com.viaoa.hub.HubDataUniquex Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Copyright 1999 Vince Via [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package com.viaoa.hub;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import com.viaoa.object.*;
Internally used by Hub.dataUnique
for unique settings/data for this Hub, that are not shared with Shared Hubs.
class HubDataUniquex implements java.io.Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // used for object serialization
/** these options are not enforced on OAObjects, they are used to flag options */
// boolean allowNew = true, allowDelete = true, allowEdit = true;
Position of active object to set for new list. Can be set to 0 so that first object
is always made the active object whenever a new list is created. Default is -1 (set to null).
This can be set for Detail Hubs, so that the first object is active whenever a new list
is create - which is when the master Hub changes its active object.
protected transient int defaultPos = -1;
/** Set ActiveObject to null when active object is removed.
Default is false which will go to next object, unless last object in Hub
is being removed, which will set it to previous object.
protected transient boolean bNullOnRemove;
Hub Listeners that receives all Hub and OAObject events.
@see HubListener
@see HubEvent
// protected transient Vector vecListener;
// 20101218 replaces vetListener
protected transient volatile HubListenerTree listenerTree;
Detail Hubs that this Hub has.
@see Hub#getDetail
protected transient volatile Vector vecHubDetail;
List of listeners for calculated properties.
The hub will automatically listen for changes to any property that a calculated property
is dependent on.
@see Hub#addListener(HubListener,String)
// 20101218 replaced by HubListenerTree
// transient Vector calcEventListeners;
"Master" Hub that this Hub is linked to.
A hub can only be linked to a property in only one "master" hub.
It's active object will then reflect the value of this property in the "master"
hub's active object. If the active object of the link hub changes, then the
property in the "master" hub will be set to the new object.
@see hub#setLink
protected transient Hub linkToHub;
This can be used to set a property in the Link Hub to the value
of the position of the active object in this Hub.
Example: an object can have a property that is set to 0-9. Another
Hub can be created with ten objects, and linked to this property.
Instead of setting the property to the object, it is set to the position
of the object.
protected transient boolean linkPos;
Property that this Hub is linked to.
protected transient String linkToPropertyName; // ex: hubDept linked to Emp on property "dept"
/** Method used to get value of link to object. */
protected transient Method linkToGetMethod; // getDept()
/** Method used to set value of link to object. */
protected transient Method linkToSetMethod; // setDept()
Links can also be set up so that a property in the link Hub is used to update
a property in the linkedTo/Master Hub.
LinkPropertyName is the name of the property that is used in the Linked Hub.
A Hub that has objects of type "State" can be linked to another Hub, so that the State.name
is linked to a property in the Master Hub. The linkFromPropertyName is "name".
protected transient String linkFromPropertyName;
Method that gets value from linkFromPropertyName.
protected transient Method linkFromGetMethod;
Hub Listener used to update active object when the active object in
the Master Hub changes, or when the link property in the Master Hub is changed.
protected transient HubLinkEventListener hubLinkEventListener;
Hub that this Hub is a sharing with.
Hubs can be set up so that they use (share) the same data. The active object is
not shared, unless specified otherwise.
Detail Hubs that are using properties that are Hubs will use a shared Hub that is
changed whenever the active object in the Master Hub is changed.
@see Hub#createSharedHub
@see Hub#getDetail
protected transient Hub sharedHub;
List of Hubs that are sharing the same objects as this Hub. Each of these Hubs will
have the same HubData object. If the active object is also being shared, then
the HubDataActive object will also be the same.
// transient Vector vecSharedHub;
// 20120715 replaces vecSharedHubs
protected transient volatile WeakReference[] weakSharedHubs;
Hub used to add active object to whenever active object is changed in this Hub.
This can be used for building a pick list type program, where a user can select
objects that are then added to a list.
protected transient Hub addHub;
Used to automatically create a new object in the LinkTo Hub whenever
the active object in Link Hub is changed. The new object will then
have its link property set.
protected transient boolean bAutoCreate;
* If true and bAutoCreate, then new objects will be created.
* If false and a new object with value already exists, then a new object will not be created
* and the current object will be set to AO
protected transient boolean bAutoCreateAllowDups;