(JType driverType, JType intf) {
return String.format("Unexpected input type: %s is not assignable from %s",
driverType.getQualifiedSourceName(), intf.getQualifiedSourceName());
private final JGenericType compositeEditorIntf;
* The structural model.
private final EditorData[] editorData;
* A reference to {@link Editor}.
private final JGenericType editorIntf;
private final JClassType editorType;
private final EditorData editorSoFar;
* A reference to {@link IsEditor}.
private final JGenericType isEditorIntf;
private final JGenericType leafValueEditorIntf;
private final TreeLogger logger;
private final TypeOracle oracle;
private final EditorModel parentModel;
private boolean poisoned;
private final JClassType proxyType;
* Type-specific data.
private final Map> typeData;
* Constructor to use when starting with an EditorDriver interface.
public EditorModel(TreeLogger logger, JClassType intf, JClassType driverType)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
assert logger != null : "logger was null";
assert intf != null : "intf was null";
assert driverType != null : "driver was null";
editorSoFar = null;
this.logger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Creating Editor model for "
+ intf.getQualifiedSourceName());
parentModel = null;
typeData = new HashMap>();
if (!driverType.isAssignableFrom(intf)) {
die(unexpectedInputTypeMessage(driverType, intf));
} else if (intf.equals(driverType)) {
oracle = intf.getOracle();
editorIntf = oracle.findType(Editor.class.getName()).isGenericType();
assert editorIntf != null : "No Editor type";
isEditorIntf = oracle.findType(IsEditor.class.getName()).isGenericType();
assert isEditorIntf != null : "No IsEditor type";
compositeEditorIntf = oracle.findType(CompositeEditor.class.getName()).isGenericType();
assert compositeEditorIntf != null : "No CompositeEditor type";
leafValueEditorIntf = oracle.findType(LeafValueEditor.class.getName()).isGenericType();
assert leafValueEditorIntf != null;
JClassType[] interfaces = intf.getImplementedInterfaces();
if (interfaces.length != 1) {
JClassType[] parameters = ModelUtils.findParameterizationOf(driverType,
assert parameters.length == 2 : "Unexpected number of type parameters";
proxyType = parameters[0];
editorType = parameters[1];
editorData = calculateEditorData();
if (poisoned) {
private EditorModel(EditorModel parent, JClassType editorType,
EditorData subEditor, JClassType proxyType)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
logger = parent.logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Descending into "
+ subEditor.getPath());
this.compositeEditorIntf = parent.compositeEditorIntf;
this.editorIntf = parent.editorIntf;
this.editorType = editorType;
this.editorSoFar = subEditor;
this.isEditorIntf = parent.isEditorIntf;
this.leafValueEditorIntf = parent.leafValueEditorIntf;
this.oracle = parent.oracle;
this.parentModel = parent;
this.proxyType = proxyType;
this.typeData = parent.typeData;
editorData = calculateEditorData();
public EditorData[] getEditorData() {
return editorData;
* Guaranteed to never return null.
public EditorData[] getEditorData(JClassType editor) {
List toReturn = typeData.get(editor);
if (toReturn == null) {
return toReturn.toArray(new EditorData[toReturn.size()]);
public JClassType getEditorType() {
return editorType;
public JClassType getProxyType() {
return proxyType;
public EditorData getRootData() throws UnableToCompleteException {
TreeLogger rootLogger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG,
"Calculating root data for "
+ getEditorType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName());
return new EditorData.Builder(rootLogger).access(
private void accumulateEditorData(List data,
List flatData, List allData)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
for (EditorData d : data) {
descendIntoSubEditor(allData, d);
* Create the EditorData objects for the {@link #editorData} type.
* Essentially, the point of this method is to calculate the paths of all
* Editor types referenced by {@link #editorType}.
private EditorData[] calculateEditorData() throws UnableToCompleteException {
List flatData = new ArrayList();
List toReturn = new ArrayList();
// Only look for sub-editor accessors if the editor isn't a leaf
if (!leafValueEditorIntf.isAssignableFrom(editorType)) {
for (JClassType type : editorType.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) {
for (JField field : type.getFields()) {
if (field.isPrivate() || field.isStatic()
|| field.getAnnotation(Editor.Ignore.class) != null) {
JType fieldClassType = field.getType();
if (shouldExamine(fieldClassType)) {
List data = createEditorData(EditorAccess.via(field));
accumulateEditorData(data, flatData, toReturn);
for (JMethod method : type.getMethods()) {
if (method.isPrivate() || method.isStatic()
|| method.getAnnotation(Editor.Ignore.class) != null) {
JType methodReturnType = method.getReturnType();
if (shouldExamine(methodReturnType)
&& method.getParameters().length == 0) {
EditorAccess access = EditorAccess.via(method);
if (access.getPath().equals("as")
&& isEditorIntf.isAssignableFrom(editorType)) {
// Ignore IsEditor.asEditor()
} else if (access.getPath().equals("createEditorForTraversal")
&& compositeEditorIntf.isAssignableFrom(editorType)) {
// Ignore CompositeEditor.createEditorForTraversal();
List data = createEditorData(access);
accumulateEditorData(data, flatData, toReturn);
type = type.getSuperclass();
if (compositeEditorIntf.isAssignableFrom(editorType)) {
JClassType subEditorType = calculateCompositeTypes(editorType)[1];
EditorAccess access = EditorAccess.root(subEditorType);
EditorData subEditor = new EditorData.Builder(logger).access(access).parent(
List accumulator = new ArrayList();
descendIntoSubEditor(accumulator, subEditor);
* It's necessary to generate a sub-Model here so that any Editor types
* reachable only through the composite type will be added to the types
* map. The path data isn't actually useful, since we rely on
* CompositeEditor.getPathElement() at runtime.
EditorModel subModel = new EditorModel(this, subEditor.getEditorType(),
subEditor, subEditor.getEditedType());
poisoned |= subModel.poisoned;
if (!typeData.containsKey(editorType)) {
typeData.put(editorType, flatData);
return toReturn.toArray(new EditorData[toReturn.size()]);
private List createEditorData(EditorAccess access)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
TreeLogger subLogger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Examining "
+ access.toString());
List toReturn = new ArrayList();
// Are we looking at a view that implements IsEditor?
if (access.isEditor()) {
EditorAccess subAccess = EditorAccess.via(access,
calculateIsEditedType(subLogger, access.getEditorType()));
toReturn = createEditorData(subAccess);
// If an object only implements IsEditor, return now
if (!editorIntf.isAssignableFrom(access.getEditorType())) {
return toReturn;
// Determine the Foo in Editor
JClassType expectedToEdit = calculateEditedType(subLogger,
EditorData.Builder builder = new EditorData.Builder(subLogger);
// Find the bean methods on the proxy interface
findBeanPropertyMethods(access.getPath(), expectedToEdit, builder);
return toReturn;
* @param accumulator
* @param data
* @throws UnableToCompleteException
private void descendIntoSubEditor(List accumulator,
EditorData data) throws UnableToCompleteException {
EditorModel superModel = parentModel;
while (superModel != null) {
if (superModel.editorType.isAssignableFrom(data.getEditorType())
|| data.getEditorType().isAssignableFrom(superModel.editorType)) {
poison(cycleErrorMessage(data.getEditorType(), superModel.getPath(),
superModel = superModel.parentModel;
if (data.isDelegateRequired()) {
EditorModel subModel = new EditorModel(this, data.getEditorType(), data,
calculateEditedType(logger, data.getEditorType()));
accumulator.addAll(accumulator.indexOf(data) + 1,
poisoned |= subModel.poisoned;
private void die(String message) throws UnableToCompleteException {
logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, message);
throw new UnableToCompleteException();
* Traverses a path to create expressions to access the getter and setter.
* This method returns a three-element string array containing the
* interstitial getter expression specified by the path, the name of the
* getter method, and the name of the setter method. For example, the input
* foo.bar.baz
might return
* { ".getFoo().getBar()", "getBaz", "setBaz" }
private void findBeanPropertyMethods(String path, JClassType propertyType,
EditorData.Builder builder) {
StringBuilder interstitialGetters = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder interstitialGuard = new StringBuilder("true");
String[] parts = path.split(Pattern.quote("."));
String setterName = null;
JClassType lookingAt = proxyType;
part : for (int i = 0, j = parts.length; i < j; i++) {
if (parts[i].length() == 0) {
boolean lastPart = i == j - 1;
boolean foundGetterForPart = false;
for (JMethod maybeSetter : lookingAt.getInheritableMethods()) {
JBeanMethod which = JBeanMethod.which(maybeSetter);
if (JBeanMethod.CALL.equals(which)) {
if (!which.inferName(maybeSetter).equals(parts[i])) {
switch (which) {
case GET: {
JType returnType = maybeSetter.getReturnType();
lookingAt = returnType.isClassOrInterface();
if (!lastPart && lookingAt == null) {
poison(foundPrimitiveMessage(returnType, interstitialGetters.toString(), path));
interstitialGuard.append(" && %1$s").append(interstitialGetters).append(" != null");
foundGetterForPart = true;
if (!lastPart) {
continue part;
case SET:
if (lastPart && setterName == null) {
* If looking at the last element of the path, also look for a
* setter.
JType setterParamType = maybeSetter.getParameters()[0].getType();
// Handle the case of setFoo(int) vs. Editor
if (setterParamType.isPrimitive() != null) {
// Replace the int with Integer
setterParamType =
boolean matches = setterParamType.isClassOrInterface().isAssignableFrom(propertyType);
if (matches) {
setterName = maybeSetter.getName();
if (!foundGetterForPart) {
poison(noGetterMessage(path, proxyType));
int idx = interstitialGetters.lastIndexOf(".");
builder.beanOwnerExpression(idx <= 0 ? "" : interstitialGetters.substring(0, idx));
if (parts.length > 1) {
// Strip after last && since null is a valid value
interstitialGuard.delete(interstitialGuard.lastIndexOf(" &&"), interstitialGuard.length());
if (interstitialGetters.length() > 0) {
+ interstitialGetters.substring(idx + 1, interstitialGetters.length() - 2) + "()");
} else {
private String getPath() {
if (editorSoFar != null) {
return editorSoFar.getPath();
} else {
return "";
* Record an error that is not immediately fatal.
private void poison(String message) {
logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, message);
poisoned = true;
* Returns true
if the given type participates in Editor
* hierarchies.
private boolean shouldExamine(JType type) {
JClassType classType = type.isClassOrInterface();
if (classType == null) {
return false;
return editorIntf.isAssignableFrom(classType)
|| isEditorIntf.isAssignableFrom(classType);