com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench.GridElement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2000-2024 Vaadin Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.checkbox.testbench.CheckboxElement;
import com.vaadin.testbench.TestBenchElement;
import com.vaadin.testbench.elementsbase.Element;
* A TestBench element representing a <vaadin-grid>
public class GridElement extends TestBenchElement {
protected void waitUntilLoadingFinished() {
waitUntil(e -> !isLoading());
protected boolean isLoading() {
return (Boolean) executeScript(
"return arguments[0]._dataProviderController.isLoading() || (!!arguments[0].$connector && arguments[0].$connector.hasRootRequestQueue())",
* Scrolls to the row with the given index.
* @param row
* the row to scroll to
public void scrollToRow(int row) {
callFunction("scrollToIndex", row);
* Scrolls to the row with the given flat row index.
* @param row
* the row to scroll to
protected void scrollToFlatRow(int row) {
callFunction("_scrollToFlatIndex", row);
* Gets the page size used when fetching data.
* @return the page size
public int getPageSize() {
return getPropertyInteger("pageSize");
* Gets the index of the first row which is at least partially visible.
* @return the index of the first visible row, -1 if Grid is empty
public int getFirstVisibleRowIndex() {
Object index = executeScript("return arguments[0]._firstVisibleIndex",
if (index != null) {
return ((Long) index).intValue();
} else {
return -1;
* Gets the total number of rows.
* @return the number of rows
public int getRowCount() {
return getPropertyDouble("_flatSize").intValue();
* Gets the grid cell for the given row and column index.
* For the column index, only visible columns are taken into account.
* Automatically scrolls the given row into view
* @param rowIndex
* the row index
* @param colIndex
* the column index
* @return the grid cell for the given coordinates
public GridTHTDElement getCell(int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
GridColumnElement column = getVisibleColumns().get(colIndex);
return getCell(rowIndex, column);
* Gets the grid cell for the given row and column.
* Automatically scrolls the given row into view
* @param rowIndex
* the row index
* @param column
* the column element for the column
* @return the grid cell for the given coordinates
public GridTHTDElement getCell(int rowIndex, GridColumnElement column) {
if (!isRowInView(rowIndex)) {
GridTRElement row = getRow(rowIndex);
return row.getCell(column);
* Finds the first cell inside the rendered range with a text content
* matching the given string.
* @param contents
* the string to look for
* @return a grid cell containing the given string
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* if no cell with the given string was found
public GridTHTDElement getCell(String contents)
throws NoSuchElementException {
String script = "const grid = arguments[0];"
+ "const contents = arguments[1];"
+ "const rowsInDom = Array.from(arguments[0].$.items.children);"
+ "var tds = [];"
+ "rowsInDom.forEach(function(tr) { Array.from(tr.children).forEach(function(td) { tds.push(td);})});"
+ "const matches = tds.filter(function(td) { return td._content.textContent == contents});"
+ "return matches.length ? matches[0] : null;";
TestBenchElement td = (TestBenchElement) executeScript(script, this,
if (td == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(
"No cell with text content '" + contents + "' found");
return td.wrap(GridTHTDElement.class);
* Gets the index of the last row which is at least partially visible.
* @return the index of the last visible row, -1 if Grid is empty
public int getLastVisibleRowIndex() {
Object index = executeScript("return arguments[0]._lastVisibleIndex",
if (index != null) {
return ((Long) index).intValue();
} else {
return -1;
* Checks if the given row is in the visible viewport.
* @param rowIndex
* the row to check
* @return true
if the row is at least partially in view,
* false
private boolean isRowInView(int rowIndex) {
return (getFirstVisibleRowIndex() <= rowIndex
&& rowIndex <= getLastVisibleRowIndex());
* Gets the rows (present in the DOM) specified by the lower and upper row
* indexes.
* @param firstRowIndex
* the lower row index to be retrieved (inclusive)
* @param lastRowIndex
* the upper row index to be retrieved (inclusive)
* @return a {@link GridTRElement} list with the rows contained between the
* given coordinates.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if either of the provided row indexes do not exist
public List getRows(int firstRowIndex, int lastRowIndex)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
int rowCount = getRowCount();
if (firstRowIndex < 0 || lastRowIndex < 0 || firstRowIndex >= rowCount
|| lastRowIndex >= rowCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"firstRowIndex and lastRowIndex: expected to be 0.."
+ (rowCount - 1) + " but were " + firstRowIndex
+ " and " + lastRowIndex);
String script = "var grid = arguments[0];"
+ "var firstRowIndex = arguments[1];"
+ "var lastRowIndex = arguments[2];"
+ "var rowsInDom = grid._getRenderedRows();"
+ "return Array.from(rowsInDom).filter((row) => { return row.index >= firstRowIndex && row.index <= lastRowIndex;});";
Object rows = executeScript(script, this, firstRowIndex, lastRowIndex);
if (rows != null) {
return ((ArrayList>) rows).stream().map(
elem -> ((TestBenchElement) elem).wrap(GridTRElement.class))
} else {
return new ArrayList<>();
* Gets the tr
element for the given row index.
* @param rowIndex
* the row index
* @return the tr element for the row
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if no row with given index exists
public GridTRElement getRow(int rowIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
var rows = getRows(rowIndex, rowIndex);
return rows.size() == 1 ? rows.get(0) : null;
* Gets all columns defined for the grid, including any selection checkbox
* column.
* @return a list of grid column elements which can be used to refer to the
* given column
public List getAllColumns() {
String getVisibleColumnsJS = "return arguments[0]._getColumns().sort(function(a,b) { return a._order - b._order;}).map(function(column) { return column.__generatedTbId;});";
List elements = (List) executeScript(getVisibleColumnsJS,
.map(generatedId -> new GridColumnElement(generatedId, this))
protected void generatedColumnIdsIfNeeded() {
String generateIds = "const grid = arguments[0];"
+ "if (!grid.__generatedTbId) {"//
+ " grid.__generatedTbId = 1;"//
+ "}" //
+ "grid._getColumns().forEach(function(column) {"
+ " if (!column.__generatedTbId) {"
+ " column.__generatedTbId = grid.__generatedTbId++;" //
+ " }" //
+ "});";
executeScript(generateIds, this);
* Gets the currently visible columns in the grid, including any selection
* checkbox column.
* @return a list of grid column elements which can be used to refer to the
* given column
public List getVisibleColumns() {
String getVisibleColumnsJS = "return arguments[0]._getColumns().filter(function(column) {return !column.hidden;}).sort(function(a,b) { return a._order - b._order;}).map(function(column) { return column.__generatedTbId;});";
List elements = (List) executeScript(getVisibleColumnsJS,
return -> new GridColumnElement(id, this))
* Gets the column with the given header text.
* If multiple columns are found with the same header text, returns the
* first column.
* @param headerText
* the text in the header
* @return the grid column element for the given column
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* if no column was found
public GridColumnElement getColumn(String headerText)
throws NoSuchElementException {
return getVisibleColumns().stream().filter(
column -> headerText.equals(column.getHeaderCell().getText()))
.orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException(
"No column with header '" + headerText
+ "' was found"));
* Gets the header cell for the given visible column index.
* @param columnIndex
* the index of the column
* @return a cell element for the header cell
public GridTHTDElement getHeaderCell(int columnIndex) {
return getVisibleColumns().get(columnIndex).getHeaderCell();
* Finds the vaadin-grid-cell-content element for the given row and column
* in header.
* @param rowIndex
* the index of the row in the header
* @param columnIndex
* the index of the column in the header
* @return the vaadin-grid-cell-content element for the given row and column
* in header.
public TestBenchElement getHeaderCellContent(int rowIndex,
int columnIndex) {
WebElement thead = $("*").id("header");
List headerRows = thead.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
List headerCells = headerRows.get(rowIndex)
String slotName = headerCells.get(columnIndex)
return findElement(By.cssSelector(
"vaadin-grid-cell-content[slot='" + slotName + "']"));
* Gets the footer cell for the given visible column index.
* @param columnIndex
* the index of the column
* @return a cell element for the footer cell
public GridTHTDElement getFooterCell(int columnIndex) {
return getVisibleColumns().get(columnIndex).getFooterCell();
* Selects the row with the given index.
* @param rowIndex
* the row to select
public void select(int rowIndex) {
* Selects the row.
* @param row
* the row to select
void select(GridTRElement row) {
GridColumnElement multiSelectColumn = getMultiSelectColumn();
if (multiSelectColumn != null) {
GridTHTDElement cell = row.getCell(multiSelectColumn);
CheckboxElement checkbox = wrapElement(cell.getFirstChildElement(),
if (!checkbox.isChecked()) {;
} else {
* Deselects the row with the given index.
* @param rowIndex
* the row to deselect
public void deselect(int rowIndex) {
* Deselects the row with the given index.
* @param row
* the row to deselect
void deselect(GridTRElement row) {
GridColumnElement multiSelectColumn = getMultiSelectColumn();
if (multiSelectColumn != null) {
GridTHTDElement cell = row.getCell(multiSelectColumn);
CheckboxElement checkbox = wrapElement(cell.getFirstChildElement(),
if (checkbox.isChecked()) {;
} else {
private void setActiveItem(GridTRElement row) {
executeScript("arguments[0].activeItem=arguments[1]._item", this, row);
private void removeActiveItem(GridTRElement row) {
final String JS_DEACTIVATE_IF_ACTIVE = "if(arguments[0]._itemsEqual(arguments[0].activeItem, "
+ "arguments[1]._item)) { arguments[0].activeItem=null;}";
executeScript(JS_DEACTIVATE_IF_ACTIVE, this, row);
* Get the multi-select column of the grid. Returns null, if the grid is not
* in multi-selection mode, or doesn't have a multi-selection column.
* @return the multi-select column, or null
private GridColumnElement getMultiSelectColumn() {
List columnIds = (List) executeScript(
"return arguments[0]._getColumns().filter(function(col) { return typeof col.selectAll != 'undefined';}).map(function(column) { return column.__generatedTbId;});",
if (columnIds.isEmpty())
return null;
return new GridColumnElement(columnIds.get(0), this);
* Click select all check box
public void clickSelectAll() {
CheckboxElement selectAllCheckbox = $(CheckboxElement.class)
* Gets all the currently visible rows.
* @return a {@link GridTRElement} list representing the currently visible
* rows.
public List getVisibleRows() {
return getRows(getFirstVisibleRowIndex(), getLastVisibleRowIndex());
* Gets the grid cells for the given row and column elements.
* @param rowIndex
* the row index
* @param columnElements
* the column elements
* @return a {@link GridTHTDElement} list with the cells for the given
* coordinates.
public List getCells(int rowIndex,
GridColumnElement... columnElements) {
GridTRElement row = getRow(rowIndex);
return row != null ? row.getCells(columnElements) : new ArrayList<>();
* Gets the grid cells for the given row.
* @param rowIndex
* the row index
* @return a {@link GridTHTDElement} list with the cells for the given
* coordinates.
public List getCells(int rowIndex) {
return getCells(rowIndex,
getAllColumns().toArray(new GridColumnElement[0]));
* Gets the empty state content.
* @return the empty state content
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* if no empty state content was found
public TestBenchElement getEmptyStateContent() {
try {
return findElement(By.cssSelector("[slot='empty-state']"));
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(
"No empty state content was found");