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/* Copyright 1999 Vince Via
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
*/package com.viaoa.sync.remote;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.viaoa.ds.OADataSource;
import com.viaoa.hub.Hub;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObject;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectCacheDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectKey;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectKeyDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectPropertyDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectReflectDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectSerializer;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectSerializerCallback;
import com.viaoa.object.OAPerformance;
import com.viaoa.object.OASiblingHelper;
import com.viaoa.object.OAThreadLocalDelegate;
import com.viaoa.util.OANotExist;
* This is used on the server for each clientSession, that creates a RemoteClientImpl for
* getDetail(..) remote requests. This class will return the object/s for the
* request, and extra objects to include.
* This works directly with OASyncClient.getDetail(..), returning a custom serializer for it.
* @author vvia
privatestatic Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ClientGetDetail.class.getName());
privatefinalint clientId;
// tracks guid for all oaObjects serialized, the Boolean: true=all references have been sent, false=object has been sent (might not have all references)privatefinal TreeMap treeSerialized = new TreeMap();
privatefinal ReentrantReadWriteLock rwLockTreeSerialized = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
publicClientGetDetail(int clientId){
this.clientId = clientId;
publicvoidremoveGuid(int guid){
try {
finally {
publicvoidaddGuid(int guid){
try {
if (treeSerialized.get(guid) == null) {
treeSerialized.put(guid, false);
finally {
// private static volatile int cntx;privatestaticvolatileint errorCnt;
* called by OASyncClient.getDetail(..), from an OAClient to the OAServer
* @param masterClass
* @param masterObjectKey object key that needs to get a prop/reference value
* @param property name of prop/reference
* @param masterProps the names of any other properties to get
* @param siblingKeys any other objects of the same class to get the same property from. This is
* usually objects in the same hub of the masterObjectKey
* @return the property reference, or an OAObjectSerializer that will wrap the reference, along with additional objects
* that will be sent back to the client.
*/public Object getDetail(finalint id, final Class masterClass, final OAObjectKey masterObjectKey,
final String property, final String[] masterProps, final OAObjectKey[] siblingKeys, finalboolean bForHubMerger){
if (masterObjectKey == null || property == null) returnnull;
finallong msStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
Object masterObject = OAObjectReflectDelegate.getObject(masterClass, masterObjectKey);
if (masterObject == null) {
// get from datasource
masterObject = (OAObject) OADataSource.getObject(masterClass, masterObjectKey);
if (masterObject == null) {
if (errorCnt++ < 100) LOG.warning("cant find masterObject in cache or DS. masterClass=" + masterClass + ", key=" + masterObjectKey + ", property=" + property);
// 20171224 need to put siblings and masterObject in a Hub and call OAThreadLocal.detailHub
Hub hubHold = new Hub(masterClass);
if (siblingKeys != null) {
for (OAObjectKey key : siblingKeys) {
OAObject obj = OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(masterClass, key);
if (obj != null) {
final OASiblingHelper siblingHelper = new OASiblingHelper(hubHold);
Object detailValue = null;
try {
detailValue = OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty((OAObject) masterObject, property);
finally {
hubHold = null;
Object returnValue;
boolean b = ((masterProps == null || masterProps.length == 0) && (siblingKeys == null || siblingKeys.length==0));
if (b) {
if (detailValue instanceof Hub) {
if (((Hub) detailValue).getSize() > 200) b = false;
int cntMasterPropsLoaded=0;
if (masterProps != null && masterObject instanceof OAObject) {
boolean bx = true;
for (String s : masterProps) {
bx = bx && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (msStart + 50));
if (bx) {
((OAObject) masterObject).getProperty(s);
else {
loadDataInBackground((OAObject)masterObject, s);
int cntSib=0;
if (b && cntMasterPropsLoaded == 0) {
returnValue = detailValue;
else {
OAObjectSerializer os = getSerializedDetail(msStart, (OAObject)masterObject, detailValue, property, masterProps, cntMasterPropsLoaded, siblingKeys, bForHubMerger);
os.setMax(1200); // max number of objects to write
os.setMaxSize(400000); // max size of compressed data to write out
Object objx = os.getExtraObject();
if (objx instanceof HashMap) {
cntSib = ((HashMap) objx).size();
if (cntSib > 0 && (masterProps != null && masterProps.length > 0)) cntSib--;
returnValue = os;
long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - msStart;
String s = (diff > 1000) ? " ALERT" : "";
s = String.format(
"client=%d, id=%,d, Obj=%s, prop=%s, siblings=%,d/%,d, masterProps=%s, ms=%,d%s",
clientId, id,
(siblingKeys == null)?0:siblingKeys.length,
return returnValue;
/** 20130213
* getDetail() requirements
* load referencs for master object and detail object/hub, and one level of ownedReferences
* serialize all first level references for master, and detail
* send existing references for 1 more level from master, and 2 levels from detail
* dont send any references that equal master or have master in the hub
* dont send any references that have detail/hub in it
* dont send detail if it has already been sent with all references
* dont send a reference if it has already been sent to client, and has been added to tree
* send max X objects
*/protected OAObjectSerializer getSerializedDetail(finallong msStart, final OAObject masterObject, final Object detailObject, final String propFromMaster, final String[] masterProperties, finalint cntMasterPropsLoaded, final OAObjectKey[] siblingKeys, finalboolean bForHubMerger){
// at this point, we know that the client does not have all of the master's references,// and we know that value != null, since getDetail would not have been called.// include the references "around" this object and master object, along with any siblings// see OASyncClient.getDetail(..)boolean b = wasFullySentToClient(masterObject);
finalboolean bMasterWasPreviouslySent = b && (masterProperties == null || masterProperties.length == 0);
int tot = 0;
Hub dHub = null;
if (detailObject instanceof Hub) {
dHub = (Hub) detailObject;
tot = dHub.size();
if (dHub.isOAObject()) {
for (Object obj : dHub) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (msStart + 40)) {
if (wasFullySentToClient(obj)) continue;
if (OAObjectReflectDelegate.areAllReferencesLoaded((OAObject) obj, false)) continue;
OAObjectReflectDelegate.loadAllReferences((OAObject) obj, 1, 0, false, 2, msStart+40);
elseif ((detailObject instanceof OAObject) && !wasFullySentToClient(detailObject)) {
OAObjectReflectDelegate.loadAllReferences((OAObject) detailObject, 1, 0, false, 5, msStart+40);
HashMap hmExtraData = null;
if (tot < 5000 && siblingKeys != null && siblingKeys.length > 0) {
hmExtraData = new HashMap();
// send back a lightweight hashmap (oaObjKey, value)
Class clazz = masterObject.getClass();
boolean bLoad = true;
for (OAObjectKey key : siblingKeys) {
OAObject obj = OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(clazz, key);
if (obj == null) {
Object value = OAObjectPropertyDelegate.getProperty(obj, propFromMaster, true, true);
if (value instanceof OANotExist || value instanceof OAObjectKey) { // not loaded from dsif (bLoad) {
bLoad = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - msStart) < (bForHubMerger?225:85));
if (!bLoad) {
loadDataInBackground(obj, propFromMaster);
if (bLoad) {
value = OAObjectReflectDelegate.getProperty(obj, propFromMaster); // load from DS
elseif (value instanceof OAObjectKey) {
if (value instanceof Hub) {
int x = ((Hub) value).getSize();
if (tot != 0) {
if (tot+x > (bForHubMerger?5000:1250)) {
tot += x;
hmExtraData.put(key, value);
if (tot > 5000) {
b = ((hmExtraData != null && hmExtraData.size() > 5) || (cntMasterPropsLoaded > 5));
if (!b) {
if (detailObject instanceof Hub) {
if (((Hub) detailObject).getSize() > 200) b = true;
OAObjectSerializer os = new OAObjectSerializer(detailObject, b);
if (hmExtraData != null && hmExtraData.size() > 0) {
if ((masterProperties != null && masterProperties.length > 0)) {
hmExtraData.put(masterObject.getObjectKey(), masterObject); // so extra props for master can go
else {
if ((masterProperties != null && masterProperties.length > 0)) {
os.setExtraObject(masterObject); // so master can be sent to client, and include any other masterProps
OAObjectSerializerCallback cb = createOAObjectSerializerCallback(os, masterObject, bMasterWasPreviouslySent,
detailObject, dHub, propFromMaster, masterProperties, siblingKeys, hmExtraData);
return os;
* called when a property or sibling data cant be loaded for current request, because of timeout.
* This can be overwritten to have it done in a background thread.
*/protectedvoidloadDataInBackground(OAObject obj, String property){
// callback to customize the return values from getDetail(..) private OAObjectSerializerCallback createOAObjectSerializerCallback(
final OAObjectSerializer os,
final OAObject masterObject, finalboolean bMasterWasPreviouslySent,
final Object detailObject, final Hub detailHub,
final String propFromMaster,
final String[] masterProperties, final OAObjectKey[] siblingKeys,
final HashMap hmExtraData){
// this callback is used by OAObjectSerializer to customize what objects will be include in // the serialized object.
OAObjectSerializerCallback callback = new OAObjectSerializerCallback() {
boolean bMasterSent;
// keep track of which objects are being sent to client in this serialization
HashSet hsSendingGuid = new HashSet();
@OverrideprotectedvoidafterSerialize(OAObject obj){
int guid = OAObjectKeyDelegate.getKey(obj).getGuid();
boolean bx = hsSendingGuid.remove(guid);
// update tree of sent objectstry {
if (bx || treeSerialized.get(guid) == null) {
treeSerialized.put(guid, bx);
finally {
// this will "tell" OAObjectSerializer which reference properties to include with each OAobj@OverrideprotectedvoidbeforeSerialize(final OAObject obj){
// parent object - will send all referencesif (obj == masterObject) {
if (bMasterSent) {
bMasterSent = true;
if (bMasterWasPreviouslySent) {
if (masterProperties == null || masterProperties.length == 0) {
if (!os.hasReachedMax()) {
hsSendingGuid.add(OAObjectKeyDelegate.getKey(obj).getGuid()); // flag that all masterObject props have been sent to client
else {
if (obj == detailObject) {
if (this.getLevelsDeep() > 0) {
excludeAllProperties(); // already sent in this batch
elseif (bMasterWasPreviouslySent) {
// already had all of master, this is only for a calculated prop
elseif (wasFullySentToClient(obj)) {
excludeAllProperties(); // already sent
else {
boolean b = OAObjectReflectDelegate.areAllReferencesLoaded(obj, false);
if (b) {
if (!os.hasReachedMax()) {
if (detailHub != null && detailHub.contains(obj)) {
// include all props of first 25boolean b = false;
for (int i=0; i<25; i++) {
Object objx = detailHub.getAt(i);
if (objx == null || objx == obj) {
b = true;
if (!b) {
else {
// this Object is a Hub - will send all references (all that are been loaded)if (wasFullySentToClient(obj)) {
if (!os.hasReachedMax()) {
excludeAllProperties(); // client has it all
else {
b = OAObjectReflectDelegate.areAllReferencesLoaded(obj, false);
if (b) {
if (!os.hasReachedMax()) {
// for siblings, only send the reference property for nowif (hmExtraData != null) {
if (obj.getClass().equals(masterObject.getClass())) {
if (hmExtraData.get(obj.getObjectKey()) != null) {
// sibling object either is not on the client or does not have all references
includeProperties(new String[] {propFromMaster});
// second level object - will send all references that are already loaded
Object objPrevious = this.getPreviousObject();
boolean b = (objPrevious != null && objPrevious == detailObject);
b = b || (objPrevious == masterObject);
b = b || (detailHub != null && (objPrevious != null && detailHub.contains(objPrevious)));
if (b && !bMasterWasPreviouslySent) {
if (isOnClient(obj)) {
excludeAllProperties(); // client already has it, might not be all of it
else {
// client does not have it, send whatever is loaded
b = OAObjectReflectDelegate.areAllReferencesLoaded(obj, false);
if (b) {
if (!os.hasReachedMax()) {
includeAllProperties(); // will send whatever is loaded
// "leaf" reference that client does not have, only include owned references
* This allows returning an objKey if the object is already on the client.
*/@Overridepublic Object getReferenceValueToSend(final Object object){
// dont send sibling objects back, use objKey instead// called by: OAObjectSerializerDelegate for ref props // called by: HubDataMaster write, so key can be sent instead of masterObject if (!(object instanceof OAObject)) return object;
OAObjectKey k = null;
if (object == masterObject || object == detailObject) {
k = ((OAObject)object).getObjectKey();
return k;
if (siblingKeys != null) {
k = ((OAObject)object).getObjectKey();
for (OAObjectKey k2 : siblingKeys) {
if (k.getGuid() == k2.getGuid()) {
return k;
if (isOnClient(object)) {
if (k == null) k = ((OAObject)object).getObjectKey();
return k;
return object;
/* this is called when a reference has already been included, by the setup() method.
* this will see if the object already exists on the client to determine if it will
* be sent. Otherwise, oaobject.writeObject will only send the oaKey, so that it will
* be looked up on the client.
*/@OverridepublicbooleanshouldSerializeReference(final OAObject oaObj, final String propertyName, final Object referenceValue, finalboolean bDefault){
if (!bDefault) returnfalse;
if (referenceValue == null) returnfalse;
if (oaObj == masterObject) {
if (oaObj == detailObject) {
return !wasFullySentToClient(referenceValue);
OAObjectKey key = OAObjectKeyDelegate.getKey(oaObj);
if (hmExtraData != null) {
if (oaObj.getClass().equals(masterObject.getClass())) {
if (hmExtraData.get(key) != null) {
if (referenceValue instanceof Hub) {
Hub hubValue = (Hub) referenceValue;
if (hubValue.getSize() == 0) returnfalse;
// dont include hubs with masterObject in it, so that it wont be sending sibling data for masterObjif (hubValue.contains(masterObject)) {
// dont send other sibling dataif (detailObject != null && detailHub == null && hubValue.contains(detailObject)) {
// this will do a quick test to see if this is a Hub with any of the same objects in it.if (detailHub != null) {
if (!detailHub.getObjectClass().equals(hubValue.getObjectClass())) {
Hub h1, h2;
if (detailHub.getSize() > hubValue.getSize()) {
h1 = hubValue;
h2 = detailHub;
else {
h1 = detailHub;
h2 = hubValue;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
Object objx = h1.getAt(i);
if (objx == null) break;
if (h2.contains(objx)) {
if (!(referenceValue instanceof OAObject)) returntrue;
int level = this.getLevelsDeep();
if (referenceValue == masterObject) {
if (bMasterSent) returnfalse;
if (level > 1) returnfalse; // wait for it to be saved at correct positionreturntrue;
if (referenceValue == detailObject) returnfalse; // only save as begin objif (detailHub != null && detailHub.contains(referenceValue)) {
returnfalse; // only save as begin obj
if (level == 0) {
returnfalse; // extra data does not send it's references
int guid = key.getGuid();
Object objx = treeSerialized.get(guid);
boolean b = objx != null && ((Boolean) objx).booleanValue();
if (b) {
returnfalse; // already sent with all refs
// second level object - will send all references that are already loadedif (level < 3) {
return (objx == null);
return callback;
privatebooleanisOnClient(Object obj){
if (!(obj instanceof OAObject)) returnfalse;
Object objx;
try {
objx = treeSerialized.get( ((OAObject)obj).getObjectKey().getGuid());
finally {
return (objx != null);
privatebooleanwasFullySentToClient(Object obj){
if (!(obj instanceof OAObject)) returnfalse;
Object objx = treeSerialized.get( ((OAObject)obj).getObjectKey().getGuid());
if (objx instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean) objx).booleanValue();