com.viaoa.remote.rest.info.OARestMethodInfo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.viaoa.remote.rest.info;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.viaoa.json.OAJson;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObject;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectInfo;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectInfoDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectKey;
import com.viaoa.remote.rest.OARestClientException;
import com.viaoa.remote.rest.annotation.OARestMethod;
import com.viaoa.remote.rest.annotation.OARestMethod.MethodType;
import com.viaoa.remote.rest.annotation.OARestParam;
import com.viaoa.remote.rest.annotation.OARestParam.ParamType;
import com.viaoa.remote.rest.info.OARestParamInfo.ClassType;
import com.viaoa.template.OATemplate;
import com.viaoa.util.OAConv;
import com.viaoa.util.OAHttpUtil;
import com.viaoa.util.OAReflect;
import com.viaoa.util.OAString;
* Manages information and metadata about Java remote methods that use REST API endpoints.
* @author vvia
public class OARestMethodInfo {
public OARestMethod restMethod;
public OARestClassInfo classInfo;
public Method method;
public String name;
public String urlPath;
public String derivedUrlPath;
public OATemplate urlPathTemplate;
public String urlQuery;
public ArrayList alParamInfo = new ArrayList();
public String objectMethodName;
public Class origReturnClass;
public Class rmReturnClass;
public Class returnClass;
public OARestMethod.MethodType methodType;
public ReturnClassType returnClassType;
public ArrayList alErrors;
public static enum ReturnClassType {
public int includeReferenceLevelAmount;
public List alIncludePropertyPaths;
public String searchWhere;
public String searchOrderBy;
public OARestMethodInfo(Method method) {
this.method = method;
this.restMethod = method.getAnnotation(OARestMethod.class);
public List verify() {
return alErrors;
public void initialize() {
alErrors = new ArrayList();
if (restMethod == null) {
alErrors.add("RestMethod annotation is missing");
String msgPrefix = String.format("method name=%s, type=%s, ", name, methodType);
verifyMethodType(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyUrlPath(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyDerviedUrlPath(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyUrlQuery(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyIncludePropertyPaths(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyIncludeReferenceLevelAmount(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodReturnClass(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodPageSize(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeGET(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOAGet(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOASearch(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypePOST(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypePUT(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypePATCH(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOAObjectMethodCall(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOARemote(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOAInsert(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOAUpdate(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyMethodTypeOADelete(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyParamAmounts(msgPrefix, alErrors);
verifyRestParams(msgPrefix, alErrors);
public void setDefaults() {
ParamType ptDefault = null;
switch (methodType) {
case GET:
case OAGet:
case OASearch:
case POST:
case PUT:
case PATCH:
case OAObjectMethodCall:
case OARemote:
ptDefault = ParamType.MethodCallArg;
case OAInsert:
case OAUpdate:
case OADelete:
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == null || pi.paramType == ParamType.Unassigned) {
if (ptDefault != null) {
pi.paramType = ptDefault;
public void verifyRestParams(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
String origMsgPrefix = msgPrefix;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
msgPrefix = origMsgPrefix + "paramType=" + pi.paramType + ", ";
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.Ignore, false, false, false, false);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.MethodUrlPath, false, false, false, false, true);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.MethodSearchWhere, false, false, false, false, true);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy, false, false, false, false, true);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.UrlPathTagValue, true, false, false, false);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue, true, false, true, false);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.FormNameValue, true, false, false, false)) {
if (methodType != MethodType.POST) {
String s = "param type only be used with methodType=POST";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!pi.bNameAssigned) {
String s = "requires param name";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo, false, false, false, false)) {
if (pi.classType != ClassType.OARestInvokeInfo) {
String s = "param type InvokeInfo is only for param classType InvokeInfo.class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (pi.classType == ClassType.OARestInvokeInfo) {
String s = "param classType InvokeInfo can only be used only for ParamType.InvokeInfo or Unassigned";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.MethodReturnClass, false, false, false, false)) {
if (!Class.class.equals(pi.paramClass)) {
String s = "type should be of type Class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.SearchWhereTagValue, false, false, false, false)) {
// cant be an array
if (pi.classType == ClassType.Array || pi.classType == ClassType.List) {
boolean b = false;
if (OAString.isEmpty(searchWhere)) {
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere) {
b = true;
if (!b) {
String s = "SearchWhereTagValues can not be Array or List";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.SearchWhereAddNameValue, true, false, false, false);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.OAObject, false, false, false, true)) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(pi.paramClass)) {
String s = "type should be of class type OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.OAObjectId, true, false, false, false);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.MethodCallArg, false, false, false, true);
boolean bCheckName = false;
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.BodyObject, false, false, false, true)) {
bCheckName = true;
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.BodyJson, false, false, false, true, true)) {
bCheckName = true;
if (bCheckName) {
int cnt = 0;
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject || pix.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson) {
if (!pix.bNameAssigned) {
b = true;
if (b && cnt > 1) {
String s = "more then one BodyObject/BodyJson used, must have name assigned";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (cnt == 1 && !b) {
String s = "does not need name " + pi.name;
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.Header, false, false, false, false);
verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.Cookie, false, false, false, false);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.PageNumber, false, false, false, false)) {
if (!OAReflect.isNumber(pi.paramClass)) {
String s = "type should be of type Number";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (returnClassType != ReturnClassType.Array && returnClassType != ReturnClassType.List
&& returnClassType != ReturnClassType.Hub) {
String s = "only used when method return type is Array, List, or Hub";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths, false, false, false, false)) {
if (!String.class.equals(pi.paramClass)) {
String s = "type should be of class type String or String[]";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ParamType.BodyByteArray, false, false, false, false)) {
if (this.methodType == MethodType.OAGet || this.methodType == MethodType.OADelete || this.methodType == MethodType.OAInsert
|| this.methodType == MethodType.OAUpdate || this.methodType == MethodType.OASearch) {
String s = "byte[] param cant be used for this OA methodType";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!pi.origParamClass.isArray() || !pi.paramClass.equals(byte.class)) {
String s = "type is used for byte[]";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix == pi) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject || pix.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson) {
String s = "type cant have other Body* params with BodyByteArray";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (pix.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray) {
String s = "can only have one param BodyByteArray";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
public boolean verifyParamType(String msgPrefix, List alErrors, OARestParamInfo pi, ParamType ptCheck,
boolean bUsesName,
boolean bUsesParamClass,
boolean bUsesFormat,
boolean bUsesIncludePPs) {
return verifyParamType(msgPrefix, alErrors, pi, ptCheck, bUsesName, bUsesParamClass, bUsesFormat, bUsesIncludePPs, false);
public boolean verifyParamType(String msgPrefix, List alErrors, OARestParamInfo pi, ParamType ptCheck,
boolean bUsesName,
boolean bUsesParamClass,
boolean bUsesFormat,
boolean bUsesIncludePPs,
boolean bTypeString) {
if (pi.paramType != ptCheck) {
return false;
if (bTypeString) {
if (pi.classType == null || !String.class.equals(pi.paramClass)) {
String s = "type needs to be String";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bUsesName && pi.bNameAssigned && OAString.isNotEmpty(pi.name)) {
String s = "does not need name " + pi.name;
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bUsesParamClass && pi.rpParamClass != null) {
String s = "does not need paramClass " + pi.rpParamClass.getSimpleName();
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bUsesFormat && OAString.isNotEmpty(pi.format)) {
String s = "does not need param.format";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bUsesIncludePPs && pi.alIncludePropertyPaths != null && pi.alIncludePropertyPaths.size() > 0) {
String s = "does not need param.includePropertyPath(s)";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bUsesIncludePPs && pi.includeReferenceLevelAmount > 0) {
String s = "does not need param.includePropertyPath(s)";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
return true;
public void verifyParamAmounts(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
HashSet hs = new HashSet();
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereTagValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereAddNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
String s = pi.paramType.toString();
if (hs.contains(s)) {
s = String.format("only one paramType=%s is allowed", s);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodType(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType == null) {
String s = "methodType can not be null";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (methodType == MethodType.Unassigned) {
String s = "methodType can not be 'Unassigned'";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodPageSize(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (restMethod != null && restMethod.pageSize() > 0) {
if (returnClassType != ReturnClassType.Array && returnClassType != ReturnClassType.List
&& returnClassType != ReturnClassType.Hub) {
String s = "pageSize is only used when method return type is Array, List, or Hub";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.PageNumber) {
b = true;
if (!b) {
String s = "pageSize is only used when param with type pageNumber is used";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeGET(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.GET) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// no validation, done by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=GET";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=GET";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName only valid for methodType=OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathTagValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths
) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypePOST(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.POST) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// no validation, done by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName only valid for methodType=OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
int cntFormNameValue = 0;
int cntOther = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson) {
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathTagValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths
) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (cntFormNameValue > 0 && cntOther > 0) {
String s = "cant mix paramType FormNameValue with BodyObject or BodyJson paramTypes";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypePUT(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.PUT) {
_verifyMethodTypeX(msgPrefix, alErrors);
protected void verifyMethodTypePATCH(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.PATCH) {
_verifyMethodTypeX(msgPrefix, alErrors);
protected void _verifyMethodTypeX(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// no validation, done by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName only valid for methodType=OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathTagValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// ||pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths
) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOAGet(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OAGet) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
String s = "return value must be an OAObject, which is needed to be able to derive url";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
// valid:
// lstIncludePropertyPath(s)
// includeReferenceLevelAmount
if (restMethod.pageSize() > 0) {
String s = "pageSize not needed";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
// pageNumber
if (restMethod.pageSize() > 0) {
String s = "pageSize not needed";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName only valid for methodType=OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (rmReturnClass != null) {
String s = "returnClass not needed, uses the method return type to determine class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
b |= (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId);
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid ...
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
if (!OAObject.class.equals(origReturnClass)) {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s is only allowed with %s if the return class is OAObject",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!b) {
String s = "requires param with ParamType=OAObjectId";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOASearch(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OASearch) {
urlPath - not used, done by verifyUrlPath
urlQuery - not needed, but allowing
searchWhere - allowed
searchOrderBy - allowed
includePropertyPath(s) - allowed
includeReferenceLevelAmount - allowed
methodName - not used
pageSize - allowed
returnClass - allowed, should use generic to determine
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
if (returnClassType != ReturnClassType.Array && returnClassType != ReturnClassType.List && returnClassType != ReturnClassType.Hub) {
String s = "returnClassType must be for (array, list, hub)";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (returnClass == null || returnClass.equals(OAObject.class)) {
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
b = true;
if (!b) {
String s = "returnClassType not known, must be for (array, list, hub) of OAObjects";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass)) {
String s = "returnClassType must be for (array, list, hub) of OAObjects";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean bSearchFound = OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere);
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
// no validation
// lstIncludePropertyPaths
// no validation
// includeReferenceLevelAmount
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName only valid for methodType=OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean b = false;
int tagCnt = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
bSearchFound |= (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere);
bSearchFound |= (pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereAddNameValue);
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereTagValue) {
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereTagValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereAddNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bSearchFound) {
String s = "requires SearchWhere, param methodSearchWhere, param searchWhereNameValue";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
int x = searchWhere == null ? 0 : OAString.count(searchWhere, "?");
b = true;
if (x == 0) {
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere) {
b = false;
if (x != tagCnt && b) {
String s = String.format("OASearch expected %d param(s) of type=SearchWhereTagValue, but found %d", x, tagCnt);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOAObjectMethodCall(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OAObjectMethodCall) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean bOAObjectFound = false;
boolean bMethodNameFound = OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName);
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(pi.origParamClass)) {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s must be for an OAObject",
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
bOAObjectFound = true;
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName) {
if (bMethodNameFound) {
String s = "only method.methodName or param OAObjectMethodName can be used, not both";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (pi.classType != ClassType.String) {
String s = "OAObjectMethodName param must be a String";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
bMethodNameFound = true;
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodCallArg
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bOAObjectFound) {
String s = "requires param with ParamType=OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!bMethodNameFound) {
String s = "method.methodName or param type=OAObjectMethodName is required";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOARemote(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OARemote) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName is only used for OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (false
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.Unassigned
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodCallArg
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOAInsert(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OAInsert) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName is only used for OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(pi.origParamClass)) {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s must be for an OAObject",
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
b = true;
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!b) {
String s = "requires param with ParamType=OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOAUpdate(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OAUpdate) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName is only used for OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(pi.origParamClass)) {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s must be for an OAObject",
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
b = true;
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!b) {
String s = "requires param with ParamType=OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodTypeOADelete(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (methodType != MethodType.OAUpdate) {
// done by verifyUrlPath
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
// no validation
// if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlQuery)) {
// also by verifyMethodReturnClass
// if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(origReturnClass)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchWhere)) {
String s = "searchWhere only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchOrderBy)) {
String s = "searchOrderBy only valid for methodType=OASearch";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (alIncludePropertyPaths != null && alIncludePropertyPaths.size() > 0) {
String s = "IncludePropertyPaths not valid for OADelete";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
// no validation
// includeReferenceLevelAmount
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(objectMethodName)) {
String s = "methodName is only used for OAObjectMethodCall";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(pi.origParamClass)) {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s must be for an OAObject",
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
b = true;
b |= (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId);
if (false
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Ignore
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchWhere
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.FormNameValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereValue
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.SearchWhereNameValue
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodCallArg
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyObject
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyJson
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.BodyByteArray
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Header
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie
// || pi.paramType == ParamType.PageNumber
|| pi.paramType == ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
// valid
} else {
String s = String
.format("paramType=%s not allowed with %s",
pi.paramType, methodType);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!b) {
String s = "requires param with ParamType=OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyUrlQuery(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
int cnt = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType != ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue) {
if (!pi.bNameAssigned) {
String s = "param type=UrlQueryNameValue needs to define a name";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyIncludePropertyPaths(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (alIncludePropertyPaths == null || alIncludePropertyPaths.size() == 0) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass)) {
String s = "includePropertyPaths not needed, since return class is not OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyIncludeReferenceLevelAmount(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (includeReferenceLevelAmount == 0) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass)) {
String s = "includeReferenceLevelAmount > 0, since return class is not OAObject";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyMethodReturnClass(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
boolean bFoundParam = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
if (bFoundParam) {
String s = "paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass, not more then one is permitted";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (!pi.paramClass.equals(Class.class)) {
String s = "paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass, but param class type is not Class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else {
bFoundParam = true;
if (returnClass == null && !bFoundParam) {
String s = "returnClass is not known, need to use one of the following: array, list, return class, specify using method.returnClass, or param.methodReturnClass";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (returnClass != null && bFoundParam) {
String s = "returnClass is known, dont need to use param.methodReturnClass";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (returnClass != null && rmReturnClass != null) {
String s = "returnClass is known, dont need to use methodType.ReturnClass";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (OARestInvokeInfo.class.equals(returnClass) && returnClassType != ReturnClassType.InvokeInfo) {
String s = "returnClass is InvokeInfo.class, ReturnClassType should be InvokeInfo";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyUrlPath(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
if (!restMethod.methodType().requiresUrlPath) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
String s = "creates it's own UrlPath and should not have a urlPath defined";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath) {
String s = "creates it's own UrlPath, should not have paramType=MethodUrlPath";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathTagValue) {
String s = "creates it's own UrlPath, should not have paramType=UrlPathValue";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
// URL path is required
if (OAString.isEmpty(urlPath)) {
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath) {
b = true;
if (!b) {
String s = "urlPath is required, either: Method.urlPath, or param MethodUrlPath";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else {
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath) {
String s = "has urlPath, also has a param of type=methodUrlParam, cant have both defined";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
// make sure that matching ? {} param vars
derivedUrlPath = urlPath;
if (derivedUrlPath != null) {
if (derivedUrlPath.indexOf("{") < 0 && derivedUrlPath.indexOf("}") < 0) {
// convert each ? to {name}
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType != ParamType.UrlPathTagValue) {
int pos = derivedUrlPath.indexOf("?");
if (pos < 0) {
if (pos == 0) {
derivedUrlPath = "{" + pi.name + "}" + derivedUrlPath.substring(1);
} else {
derivedUrlPath = derivedUrlPath.substring(0, pos) + "{" + pi.name + "}" + derivedUrlPath.substring(pos + 1);
derivedUrlPath = OAString.convert(derivedUrlPath, "{", "<%=$");
derivedUrlPath = OAString.convert(derivedUrlPath, "}", "%>");
int x = OAString.count(derivedUrlPath, "<%=$");
x += OAString.count(derivedUrlPath, "?");
int cnt = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathTagValue) {
if (derivedUrlPath.indexOf("$" + pi.name) < 0) {
String s = String
.format("urlPath %s, template=%s, param path value '%s' not found in template tag(s)",
urlPath, derivedUrlPath, pi.name);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
if (x != cnt) {
String s = String
.format("urlPath %s, has %d tag value(s), does not match %d param(s) with paramType=urlPathValue",
urlPath, x, cnt);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
protected void verifyDerviedUrlPath(String msgPrefix, List alErrors) {
// make sure that it can derive urlPath
if (methodType == MethodType.OAObjectMethodCall || methodType == MethodType.OAInsert || methodType == MethodType.OAUpdate
|| methodType == MethodType.OADelete) {
// requires paramType=OAObject
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType != ParamType.OAObject) {
if (!OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(pi.origParamClass)) {
String s = "cant derive urlPath, ParamType.OAObject must be of type OAObject.class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else {
derivedUrlPath = "/<%=$Class%>/<%=$ID%>";
b = true;
if (!b) {
String s = "urlPath can not be derived, needs to have a paramtType=OAObject for class type=OAObject.class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OAGet) {
// requires return oaobject
boolean b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
b = true;
if (b) {
derivedUrlPath = "/<%=$Class%>/<%=$ID%>";
int cnt2 = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId) {
if (pi.classType != ClassType.Array) {
String s = "OAObjectId has to be an array type, since using MethodReturnClass, and could have more than one ID property";
// allow this to not be an array
// alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (this.origReturnClass == null || !OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(this.origReturnClass)) {
String s = "cant derive urlPath, return class must be of type OAObject.class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else {
derivedUrlPath = "/" + OAString.mfcl(this.origReturnClass.getSimpleName());
derivedUrlPath += "/<%=$ID%>";
OAObjectInfo oi = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getOAObjectInfo(this.origReturnClass);
int cnt = 0;
for (String s : oi.getKeyProperties()) {
// make sure that there are param=OAObjectId
int cnt2 = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId) {
if (cnt != cnt2) {
String s = String.format("cant derive urlPath, needs to have %d paramType=OAObjectId", cnt);
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OASearch) {
// requires return oaobject collection
boolean b = (returnClassType == ReturnClassType.Array || returnClassType == ReturnClassType.List
|| returnClassType == ReturnClassType.Hub);
if (!b) {
String s = "cant derive urlPath, return class must be an array, List or Hub of type OAObject.class";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (this.returnClass != null && !OAObject.class.isAssignableFrom(this.returnClass)) {
String s = "cant derive urlPath, return class must be OAObject collection using array, List or Hub";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else if (this.returnClass == null || OAObject.class.equals(this.returnClass)) {
b = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
b = true;
if (b) {
derivedUrlPath = "/<%=$PluralClass%>";
} else {
String s = "cant derive urlPath, return class must be OAObject collection using array,List,Hub or use param type=MethodReturnClass";
alErrors.add(msgPrefix + s);
} else {
OAObjectInfo oi = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getOAObjectInfo(this.returnClass);
derivedUrlPath = "/" + OAString.mfcl(oi.getPluralName());
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OARemote) {
derivedUrlPath = "/oaremote";
* Called when a method is invoked, so that all of the HTTP params can be setup.
* Note: if a method param/argument is type OARestInvokeInfo, then it will be used instead of creating a new one. If so, then it will be
* updated to match the current method call and argument values.
* @param args from method invocation
* @return new RestInvokeInfo with all of the HTTP information needed to make the call to the endpoint.
public OARestInvokeInfo getInvokeInfo(final Object[] args, final String idSeparater) throws Exception {
OARestInvokeInfo invokeInfo = null;
// see if one of the method params is of type OARestInvokeInfo
int pos = -1;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OARestInvokeInfo && args[pos] instanceof OARestInvokeInfo) {
invokeInfo = (OARestInvokeInfo) args[pos];
if (invokeInfo == null) {
invokeInfo = new OARestInvokeInfo();
invokeInfo.methodInfo = this;
String mt;
switch (methodType) {
case OAGet:
case OASearch:
mt = "GET";
case OARemote:
case OAObjectMethodCall:
mt = "POST";
case OAInsert:
mt = "POST";
case OAUpdate:
mt = "POST";
case OADelete:
mt = "DELETE";
mt = methodType.toString();
invokeInfo.httpMethod = mt;
invokeInfo.args = args;
invokeInfo.urlPath = OAString.concat(classInfo.contextName, getUrlPath(args, idSeparater), "/");
invokeInfo.urlQuery = getUrlQuery(args);
String searchQuery = getSearchWhere(args);
invokeInfo.urlQuery = OAString.concat(invokeInfo.urlQuery, searchQuery, "&");
if (alIncludePropertyPaths != null) {
for (String s : alIncludePropertyPaths) {
invokeInfo.urlQuery = OAString.concat(invokeInfo.urlQuery, "pp=" + URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8"), "&");
invokeInfo.byteArrayBody = getByteArrayBody(args);
if (invokeInfo.byteArrayBody == null) {
invokeInfo.jsonBody = getJsonBody(args);
invokeInfo.formData = getFormData(args);
invokeInfo.methodReturnClass = getMethodReturnClass(args);
HashMap hsHeader = null;
HashMap hsCookie = null;
pos = -1;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.Header) {
if (hsHeader == null) {
hsHeader = new HashMap();
hsHeader.put(pi.name.toUpperCase(), OAConv.toString(args[pos], pi.format));
} else if (pi.paramType == ParamType.Cookie) {
if (hsCookie == null) {
hsCookie = new HashMap();
hsCookie.put(pi.name.toUpperCase(), OAConv.toString(args[pos], pi.format));
return invokeInfo;
public OATemplate getUrlPathTemplate() {
if (urlPathTemplate != null) {
return urlPathTemplate;
urlPathTemplate = new OATemplate(derivedUrlPath);
return urlPathTemplate;
public String getUrlPath(final Object[] args, final String idSeparater) {
String result = null;
if (methodType == MethodType.OAObjectMethodCall || methodType == MethodType.OAInsert || methodType == MethodType.OAUpdate
|| methodType == MethodType.OADelete) {
// requires paramType=OAObject
int pos = -1;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
OAObject oaobj = (OAObject) args[pos];
if (oaobj == null) {
throw new OARestClientException("arg/param type=OAObject can not be null for methodType=" + methodType);
} else {
urlPathTemplate.setProperty("Class", OAString.mfcl(oaobj.getClass().getSimpleName()));
OAObjectKey oakey = oaobj.getObjectKey();
Object[] ids = oakey.getObjectIds();
String id = "";
if (ids != null) {
for (Object idx : ids) {
if (id.length() > 0) {
id += idSeparater;
id += idx;
urlPathTemplate.setProperty("ID", id);
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OAGet) {
int cnt = 0;
int pos = -1;
String id = "";
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectId) {
if (pi.classType == OARestParamInfo.ClassType.Array) {
int x = Array.getLength(args[pos]);
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
Object obj = Array.get(args[pos], i);
if (id.length() > 0) {
id += idSeparater;
id += obj;
} else {
if (id.length() > 0) {
id += idSeparater;
id += args[pos];
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
if (args[pos] instanceof Class) {
urlPathTemplate.setProperty("Class", OAString.mfcl(((Class) args[pos]).getSimpleName()));
} else {
throw new OARestClientException(
"arg/param type=MethodReturnClass must be of type Class for methodType=" + methodType);
urlPathTemplate.setProperty("ID", id);
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OASearch) {
result = "";
int pos = -1;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
if (args[pos] instanceof Class) {
OAObjectInfo oi = OAObjectInfoDelegate.getOAObjectInfo((Class) args[pos]);
urlPathTemplate.setProperty("PluralClass", OAString.mfcl(oi.getPluralName()));
} else {
throw new OARestClientException(
"arg/param type=MethodReturnClass must be of type Class for methodType=" + methodType);
} else if (OAString.isNotEmpty(urlPath)) {
int pos = -1;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.UrlPathTagValue) {
urlPathTemplate.setProperty(pi.name, OAConv.toString(args[pos]));
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OARemote) {
return derivedUrlPath;
} else {
int i = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pi : alParamInfo) {
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodUrlPath) {
result = OAConv.toString(args[i++]);
if (urlPathTemplate != null) {
result = urlPathTemplate.process();
return result;
public String getUrlQuery(Object[] args) throws Exception {
String urlQuery = this.urlQuery;
if (urlQuery == null) {
urlQuery = "";
if (methodType == MethodType.OARemote) {
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += "&";
urlQuery += String.format( "remoteClassName=%s&remoteMethodName=%s", classInfo.interfaceClass.getSimpleName(),
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OAObjectMethodCall) {
String s = objectMethodName;
if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) {
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName && args[argPos] instanceof String) {
s = (String) args[argPos];
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += "&";
urlQuery += String.format("objectMethodName=%s", s);
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
final Object objArg = args[argPos];
if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.PageNumber) {
int val = OAConv.toInt(objArg);
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += "&";
urlQuery += "pageNumber=" + val;
if (restMethod.pageSize() > 0) {
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += "&";
urlQuery += "pageSize=" + restMethod.pageSize();
} else if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.UrlQueryNameValue) {
String s = OAHttpUtil.getUrlEncodedNameValues(pi.name, objArg, pi.format);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) {
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += "&";
urlQuery += s;
} else if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.ResponseIncludePropertyPaths) {
String s = OAHttpUtil.getUrlEncodedNameValues("pp", objArg, null);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) {
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += "&";
urlQuery += s;
return urlQuery;
public String getSearchWhere(Object[] args) throws Exception {
String search = searchWhere;
String orderBy = searchOrderBy;
String searchArgs = "";
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
final Object objArg = args[argPos];
if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.MethodSearchWhere) {
if (search == null) {
search = "";
} else if (OAString.isNotEmpty(search)) {
search += " AND ";
String val = OAConv.toString(objArg);
search += val;
} else if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.MethodSearchOrderBy) {
String val = OAConv.toString(objArg);
orderBy = val;
} else if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.SearchWhereAddNameValue) {
if (objArg == null) {
if (pi.classType == OARestParamInfo.ClassType.Array) {
int x = Array.getLength(objArg);
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
Object obj = Array.get(objArg, i);
if (i == 0) {
if (search == null) {
search = "";
} else {
search += " AND ";
if (search.length() > 0) {
if (i > 0) {
search += " OR ";
if (i == 0) {
search += "(";
String val;
if (obj instanceof OAObject) {
val = OAJson.convertObjectKeyToJsonSinglePartId(((OAObject) obj).getObjectKey());
} else {
val = OAConv.toString(obj, pi.format);
if (val == null) {
val = "NULL";
search += pi.name + "=" + val;
if (x > 0) {
search += ")";
} else if (pi.classType == OARestParamInfo.ClassType.List) {
final List list = (List) objArg;
if (list.size() > 0) {
if (urlQuery.length() > 0) {
urlQuery += " AND ";
int i = 0;
for (Object arg : list) {
if (i == 0) {
if (search == null) {
search = "";
} else {
search += " AND ";
if (i > 0) {
search += " OR ";
if (i++ == 0) {
search += "(";
String val;
if (arg instanceof OAObject) {
val = OAJson.convertObjectKeyToJsonSinglePartId(((OAObject) arg).getObjectKey());
} else {
val = OAConv.toString(arg, pi.format);
if (val == null) {
val = "NULL";
search += pi.name + "=" + val;
if (list.size() > 0) {
search += ")";
} else {
if (search == null) {
search = "";
} else {
search += " AND ";
String val;
if (objArg instanceof OAObject) {
val = OAJson.convertObjectKeyToJsonSinglePartId(((OAObject) objArg).getObjectKey());
} else {
val = OAConv.toString(objArg, pi.format);
if (val == null) {
val = "NULL";
search += pi.name + "=" + val;
} else if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.SearchWhereTagValue) {
if (pi.classType == OARestParamInfo.ClassType.Array) {
int x = Array.getLength(objArg);
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
Object obj = Array.get(objArg, i);
if (searchArgs.length() > 0) {
searchArgs += "&";
searchArgs += "queryParam=";
String val;
if (obj instanceof OAObject) {
val = OAJson.convertObjectKeyToJsonSinglePartId(((OAObject) obj).getObjectKey());
} else {
val = OAConv.toString(obj, pi.format);
if (val == null) {
val = "NULL";
searchArgs += URLEncoder.encode(val, "UTF-8");
} else {
if (searchArgs.length() > 0) {
searchArgs += "&";
searchArgs += "queryParam=";
String val;
if (objArg instanceof OAObject) {
val = OAJson.convertObjectKeyToJsonSinglePartId(((OAObject) objArg).getObjectKey());
} else {
val = OAConv.toString(objArg, pi.format);
if (val == null) {
val = "NULL";
searchArgs += URLEncoder.encode(val, "UTF-8");
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(search)) {
search = "query=" + URLEncoder.encode(search, "UTF-8");
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(searchArgs)) {
search += "&" + searchArgs;
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(orderBy)) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(search)) {
search += "&";
search += "orderBy=" + URLEncoder.encode(orderBy, "UTF-8");
return search;
* Build http body using Json.
public String getJsonBody(Object[] args) throws Exception {
if (methodType == MethodType.GET) {
// fall thru
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OAGet) {
// fall thru
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OASearch) {
return null;
} else if (methodType == MethodType.POST) {
// fall thru
} else if (methodType == MethodType.PUT) {
// fall thru
} else if (methodType == MethodType.PATCH) {
// fall thru
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OAObjectMethodCall) {
int cnt = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.MethodCallArg) {
int[] is = new int[alParamInfo.size() - cnt];
List[] lstIncludePropertyPaths = new ArrayList[cnt];
Object[] args2 = new Object[cnt];
int i = -1;
int i2 = 0;
int i3 = 0;
boolean bDynamicMethodName = false;
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.MethodCallArg) {
args2[i2] = args[i];
lstIncludePropertyPaths[i2] = pix.alIncludePropertyPaths;
} else {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.OAObjectMethodName) {
bDynamicMethodName = true;
is[i3] = i;
if (i2 == 1 && bDynamicMethodName) {
if (args2[0] != null && args2[0].getClass().isArray()) {
args = (Object[]) args2[0];
is = null;
lstIncludePropertyPaths = null;
String json = OAJson.convertMethodArgumentsToJson(method, args, lstIncludePropertyPaths, is);
return json;
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OARemote) {
int cnt = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.MethodCallArg) {
int[] is = new int[alParamInfo.size() - cnt];
List[] lstIncludePropertyPathss = new ArrayList[cnt];
Object[] args2 = new Object[cnt];
int i = -1;
int i2 = 0;
int i3 = 0;
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.MethodCallArg) {
args2[i2] = args[i];
lstIncludePropertyPathss[i2] = pix.alIncludePropertyPaths;
} else {
is[i3] = i;
String json = OAJson.convertMethodArgumentsToJson(method, args2, lstIncludePropertyPathss, is);
return json;
} else if (methodType == MethodType.OAInsert || methodType == MethodType.OAUpdate || methodType == MethodType.OADelete) {
if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
return null;
int pos = -1;
for (OARestParamInfo pix : alParamInfo) {
if (pix.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(pos);
OAJson oaj = new OAJson();
String json = oaj.write(args[pos]);
return json;
final OAJson oaj = new OAJson();
final ObjectMapper om = oaj.getObjectMapper();
// fall thru and find all OAObject, BodyObject, BodyJson
ObjectNode jsonNodeBody = om.createObjectNode();
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
final Object objArg = args[argPos];
if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.BodyJson) {
if (objArg instanceof String) {
JsonNode node = om.readTree((String) objArg);
jsonNodeBody.set(pi.name, node);
} else if (objArg instanceof JsonNode) {
jsonNodeBody.set(pi.name, (JsonNode) objArg);
} else if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.BodyObject) {
OAJson oajx = new OAJson();
ObjectMapper omx = oajx.getObjectMapper();
String jsonx = oajx.write(objArg);
JsonNode nodex = omx.readTree(jsonx);
jsonNodeBody.set(pi.name, nodex);
String jsonBody = null;
int x = jsonNodeBody.size();
if (x == 1) {
jsonBody = jsonNodeBody.get(0).asText();
} else if (x > 1) {
// simulate an object based on the params that are paramType.BodyObject
jsonBody = jsonNodeBody.asText();
return jsonBody;
public Class getMethodReturnClass(Object[] args) {
Class result = returnClass;
if (returnClass == null) {
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.MethodReturnClass) {
final Object objArg = args[argPos];
if (objArg instanceof Class) {
result = (Class) objArg;
if (OAObject.class.equals(result)) {
if (methodType == MethodType.OAInsert || methodType == MethodType.OAUpdate) {
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
if (pi.paramType == ParamType.OAObject) {
if (args[argPos] instanceof OAObject) {
result = args[argPos].getClass();
return result;
public String getFormData(Object[] args) throws Exception {
if (methodType != MethodType.POST) {
return null;
String formData = "";
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
final Object objArg = args[argPos];
if (pi.paramType != OARestParam.ParamType.FormNameValue) {
String s = OAHttpUtil.getUrlEncodedNameValues(pi.name, objArg, pi.format);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) {
if (formData.length() > 0) {
formData += "&";
formData += s;
return formData;
public byte[] getByteArrayBody(Object[] args) throws Exception {
byte[] bs = null;
for (int argPos = 0; argPos < alParamInfo.size(); argPos++) {
OARestParamInfo pi = alParamInfo.get(argPos);
final Object objArg = args[argPos];
if (pi.paramType == OARestParam.ParamType.BodyByteArray) {
bs = (byte[]) objArg;
if (bs == null) {
bs = new byte[0];
return bs;