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import{FileDescriptor => _, _}
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, TimeoutException}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.{Properties, Try}

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import io.github.andrebeat.pool.{Lease, Pool}
import net.schmizz.sshj._
import net.schmizz.sshj.common.SSHException
import net.schmizz.sshj.sftp._
import net.schmizz.sshj.transport.verification._
import net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.password.PasswordUtils
import net.schmizz.sshj.xfer.InMemorySourceFile

/** A `FileDescriptor` for files served over SFTP. This file descriptor only supports absolute paths. The SSH
  * connections for a given host are pooled.
  * The URI for this `FileDescriptor` should be in the format:
  *   - `sftp://@:/`
  * Both the username and port are optional. Additionally, the credentials config expects an object with the following
  * format:
  * {{{
  * sftp {
  *   default = {
  *     username = 
  *     password = 
  *   }
  * }
  * }}}
  * Or if using public key authentication:
  * {{{
  * sftp {
  *   default = {
  *     username = 
  *     keypair-file = 
  *     passphrase = 
  *   }
  * }
  * }}}
  * What is considered as an `id` for credentials handling is the `hostname` of the file descriptor, therefore it is
  * possible to provide credentials for a specific `hostname`.
case class SftpFileDescriptor(
    host: String,
    port: Int,
    username: String,
    password: Option[String],
    elements: List[String],
    identity: Option[SftpFileDescriptor.Identity],
    @transient private var _fileAttributes: Option[FileAttributes] = None
) extends FileDescriptor
    with RemoteFileDescriptor
    with LazyLogging {

  type Self = SftpFileDescriptor

  def fileAttributes = if (_fileAttributes == null) None else _fileAttributes

  protected[this] val root = ""

  private[this] def sftpClient() =
    SftpFileDescriptor.acquireConnection(host, port, username, password, identity)

  private[this] def sftp[A](block: SFTPClient => A): A = {
    def doConnect(retries: Int): A =
      try {
        sftpClient().use { sftp =>
      } catch {
        case e: SFTPException if e.getStatusCode == Response.StatusCode.NO_SUCH_FILE =>
          throw new FileNotFoundException(toString)
        case e @ (_: SSHException | _: IOException) if retries > 0 =>
          logger.warn(s"[$host] ${e.getMessage}. Retrying in 10 seconds...")
          logger.debug(s"Failure cause: ${e.getCause}")
          doConnect(retries - 1)


  protected def duplicate(elements: List[String]) =
    this.copy(elements = elements, _fileAttributes = None)

  protected def withFileAttributes[A](f: FileAttributes => A): A = fileAttributes match {
    case Some(fa) => f(fa)
    case None =>
      _fileAttributes = Some(sftp(_.stat(path)))

  def size = withFileAttributes(_.getSize)

  def lastModifiedTimestamp = withFileAttributes(_.getMtime())

  def isDirectory: Boolean = withFileAttributes(_.getType == FileMode.Type.DIRECTORY)

  def exists: Boolean = fileAttributes.isDefined || sftp(c => c.statExistence(path) != null)

  def list: Iterator[SftpFileDescriptor] =
    if (isDirectory) {
      sftp( { r =>
        this.child(r.getName).copy(_fileAttributes = Some(r.getAttributes))
    } else {

  def listAllFilesWithPrefix(prefix: String): Iterator[SftpFileDescriptor] = {
    val sanitizedPrefix = prefix.dropWhile(_ == '/')
    val prePrefix = sanitizedPrefix.takeWhile(_ != '/')
    val posPrefix = sanitizedPrefix.dropWhile(_ != '/').drop(1)
    this.list.filter( { f =>
      if (f.isDirectory) f.listAllFilesWithPrefix(posPrefix)
      else Iterator(f)

  def delete(): Boolean =
    Try {
      if (isDirectory) sftp(_.rmdir(path))
      else sftp(_.rm(path))

  def mkdirs(): Boolean =

  def download(localTarget: LocalFileDescriptor, safeDownloading: Boolean): Boolean = {
    require(!localTarget.isDirectory, s"Local file descriptor can't point to a directory: ${localTarget.path}")
    require(!isDirectory, s"Remote file descriptor can't point to a directory: ${this.path}")"Downloading '$toString' to '$localTarget'")

    if (localTarget.parent().mkdirs()) {
      val downloadFile = if (safeDownloading) localTarget.sibling(_ + ".tmp") else localTarget
      val downloadResult = Try(sftp(_.get(path, downloadFile.path)))

      if (downloadResult.isSuccess && safeDownloading) downloadFile.rename(localTarget)

    } else false

  def upload(localTarget: LocalFileDescriptor): Boolean = {
    require(!localTarget.isDirectory, s"Local file descriptor can't point to a directory: ${localTarget.path}")
    require(!exists || !isDirectory, s"Remote file descriptor can't point to a directory: ${this.path}")"Uploading '$localTarget' to '$toString'")

    parent().mkdirs() &&
    Try(sftp(_.put(localTarget.path, path))).isSuccess

  def upload(inputStream: InputStream, length: Option[Long]): Boolean = {
    require(!exists || !isDirectory, s"Remote file descriptor can't point to a directory: ${this.path}")"Uploading to '$toString'")

    val sourceFile = new InMemorySourceFile {
      override def getLength: Long = length.getOrElse(0)
      override val getName: String = elements.last
      override val getInputStream: InputStream = inputStream

    parent().mkdirs() &&
    Try(sftp(_.put(sourceFile, path))).isSuccess

  def stream(offset: Long = 0L) = new InputStream {
    private[this] lazy val sftpLease = sftpClient()
    private[this] lazy val sftp = sftpLease.get()
    private[this] lazy val remoteFile =
    private[this] lazy val inner = new remoteFile.RemoteFileInputStream()
    if (offset > 0) inner.skip(offset)

    def read() =

    override def read(b: Array[Byte]) =
    override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int =, off, len)
    override def skip(n: Long) = inner.skip(n)
    override def available() = inner.available()
    override def mark(readlimit: Int) = inner.mark(readlimit)
    override def markSupported() = inner.markSupported()
    override def reset() = inner.reset()
    override def close() = {

  override def toString: String =
    if (port != 22) s"sftp://$username@$host:$port$path"
    else s"sftp://$username@$host$path"

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SftpFileDescriptor =>
      username == that.username &&
      host == &&
      port == that.port &&
      username == that.username &&
      password == that.password &&
      identity == that.identity &&
      path == that.path
    case _ => false

object SftpFileDescriptor {
  private[this] val fdConf = ConfigFactory.load()
  private[this] val maxConnections = fdConf.getInt("")
  private[this] val maxIdleTime =
  private[this] val leaseAcquireMaxDuration =

  // We can't share the same connection if any of the connection details are different (host, port, username, password, identity)
  private[this] val connectionPools =
    new ConcurrentHashMap[(String, Int, String, Option[String], Option[Identity]), Pool[SftpClient]]()

  // This is just a helper class to tie together the lifetime of the SFTPClient
  // with the SSHClient, i.e. when we close the SFTPClient we also want to
  // disconnect the underlying SSH connection.
  private class SftpClient(private[this] val ssh: SSHClient) {
    val sftpClient = ssh.newSFTPClient
    def close() = {

  case class Credentials(host: String, port: String, auth: Either[Identity, String])

  implicit def sftpClientToSFTPClient(c: SftpClient): SFTPClient = c.sftpClient

  private[this] def sshClient(
      host: String,
      port: Int,
      username: String,
      password: Option[String],
      identity: Option[Identity]
  ) = {

    val sshClient = new SSHClient()
    sshClient.addHostKeyVerifier(new PromiscuousVerifier())
    sshClient.connect(host, port)

    (password, identity) match {
      case (Some(pass), _) =>
        sshClient.authPassword(username, pass)
      case (_, Some(id)) =>
        val keyProvider = id match {
          case Identity(Left(keyString), None) =>
            sshClient.loadKeys(keyString, null, null)
          case Identity(Left(keyString), Some(passphrase)) =>
            sshClient.loadKeys(keyString, null, PasswordUtils.createOneOff(passphrase.toCharArray))
          case Identity(Right(keyFile), None) =>
          case Identity(Right(keyFile), Some(passphrase)) =>
            sshClient.loadKeys(keyFile.getAbsolutePath, passphrase)

        sshClient.authPublickey(username, keyProvider)
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either a password or pub-priv key identity must be provided")


  private def acquireConnection(
      host: String,
      port: Int,
      username: String,
      password: Option[String],
      identity: Option[Identity]
  ): Lease[SftpClient] = {

    val pool = {
      val key = (host, port, username, password, identity)
      val p = connectionPools.get(key)
      if (p == null) {
        synchronized {
          val pool = Pool(
            () => new SftpClient(sshClient(host, port, username, password, identity)),
            dispose = { c: SftpClient => c.close() },
            maxIdleTime = maxIdleTime

          connectionPools.put(key, pool)

      } else p

    pool.tryAcquire(leaseAcquireMaxDuration) match {
      case Some(lease) => lease
      case None => throw new TimeoutException(s"Failed to acquire a SFTP client within $leaseAcquireMaxDuration.")

  case class Identity(sshKey: Either[String, File], passphrase: Option[String])

  private[this] val idRegex = """(.*@)?([\-|\d|\w|\.]+)(:\d+)?(\/.*)?""".r

  private def splitMeta(url: String): (String, Int, String) = {
    url match {
      case idRegex(_, id, portOpt, pathOpt) =>
        val port = Option(portOpt).map(_.drop(1).toInt).getOrElse(22)
        val path = Option(pathOpt).getOrElse("/")
        (id, port, path)
      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SFTP URI.")

  private[this] val credentials =
    new FileDescriptorCredentials[config.Credentials.Sftp.Entry, SftpFileDescriptor.Credentials] {
      def id(path: String) = splitMeta(path)._1

      def createCredentials(
          hostname: String,
          sftpConfig: config.Credentials.Sftp.Entry
      ): SftpFileDescriptor.Credentials = {
        sftpConfig match {
          case config.Credentials.Sftp.Entry.Basic(username, password) =>
            SftpFileDescriptor.Credentials(hostname, username, Right(password))
          case config.Credentials.Sftp.Entry.PublicKey(username, keypairFile, passphrase) =>
              Left(Identity(Right(new File(Properties.userHome + "/.ssh/" + keypairFile)), passphrase))

  def apply(
      host: String,
      port: Int,
      url: String,
      username: String,
      password: Option[String],
      identity: Option[Identity]
  )(implicit d: DummyImplicit): SftpFileDescriptor = {

    val (_, _, path) = splitMeta(url)

    val elements =
      path.split("/").toList match {
        case Nil              => Nil
        case "" :: hd :: tail => hd :: tail
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SFTP URI. Only absolute paths are supported.")

    SftpFileDescriptor(host, port, username, password, elements, identity)

  def apply(host: String, port: Int, url: String, username: String, password: Option[String])(implicit
      d: DummyImplicit
  ): SftpFileDescriptor = {

    apply(host, port, url, username, password, None)

  def apply(url: String, credentials: Option[SftpFileDescriptor.Credentials]): SftpFileDescriptor = {
    val creds = credentials.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No credentials found."))
    val (_, port, _) = splitMeta(url)

    creds match {
      case SftpFileDescriptor.Credentials(host, username, Left(identity)) =>
        apply(host, port, url, username, None, Some(identity))
      case SftpFileDescriptor.Credentials(host, username, Right(password)) =>
        apply(host, port, url, username, Some(password), None)

  def apply(path: String, credentialsConfig: config.Credentials.Sftp): SftpFileDescriptor =
    apply(path,, path))

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