com.viaoa.object.OAFinder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Object Automation library
/* Copyright 1999 Vince Via [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package com.viaoa.object;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import com.viaoa.hub.*;
import com.viaoa.util.*;
import com.viaoa.util.filter.*;
// 20140124
* This is used to find all values from one OAObject/Hub to another OAObject/Hub, using a propertyPath.
* Support is included for Filters.
* @param type of hub or OAObject to use as the root (from)
* @param type of hub for the to class (to).
* examples:
// from Router, find all UserLogin for a userId
OAFinder f = new OAFinder(Router.P_UserLogins);
String cpp = UserLoginPP.user().userId().pp;
f.addLikeFilter(cpp, userId);
UserLogin userLogin = f.findFirst(router);
OAFinder f = new OAFinder(ProgramPP.locations().employees().pp) {
protected boolean isUsed(Employee emp) {
return super.isUsed(emp);
protected void onFound(Employee emp) {
// f.setMaxFound(50);
f.addEqualFilter(EmployeePP.employeeAward().awardType().name(), "some name");
ArrayList al = f.find(program);
public class OAFinder {
private String strPropertyPath;
private OAPropertyPath propertyPath;
private OALinkInfo liRecursiveRoot;
private OALinkInfo[] linkInfos;
private OALinkInfo[] recursiveLinkInfos;
private Method[] methods;
private boolean bAddOrFilter;
private boolean bAddAndFilter;
private OAFilter filter;
private OACascade[] cascades;
private volatile boolean bStop;
private ArrayList alFound;
// stack
private boolean bEnableStack;
private int stackPos;
private StackValue[] stack;
private int maxFound;
private F fromObject;
private Hub fromHub;
private boolean bUseAll;
private boolean bEnableRecursiveRoot;
private boolean bEnableRecursiveRootWasCalled;
private OACascade cascade; // cascade that can be set by calling code
* flag to know if it should only find data that is currently in memory.
private boolean bUseOnlyLoadedData;
public OAFinder() {
public OAFinder(String propPath) {
this.strPropertyPath = propPath;
public OAFinder(F fromObject, String propPath) {
this.fromObject = fromObject;
this.strPropertyPath = propPath;
public OAFinder(Hub fromHub, String propPath) {
this(fromHub, propPath, true);
public OAFinder(Hub fromHub, String propPath, boolean bUseAll) {
this.fromHub = fromHub;
this.strPropertyPath = propPath;
this.bUseAll = bUseAll;
public void setAllowRecursiveRoot(boolean b) {
this.bEnableRecursiveRoot = b;
this.bEnableRecursiveRootWasCalled = true;
* Flag to know if the root object/hub should allow for recursive duing the find.
* Default is determined by the following. Default is false, unless hub is the root and it has a masterObject.
public boolean getAllowRecursiveRoot() {
return this.bEnableRecursiveRoot;
* Add the found object to the list that is returned by find.
* This can be overwritten to get all of the objects as they are found.
* @see stop to be able to have the find stop searching.
protected void onFound(T obj) {
if (maxFound > 0 && alFound.size() >= maxFound) stop();
* Called during a find when data was not found.
* Use stop() to have the find aborted.
protected void onDataNotFound() {
* This is used to stop the current find that is in process.
* This can be used when overwriting the onFound().
public void stop() {
bStop = true;
public boolean getStop() {
return bStop;
public void setUseOnlyLoadedData(boolean b) {
this.bUseOnlyLoadedData = b;
// 20160306
* Flag (default=false) to only use data that is already in memory and not to load from server or datasource.
public boolean getUseOnlyLoadedData() {
return bUseOnlyLoadedData;
public void setMaxFound(int x) {
this.maxFound = x;
public int getMaxFound() {
return this.maxFound;
public ArrayList find() {
if (fromObject != null) return find(fromObject);
if (fromHub != null) {
if (bUseAll) return find(fromHub);
F obj = fromHub.getAO();
if (obj != null) return find(obj);
return null;
public void setRoot(F obj) {
this.fromObject = obj;
public void setRoot(Hub hub) {
this.fromHub = hub;
* Given the propertyPath, find all of the objects from a Hub.
public ArrayList find(Hub hubRoot) {
ArrayList al = find(hubRoot, null);
return al;
public ArrayList find(ArrayList alRoot) {
return find(alRoot, null);
public ArrayList find(ArrayList alRoot, F objectLastUsed) {
if (!bEnableRecursiveRootWasCalled) {
bEnableRecursiveRoot = false;
alFound = new ArrayList();
if (bEnableStack) stack = new StackValue[5];
if (alRoot == null) return alFound;
int x = alRoot.size();
if (x == 0) return alFound;
F sample = alRoot.get(0);
bStop = false;
int pos;
if (objectLastUsed == null) pos = 0;
else pos = alRoot.indexOf(objectLastUsed) + 1;
for ( ; pos al = alFound;
this.alFound = null;
this.stack = null;
this.stackPos = 0;
this.cascades = null;
return al;
// 20171224 update threadloc.getDetail
public ArrayList find(Hub hubRoot, F objectLastUsed) {
if (!bEnableRecursiveRootWasCalled) {
if (hubRoot != null) {
OALinkInfo li = HubDetailDelegate.getLinkInfoFromMasterObjectToDetail(hubRoot);
if (li != null && li.getRecursive()) {
bEnableRecursiveRoot = true;
else {
bEnableRecursiveRoot = true;
ArrayList al = null;
OASiblingHelper siblingHelper = null;
if (!bUseOnlyLoadedData) {
siblingHelper = new OASiblingHelper(hubRoot);
try {
al = _find(hubRoot, objectLastUsed);
finally {
if (siblingHelper != null) OAThreadLocalDelegate.removeSiblingHelper(siblingHelper);
return al;
private int rootHubPos;
public int getRootHubPos() {
return this.rootHubPos;
* Given the propertyPath, find all of the objects from a Hub,
* starting after objectLastFound
protected ArrayList _find(Hub hubRoot, F objectLastUsed) {
alFound = new ArrayList();
if (bEnableStack) stack = new StackValue[5];
if (hubRoot == null) return alFound;
rootHubPos = -1;
bStop = false;
if (objectLastUsed == null) rootHubPos = 0;
else rootHubPos = hubRoot.getPos(objectLastUsed) + 1;
for ( ; ;rootHubPos++) {
F objectRoot = hubRoot.getAt(rootHubPos);
if (objectRoot == null) break;
stackPos = 0;
if (bStop) break;
ArrayList al = alFound;
this.alFound = null;
this.stack = null;
this.stackPos = 0;
cascades = null;
return al;
public void clearFilters() {
filter = null;
public void addFilter(OAFilter filter) {
if (this.filter == null) this.filter = filter;
else {
if (bAddOrFilter) this.filter = new OAOrFilter(this.filter, filter);
else this.filter = new OAAndFilter(this.filter, filter);
bAddAndFilter = bAddOrFilter = false;
* Returns true if a matching value is found.
public boolean canFindFirst(F objectRoot) {
int holdMax = getMaxFound();
ArrayList al = find(objectRoot);
if (getMaxFound() == 1) setMaxFound(holdMax);
return (al != null && al.size() > 0);
* Finds the first matching value. If searching for a null, then this would return a null, so
* use the canFindFirst method instead.
public T findFirst(F objectRoot) {
if (objectRoot == null) return null;
int holdMax = getMaxFound();
ArrayList al = find(objectRoot);
T obj;
if (al != null && al.size() > 0) obj = al.get(0);
else obj = null;
if (getMaxFound() == 1) setMaxFound(holdMax);
return obj;
public T findFirst(Hub hub) {
int holdMax = getMaxFound();
ArrayList al = find(hub);
T obj;
if (al.size() > 0) obj = al.get(0);
else obj = null;
if (getMaxFound() == 1) setMaxFound(holdMax);
return obj;
public T findNext(Hub hub, F objectLastUsed) {
int holdMax = getMaxFound();
ArrayList al = find(hub, objectLastUsed);
T obj;
if (al.size() > 0) obj = al.get(0);
else obj = null;
if (getMaxFound() == 1) setMaxFound(holdMax);
return obj;
* Given the propertyPath, find all of the objects from a root object.
* @param objectRoot starting object to begin navigating through the propertyPath.
public ArrayList find(F objectRoot) {
if (objectRoot == null) return null;
alFound = new ArrayList();
if (bEnableStack) stack = new StackValue[5];
stackPos = 0;
if (objectRoot == null) return alFound;
bStop = false;
ArrayList al = alFound;
this.alFound = null;
this.stack = null;
this.stackPos = 0;
this.cascades = null;
return al;
public OAPropertyPath getPropertyPath() {
return this.propertyPath;
private boolean bSetup;
protected void setup(Class c) {
if (bSetup) return;
bSetup = true;
if (propertyPath != null || c == null) return;
propertyPath = new OAPropertyPath(c, strPropertyPath);
linkInfos = propertyPath.getLinkInfos();
recursiveLinkInfos = propertyPath.getRecursiveLinkInfos();
methods = propertyPath.getMethods();
int x = linkInfos == null ? 0 : linkInfos.length;
if (x != methods.length) {
// oafinder is to get from one OAObj/Hub to another, not a property/etc
throw new RuntimeException("propertyPath "+strPropertyPath+" must end in an OAObject/Hub");
cascades = new OACascade[linkInfos.length];
for (int i=0; i 0) {
if (linkInfos[0].getType() == OALinkInfo.ONE && linkInfos[0].getReverseLinkInfo().getType() == OALinkInfo.MANY && !linkInfos[0].getReverseLinkInfo().getRecursive()) liRecursiveRoot = null;
// match filters
String[] names = propertyPath.getFilterNames();
Object[] values = propertyPath.getFilterParamValues();
Constructor[] constructors = propertyPath.getFilterConstructors();
x = names.length;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
if (constructors[i] == null) continue;
try {
HubFilter hubFilter = createHubFilter(names[i]);
if (hubFilter == null) hubFilter = ((CustomHubFilter) constructors[i].newInstance(values[i])).getHubFilter();
if (filter == null) filter = hubFilter;
else filter = new OAAndFilter(filter, hubFilter);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Filter " + names[i] + " can not be created", e);
private void performFind(F obj) {
if (obj == null) return;
find(obj, 0);
protected void find(Object obj, int pos) {
if (obj==null || bStop) return;
if (pos > 20) {
try {
if (bEnableStack) push(obj, pos);
_find(obj, pos);
finally {
if (bEnableStack) pop();
private void _find(Object obj, int pos) {
if (obj == null) return;
if (obj instanceof Hub) {
for (Object objx : (Hub) obj) {
find(objx, pos);
if (bStop) break;
if (!(obj instanceof OAObject)) return;
if (cascade != null) {
boolean b = cascade.wasCascaded((OAObject) obj, true);
if (b) return;
if (pos > 0 && cascades != null) {
boolean b = cascades[pos-1].wasCascaded((OAObject) obj, true);
if (b) return;
if (linkInfos == null || pos >= linkInfos.length) {
boolean bIsUsed;
if (filter != null && !bStop) bIsUsed = filter.isUsed(obj);
else bIsUsed = true;
bIsUsed = !bStop && bIsUsed && isUsed((T) obj);
if (bIsUsed) {
onFound((T) obj);
if (bStop) return;
// check if recursive
if (pos == 0) {
// see if root object is recursive
if (bEnableRecursiveRoot && liRecursiveRoot != null) {
if (getUseOnlyLoadedData()) {
if (!liRecursiveRoot.isLoaded(obj)) {
/* 20180606 all will be sorted, since they are same li
if ((obj instanceof OAObject) && getNeedsToBeSorted((OAObject) obj, liRecursiveRoot)) {
Object objx = liRecursiveRoot.getValue(obj);
find(objx, pos); // go up a level to then go through hub
if (bStop) return;
else if (recursiveLinkInfos != null && pos <= recursiveLinkInfos.length) {
if (recursiveLinkInfos[pos - 1] != null) {
if (getUseOnlyLoadedData()) {
if (!recursiveLinkInfos[pos - 1].isLoaded(obj)) {
/* 20180606 all will be sorted, since they are same li
if ((obj instanceof OAObject) && getNeedsToBeSorted((OAObject) obj, recursiveLinkInfos[pos - 1])) {
Object objx = recursiveLinkInfos[pos - 1].getValue(obj);
find(objx, pos);
if (bStop) return;
if (linkInfos != null && pos < linkInfos.length) {
if (getUseOnlyLoadedData()) {
// 20180713 check if it needs to be sorted, and if a sortListener already created
boolean b = linkInfos[pos].isLoaded(obj);
if (b && linkInfos[pos].getType() == OALinkInfo.TYPE_MANY) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(linkInfos[pos].getSortProperty())) {
Object objx = OAObjectPropertyDelegate.getProperty((OAObject) obj, linkInfos[pos].getName());
if (objx instanceof Hub) {
Hub h = (Hub) objx;
if (HubSortDelegate.getSortListener(h) == null && HubDelegate.getAutoSequence(h) == null) {
OAThreadLocal tl = OAThreadLocalDelegate.getThreadLocal(true);
if (tl.cntGetSiblingCalled > 1) {
b = false;
if (!b) {
/* 20180606 might need to put this back in
if ((obj instanceof OAObject) && getNeedsToBeSorted((OAObject) obj, linkInfos[pos])) {
Object objx = linkInfos[pos].getValue(obj);
find(objx, pos + 1);
if (bStop) return;
private boolean getNeedsToBeSorted(OAObject obj, OALinkInfo li) {
if (obj == null || li == null) return false;
if (li.type != OALinkInfo.MANY) return false;
if (OAString.isEmpty(li.getSortProperty())) return false;
Hub hx = (Hub) OAObjectPropertyDelegate.getProperty((OAObject)obj, li.name, false, true);
if (hx == null || (HubSortDelegate.getSortListener(hx) == null && HubDelegate.getAutoSequence(hx) == null)) {
return true;
return false;
* This will be called to create a filter that is in the propertyPaths.
* @param name name of the filter in the propertyPath
protected HubFilter createHubFilter(String name) {
return null;
* Called for all objects that are found, and pass the filter.
* @return true (default) to include in arrayList results, false to skip.
protected boolean isUsed(T obj) {
return true;
* This will have the internal stack updated when a find is being performed.
* @param b, default is false
public void setEnabledStack(boolean b) {
bEnableStack = b;
// used to keep track of the objects in the stack
static class StackValue {
Object obj;
int pos;
StackValue(Object obj, int pos) {
this.obj = obj;
this.pos = pos;
private void push(Object obj, int pos) {
StackValue sv = new StackValue(obj, pos);
private void push(StackValue sv) {
if (sv == null) return;
int x = stack.length;
if (stackPos == x) {
StackValue[] temp = new StackValue[x + 10];
System.arraycopy(stack, 0, temp, 0, x);
stack = temp;
stack[stackPos++] = sv;
private StackValue pop() {
if (stackPos == 0) return null;
StackValue sv = stack[--stackPos];
stack[stackPos] = null;
return sv;
* The objects that are in the current stack. This can be used
* when overwriting the onFound(..) to know the object path.
* @see #setEnabledStack(boolean) to enable this information.
public Object[] getStackObjects() {
Object[] objs = new Object[stackPos];
for (int i = 0; i < stackPos; i++) {
objs[i] = stack[i].obj;
return objs;
* The property name of the objects that are in the current stack.
* @see #setEnabledStack(boolean) to enable this information.
public String[] getStackPropertyNames() {
String[] ss = new String[stackPos];
for (int i = 0; i < stackPos; i++) {
String methodName;
if (stack[i].pos == 0) methodName = "[root]";
else if (stack[i].pos <= linkInfos.length) methodName = linkInfos[stack[i].pos - 1].getName();
else methodName = methods[stack[i - 1].pos].getName();
ss[i] = methodName;
return ss;
public void addBetweenFilter(String pp, Object val1, Object val2) {
addFilter(new OABetweenFilter(pp, val1, val2));
public void addBetweenOrEqualFilter(String pp, Object val1, Object val2) {
addFilter(new OABetweenOrEqualFilter(pp, val1, val2));
public void addEmptyFilter(String pp) {
addFilter(new OAEmptyFilter(pp));
public void addNotEmptyFilter(String pp) {
addFilter(new OANotEmptyFilter(pp));
public void addEqualFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OAEqualFilter(pp, val));
public void addEqualFilter(String pp, Object matchValue, boolean bIgnoreCase) {
OAEqualFilter f = new OAEqualFilter(pp, matchValue);
public void addTrueFilter(String pp) {
addFilter(new OAEqualFilter(pp, Boolean.TRUE));
public void addFalseFilter(String pp) {
addFilter(new OAEqualFilter(pp, Boolean.FALSE));
public void addNullFilter(String pp) {
addFilter(new OANullFilter(pp));
public void addNotNullFilter(String pp) {
addFilter(new OANotNullFilter(pp));
public void addGreaterFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OAGreaterFilter(pp, val));
public void addGreaterOrEqualFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OAGreaterOrEqualFilter(pp, val));
public void addLessFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OALessFilter(pp, val));
public void addLessOrEqualFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OALessOrEqualFilter(pp, val));
public void addLikeFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OALikeFilter(pp, val));
public void addNotLikeFilter(String pp, Object val) {
addFilter(new OANotLikeFilter(pp, val));
public void addOrFilter(OAFilter f1, OAFilter f2) {
OAOrFilter f = new OAOrFilter(f1, f2);
* This will create an Or with the existing filter and the next filter that is added.
public void addOrFilter() {
bAddOrFilter = true;
bAddAndFilter = false;
* This will create an And with the existing filter and the next filter that is added.
public void addAndFilter() {
bAddAndFilter = true;
bAddOrFilter = false;
public void setCascade(OACascade cascade) {
this.cascade = cascade;
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