com.viaoa.ds.OASelect Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Copyright 1999 Vince Via [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package com.viaoa.ds;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.viaoa.object.*;
import com.viaoa.util.OAArray;
import com.viaoa.util.OAComparator;
import com.viaoa.util.OAFilter;
import com.viaoa.util.OAString;
import com.viaoa.hub.*;
Helper Class used for submitting and managing queries for any OADataSource.
This is used by Hub.select() methods.
All queries are based on object names, property names, and property paths.
A property path is a dot (".") separated list of property names that are used to navigate
from a root Class to a property value. To go from object to object, reference property names are used.
An OAFinder can be used to act as the datasource.
An OAFilter can be used to further filter the results.
- All property names and connectors names are case insensitive.
- Can use the following connectors "AND", "&&", "||", "OR", "(", ")"
- Can use "=", "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "LIKE", "%" (wildcard), "null" (any case)
- use "PASS[" to begin a passthru part of the query, and "]THRU" to end it.
- "ASC" ascending, "DESC" descending can be used with Order By properties.
OASelect select = new OASelect();
String query = OAConverter.toDataSourceString("dept", dept); // converts to dept.Id = 'MIS'
String fname = "John";
query += " && (dept.manager.lastName like 'Jones%'";
query += " || (dept.manager.firstName == " + OAConvert.toDataSourceString(fname) + ")";
select.setOrder("dept.name, Emp.LastName DESC, emp.firstName");
select.setPassthru(false); // needs to be converted to native query language
select.setCountFirst(false); // dont need count
select.setMax(250); // only select first 250 objects. (default=0 ALL)
select.setFetchAmount(40); // amount of objects to read at a time (default=45)
// or use params for where query
query = "dept = ? && dept.manager.lastName like ? || dept.manager.firstname = ?";
Object[] params = new Object[] {dept, "Jones%", fname};
For more information about this package, see documentation.
public class OASelect implements Iterable {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(OASelect.class.getName());
private static final AtomicInteger aiId = new AtomicInteger();
private final int id;
protected Class clazz;
protected OAObject whereObject;
protected String where;
protected String order;
protected boolean bPassthru;
protected boolean bAppend;
protected boolean bRewind = true; // set back to first object
protected String propertyFromWhereObject; // ex: if whereObject is Dept and class is Emp, then "emps"
protected int max; // max amount of objects to load
protected boolean bCountFirst; // count before selecting
protected int amountRead=-1;
protected int amountCount=-1;
protected Object[] params;
public volatile transient OADataSourceIterator query;
public static final int defalutFetchAmount = 45;
protected int fetchAmount=defalutFetchAmount; // used by Hub to know how many to read at a time
protected boolean bCancelled;
protected boolean bHasBeenStarted;
protected volatile long lastReadTime; // used with for determining timeout
protected OAFilter oaFilter; // this will be used by OASelect to filter iterator returned values
protected OAFilter dsFilter; // this will be sent to DataSource, which will use it if it does not support queries
protected OAFinder, TYPE> finder; // will be used instead of calling datasource
protected Hub hubSearch; // hub used to search from, instead of using DataSource
private boolean bDirty; // data should always be loaded from datasource
private volatile boolean bIsSelectingNow;
/** Create a new OASelect that is not initialzed. */
public OASelect() {
this.id = aiId.incrementAndGet();
/** Create a new OASelect that is initialzed to query Objects for a Class. */
public OASelect(Class c) {
Create a new OASelect that is initialzed to query Objects for a Class for a passthru query.
public OASelect(Class c, boolean passthru, String where, String order) {
Create a new OASelect that is initialized to query Objects for a Class.
public OASelect(Class c, String where, String order) {
Create a new OASelect that is initialized to query Objects for a Class.
public OASelect(Class c, String where, Object[] params, String order) {
Create a new OASelect that is initialzed to query Objects for a Class.
public OASelect(Class c, OAObject whereObject, String order) {
public int getId() {
return id;
* Values used to replace '?' in where clause.
* @param params list of values to replace '?' in where clause.
public void setParams(Object[] params) {
this.params = params;
public Object[] getParams() {
return this.params;
// 20180726
public void add(String whereClause, Object[] params) {
this.where = OAString.concat(this.where, whereClause, " AND ");
this.params = OAArray.add(Object.class, this.params, params);
public void setSearchHub(Hub hub) {
this.hubSearch = hub;
public Hub getSearchHub() {
return this.hubSearch;
Calls reset(false)
public void reset() {
Reset so that select can be used again
@param bClearOutValues if true then clears where, order, whereObject
public void reset(boolean bClearOutValues) {
if (bClearOutValues) {
where = null;
order = null;
whereObject = null;
amountCount = -1;
amountRead = -1;
bCancelled = false;
bHasBeenStarted = false;
lastReadTime = 0;
WhereObject is used to build a where statement that will select all objects that have
have a reference to whereObject.
@see #setPropertyFromWhereObject
public void setWhereObject(OAObject whereObject) {
this.whereObject = whereObject;
WhereObject is used to build a where statement that will select all objects that have
have a reference to whereObject.
@see #setPropertyFromWhereObject
public Object getWhereObject() {
return whereObject;
Property name in whereObject that is used to select objects for this class.
This is not required, but should be supplied if the whereObject has more
then one path to the select class.
example: if whereObject is Dept and class is Emp, then "emps"
public void setPropertyFromWhereObject(String propName) {
propertyFromWhereObject = propName;
Returns property from Where Object
@see #setPropertyFromWhereObject
public String getPropertyFromWhereObject() {
return propertyFromWhereObject;
DataSource that will be used for query/select.
public OADataSource getDataSource() {
if (clazz == null) return null;
OADataSource ds = OADataSource.getDataSource(clazz, getDataSourceFilter());
return ds;
Class of objects that are being selected.
public void setSelectClass(Class c) {
this.clazz = c;
Class of objects that are being selected.
public Class getSelectClass() {
return clazz;
public void setWhere(String s) {
where = s;
public void setWhere(String s, Object[] params) {
where = s;
public void setWhere(String s, Object param) {
where = s;
setParams(new Object[] {params});
Where clause to use for query. See notes at beginning of class.
public String getWhere() {
return where;
public void setHasBeenSelected(boolean b) {
this.bHasBeenStarted = b;
public boolean getHasBeenSelected() {
return this.bHasBeenStarted;
// 20120617
public void setHubFilter(OAFilter hfi) {
this.oaFilter = hfi;
public OAFilter getHubFilter() {
return this.oaFilter ;
public void setFilter(OAFilter hfi) {
this.oaFilter = hfi;
public OAFilter getFilter() {
return this.oaFilter ;
public void setDataSourceFilter(OAFilter hfi) {
this.dsFilter = hfi;
public OAFilter getDataSourceFilter() {
return this.dsFilter;
* @param finder
public void setFinder(OAFinder, TYPE> finder) {
this.finder = finder;
public OAFinder, TYPE> getFinder() {
return this.finder;
Sort order clause to use for query. See notes at beginning of class.
public void setOrder(String s) {
order = s;
public String getOrder() {
return order;
public void setSortBy(String s) {
public String getSortBy() {
return getOrder();
Flag to show if query should use OADataSource.selectPassthru() instead of OADataSource.select()
public void setPassThru(boolean b) {
Flag to show if query should use OADataSource.selectPassthru() instead of OADataSource.select()
public void setPassthru(boolean b) {
bPassthru = b;
Flag to show if query should use OADataSource.selectPassthru() instead of OADataSource.select()
public boolean getPassthru() {
return bPassthru;
Flag to show if query should use OADataSource.selectPassthru() instead of OADataSource.select()
public boolean getPassThru() {
return bPassthru;
Flag to show if data should be append to existing collection (used by Hub).
public void setAppend(boolean b) {
bAppend = b;
Flag to show if data should be append to existing collection (used by Hub).
public boolean getAppend() {
return bAppend;
Flag to show if data should be rewound to beginning object (used by Hub).
public void setRewind(boolean b) {
bRewind = b;
Flag to show if data should be rewound to beginning object (used by Hub).
public boolean getRewind() {
return bRewind;
Flag have a count performed before query is executed.
public void setCountFirst(boolean b) {
this.bCountFirst = b;
Flag have a count performed before query is executed.
public boolean getCountFirst() {
return bCountFirst;
Maximum number of objects to load. Default=0 (read all).
public void setMax(int x) {
max = x;
Maximum number of objects to load. Default=0 (read all).
public int getMax() {
return max;
Set the amount of records to read at a time (Default = 45).
public int getFetchAmount() {
return fetchAmount;
Set the amount of records to read at a time (Default = 45).
public void setFetchAmount(int fa) {
fetchAmount = Math.max(0,fa);
Returns the amount of records that will be returned from select.
Calls the OADataSource.count() method.
@see OASelect#isCounted to see if count was already preformed.
@see OASelect#setCountFirst to have count ran before select is performed
public synchronized int getCount() {
if (amountCount < 0) {
OADataSource ds = getDataSource();
if (!hasMore() && amountRead >= 0) {
return amountRead;
else {
if (alFinderResults != null) {
return alFinderResults.size();
if (ds == null || !ds.getSupportsPreCount()) {
// load all
return amountRead+1; /// only know that there is at least one more
else if (bPassthru) {
amountCount = ds.countPassthru(where, max);
else {
if (whereObject != null) {
amountCount = ds.count(clazz, whereObject, propertyFromWhereObject, max);
else amountCount = ds.count(clazz, where, params, max);
return amountCount;
Flag to see if a count has been executed for this query/select.
public synchronized boolean isCounted() {
if (amountCount != -1) return true;
if (!bHasBeenStarted) return false;
return (!hasMore()); // if hasMore is false, then all are loaded
Number of objects loaded so far.
@see #next
public int getAmountRead() {
return (Math.max(0,amountRead));
Used to send a "passThru" command to OADataSource.
public void execute(String command) {
if (clazz == null) throw new RuntimeException("OASelect.execute() needs selectClass set");
OADataSource ds = getDataSource();
if (ds == null) throw new RuntimeException("OASelect.execute() cant find datasource for class "+clazz);
Used to set where and order by clauses, and then perform select.
public void select(String where, String order) {
Used to set where and order by clauses, and then perform select.
public void select(String where, Object[] params, String order) {
Used to set where clause, and then perform select.
public void select(String where) {
Used to set where clause, and then perform select.
public void select(String where, Object[] params) {
private ArrayList alFinderResults;
private int posFinderResults;
Used to perform select.
public synchronized void select() {
lastReadTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long x = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastReadTime;
if (x > 2500) {
OAPerformance.LOG.fine("query took "+x+"ms, class="+getSelectClass()+", where="+getWhere()+", whereObj="+getWhereObject());
protected void _select() {
if (bHasBeenStarted && !bCancelled) {
closeQuery(); // cancel previous select
bHasBeenStarted = true;
bCancelled = false;
alFinderResults = null;
posFinderResults = 0;
amountRead = 0;
amountCount = -1;
// 20140808
if (hubSearch != null && finder == null) {
finder = new OAFinder(hubSearch, null);
OALinkInfo li = HubDetailDelegate.getLinkInfoFromMasterObjectToDetail(hubSearch);
if (li != null && !li.getRecursive()) {
// 20140129
if (finder != null) {
OAFilter filter = new OAFilter() {
public boolean isUsed(TYPE obj) {
if (dsFilter != null && !dsFilter.isUsed(obj)) return false;
if (oaFilter != null && !oaFilter.isUsed(obj)) return false;
if (hubSearch != null) {
if (!hubSearch.contains(obj)) return false;
return true;
alFinderResults = finder.find();
// sort the array
if (alFinderResults.size() > 0) {
String ord = getSortBy();
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(ord)) {
OAComparator comparator = new OAComparator(getSelectClass(), ord, true);
Collections.sort(alFinderResults, comparator);
if (clazz == null) throw new RuntimeException("OASelect.select() needs selectClass set");
OADataSource ds = getDataSource();
if (ds == null) {
//throw new RuntimeException("OASelect.select() cant find datasource for class "+clazz);
try {
bIsSelectingNow = true;
if (whereObject != null) {
if (bCountFirst && amountCount < 0) {
amountCount = ds.count(clazz, whereObject, where, params, propertyFromWhereObject, max);
query = ds.select(clazz, whereObject, where, params, propertyFromWhereObject, order, max, getDataSourceFilter(), getDirty());
else {
if (bPassthru) {
if (bCountFirst && amountCount < 0) amountCount = ds.countPassthru(where, max);
query = ds.selectPassthru(clazz, where, order, max, getDataSourceFilter(), getDirty());
else {
if (bCountFirst && amountCount < 0) amountCount = ds.count(clazz, where, params, max);
query = ds.select(clazz, where, params, order, max, getDataSourceFilter(), getDirty());
OADataSourceIterator q = query;
if (q != null) q.hasNext();
finally {
bIsSelectingNow = false;
// 20110407
public boolean isSelectingNow() {
return bIsSelectingNow;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public String getDataSourceQuery() {
if (query == null) return null;
return query.getQuery();
public String getDataSourceQuery2() {
if (query == null) return null;
return query.getQuery2();
Returns next object loaded from select, else null if no other objects are available.
public TYPE next() {
// 20120617 added hubFilter
TYPE obj;
for (;;) {
obj = _next();
if (obj == null) break;
if (oaFilter == null || finder != null) break;
// 20190130
OASiblingHelper siblingHelper = query == null ? null : query.getSiblingHelper();
boolean bx = ((siblingHelper != null) && OAThreadLocalDelegate.addSiblingHelper(siblingHelper));
try {
if (oaFilter.isUsed(obj)) break;
finally {
if (bx) OAThreadLocalDelegate.removeSiblingHelper(siblingHelper);
return obj;
public synchronized TYPE _next() {
if (!bHasBeenStarted) {
TYPE obj = null;
if (finder != null) {
if (alFinderResults == null) return null;
int x = alFinderResults.size();
if (posFinderResults >= x) {
alFinderResults = null;
return null;
obj = alFinderResults.get(posFinderResults++);
else {
if (query == null) return null;
obj = (TYPE) query.next();
try {
obj = (TYPE) query.next();
catch (Exception e) {
obj = null;
if (query != null) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
if (obj == null) closeQuery();
else {
if (max > 0 && amountRead >= max) closeQuery();
lastReadTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return obj;
public synchronized boolean isCancelled() {
return bCancelled;
Cancels and releases query Iterator from OADataSource.
public synchronized void cancel() {
if (!bHasBeenStarted) bCancelled = true;
else bCancelled = (bIsSelectingNow || hasMore());
alFinderResults = null;
public synchronized void close() {
private void closeQuery() {
if (query != null) {
query = null;
alFinderResults = null;
Returns true if more objects are available to be loaded.
public synchronized boolean hasMore() {
if (!bHasBeenStarted) {
if (finder != null) {
if (alFinderResults == null) return false;
int x = alFinderResults.size();
return (posFinderResults < x);
boolean b = query != null && query.hasNext();
if (!b) {
return b;
public boolean isSelectAll() {
boolean result = false;
if (!bCancelled && OAString.isEmpty(getWhere()) && getFilter() == null && getFinder() == null && getMax() == 0 && getWhereObject() == null && getSearchHub() == null) {
result = true;
return result;
public synchronized boolean hasBeenStarted() {
return bHasBeenStarted;
public long getLastReadTime() {
return lastReadTime;
public Iterator iterator() {
Iterator iter = new Iterator() {
int pos;
Object objNext;
public boolean hasNext() {
boolean b = OASelect.this.hasMore();
return b;
public void remove() {
public TYPE next() {
return OASelect.this.next();
return iter;
public void setDirty(boolean b) {
this.bDirty = b;
public boolean getDirty() {
return this.bDirty;