com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot.ImageComparison Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2000-2022 Vaadin Ltd
* This program is available under Vaadin Commercial License and Service Terms.
* See for the full
* license.
package com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.vaadin.testbench.Parameters;
import com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot.ImageUtil.ImageProperties;
import static com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot.ImageUtil.getBlock;
import static com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot.ImageUtil.getImageProperties;
import static com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot.ImageUtil.getLuminance;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
* Class with features for comparing 2 images.
public class ImageComparison {
* Extracted for clarity. No guarantee that it can be changed without other
* code changes!
private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 16;
private static final int MAX_CURSOR_Y_BLOCKS = 3; // 3 to cover cursor up to
// 33px high
// NOTE: All functions in the screenshot comparison package process images
// in 16x16 blocks. This behavior is hard-coded in several places in this
// class.
private static Logger getLogger() {
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImageComparison.class);
* Data collection type, used as input for image comparison functions. Saves
* unnecessary buffer allocations.
private static class ComparisonParameters {
private ImageProperties refProperties = null;
private ImageProperties ssProperties = null;
private BufferedImage refImage = null;
private BufferedImage ssImage = null;
private int[] refBlock = null;
private int[] ssBlock = null;
private int[] sampleBuffer = null;
private boolean[][] falseBlocks = null;
private int width = 0;
private int height = 0;
private int xBlocks = 0;
private int yBlocks = 0;
private double errorTolerance = 0.0;
private boolean sizesDiffer = false;
* Compare image [name] to image under /reference/. Images may differ in RGB
* hues 0.1% (default) per macroblock of 16x16
* @param screenshotImage
* Image of canvas (must have proper dimensions)
* @param referenceFileId
* File id for this image without .png extension
* @param errorTolerance
* Allowed RGB error for a macroblock (value range 0-1 default
* 0.025 == 2.5%)
* @param capabilities
* browser capabilities
* @return {@code true} if images are the same
* @throws IOException
* if the reference image cannot be read or error screenshot
* cannot be written
public boolean imageEqualToReference(BufferedImage screenshotImage,
String referenceFileId, double errorTolerance,
Capabilities capabilities) throws IOException {
List referenceFileNames = ImageFileUtil
.getReferenceImageFileNames(referenceFileId + ".png",
if (referenceFileNames.isEmpty()) {
// We require a reference image to continue
// Save the screenshot in the error directory.
ImageIO.write(screenshotImage, "png", ImageFileUtil
.getErrorScreenshotFile(referenceFileId + ".png"));
getLogger().error("No reference found for " + referenceFileId
+ " in " + ImageFileUtil.getScreenshotReferenceDirectory());
return false;
// This is used to make the final error HTML page based on main
// reference file only
ScreenShotFailureReporter failureReporter = null;
for (String referenceFileName : referenceFileNames) {
BufferedImage referenceImage;
referenceImage = ImageFileUtil
failureReporter = compareImages(createParameters(referenceImage,
screenshotImage, errorTolerance));
if (failureReporter == null) {
return true;
// The command has failed because the captured image differs from
// the reference image
if (failureReporter != null) {
failureReporter.createErrorImageAndHTML(referenceFileId + ".png",
// The images differ
return false;
public boolean imageEqualToReference(BufferedImage screenshotImage,
BufferedImage referenceImage, String referenceFileName,
double errorTolerance) {
ComparisonParameters param = createParameters(referenceImage,
screenshotImage, errorTolerance);
ScreenShotFailureReporter failureReporter = compareImages(param);
if (failureReporter != null) {
return false;
return true;
* @param param
* a ComparisonParameters object.
* @return
private ScreenShotFailureReporter compareImages(
final ComparisonParameters param) {
boolean imagesEqual = compareImage(param);
if (param.sizesDiffer) {
// The command has failed because the dimensions of the captured
// image do not match the reference image
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
if (imagesEqual) {
// The images are equal but of different size
System.out.println("Images are of different size.");
} else {
// Neither size nor contents match
"Images differ and are of different size.");
// TODO: Add info about which RC it was run on
ScreenShotFailureReporter fr = makeFailureReporter(param);
return fr;
if (imagesEqual) {
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Screenshot matched reference");
// Images match. Nothing else to do.
return null;
if (Parameters.isScreenshotComparisonCursorDetection()) {
// Images are not equal, still check if the only difference
// is a blinking cursor
Point possibleCursorPosition = getPossibleCursorPosition(param);
if (possibleCursorPosition != null) {
if (isCursorTheOnlyError(possibleCursorPosition, param)) {
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
"Screenshot matched reference after removing cursor");
// Cursor is the only difference so we are done.
return null;
} else if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
"Screenshot did not match reference after removing cursor");
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Screenshot did not match reference");
// Make a failure reporter that is used upstream
return makeFailureReporter(param);
private ScreenShotFailureReporter makeFailureReporter(
final ComparisonParameters param) {
return new ScreenShotFailureReporter(param.refImage, param.falseBlocks);
public boolean compareImages(BufferedImage referenceImage,
BufferedImage screenshotImage, double errorTolerance) {
ComparisonParameters params = createParameters(referenceImage,
screenshotImage, errorTolerance);
boolean imagesEqual = compareImage(params);
// Check for cursor.
if (!imagesEqual
&& Parameters.isScreenshotComparisonCursorDetection()) {
Point possibleCursorPosition = getPossibleCursorPosition(params);
if (possibleCursorPosition != null) {
if (isCursorTheOnlyError(possibleCursorPosition, params)) {
return true;
return imagesEqual;
private boolean compareImage(final ComparisonParameters params) {
boolean result = true;
final int imageWidth = params.width;
final int imageHeight = params.height;
// Iterate through image in 16x16 blocks
for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y += BLOCK_SIZE) {
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (blocksDiffer(x, y, params)) {
params.falseBlocks[x >>> 4][y >>> 4] = true;
result = false;
return result;
private boolean blocksDiffer(int x, int y,
final ComparisonParameters params) {
final int[] refBlock = getBlock(params.refProperties, x, y,
params.refBlock, params.sampleBuffer);
final int[] ssBlock = getBlock(params.ssProperties, x, y,
params.ssBlock, params.sampleBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < (BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE); ++i) {
if (refBlock[i] != ssBlock[i]) {
return rgbCompare(refBlock, ssBlock) > params.errorTolerance;
return false;
* Calculates the difference between pixels in the block.
* @param referenceBlock
* @param screenshotBlock
* @return Difference %
private double rgbCompare(final int[] referenceBlock,
final int[] screenshotBlock) {
int sum = 0;
assert (referenceBlock.length == screenshotBlock.length);
// Build sums from all available colors Red, Green and Blue
for (int i = 0, l = referenceBlock.length; i < l; i++) {
final int targetPixel = referenceBlock[i];
if ((targetPixel >>> 24) < 255) {
// Only completely opaque pixels are considered. Pixels with
// alpha values below 255 (== fully opaque) are considered
// masked and differences in these pixels won't be reported.
final int testPixel = screenshotBlock[i];
sum += abs(((targetPixel & 0xff0000) >> 16)
- ((testPixel & 0xff0000) >> 16));
sum += abs(((targetPixel & 0xff00) >> 8)
- ((testPixel & 0xff00) >> 8));
sum += abs((targetPixel & 0xff) - (testPixel & 0xff));
return sum / ((double) referenceBlock.length * 255 * 3);
* Determine if an error is possibly caused by a blinking cursor and, in
* that case, at what position the cursor might be. Uses only information
* about the blocks that have failed to determine if the failure _possibly
* can_ be caused by a cursor that is either missing from the reference or
* the screenshot.
* @param params
* a ComparisonParameters object.
* @return A Point referring to the x and y coordinates in the image where
* the cursor might be (actually might be inside a 16x32 block
* starting from that point)
private static Point getPossibleCursorPosition(
final ComparisonParameters params) {
int firstErrorBlockX = 0;
int firstErrorBlockY = 0;
boolean errorFound = false;
final int xBlocks = params.xBlocks;
final int yBlocks = params.yBlocks;
final boolean[][] blocksWithErrors = params.falseBlocks;
// Look for 1-2 blocks with errors. If and only if the blocks are
// vertically adjacent to each other we might have a cursor problem.
// This is the only case we are looking for.
for (int y = 0; y < yBlocks; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < xBlocks; x++) {
if (blocksWithErrors[x][y]) {
if (errorFound) {
// This is the second erroneous block we have found
if (x != firstErrorBlockX) {
// This error is not below the first
return null;
if ((y - firstErrorBlockY) > (MAX_CURSOR_Y_BLOCKS
- 1)) {
// Cursor is accepted for 1-3 blocks above each
// other (we are moving from top down).
return null;
// This is directly below the first so it is OK
} else {
// This is the first erroneous block we have found
firstErrorBlockX = x;
firstErrorBlockY = y;
errorFound = true;
Point value = null;
if (errorFound) {
// Return value is the pixel coordinates for the first block
value = new Point(firstErrorBlockX << 4, firstErrorBlockY << 4);
return value;
* Check if failure is because of a blinking text cursor.
* @param possibleCursorPosition
* The position in the image where a cursor possibly can be found
* (pixel coordinates of the top left corner of a block)
* @param params
* a ComparisonParameters object.
* @return true If cursor (vertical line of at least 5 pixels if not at the
* top or bottom) is the only difference between the images.
private boolean isCursorTheOnlyError(Point possibleCursorPosition,
final ComparisonParameters params) {
int x = possibleCursorPosition.x;
int y = possibleCursorPosition.y;
final int width, height;
if (params.width <= x + BLOCK_SIZE) {
width = params.width - x;
} else {
width = BLOCK_SIZE;
if (params.height <= y + MAX_CURSOR_Y_BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE) {
height = params.height - y;
} else {
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Looking for cursor starting from " + x + "," + y
+ " using width=" + width + " and height=" + height);
// getBlock writes the result into the int[] sample parameter, in
// this case params.refBlock and params.ssBlock. params.sampleBuffer
// is re-used between calls, and is used for temporary data storage.
final int[] refBlock = params.refBlock;
final int[] ssBlock = params.ssBlock;
final int[] sampleBuffer = params.sampleBuffer;
final ImageProperties refProperties = params.refProperties;
final ImageProperties ssProperties = params.ssProperties;
getBlock(refProperties, x, y, refBlock, sampleBuffer);
getBlock(ssProperties, x, y, ssBlock, sampleBuffer);
// Find first different pixel in the block of possibleCursorPosition
int cursorX = -1;
int cursorStartY = -1;
findCursor: for (int j = 0,
l = (height > BLOCK_SIZE ? BLOCK_SIZE : height); j < l; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
// If found differing pixel
if (isCursorPixel(params.refBlock[i + j * width],
params.ssBlock[i + j * width])) {
// Workaround to ignore vertical lines in certain tests
if (j < l - 1
&& !isCursorPixel(refBlock[i + (j + 1) * width],
ssBlock[i + (j + 1) * width])) {
cursorX = i;
cursorStartY = j;
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Cursor found at " + cursorX + ","
+ cursorStartY);
break findCursor;
if (-1 == cursorX) {
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Cursor not found");
// No difference found with cursor detection threshold
return false;
// Find the end of the cursor
int cursorEndY = cursorStartY;
// Start from what we already know is a cursor pixel because that is
// certainly inside the current block
int idx = cursorX + (cursorEndY) * width;
int diff = 0;
while (cursorEndY < height - 1
&& isCursorPixel(params.refBlock[idx], params.ssBlock[idx])) {
if (++cursorEndY == BLOCK_SIZE) {
// We need to get the next block and adjust our index by the
// size of previous block
params.refBlock = getBlock(refProperties, x, y + BLOCK_SIZE,
refBlock, sampleBuffer);
params.ssBlock = getBlock(ssProperties, x, y + BLOCK_SIZE,
ssBlock, sampleBuffer);
diff = width * BLOCK_SIZE;
idx = cursorX + (cursorEndY) * width - diff;
// Only accept as cursor if at least 5 pixels or at top or bottom of
// image
if (cursorEndY - cursorStartY < 5 && cursorStartY > 0
&& cursorEndY < height - 1) {
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Cursor rejected at " + cursorX + ","
+ cursorStartY + "-" + cursorEndY);
return false;
if (Parameters.isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Cursor is at " + cursorX + "," + cursorStartY
+ "-" + cursorEndY);
// Copy pixels from reference over the possible cursor, then
// re-compare blocks. Pixels at cursor position are always copied
// from the reference image regardless of which of the images has
// the cursor.
// Get width x height sub-images to compare
final BufferedImage referenceCopy = params.refImage.getSubimage(x, y,
width, height);
// Clone the subImage of the screenshot to avoid accidentally
// modifying the original screenshot.
final BufferedImage screenshotCopy = ImageUtil
.cloneImage(params.ssImage.getSubimage(x, y, width, height));
// Copy pixels for cursor position from reference to screenshot
for (int j = cursorStartY; j <= cursorEndY; ++j) {
int referenceRgb = referenceCopy.getRGB(cursorX, j);
screenshotCopy.setRGB(cursorX, j, referenceRgb);
// Compare one or two blocks of reference with modified screenshot
return compareImage(createParameters(referenceCopy, screenshotCopy,
* Luminance based comparison of a pixel in two images for cursor detection.
* @param pixel1
* @param pixel2
* @return
private final boolean isCursorPixel(int pixel1, int pixel2) {
double lum1 = getLuminance(pixel1);
double lum2 = getLuminance(pixel2);
int blackMaxLuminance = 80;
int whiteMinLuminance = 150;
// Cursor must be dark and the other pixel bright enough for
// contrast
boolean value = (lum1 < blackMaxLuminance && lum2 > whiteMinLuminance)
|| (lum1 > whiteMinLuminance && lum2 < blackMaxLuminance);
return value;
* Create a parameter descriptor object containing all relevant information
* and temporary data buffers for a given pair of reference and screenshot
* images. The resulting data structure is used to avoid unnecessary
* allocations, function calls and the like in internal processing (and to
* keep the method signatures manageable and the entire system more readily
* maintainable).
* @param reference
* a BufferedImage
* @param screenshot
* a BufferedImage
* @param tolerance
* error tolerance value
* @return a ComparisonParameters descriptor object
private static final ComparisonParameters createParameters(
final BufferedImage reference, final BufferedImage screenshot,
final double tolerance) {
ComparisonParameters p = new ComparisonParameters();
p.refImage = reference;
p.ssImage = screenshot;
p.refBlock = new int[BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE];
p.ssBlock = new int[BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE];
p.sampleBuffer = ImageUtil.createSampleBuffer();
p.errorTolerance = tolerance;
// Internal testing requires image sizes to be exact - if they're not,
// we crop the inputs and make a not of it for further use.
p.sizesDiffer = !ImageUtil.imagesSameSize(reference, screenshot);
if (p.sizesDiffer) {
List images = ImageUtil.cropToBeSameSize(reference,
p.refImage = images.get(0);
p.ssImage = images.get(1);
p.width = p.refImage.getWidth();
p.height = p.refImage.getHeight();
p.xBlocks = ImageComparisonUtil.getNrBlocks(p.width);
p.yBlocks = ImageComparisonUtil.getNrBlocks(p.height);
p.falseBlocks = new boolean[p.xBlocks][p.yBlocks];
p.refProperties = getImageProperties(p.refImage);
p.ssProperties = getImageProperties(p.ssImage);
return p;
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