com.viaoa.hub.HubDetailDelegate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Copyright 1999 Vince Via [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package com.viaoa.hub;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.viaoa.object.*;
import com.viaoa.sync.OASyncDelegate;
import com.viaoa.util.OAFilter;
import com.viaoa.util.OAString;
* Delegate that manages master/detail functionality for Hubs.
* @author vvia
public class HubDetailDelegate {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HubDetailDelegate.class.getName());
Used to create Master/Detail relationships.
Set the controlling/master hub for this hub
@param path is the property path from masterHub to get to this hub
public static void setMasterHub(Hub thisHub, Hub masterHub, String path, boolean bShared, String selectOrder) {
if (thisHub.datau.getSharedHub() != null) {
if (masterHub == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("sharedHub cant have a master hub");
if (thisHub.datam.getMasterHub() != null) {
// this will set all props back to default values
if (masterHub != null) {
getDetailHub(masterHub, path, null, thisHub.getObjectClass(), thisHub, bShared, selectOrder);
* Is this a master/detail, and is the detail "hub" recursive.
public static boolean isRecursiveMasterDetail(Hub thisHub) {
if (thisHub == null) return false;
OALinkInfo li = thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster;
if (li == null) {
HubDataMaster dm = getDataMaster(thisHub);
if (dm == null) return false;
li = dm.liDetailToMaster;
if (li == null) return false;
li = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getReverseLinkInfo(li);
if (li == null) return false;
return li.getRecursive();
// if getPos(object) is not found and a masterHub exists, then the
// masterHub needs to be searched and then this Hub will be able to find the object
// in the updated list
// called when object is not found and there is a master hub
// added 4/11: checkLink option, if masterHub has a linkHub, then it will not be adjusted
protected static boolean setMasterHubActiveObject(Hub thisHub, Object detailObject, boolean bUpdateLink) {
// make sure none of these have a linkHub
// and find the sharedHub that has a masterHub
HubDataMaster dm = getDataMaster(thisHub);
boolean result = false;
if (dm.getMasterHub() != null && dm.liDetailToMaster != null) {
if (dm.liDetailToMaster.getType() == OALinkInfo.MANY) {
OALinkInfo liRev = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getReverseLinkInfo(dm.liDetailToMaster);
if (liRev != null && liRev.getType() == OALinkInfo.MANY) {
// Many2Many link
Hub h = (Hub) OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty((OAObject)detailObject, dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
dm.getMasterHub().setSharedHub(h, false);
HubAODelegate.setActiveObject(dm.getMasterHub(), 0, false, false,false); // pick any one, so that detailObject will be in it.
return true;
Object obj = OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty((OAObject)detailObject, dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
// 20121010 if obj==null then dont adjust: ex: hi5 employeeAward.awardType that was from program.awardTypes, and now the list is in location.awardTpes
if (obj != null && dm.getMasterHub().getActiveObject() != obj && !(obj instanceof Hub)) {
//was: if (dm.masterHub.getActiveObject() != obj) {
if (dm.getMasterHub().datau.isUpdatingActiveObject()) return false;
// see if masterHub (or a share of it) has a link
// if it does, then dont allow it to adjustMaster
if (OAThreadLocalDelegate.getCanAdjustHub(dm.getMasterHub())) {
HubAODelegate.setActiveObject(dm.getMasterHub(), obj, true, bUpdateLink, false); // adjustMaster, updateLink, force
result = true;
return result;
Called by add(), insert(), remove to update an object's reference property to that of the master object.
protected static void setPropertyToMasterHub(Hub thisHub, Object detailObject, Object objMaster) {
if (thisHub == null || detailObject == null) return;
if (!(detailObject instanceof OAObject)) return;
// 20160920 this needs to run even if loading.
/// ex: using copy, loading from xml, etc
// if (OAThreadLocalDelegate.isLoading()) return;
HubDataMaster dm;
if (objMaster != null) {
dm = getDataMaster(thisHub, objMaster.getClass());
else {
dm = thisHub.datam;
if (dm == null) {
if (dm.liDetailToMaster == null) return;
// 20120920 if thisHub is a detailHub of type=One, then need to update the masterObj.linkProp
OALinkInfo liRev = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getReverseLinkInfo(dm.liDetailToMaster);
if (liRev != null && liRev.getType() == OALinkInfo.ONE) {
if (objMaster == null) {
// remove was called
Object objx = HubDetailDelegate.getMasterObject(thisHub);
if (objx != null) {
OAObjectReflectDelegate.setProperty((OAObject)objx, liRev.getName(), null, null);
else {
// add was called
OAObjectReflectDelegate.setProperty((OAObject)objMaster, liRev.getName(), detailObject, null);
// the AO will also be set, and thisHub.datau.dupAllowAddRemove = false;
Method method = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getMethod(thisHub.getObjectClass(), "get"+dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
if (method == null) {
// LOG.warning("liDetailToMaster invalid, method not found, hub="+thisHub+", method=get"+dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
if (Hub.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) {
//if (detailObject instanceof OAObjectKey) return;
// 20140616 if hub is not loaded and isClient, then dont need to load
if (!OASyncDelegate.isServer(thisHub)) {
if (!OAObjectReflectDelegate.isReferenceHubLoaded((OAObject)detailObject, dm.liDetailToMaster.getName())) {
Object obj = OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty((OAObject)detailObject, dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
if (objMaster == null) { // remove
if (thisHub.datam.getMasterObject() != null) objMaster = thisHub.datam.getMasterObject();
else if (dm.getMasterObject() != null) objMaster = dm.getMasterObject();
else {
if (dm.getMasterHub() != null) objMaster = thisHub.getActiveObject();
// 20101228 pos() could cause the master hub AO to be changed
//was: if (objMaster != null && ((Hub)obj).getPos(objMaster) >= 0) {
if (objMaster != null && ((Hub)obj).contains(objMaster) ) {
else if (obj != null) { // add
// 20101228
//was: if ( ((Hub)obj).getPos(objMaster) < 0 ) {
if ( !((Hub)obj).contains(objMaster) ) {
else {
method = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getMethod(thisHub.getObjectClass(), "set"+dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
if (method == null) {
// LOG.warning("liDetailToMaster invalid, method not found, hub="+thisHub+", method=set"+dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
Object currentValue = OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty((OAObject) detailObject, dm.liDetailToMaster.getName());
if (currentValue == objMaster) return;
if (objMaster == null) { // must have been called by remove()
// if "real" current master == obj, then set new value to null
// otherwise then the remove is being done by OAObject during
// a propertyChange and the object is being moved from one hub to another
if (dm.getMasterObject() != null) {
if (currentValue != dm.getMasterObject()) return;
else if (dm.getMasterHub() != null) {
if (currentValue != dm.getMasterHub().getActiveObject()) return;
OAObjectReflectDelegate.setProperty((OAObject) detailObject, dm.liDetailToMaster.getName(), objMaster, null);
Called by setActiveObject to automatically adjust Detail Hubs.
protected static void updateAllDetail(Hub thisHub, boolean bUpdateLink) {
int x = thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail() == null ? 0 : thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail().size();
// get objects that go with detail hub
for (int i=0; i[] refs = HubShareDelegate.getSharedWeakHubs(thisHub);
for (int i=0; refs != null && i ref = refs[i];
if (ref == null) continue;
Hub h2 = ref.get();
if (h2 == null) continue;
// only update sharedHubs with diff dataa, setActiveObject will do others
if (h2.dataa != hubDetailHub.dataa) {
updateDetailActiveObject(h2, hubDetailHub, false, bShareActiveObject); // dont update link properties
/* was
Hub[] hubs = HubShareDelegate.getSharedHubs(thisHub);
for (int i=0; i filter = new OAFilter() {
public boolean isUsed(Hub h) {
if (h.datam.getMasterHub() != null) {
if (masterClass == null || masterClass.equals(h.datam.getMasterHub().getObjectClass())) {
return true;
return false;
Hub hubx = HubShareDelegate.getFirstSharedHub(thisHub, filter, true, false);
if (hubx != null) return hubx.datam;
return thisHub.datam;
/** returns any shared hub with a MasterHub set. */
public static Hub getHubWithMasterHub(final Hub thisHub) {
if (thisHub == null) return null;
if (thisHub.datam.getMasterHub() != null) return thisHub;
OAFilter filter = new OAFilter() {
public boolean isUsed(Hub h) {
if (h.datam.getMasterHub() != null) {
// 20130916 make sure it has the same masterObject
// since it could be a recursive hub, that points
// to the root hub, and not just it's parent
return true;
return false;
Hub hubx = HubShareDelegate.getFirstSharedHub(thisHub, filter, true, false);
return hubx;
public static Hub getHubWithMasterObject(final Hub thisHub) {
if (thisHub.datam == null) return null; // could be deserializing and not fully loaded
if (thisHub.datam.getMasterObject() != null) return thisHub;
OAFilter filter = new OAFilter() {
public boolean isUsed(Hub h) {
if (h.datam.getMasterHub() != null) {
// 20130916 make sure it has the same masterObject
// since it could be a recursive hub, that points
// to the root hub, and not just it's parent
if (h.datam.getMasterObject() != null) return true;
return false;
Hub hubx = HubShareDelegate.getFirstSharedHub(thisHub, filter, true, false);
return hubx;
/** returns the MasterHuib of any shared hub. */
public static Hub getMasterHub(Hub thisHub) {
Hub h = getHubWithMasterHub(thisHub);
if (h != null) h = h.datam.getMasterHub();
return h;
Returns the OAObject that owns this Hub
public static OAObject getMasterObject(Hub thisHub) {
thisHub = getHubWithMasterObject(thisHub);
if (thisHub == null) return null;
return thisHub.datam.getMasterObject();
public static Class getMasterClass(Hub thisHub) {
if (thisHub.datam.getMasterObject() != null) {
return thisHub.datam.getMasterObject().getClass();
if (thisHub.datam.getMasterHub() != null) {
return thisHub.datam.getMasterHub().getObjectClass();
Hub h = getHubWithMasterObject(thisHub);
if (h != null) return h.getObjectClass();
h = getHubWithMasterHub(thisHub);
if (h != null) return h.getObjectClass();
return null;
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, Class[] clazz) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub, null, clazz, null, null,false, null);
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, Class clazz, boolean bShareActive, String selectOrder) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub, null, new Class[] { clazz }, null, null,bShareActive, selectOrder);
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, String path, Class objectClass, boolean bShareActive) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub,path,null,objectClass,null,bShareActive,null);
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, String path) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub,path,null,null,null,false,null);
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, String path, String selectOrder) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub,path,null,null,null,false,selectOrder);
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, String path, boolean bShareActive) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub,path,null,null,null,bShareActive,null);
public static Hub getDetailHub(Hub thisHub, String path, boolean bShareActive, String selectOrder) {
return getDetailHub(thisHub,path,null,null,null,bShareActive,selectOrder);
Main method for setting Master/Detail relationship.
@see Hub#getDetailHub(String,boolean,String) Full Description on Master/Detail Hubs
protected static Hub getDetailHub(final Hub thisHub, String path, Class[] classes, Class lastClass, Hub detailHub, boolean bShareActive, String selectOrder) {
// linkHub is Hub that is the detail hub, it is supplied by setMaster()
// lastClass can be the class to use for the last class in the path
if (path != null && path.length() > 0 && thisHub.data.objClass == null) return null;
// 2004/03/19 taken out, so that it can be set in this method
// if (linkHub != null) linkHub.checkObjectClass();
// ex: ("dept.manager.orders.items.product.vendor")
// or ( {Dept.Class, Emp.class, Order.class, Item.class, Product.class, Vendor.class } )
if (path == null) {
Class[] c = classes;
if (c == null && lastClass != null) {
c = new Class[1];
c[0] = lastClass;
if (c != null) path = HubDelegate.getPropertyPathforClasses(thisHub, c);
if (path == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("cant find path.");
else if (path.length() == 0) {
return thisHub; // since this is a recursive method
// added support for using HubMerger if property path has more then one ending object/hub
Class clazz = thisHub.getObjectClass();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path, ".");
boolean bLastMany = false;
int cntMany = 0;
OALinkInfo li = null;
for ( ;st.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
String prop = st.nextToken();
OAObjectInfo oi = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getOAObjectInfo(clazz);
li = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getLinkInfo(oi, prop);
if (li == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant find "+prop+" for PropertyPath \""+path+"\" starting with Class "+thisHub.getObjectClass().getName());
if (li.getType() == OALinkInfo.MANY) {
bLastMany = true;
else bLastMany = false;
clazz = li.getToClass();
if (cntMany > 1 || (cntMany > 0 && !bLastMany)) {
// use HubMerger to create DetailHub
// see if HubDetail is already created
if (detailHub == null) {
HubDetail hd = null;
int x = thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail() == null ? 0 : thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail().size();
for (int i=0; i(3,5));
return detailHub;
int pos = path.indexOf('.');
String propertyName;
if (pos < 0) propertyName = path;
else propertyName = path.substring(0,pos);
// verify class & property
Class newClass = null;
if (pos < 0) newClass = lastClass;
else if (classes != null && classes.length > 0) newClass = classes[0];
// get LinkInfo
OALinkInfo linkInfo = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getLinkInfo(thisHub.data.getObjectInfo(), propertyName);
// find method
if (linkInfo == null) throw new RuntimeException("cant find linkInfo");
Method method = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getMethod(thisHub.data.getObjectInfo(), "get"+linkInfo.getName(), 0);
if (method == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("cant find method get"+linkInfo.getName());
// verify or get the type of class
Class returnClass = method.getReturnType();
// support for casting a property to a subclass ex: "(Manager) Employee.Department"
propertyName = linkInfo.getName(); // in case a "cast" was used on the property
if (newClass != null) { // class is supplied
if (!newClass.equals(OAObjectInfoDelegate.getPropertyClass(thisHub.getObjectClass(), propertyName))) {
if ( !(Hub.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass)) ) throw new RuntimeException("classes do not match.");
else {
newClass = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getPropertyClass(thisHub.getObjectClass(), propertyName);
if (newClass == null) throw new RuntimeException("cant find property class");
// see what type of object the property returns: Array, Hub, OAObject, Object
int type = -1; // must be assign < 0
if (returnClass.isArray()) { // see if it is an Array
type = HubDetail.ARRAY;
returnClass = returnClass.getComponentType();
if ( Hub.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass) ) {
if (type != HubDetail.ARRAY) type = HubDetail.HUB;
else if ( OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass) ) {
if (type == HubDetail.ARRAY) type = HubDetail.OAOBJECTARRAY;
else type = HubDetail.OAOBJECT;
else {
if (type == HubDetail.ARRAY) type = HubDetail.OBJECTARRAY;
else type = HubDetail.OBJECT;
// see if HubDetail is already created
Hub hub = null;
HubDetail hd = null;
int x = thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail() == null ? 0 : thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail().size();
for (int i=0; i 0 || detailHub == null) {
hub = new Hub(newClass); // create new hub to reference objects
hd = new HubDetail(thisHub, hub, linkInfo, type, propertyName);
else {
hd = new HubDetail(thisHub, null, linkInfo, type, propertyName); // from call to "setMaster()"
if (thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail() == null) thisHub.datau.setVecHubDetail(new Vector(3,5));
else bFound = true;
if (pos < 0 && bShareActive) hd.bShareActiveObject = true;
if (pos < 0) {
if (detailHub != null) { // verify that linkHub can work
if (detailHub.getObjectClass() == null) {
HubDelegate.setObjectClass(detailHub, newClass);
if ( hub != null && !hub.getObjectClass().equals(detailHub.getObjectClass())) {
if (!hub.getObjectClass().isAssignableFrom(detailHub.getObjectClass())) {
throw new RuntimeException("ObjectClass is different.");
hub = detailHub;
hd.hubDetail = hub;
if (selectOrder != null) hub.setSelectOrder(selectOrder);
path = "";
else {
path = path.substring(pos+1);
if (type == HubDetail.OAOBJECT || type == HubDetail.OBJECT) hub.datau.setDefaultPos(0);
if (!bFound) {
updateDetail(thisHub, hd, hd.hubDetail, false);
int i = (classes == null) ? 0 : classes.length;
if (i > 0) i--;
Class[] c = new Class[i];
if (i > 0) System.arraycopy(classes, 1, c, 0, i);
return getDetailHub(hub, path, c, lastClass, detailHub, bShareActive, selectOrder);
Set the object that "owns" this hub. This is set by OAObject.getHub() and by updateDetail(),
when a detail Hub is updated. All changes (adds/removes/replaces) will automatically be
Example: if a dept object has an emp hub, then
it will be the masterObject of the hubEmp. All additions and removes will be tracked
for a OADataSource that uses links.
@param liDetailToMaster is from the detail object to the master.
public static void setMasterObject(Hub thisHub, OAObject masterObject, OALinkInfo liDetailToMaster) {
// OAObject needs to know which hubs are under it
if (thisHub.datam == null) return; // could be deserializing and not fully loaded
thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster = liDetailToMaster;
if (masterObject == thisHub.datam.getMasterObject()) return;
public static void setMasterObject(Hub thisHub, OAObject masterObject) {
setMasterObject(thisHub, masterObject, thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster);
Returns the OALinkInfo from detail (MANY) to master (ONE).
public static OALinkInfo getLinkInfoFromDetailToMaster(Hub hub) {
if (hub == null) return null;
Hub h = getHubWithMasterHub(hub);
if (h == null) {
h = getHubWithMasterObject(hub);
if (h == null) return null;
return h.datam.liDetailToMaster;
Returns true if any of the master hubs above this hub have an active object that is new.
public static boolean isMasterNew(Hub thisHub) {
thisHub = getHubWithMasterObject(thisHub);
if (thisHub == null) return false;
Hub h = thisHub;
for (; h!=null ;) {
HubDataMaster dm = HubDetailDelegate.getDataMaster(h);
Object obj = null;
if (dm.getMasterHub() != null) {
h = dm.getMasterHub();
obj = h.getActiveObject();
else {
if (dm.getMasterObject() != null) obj = dm.getMasterObject();
h = null;
if (obj == null) break;
if ( !(obj instanceof OAObject) ) break;
if ( ((OAObject) obj).getNew() ) return true;
return false;
Used to remove Master/Detail relationships.
public static boolean removeDetailHub(Hub thisHub, Hub hubDetail) {
// remove HubDetail if it does not have any more listeners or links
if (hubDetail == thisHub) {
return false;
int x = thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail() == null ? 0 : thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail().size();
for (int i=0; i
If master is Department and Detail is Employee then "Employees", which is from Department.getEmployees()
public static String getPropertyFromMasterToDetail(Hub thisHub) {
Hub h = HubShareDelegate.getMainSharedHub(thisHub);
if (h == null) {
h = getHubWithMasterObject(thisHub);
if (h == null) return null;
thisHub = h;
if (thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster != null) {
String name = thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster.getReverseName();
if (name != null) return name;
OAObject master = thisHub.datam.getMasterObject();
if (master != null) {
OAObjectInfo oi = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getOAObjectInfo(master.getClass());
OALinkInfo li = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getLinkInfo(oi, master, thisHub);
if (li != null) {
return li.getName();
// see if it can be found using detailHub info
Hub hubMaster = thisHub.datam.getMasterHub();
if (hubMaster != null) {
int x = hubMaster.datau.getVecHubDetail() == null ? 0 : hubMaster.datau.getVecHubDetail().size();
for (int i=0; i
If master is Department and Detail is Employee then "Department", which is from Employee.getDepartment()
public static String getPropertyFromDetailToMaster(Hub thisHub) {
Hub h = getHubWithMasterHub(thisHub);
if (h == null) {
h = getHubWithMasterObject(thisHub);
if (h == null) return null;
thisHub = h;
if (thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster != null) {
return thisHub.datam.liDetailToMaster.getName();
return null;
Returns true if this hub of objects is owned by a master object.
public static boolean isOwned(Hub thisHub) {
Hub h = getHubWithMasterHub(thisHub);
if (h == null) {
h = getHubWithMasterObject(thisHub);
if (h == null) return false;
thisHub = h;
HubDataMaster dm = thisHub.datam;
if (dm.getMasterObject() != null && dm.liDetailToMaster != null) {
OALinkInfo li = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getReverseLinkInfo(dm.liDetailToMaster);
if (li != null) return li.getOwner();
return false;
* Get the real hub that this hub should be using.
* This could be based on the fact that this hub has not yet been updated (new list) after a masterHub.AO
public static Hub getRealHub(Hub thisHub) {
Hub hubMaster = HubDetailDelegate.getMasterHub(thisHub);
if (hubMaster == null) return thisHub;
Hub h = thisHub;
OAObject o = HubDetailDelegate.getMasterObject(thisHub);
if (o != null && o != hubMaster.getAO()) {
h = (Hub) OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty(o, getPropertyFromMasterToDetail(hubMaster));
if (h == null) {
h = thisHub; // should not happen
return h;
/*20180305 was: not sure why this was
public static Hub getRealHub(Hub thisHub) {
return _getRealHub(thisHub, 0);
public static Hub _getRealHub(Hub thisHub, int cnt) {
Hub hubMaster = HubDetailDelegate.getMasterHub(thisHub);
if (hubMaster == null) return thisHub;
if (cnt > 10) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", new Exception("possible stackoverflow, thisHub="+thisHub+", masterHub="+hubMaster));
else {
hubMaster = _getRealHub(hubMaster, cnt+1);
Hub h = thisHub;
OAObject o = HubDetailDelegate.getMasterObject(thisHub);
if (o != null && o != hubMaster.getAO()) {
h = (Hub) OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty(o, getPropertyFromMasterToDetail(hubMaster));
if (h == null) {
h = thisHub; // should not happen
return h;
public static boolean hasDetailHubs(Hub thisHub) {
if (thisHub == null || thisHub.datau == null) return false;
return thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail() != null && thisHub.datau.getVecHubDetail().size() > 0;
/** 20111008 finish if/when needed
public static HubDetail getHubDetail(Hub hubDetail) {
Hub hubMaster = hubDetail.getMasterHub();
Vector vec = hubMaster.datau.vecHubDetail;
if (vec == null) return null;
for (HubDetail hd : vec) {
if (hd.)