Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/** A representation of a file stored in an arbitrary location. A descriptor includes logic to copy files to and from a
* local filesystem, as well as filesystem navigation logic.
trait FileDescriptor {
/** Returns the unique identifier of this file in its location.
* @return
* the unique identifier of this file in its location.
def path: String
/** The name of the file associated with the file descriptor.
* @return
* the file name.
def name: String
/** Whether the file descriptor is used to access a local file.
def isLocal: Boolean
/** The size of the file associated with the file descriptor.
def size: Long
/** The last modified timestamp of the file associated with the file descriptor.
def lastModifiedTimestamp: Long
/** Downloads the file to the given local destination. Both the source and the destination must point to a file.
* @param localTarget
* the local destination to which this file should be downloaded. The path must be absolute path to the final file.
* @param safeDownloading
* downloads the file to filename + ".tmp" and renames it to the original name if the download was successful.
* @return
* `true` if the download was successful, `false` otherwise.
def download(localTarget: LocalFileDescriptor, safeDownloading: Boolean = false): Boolean
/** Uploads a local file to this file's location. Both the source and the target must point to a file.
* @param localTarget
* the local file that should be uploaded. The path must be absolute path to the final file.
* @return
* `true` if the upload was successful, `false` otherwise.
def upload(localTarget: LocalFileDescriptor): Boolean
/** Uploads an input stream to this file's location. The target must point to a file.
* @param inputStream
* the input stream that should be uploaded.
* @param length
* the input stream length (leaving this as `None` can have performance implications)
* @return
* `true` if the upload was successful, `false` otherwise.
def upload(inputStream: InputStream, length: Option[Long]): Boolean
/** Returns an input stream for the contents of this file.
* @param offset
* bytes to skip before reading the file.
* @return
* an input stream for the contents of this file.
def stream(offset: Long = 0L): InputStream
/** Returns an iterator with the lines of this file.
* @return
* an iterator with the lines of this file.
def lines(): Iterator[String] = Source.fromInputStream(stream()).getLines()
/** Returns true if the fd points to a directory
* @return
* true if the fd points to a directory
def isDirectory: Boolean
/** Lists the files in the current file descriptor directory
* @return
* a iterator of file descriptors
def list: Iterator[FileDescriptor]
/** Lists all files down the file hierarchy tree that whose relative path match the given prefix
* @param prefix
* the prefix to match given each file relative path to the current directory
* @return
* a iterator of file descriptors
def listAllFilesWithPrefix(prefix: String): Iterator[FileDescriptor]
/** Returns the file descriptor `n` node up in the filesystem path.
* @param n
* the number of parent nodes to go back.
* @return
* the file descriptor `n` node up in the filesystem path.
def parent(n: Int = 1): FileDescriptor
/** Adds a new child node to the filesystem path.
* @param name
* the node name.
* @return
* the new file descriptor with the updated path
def child(name: String): FileDescriptor
/** Adds a new child node to the filesystem path.
* @param name
* the node name.
* @return
* the new file descriptor with the updated path
def /(name: String): FileDescriptor = child(name)
/** Adds multiple new child nodes to the filesystem path.
* @param names
* the node names to add.
* @return
* the new file descriptor with the updated path
def children(names: String*): FileDescriptor =
names.foldLeft(this)((acc, c) => acc.child(c))
/** Changes the path of the file descriptor using unix's cd syntax related to the current directory.
* Ex:
* - Go back to directories: ../..
* - Go to child directories: foo/bar
* - Go to sibling directory: ../foo
* Absolute path changes are not supported.
* @param pathString
* the cd command
* @return
* the new file descriptor with the updated path
def cd(pathString: String): FileDescriptor = {
pathString.split("/").toList.foldLeft(this) {
case (acc, "." | "") => acc
case (acc, "..") => acc.parent()
case (acc, segment) => acc.child(segment)
/** Returns a new file descriptor pointing to a sibling of the current file descriptor
* @param name
* the file name of the new file descriptor
* @return
* a new file descriptor pointing to a sibling of the current file descriptor
def sibling(name: String): FileDescriptor = sibling(_ => name)
/** Returns a new file descriptor pointing to a sibling of the current file descriptor
* @param f
* a function that returns a new name from the current name of the file descriptor
* @return
* a new file descriptor pointing to a sibling of the current file descriptor
def sibling(f: String => String): FileDescriptor = parent().child(f(name))
/** Returns true if the file pointed by the file descriptor exists
* @return
* true if the file pointed by the file descriptor exists
def exists: Boolean
/** Deletes the file associated with the file descriptor
* @return
* `true` if the delete was successful, `false` otherwise.
def delete(): Boolean
/** Creates intermediary directories
* @return
* true if the creation of successful, false otherwise.
def mkdirs(): Boolean
object FileDescriptor {
/** Creates the specific File descriptor from a URI
* @param uri
* the URI
* @return
* the specific file descriptor given the supported protocols
def apply(uri: String): FileDescriptor = apply(uri, config.Credentials())
def apply(uri: String, credentialsConfig: config.Credentials): FileDescriptor = {
protocol(uri) match {
case ("file", path) => LocalFileDescriptor(path)
case ("s3", path) => S3FileDescriptor(path, credentialsConfig.s3)
case ("sftp", path) => SftpFileDescriptor(path, credentialsConfig.sftp)
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Protocol not supported")
/** Splits the protocol from the path for a given URI
* @param uri
* the URI
* @return
* a tuple of (protocol, path)
private def protocol(uri: String) = uri.split("://").toList match {
case protocol :: path :: Nil => (protocol, path)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed URI")