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package com.velocidi.apso.pekko.http
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.Http
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.model._
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.model.headers._
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RouteResult.Complete
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive1, RequestContext, Route, RouteResult}
import{Dropped, Enqueued, Failure => OfferFailure, QueueClosed}
import{Keep, Sink, Source}
/** Adds proxy to pekko-http services to proxy requests to other hosts.
* If the target server is known in advance, a `Proxy` object can be created. This internally materializes a flow that
* is continuously active and ready to route incoming requests.
* For one-off requests or requests to previously unknown hosts, this trait defines two routes:
* - `proxySingleTo` takes the original request and proxies it to the proxy URI;
* - `proxySingleToUnmatchedPath` copies only the unmatched path from the original URI, and adds it to the path of
* the proxy URI.
* In order for the client ip to be propagated in `X-Forwarded-For` headers, the
* `pekko.http.server.remote-address-attribute` config setting must be set to "on".
trait ProxySupport extends ClientIPDirectives {
private[this] def getHeaders(ip: Option[RemoteAddress], headers: List[HttpHeader]) = {
// FIXME: Properly decide which headers to keep or filter out.
// If designing a proper transparent proxy trait, we should take care of which headers
// get passed down. It may be worth looking into the RFC.
// -
// -
// -
val hs = headers.filter(_.renderInRequests())
// add `X-Forwarded-For` header
ip.fold(hs)(addForwardedFor(_, hs))
private[this] def addForwardedFor(ip: RemoteAddress, headers: List[HttpHeader]): List[HttpHeader] = {
headers match {
case Nil =>
// No `X-Forwarded-For` found in headers, so just add the new one
`X-Forwarded-For`(ip) :: Nil
case `X-Forwarded-For`(ips) :: tail =>
`X-Forwarded-For`(ips :+ ip) :: tail
case notForwardedFor :: tail =>
notForwardedFor :: addForwardedFor(ip, tail)
private[this] val optionalRemoteAddress: Directive1[Option[RemoteAddress]] =
private[this] def proxy(
strictTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None
)(reqBuilder: (Option[RemoteAddress], RequestContext) => HttpRequest): Route = {
extractActorSystem { implicit system =>
extractMaterializer { implicit mat =>
optionalRemoteAddress { ip => ctx =>
val req = reqBuilder(ip, ctx)
import system.dispatcher
strictTimeout match {
case None => Http(system).singleRequest(req).map(Complete.apply)
case Some(t) =>
.flatMap(r => r.entity.toStrict(t).map(e => r.withEntity(e)))
/** Proxies a single request to a destination URI.
* @param uri
* the target URI
* @return
* a route that handles requests by proxying them to the given URI.
def proxySingleTo(uri: Uri): Route = proxy() { case (ip, ctx) =>
ctx.request.withUri(uri).withHeaders(getHeaders(ip, ctx.request.headers.toList))
/** Proxies a single request to a destination base URI. The target URI is created by concatenating the base URI with
* the unmatched path.
* @param uri
* the target base URI
* @return
* a route that handles requests by proxying them to the given URI.
def proxySingleToUnmatchedPath(uri: Uri): Route = proxy() { case (ip, ctx) =>
.withUri(uri.withPath(uri.path ++ ctx.unmatchedPath).withQuery(ctx.request.uri.query()))
.withHeaders(getHeaders(ip, ctx.request.headers.toList))
/** Proxies a single request to a destination URI. The response in not streamed, but converted to a strict entity with
* a set timeout.
* @param uri
* the target URI
* @param timeout
* maximum time to wait for the full response.
* @return
* a route that handles requests by proxying them to the given URI.
def strictProxySingleTo(uri: Uri, timeout: FiniteDuration): Route = proxy(Some(timeout)) { case (ip, ctx) =>
ctx.request.withUri(uri).withHeaders(getHeaders(ip, ctx.request.headers.toList))
/** Proxies a single request to a destination base URI. The target URI is created by concatenating the base URI with
* the unmatched path. The response in not streamed, but converted to a strict entity with a set timeout.
* @param uri
* the target base URI
* @param timeout
* maximum time to wait for the full response.
* @return
* a route that handles requests by proxying them to the given URI.
def strictProxySingleToUnmatchedPath(uri: Uri, timeout: FiniteDuration): Route = proxy(Some(timeout)) {
case (ip, ctx) =>
.withUri(uri.withPath(uri.path ++ ctx.unmatchedPath).withQuery(ctx.request.uri.query()))
.withHeaders(getHeaders(ip, ctx.request.headers.toList))
private[this] lazy val defaultQueueSize =
/** A representation of a reverse proxy for a remote host. This class internally materializes a flow that is
* continuously active and ready to route incoming requests.
* @param host
* the target host
* @param port
* the target port
* @param reqQueueSize
* the maximum size of the queue of pending backend requests
* @param strictTimeout
* maximum time to wait for the full response.
class Proxy(
host: String,
port: Int,
reqQueueSize: Int = defaultQueueSize,
strictTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None
)(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer)
extends LazyLogging {
import system.dispatcher
private[this] lazy val source =
Source.queue[(HttpRequest, Promise[RouteResult])](reqQueueSize)
private[this] lazy val flow = strictTimeout match {
case None => Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[Promise[RouteResult]](host, port)
case Some(t) =>
.cachedHostConnectionPool[Promise[RouteResult]](host, port)
.flatMapConcat { case (res, p) =>
if (res.isFailure) Source.single((res, p))
else {
val fut = Future
.flatMap(r => r.entity.toStrict(t).map(e => r.withEntity(e)))
private[this] lazy val sink = Sink.foreach[(Try[HttpResponse], Promise[RouteResult])] {
case ((Success(resp), p)) => p.success(Complete(resp))
case ((Failure(e), p)) => p.failure(e)
private[this] lazy val queue = source.via(flow).toMat(sink)(Keep.left).run()
/** Sends a manually crafted request to a destination URI.
* @param req
* the HTTP Request
* @param failOnDrop
* if the future should fail when the message is dropped, or complete with a 503
* @return
* the request result.
def sendRequest(req: HttpRequest, failOnDrop: Boolean): Future[RouteResult] = {
val promise = Promise[RouteResult]()
queue.offer(req -> promise) match {
case Enqueued => promise.future
case OfferFailure(ex) => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Queue offering failed", ex))
case QueueClosed => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Queue is completed before call!?"))
case Dropped =>
logger.warn(s"Request queue for $host:$port is full")
if (failOnDrop) Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Dropping request (Queue is full)"))
else Future.successful(Complete(HttpResponse(StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable)))
/** Proxies a request to a destination URI.
* @param uri
* the target URI
* @return
* a route that handles requests by proxying them to the given URI.
def proxyTo(uri: Uri): Route = {
optionalRemoteAddress { ip => ctx =>
val req = ctx.request.withUri(uri).withHeaders(getHeaders(ip, ctx.request.headers.toList))
sendRequest(req, failOnDrop = false)