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ConfigurableReports from group com.vectorprint (version 2.0)
Group: com.vectorprint Artifact: ConfigurableReports
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VectorPrintReportGUI from group com.vectorprint (version 2.1)
GUI that supports stylesheet features of Configurable Reports. Basic features are create, modify and save.
The GUI also supports syntax change of stylesheets, validation of xml for settings, validation of xml for datamapping and testing a stylesheet in a pdf.
ReportSVGSupport from group com.vectorprint (version 9.1)
SVG support for creating pdf documents in a configurable way using iText
ReportjFreeChartSupport from group com.vectorprint (version 9.2)
A library that adds jFreeChart capabilities to the VectorPrint IText based reporting library
ConfigurableReports from group com.vectorprint (version 9.1)
ReportQrSupport from group com.vectorprint (version 8.10)
Config from group com.vectorprint (version 6.8)
A library for settings and parameterization of objects. Key features are support for data types,
help for settings and parameters, annotations for ease of use. Settings and parameters both are Clonable and Serializable.
More features for settings such as parsing
a settingsfile, being observable, readonliness, caching etc. are available. The library contains javacc generated
parsers for syntax support for properties, multi valued properties, parameterized objects and multi valued parameters.
VectorPrintCommon from group com.vectorprint (version 3.5)
Common, mainly helper classes, featuring finding class of generic parameters, thread testing, version information detection, ArrayHelper, CertificateHelper, StringConverter
VectorPrintConfig from group com.vectorprint (version 12.0)
A library for configuration of applications and parameterization of objects. Settings can be provided in a configfile (file, url, stream), as arguments and programmatically, object parameters can be set using annotations or code. Both provide data type support, serialization, cloning, a help mechanism.
VectorPrintCommon from group com.vectorprint (version 8.2)
Common, mainly helper classes, featuring finding class of generic parameters, thread testing, version information detection, ArrayHelper, CertificateHelper, StringConverter
Config from group com.vectorprint (version 14.1)
A library for settings and parameterization of objects. Key features are support for data types,
help for settings and parameters, annotations for ease of use. Settings and parameters both are Clonable and Serializable.
More features for settings such as parsing
a settingsfile, being observable, readonliness, caching etc. are available. The library contains javacc generated
parsers for syntax support for properties, multi valued properties, parameterized objects and multi valued parameters.
VectorPrintReportGUI from group com.vectorprint (version 3.0)
GUI that supports stylesheet features of Configurable Reports. Basic features are create, modify and save.
The GUI also supports syntax change of stylesheets, validation of xml for settings, validation of xml for datamapping and testing a stylesheet in a pdf.
ReportSVGSupport from group com.vectorprint (version 9.2)
SVG support for creating pdf documents in a configurable way using iText
ReportjFreeChartSupport from group com.vectorprint (version 9.3)
A library that adds jFreeChart capabilities to the VectorPrint IText based reporting library
ConfigurableReports from group com.vectorprint (version 9.2)
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