com.velocidi.apso.profiling.CpuSampler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.velocidi.apso.profiling
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import com.velocidi.apso.profiling.CpuSampler._
/** A lightweight CPU profiler based on call stack sampling.
* When run as a thread, it periodically captures the call stacks of all live threads and maintains counters for each
* leaf method. The counters are then dumped to a logger with a given periodicity (most probably greater than the
* sampling period). Each data row written to the logger contains a timestamp, the method profiled, its location in the
* source code and the associated absolute counters and relative weight.
* @param samplePeriod
* the period between each sample taken
* @param flushPeriod
* the period between each flush to log
* @param logger
* the logger to which results are written
class CpuSampler(samplePeriod: Long = 100, flushPeriod: Long = 10000, logger: Logger = Logger(getClass))
extends Runnable {
private[this] val threadBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean
private[this] var active = true
private[this] var lastFlush = 0L
private[this] val entries = mutable.Queue[StackTraceElement]()
/** Returns a boolean value indicating if the stack trace element should be considered when profiling or not.
* @param elem
* the stack trace element
* @return
* `true` if the stack trace element should be considered in profiling, `false` otherwise.
def shouldProfile(elem: StackTraceElement) = {
!excludeClassRegex.matcher(elem.getClassName).matches &&
!excludedMethods.get(elem.getClassName).exists(_ == elem.getMethodName)
/** Captures the current call stacks of all live threads and stores relevant profiling data about them.
def sample() = for {
// TODO Thread#getId is deprecated as of Java 19 and should be replaced with Thread#threadId.
// Unfortunately, this is only available since Java 19.
info <- threadBean.dumpAllThreads(false, false) if info.getThreadId != Thread.currentThread.getId
elem <- info.getStackTrace.headOption if shouldProfile(elem)
} entries.enqueue(elem)
/** Flushes the stored profiling data to the logger.
* @param timestamp
* the timestamp to use when writing the entries to the logger
def flush(timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) = {
aggregateAll(timestamp).foreach(t => logger.debug(s"$t"))
lastFlush = System.currentTimeMillis()
private[this] def aggregateAll(timestamp: Long): Iterator[Entry] = {
val acc = mutable.Map[StackTraceElement, Int]()
val total = entries.length
while (entries.nonEmpty) {
val entry = entries.dequeue()
acc.update(entry, acc.getOrElseUpdate(entry, 0) + 1)
} { p =>
Entry(timestamp, p._1, p._2, if (total == 0) 0.0 else p._2.toDouble / total)
private[this] def sampleLoop() = {
while (active) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (time > lastFlush + flushPeriod) {
Thread.sleep(math.max(0, samplePeriod - (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)))
def run() = {
lastFlush = System.currentTimeMillis()
/** Stops the data collecting and flushes the remaining data to the logger, causing the thread to stop eventually.
def stop() = {
active = false
/** Object containing constants and helper methods and classes for `CpuSampler`.
object CpuSampler {
/** An entry to be logged.
* @param timestamp
* the timestamp of the data
* @param elem
* the stack trace element
* @param count
* the number of times the element was seen since the last flush
* @param perc
* the percentage of times the element was seen, in the range 0.0 to 100.0
case class Entry(timestamp: Long, elem: StackTraceElement, count: Int, perc: Double) {
override def toString =
perc * 100
/** A list of package names that should not be profiled. All child packages of the packages in this list are also
* excluded.
val excludedPackages =
Seq("sun", "sunw", "com.sun", "", "apple.awt", "apple.laf", "org.jboss.netty", "scala.concurrent.forkjoin")
/** The compiled regex for the `excludedPackages` list.
val excludeClassRegex =".", "\\.") + """\..*""").reduce(_ + "|" + _).r.pattern
/** A map containing the methods in each class that should not be profiled.
val excludedMethods = Map(
"" -> "socketAccept",
"" -> "eventLoop",
"java.lang.UNIXProcess" -> "waitForProcessExit",
"sun.awt.X11.XToolkit" -> "waitForEvents",
"apple.awt.CToolkit" -> "doAWTRunLoop",
"java.lang.Object" -> "wait",
"java.lang.Thread" -> "sleep",
"" -> "notifyAddrChange0",
"" -> "socketRead0"
/** The entry written to a `CpuSampler` logger at the beginning of the data collection.
val headerEntry = "Timestamp,Class,Method,File,Line,Count"