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com.viaoa.web.OATextField Maven / Gradle / Ivy

/* Copyright 1999-2017 Vince Via [email protected] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed
 * to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */
package com.viaoa.web;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.viaoa.datasource.OADataSource;
import com.viaoa.hub.Hub;
import com.viaoa.object.OALinkInfo;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObject;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectCacheDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectInfo;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectKey;
import com.viaoa.object.OAObjectKeyDelegate;
import com.viaoa.object.OAPropertyInfo;
import com.viaoa.object.OATypeAhead;
import com.viaoa.template.OATemplate;
import com.viaoa.util.OAConv;
import com.viaoa.util.OADate;
import com.viaoa.util.OADateTime;
import com.viaoa.util.OAReflect;
import com.viaoa.util.OAString;
import com.viaoa.util.OATime;
import com.viaoa.web.swing.ComponentInterface;

 * Controls an html input type=text, bind to OA hub, using property path set size, maxwidth show/hide, that can be bound to property
 * enabled, that can be bound to property ajax submit on change handle required validation input mask support for calendar popup For
 * datetime, date, time formats - use OADateTime formats.
 * @author vvia
public class OATextField implements OAJspComponent, OATableEditor, OAJspRequirementsInterface, ComponentInterface {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(OATextField.class.getName());
	protected Hub hub;
	protected String id;
	protected String propertyPath;
	protected boolean bPropertyPathIsManyLink;
	protected boolean bPropertyPathIsOneLink;
	protected String visiblePropertyPath;
	protected String enablePropertyPath;
	protected int width, minLength, maxLength;
	protected OAForm form;
	protected boolean bEnabled = true;
	protected boolean bVisible = true;
	protected boolean bAjaxSubmit, bSubmit;
	protected String inputMask;
	protected boolean required;
	protected String value;
	protected String lastValue;
	protected boolean bIsDate, bIsTime, bIsDateTime;
	protected String regex;
	private boolean bFocus;
	protected String forwardUrl;
	protected boolean bAutoComplete; // using jquery
	protected char conversion; // 'U'pper, 'L'ower, 'T'itle, 'P'assword
	protected boolean bMultiValue;
	protected OATypeAhead typeAhead;
	private String name;
	private boolean bClearButton;

	protected String toolTip;
	protected OATemplate templateToolTip;
	private boolean bHadToolTip;
	protected String placeholder;
	protected String floatLabel;

	/** javascript regex */

	// original
	// (?i)\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?������]))
	public final static String RegexMatch_URL = "(?i)\\b((?:[a-z][\\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\\s()<>]+|\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\))+(?:\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\)|[^\\s`!()\\[\\]{};:'\".,<>?������]))";

	public final static String RegexMatch_Digits = "^\\s*\\d+\\s*$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_Integer = "^\\s*(\\+|-)?\\d+\\s*$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_Decimal = "^\\s*(\\+|-)?((\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)|(\\.\\d+))\\s*$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_Currency = "^\\s*(\\+|-)?((\\d+(\\.\\d\\d)?)|(\\.\\d\\d))\\s*$";

	public final static String RegexMatch_SingleDigit = "^([0-9])$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_DoubleDigit = "^([1-9][0-9])$";

	public final static String RegexMatch_Email = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$";
	//was: public final static String RegexMatch_Email = "^\\s*[\\w\\-\\+_]+(\\.[\\w\\-\\+_]+)*\\@[\\w\\-\\+_]+\\.[\\w\\-\\+_]+(\\.[\\w\\-\\+_]+)*\\s*$";

	public final static String RegexMatch_CreditCard = "^\\s*\\d+\\s*$"; // qqq currently only checks if digits

	public final static String RegexMatch_USPhoneNumber = "^(?:(?:\\+?1\\s*(?:[.-]\\s*)?)?(?:\\(\\s*([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\\s*\\)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\\s*(?:[.-]\\s*)?)?([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[2-9][02-9]{2})\\s*(?:[.-]\\s*)?([0-9]{4})(?:\\s*(?:#|x\\.?|ext\\.?|extension)\\s*(\\d+))?$";

	public final static String RegexMatch_DateMMDDYYYY = "^\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_DateMMDDYY = "^\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{2}$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_Time12hr = "^(0?[1-9]|1[012]):[0-5][0-9]$";
	public final static String RegexMatch_Time24hr = "^([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$";

	// see jquery maskedinput js lib
	public final static String MaskInput_USPhoneNumber = "(999) 999-9999";
	public final static String MaskInput_DateMMDDYYYY = "99/99/9999";
	public final static String MaskInput_DateMMDDYY = "99/99/99";
	public final static String MaskInput_TimeHMS = "99:99:99";
	public final static String MaskInput_TimeHM = "99:99";
	public final static String MaskInput_Integer = "9?999999";
	public final static String MaskInput_Decimal = "9?dddddd";
	public final static String MaskInput_SingleDigit = "9";
	public final static String MaskInput_DoubleDigit = "99";

	// AutoNumeric jquery plugin
	// see:
	// NOTE: use the older version that supports jquery.  The new version is huge and is not a jq plugin
	private static class AutoNum {
		String min;
		String max;
		char symbol;
		boolean symbolPrefix;
		int decimalPlaces;

	protected AutoNum autoNum;

	 * Used to use the autoNumeric plugin
	 * @param min           value
	 * @param max           value
	 * @param symbol        example: $
	 * @param symbolPrefix  true if symber is prefix, else it will be used as suffix
	 * @param decimalPlaces number of decimals places for input and display
	public void setNumeric(String min, String max, char symbol, boolean symbolPrefix, int decimalPlaces) {
		autoNum = new AutoNum();
		autoNum.min = min;
		if (max == null) {
			max = "9999999999999";
		autoNum.max = max;
		autoNum.symbol = symbol;
		autoNum.symbolPrefix = symbolPrefix;
		autoNum.decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces;

	public void setDecimal(int deci) {
		this.autoNum = new AutoNum();
		setNumeric(null, null, (char) 0, true, deci);

	public void setCurrency() {
		this.autoNum = new AutoNum();
		setNumeric(null, null, (char) '$', true, 2);

	public void setInteger() {
		this.autoNum = new AutoNum();
		setNumeric(null, null, (char) 0, true, 0);

	public void setPositiveDecimal(int deci) {
		this.autoNum = new AutoNum();
		setNumeric("0", null, (char) 0, true, deci);

	public void setPositiveCurrency() {
		this.autoNum = new AutoNum();
		setNumeric("0", null, (char) '$', true, 2);

	public void setPositiveInteger() {
		this.autoNum = new AutoNum();
		setNumeric("0", null, (char) 0, true, 0);

	public OATextField(String id, Hub hub, String propertyPath) {
		this(id, hub, propertyPath, 0, 0);

	public OATextField(String id, Hub hub, String propertyPath, int width, int maxLength) { = id;
		this.hub = hub;
		this.width = width;
		this.maxLength = maxLength;

	public OATextField(String id) { = id;

	public OATextField(Hub hub, String prop, int cols) {
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

	public boolean isChanged() {
		if (value == lastValue) {
			return false;
		if (value == null || lastValue == null) {
			return true;
		return value.equals(lastValue);

	public String getId() {
		return id;

	public void reset() {
		value = lastValue;
		lastAjaxSent = null;

	public void setForm(OAForm form) {
		this.form = form;

	public OAForm getForm() {
		return this.form;

	public boolean _beforeFormSubmitted() {
		return true;

	public boolean _onFormSubmitted(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, HashMap hmNameValue) {

		String s = req.getParameter("oacommand");
		if (s == null && hmNameValue != null) {
			String[] ss = hmNameValue.get("oacommand");
			if (ss != null && ss.length > 0) {
				s = ss[0];
		boolean bWasSubmitted = (id != null && id.equals(s));

		String name = null;
		OAObject obj = null;
		String[] values = null;
		String value = null;

		if (hmNameValue != null) {
			for (Map.Entry ex : hmNameValue.entrySet()) {
				name = ex.getKey();
				if (!name.toUpperCase().startsWith(id.toUpperCase())) {

				values = ex.getValue();
				if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
					value = null;
				} else {
					value = values[0];

				if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
					if (hub != null) {
						obj = (OAObject) hub.getAO();
				} else {
					if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith(id.toUpperCase() + "_")) {
						s = name.substring(id.length() + 1);
						if (s.startsWith("guid.")) {
							s = s.substring(5);
							OAObjectKey k = new OAObjectKey(null, OAConv.toInt(s), true);
							obj = (OAObject) OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(hub.getObjectClass(), k);
						} else {
							obj = (OAObject) OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(hub.getObjectClass(), s);
						if (obj == null) {
							LOG.warning("Object not found in cache, request param name=" + name + ", hub=" + hub);

		value = convertInputText(value);

		int max = getMaxWidth();
		if (max > 0 && value != null && value.length() > max) {
			value = value.substring(0, max);

		if (hub != null) {
			if (obj != null) {
				try {
					String fmt = getFormat();
					if ((bIsDateTime || bIsTime) && !OAString.isEmpty(value)) {
						boolean b = true;
						if (!OAString.isEmpty(fmt)) {
							s = fmt.toUpperCase();
							if (s.indexOf("X") >= 0 || s.indexOf("Z") >= 0) { // includes timezone in value
								b = false;
						if (b) {
							OAForm f = getForm();
							if (f != null) {
								OASession sess = f.getSession();
								if (sess != null) {
									if (bIsDateTime) {
										OADateTime dt = OADateTime.valueOf(value, fmt);
										TimeZone tz = sess.getBrowserTimeZone();
										if (tz != null) {
										OADateTime d2 = new OADateTime(dt.getTime()); // use this computer's timezone
										value = d2.toString(fmt);
									} else {
										OATime dt = (OATime) OATime.valueOf(value, fmt);
										TimeZone tz = sess.getBrowserTimeZone();
										if (tz != null) {
										OATime d2 = new OATime(dt.getTime()); // use this computer/server timezone
										value = d2.toString(fmt);

					if (!OAString.isEqual(value, lastValue)) {
						if (value != null && (value.length() == 0 && lastValue == null)) {
						} else {
							if (getTypeAhead() != null && bPropertyPathIsManyLink) {

								Object objx = ((OAObject) hub.getAO()).getProperty(propertyPath);
								if (objx instanceof Hub) {
									Hub hub = (Hub) objx;

									// tagsinput js will put Ids in comma separated string in value
									final String[] ss = value.split(",");
									for (int i = 0; ss != null && i < ss.length; i++) {
										String sx = ss[i];
										sx = sx.trim();
										if (!OAString.isInteger(sx)) {
										Class c = hub.getObjectClass();
										if (c == null) {
										objx = OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(c, OAConv.toInt(sx));
										if (!hub.contains(objx)) {
									for (int i = 0;; i++) {
										obj = (OAObject) hub.getAt(i);
										if (obj == null) {

										OAObjectKey key = obj.getObjectKey();
										Object[] ids = key.getObjectIds();
										String id;
										if (ids == null || ids.length == 0) {
											id = obj.getGuid() + "";
										} else {
											id = ids[0] + "";

										boolean bFound = false;
										for (int j = 0; !bFound && ss != null && j < ss.length; j++) {
											String sx = ss[j];
											if (id.equals(sx)) {
												bFound = true;
										if (!bFound) {
							} else if (getTypeAhead() != null && bPropertyPathIsOneLink) {
								// tagsinput js will put Id in value
								Object val = null;
								if (OAString.isInteger(value)) {
									OALinkInfo li = hub.getOAObjectInfo().getLinkInfo(propertyPath);
									Class c = li.getToClass();
									if (c != null) {
										val = OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(c, OAConv.toInt(value));
								obj.setProperty(propertyPath, val);
							} else {
								obj.setProperty(propertyPath, value, fmt);
							lastAjaxSent = null;
				} catch (Throwable ex) {
					s = getName();
					if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) {
						s = getId();
					getForm().addErrorMessage("Error setting " + s + " - " + ex);
		} else {

		return bWasSubmitted;

	public String convertInputText(String text) {
		char conv = getConversion();
		if (text != null && conv != 0) {
			String hold = text;
			if (conv == 'U' || conv == 'u') {
				text = text.toUpperCase();
			} else if (conv == 'L' || conv == 'l') {
				text = text.toLowerCase();
			} else if (conv == 'T' || conv == 't') {
				if (text.toLowerCase().equals(text) || text.toUpperCase().equals(text)) {
					text = OAString.toTitleCase(text);
			} else if (conv == 'P' || conv == 'p') {
				text = OAString.getSHAHash(text);
		return text;

	 * 'U'pper, 'L'ower, 'T'itle, 'P'assword
	public void setConversion(char conv) {
		conversion = conv;

	public char getConversion() {
		return conversion;

	public String _afterFormSubmitted(String forwardUrl) {
		return afterFormSubmitted(forwardUrl);

	public String afterFormSubmitted(String forwardUrl) {
		return forwardUrl;

	public String _onSubmit(String forwardUrl) {
		return onSubmit(forwardUrl);

	public String onSubmit(String forwardUrl) {
		return forwardUrl;

	public void setForwardUrl(String forwardUrl) {
		this.forwardUrl = forwardUrl;

	public String getForwardUrl() {
		return this.forwardUrl;

	public void setAjaxSubmit(boolean b) {
		bAjaxSubmit = b;

	public boolean getAjaxSubmit() {
		return bAjaxSubmit;

	public void setSubmit(boolean b) {
		bSubmit = b;

	public boolean getSubmit() {
		return bSubmit;

	public String getScript() {
		lastAjaxSent = null;
		bHadToolTip = false;
		bFloatLabelJsInit = false;
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);

		// 20170628 moved to below
		// sb.append(getAjaxScript());

		// sb.append("$(\"\").insertAfter('#"+id+"');\n");

		final int max = getMaxWidth();

		if (getClearButton()) {
			sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "').addClass('oaTextFieldWithClear');\n");
			sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "').wrap('
');\n"); sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "').after('');\n"); sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "').keyup(function() {\n"); sb.append(" var text = $(this).val();\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "Clear').css('visibility', ((text.length > 0)?'visible':'hidden'));\n"); if (max > 0) { sb.append(" if (text.length > " + max + ") {\n"); sb.append(" $(this).val(text.slice(0, " + max + "));\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); } sb.append("});\n"); sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "Clear').mousedown(function() {\n"); if (bAjaxSubmit) { sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').ignore=true;\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').val('');\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + getId() + "');\n"); sb.append(" ajaxSubmit();\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').ignore=false;\n"); } else if (getSubmit()) { sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').ignore=true;\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').val('');\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + getId() + "');\n"); sb.append(" $('form').submit();\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').ignore=false;\n"); } sb.append(" if ($('#" + getId() + "').val().length == 0) return false;\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').val('');\n"); // sb.append(" $('#"+getId()+"').blur();\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "Clear').css('visibility', 'hidden');\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').focus();\n"); sb.append(" return false;\n"); sb.append("});\n"); } else if (max > 0) { sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "').keyup(function(event) {\n"); sb.append(" var text = $(this).val();\n"); sb.append(" if (text.length > " + max + ") {\n"); sb.append(" $(this).val(text.slice(0, " + max + "));\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append("});\n"); } if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() == null)) { if (!isDateTime() && !isDate() && !isTime()) { // date/time will use close (see below) sb.append("$('#" + id + "').blur(function(e) {if($(this).ignore){$(this).ignore=false;return;}$('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit();return false;});\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').keypress(function(e) { if (e.keyCode != 13) return; e.preventDefault(); $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $(this).ignore=true;ajaxSubmit();$(this).ignore=false;return false;});\n"); } } } else if (getSubmit() || OAString.notEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!isDateTime() && !isDate() && !isTime()) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').blur(function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;});\n"); } } if (isRequired()) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').addClass('oaRequired');\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('required', true);\n"); } sb.append("$('#" + id + "').blur(function() {$(this).removeClass('oaError');}); \n"); if (getSubmit() || getAjaxSubmit()) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').addClass('oaSubmit');\n"); } if (getAutoComplete()) { // support for jqueryui autocomplete sb.append("var cache" + id + " = {}, lastXhr" + id + ";\n"); sb.append("$( '#" + id + "' ).autocomplete({\n"); sb.append("minLength: 3,\n"); sb.append("source: function( request, response ) {\n"); sb.append(" var term = request.term;\n"); sb.append(" if ( term in cache" + id + " ) {\n"); sb.append(" response( cache" + id + "[ term ] );\n"); sb.append(" return;\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append(" \n"); sb.append(" lastXhr" + id + " = $.getJSON( 'oaautocomplete.jsp?oaform=" + form.getId() + "&id=" + getId() + "', request, function( data, status, xhr ) {\n"); sb.append(" cache" + id + "[ term ] = data;\n"); sb.append(" if ( xhr === lastXhr" + id + " ) {\n"); sb.append(" response( data );\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append(" });\n"); sb.append("}\n"); if (getAjaxSubmit()) { sb.append(",\n"); sb.append("select: function( event, ui ) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').val(ui.item.value);\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + getId() + "');\n"); sb.append(" ajaxSubmit();\n"); sb.append("}\n"); } sb.append("});\n"); } else if (getMultiValue() && getTypeAhead() == null && !bPropertyPathIsOneLink && !bPropertyPathIsManyLink) { // free form multiple values sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput();\n"); } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && !getMultiValue() && !bPropertyPathIsOneLink && !bPropertyPathIsManyLink) { // typeAhead one sb.append("var " + id + "Bloodhound = new Bloodhound({\n"); sb.append(" datumTokenizer : Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('display'),\n"); sb.append(" queryTokenizer : Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,\n"); sb.append(" remote : {\n"); sb.append(" url : 'oatypeahead.jsp?oaform=" + getForm().getId() + "&id=" + id + "&term=%QUERY',\n"); sb.append(" wildcard: '%QUERY',\n"); sb.append(" cache: false\n"); // 20171030 sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append("});\n"); sb.append("" + id + "Bloodhound.initialize();\n"); int minLen = getTypeAhead().getMinimumInputLength(); if (minLen < 0) { minLen = 3; } sb.append("$('#" + id + "').typeahead({\n"); sb.append(" hint: " + (getTypeAhead().getShowHint() ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); sb.append(" highlight: true,\n"); sb.append(" minLength: " + minLen + "\n"); sb.append("}, {\n"); sb.append(" source: " + id + "Bloodhound,\n"); sb.append(" name: '" + id + "Popup',\n"); sb.append(" limit: 400,\n"); // see: sb.append(" display: 'display',\n"); sb.append(" templates: {\n"); sb.append(" suggestion: function(data) {return '


';}\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); if (bAjaxSubmit) { sb.append(" }).on('typeahead:select', function (obj, datum) {\n"); // sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').val(datum.display);\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + getId() + "');\n"); sb.append(" ajaxSubmit();\n"); } sb.append(" });\n"); } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && getMultiValue() && !bPropertyPathIsOneLink && !bPropertyPathIsManyLink) { // select multiple from ta list and store displayed value in one property sb.append("var " + id + "Bloodhound = new Bloodhound({\n"); sb.append(" datumTokenizer : Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('display'),\n"); sb.append(" queryTokenizer : Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,\n"); sb.append(" remote : {\n"); sb.append(" url : 'oatypeahead.jsp?oaform=" + getForm().getId() + "&id=" + id + "&term=%QUERY',\n"); sb.append(" wildcard: '%QUERY'\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append("});\n"); sb.append("" + id + "Bloodhound.initialize();\n"); int minLen = getTypeAhead().getMinimumInputLength(); if (minLen < 0) { minLen = 3; } sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput({\n"); // 20170913 sb.append(" itemValue: 'id',\n"); // <-- store id value //was: sb.append(" itemValue: 'display',\n"); // <-- store display value sb.append(" itemText: 'display',\n"); sb.append(" freeInput: false,\n"); sb.append(" typeaheadjs: [\n"); sb.append(" {\n"); sb.append(" minLength: " + minLen + ",\n"); sb.append(" hint: " + (getTypeAhead().getShowHint() ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); sb.append(" highlight: true\n"); sb.append(" },\n"); sb.append(" {\n"); sb.append(" name: '" + id + "Popup',\n"); sb.append(" limit: 400,\n"); // see: sb.append(" display: 'display',\n"); sb.append(" templates: {\n"); sb.append(" suggestion: function(data) {return '


';}\n"); sb.append(" },\n"); sb.append(" source: " + id + "Bloodhound.ttAdapter()\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append(" ]\n"); sb.append("});\n"); } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && (bPropertyPathIsOneLink || bPropertyPathIsManyLink)) { // use tagInput and ta, selected Ids will pass comma sep values when submitted sb.append("var " + id + "Bloodhound = new Bloodhound({\n"); sb.append(" datumTokenizer : Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('display'),\n"); sb.append(" queryTokenizer : Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,\n"); sb.append(" remote : {\n"); sb.append(" url : 'oatypeahead.jsp?oaform=" + getForm().getId() + "&id=" + id + "&term=%QUERY',\n"); sb.append(" wildcard: '%QUERY'\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append("});\n"); sb.append("" + id + "Bloodhound.initialize();\n"); int minLen = getTypeAhead().getMinimumInputLength(); if (minLen < 0) { minLen = 3; } // sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput({\n"); sb.append(" itemValue: 'id',\n"); // <-- store Id value sb.append(" itemText: 'display',\n"); if (bPropertyPathIsOneLink) { sb.append(" maxTags: 1,\n"); } sb.append(" freeInput: false,\n"); sb.append(" typeaheadjs: [\n"); sb.append(" {\n"); sb.append(" minLength: " + minLen + ",\n"); sb.append(" hint: " + (getTypeAhead().getShowHint() ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); sb.append(" highlight: true\n"); sb.append(" },\n"); sb.append(" {\n"); sb.append(" name: '" + id + "Popup',\n"); sb.append(" limit: 400,\n"); // see: sb.append(" display: 'display',\n"); sb.append(" templates: {\n"); sb.append(" suggestion: function(data) {return '


';}\n"); sb.append(" },\n"); sb.append(" source: " + id + "Bloodhound.ttAdapter()\n"); sb.append(" }\n"); sb.append(" ]\n"); sb.append("});\n"); } // 20170628 moved from begin of method sb.append(_getAjaxScript(true)); String js = sb.toString(); return js; } @Override public String getVerifyScript() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); // see: OAForm.getInitScript for using "requires[]" and "errors[]" if (isRequired()) { String s = name; if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) { s = placeholder; if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) { s = id; } } sb.append("if ($('#" + id + "').val() == '') { requires.push('" + s + "'); $('#" + id + "').addClass('oaError');}\n"); } int max = getMaxWidth(); if (max > 0) { sb.append("if ($('#" + id + "').val().length > " + max + ") { errors.push('length greater then " + max + " characters for " + (name != null ? name : id) + "'); $('#" + id + "').addClass('oaError');}\n"); } String s = getRegexMatch(); if (!OAString.isEmpty(s)) { sb.append("regex = new RegExp(/" + s + "/); val = $('#" + id + "').val(); if (!val.match(regex)) { errors.push('invalid " + (name != null ? name : id) + "'); $('#" + id + "').addClass('oaError');}\n"); } // 20170327 if (isDateTime()) { sb.append("if ($('#" + id + "').val().length > 0) $('#" + id + "_ts').val(Date.parse($('#" + id + "').val()));\n"); } if (sb.length() == 0) { return null; } return sb.toString(); } /** used when displaying error message for this textfield */ public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } private String lastAjaxSent; @Override public String getAjaxScript() { return _getAjaxScript(false); } protected String _getAjaxScript(final boolean bIsInitializing) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); String s = getTextJavaScript(bIsInitializing); if (s != null) { sb.append(s); } if (bIsInitializing && getClearButton()) { sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "Clear').css('visibility', (($('#" + getId() + "').val().length > 0)?'visible':'hidden'));\n"); } s = getPlaceholder(); if (bIsInitializing && s != null) { s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(s, '\''); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('placeholder', '" + s + "');\n"); } if (bIsInitializing) { getFloatLabelJs(sb); } // tooltip String prefix = null; String tt = getProcessedToolTip(); if (OAString.isNotEmpty(tt)) { if (!bHadToolTip) { bHadToolTip = true; prefix = "$('#" + id + "').tooltip();\n"; } tt = OAJspUtil.createJsString(tt, '\''); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').data('bs.tooltip').options.title = '" + tt + "';\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').data('bs.tooltip').options.placement = 'top';\n"); } else { if (bHadToolTip) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tooltip('destroy');\n"); bHadToolTip = false; } } if (bFocus) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').focus();\n"); bFocus = false; } String js = sb.toString(); if (lastAjaxSent != null && lastAjaxSent.equals(js)) { js = null; } else { lastAjaxSent = js; } if (prefix != null) { js = prefix + OAString.notNull(js); } return js; } protected String getTextJavaScript(final boolean bIsInitializing) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); String newName = id; String value = null; if (hub != null && !OAString.isEmpty(propertyPath)) { if (getTypeAhead() != null && bPropertyPathIsManyLink) { // sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput('removeAll');\n"); OAObject obj = (OAObject) hub.getActiveObject(); if (obj != null) { Hub h = (Hub) ((OAObject) obj).getProperty(propertyPath); // value is a comma separated list of Ids, js code will be sent also for (Object objx : h) { if (!(objx instanceof OAObject)) { continue; } obj = (OAObject) objx; OAObjectKey key = obj.getObjectKey(); Object[] idxs = key.getObjectIds(); String idx; if (idxs == null || idxs.length == 0) { idx = obj.getGuid() + ""; } else { idx = idxs[0] + ""; } String s2 = getTypeAhead().getDisplayValue(obj); s2 = OAJspUtil.createJsString(s2, '\"'); sb.append("$('#" + + "').tagsinput('add', { \"id\": " + idx + " , \"display\": \"" + s2 + "\"});\n"); } } } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && bPropertyPathIsOneLink) { // sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput('removeAll');\n"); OAObject obj = (OAObject) hub.getActiveObject(); if (obj != null) { Object objx = ((OAObject) obj).getProperty(propertyPath); if (objx != null) { obj = (OAObject) objx; OAObjectKey key = obj.getObjectKey(); Object[] idxs = key.getObjectIds(); String idx; if (idxs == null || idxs.length == 0) { idx = obj.getGuid() + ""; } else { idx = idxs[0] + ""; } String s2 = getTypeAhead().getDisplayValue(obj); s2 = OAJspUtil.createJsString(s2, '\"'); sb.append("$('#" + + "').tagsinput('add', { \"id\": " + idx + " , \"display\": \"" + s2 + "\"});\n"); } } } else { OAObject obj = (OAObject) hub.getAO(); if (obj != null && nameIncludesObjectId) { OAObjectKey key = OAObjectKeyDelegate.getKey(obj); Object[] objs = key.getObjectIds(); if (objs != null && objs.length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { newName += "_" + objs[0]; } else { newName += "_guid." + key.getGuid(); } } if (obj != null) { if (isDateTime() || isDate() || isTime()) { String fmt = getFormat(); boolean b = true; // 20170925 added isTime if (bIsDateTime || bIsTime) { b = false; if (!OAString.isEmpty(fmt)) { String s = fmt.toUpperCase(); if (s.indexOf("X") >= 0 || s.indexOf("Z") >= 0) { // includes timezone in value b = true; } } if (!b) { b = true; OADateTime dt = (OADateTime) obj.getProperty(propertyPath); if (dt != null) { OAForm f = getForm(); if (f != null) { OASession sess = f.getSession(); if (sess != null) { TimeZone tz = sess.getBrowserTimeZone(); dt = dt.convertTo(tz); if (isTime()) { dt = new OATime(dt); } value = dt.toString(fmt); b = false; } } } } } if (b) { value = obj.getPropertyAsString(propertyPath, fmt); } } else { value = obj.getPropertyAsString(propertyPath); } } } } else { value = getValue(); } if (value == null) { value = ""; } sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('name', '" + newName + "');\n"); lastValue = value; // set existing value if (getTypeAhead() != null && (bPropertyPathIsManyLink || bPropertyPathIsOneLink)) { // already done } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && getMultiValue()) { // uses tagsInput+typeAhead+bloodhound and uses array objects // values are separated by comma and need to be added separately sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput('removeAll');\n"); for (int i = 1;; i++) { String sx = OAString.field(value, ",", i); if (sx == null) { break; } sx = sx.trim(); if (sx.length() == 0) { continue; } sx = OAJspUtil.createJsString(sx, '\"'); // the is not known for the value, will instead use display as the id // this is the same as getTypeAheadJson(..) return value sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput('add', { \"id\": \"" + sx + "\" , \"display\": \"" + sx + "\"});\n"); } } else if (getMultiValue() && !bPropertyPathIsManyLink && !bPropertyPathIsOneLink) { // values are separated by comma and need to be added sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput('removeAll');\n"); for (int i = 1;; i++) { String sx = OAString.field(value, ",", i); if (sx == null) { break; } sx = sx.trim(); if (sx.length() == 0) { continue; } sx = OAJspUtil.createJsString(sx, '\''); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tagsinput('add', '" + sx + "');\n"); } } else { value = OAJspUtil.createJsString(value, '\''); if (autoNum != null) { if (autoNum.decimalPlaces > 0) { double d = OAConv.toDouble(value); value = OAConv.toString(d); } else { long x = OAConv.toLong(value); value = x + ""; } } if (autoNum != null && !bIsInitializing) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').autoNumeric('set', '" + value + "');\n"); //was: sb.append("$('#" + id + "').val($('#" + id + "').autoNumeric('set', '"+value+"'));\n"); } else { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').val('" + value + "');\n"); } } if (getMaxLength() > 0) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('maxlength', '" + getMaxLength() + "');\n"); } if (width > 0) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('size', '" + width + "');\n"); } String s = getEnabledScript(getEnabled()); if (s != null) { sb.append(s); } if (!getMultiValue() && !bPropertyPathIsManyLink && !bPropertyPathIsOneLink) { s = getVisibleScript(getVisible()); if (s != null) { sb.append(s); } } String fmt = getFormat(); if (isDateTime() || isDate() || isTime()) { if (OAString.isEmpty(fmt)) { if (isDateTime()) { fmt = OADateTime.getGlobalOutputFormat(); } else if (isDate()) { fmt = OADate.getGlobalOutputFormat(); } else { fmt = OATime.getGlobalOutputFormat(); } } // [BEGIN] Jquery date/time formats // see: // // // String dfmtJquery = null; String tfmtJquery = null; int pos = fmt.indexOf('M'); if (pos < 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('y'); } if (pos >= 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('H'); if (pos < 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('h'); } if (pos >= 0) { dfmtJquery = fmt.substring(0, pos).trim(); } else { dfmtJquery = fmt; } if (dfmtJquery.indexOf("MMM") >= 0) { dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "MMMM", "MM"); dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "MMM", "M"); } else { dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "M", "m"); } dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "yy", "y"); dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "E", "D"); } pos = fmt.indexOf('H'); if (pos < 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('h'); } if (pos >= 0) { tfmtJquery = fmt.substring(pos).trim(); tfmtJquery = OAString.convert(tfmtJquery, "aa", "TT"); tfmtJquery = OAString.convert(tfmtJquery, "a", "TT"); } if (!isDateTime()) { if (!isDate()) { dfmtJquery = null; } if (!isTime()) { tfmtJquery = null; } } // [BEGIN] Bootstrap date/time formats // see: String dfmtBS = null; String tfmtBS = null; pos = fmt.indexOf('M'); if (pos < 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('y'); } if (pos >= 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('H'); if (pos < 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('h'); } if (pos >= 0) { dfmtBS = fmt.substring(0, pos).trim(); } else { dfmtBS = fmt; } dfmtBS = OAString.convert(dfmtBS, "y", "Y"); dfmtBS = OAString.convert(dfmtBS, "d", "D"); dfmtBS = OAString.convert(dfmtBS, "E", "d"); // day of week } pos = fmt.indexOf('H'); if (pos < 0) { pos = fmt.indexOf('h'); } if (pos >= 0) { tfmtBS = fmt.substring(pos).trim(); } if (!isDateTime()) { if (!isDate()) { dfmtBS = null; } if (!isTime()) { tfmtBS = null; } } if (!OAString.isEmpty(dfmtJquery) && !OAString.isEmpty(tfmtJquery)) { // supports jquery.datetimepicker and bootstrap datetimepicker (customized version: had to change name to bsdatetimepicker) // see: if (bIsInitializing) { sb.append("if ($().bsdatetimepicker) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + id + "').bsdatetimepicker({"); sb.append("format: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString((dfmtBS + " " + tfmtBS), '\'') + "'"); sb.append(", sideBySide: true, showTodayButton: true, showClear: true, showClose: true});\n"); if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null)) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('dp.change', function (e) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit(); return false;});\n"); } } else if (getSubmit() || !OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('dp.change', function (e) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;});\n"); } sb.append("}\n"); // end bootstrap sb.append("else {\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').datetimepicker({ "); sb.append("dateFormat: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(dfmtJquery, '\'') + "'"); sb.append(", timeFormat: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(tfmtJquery, '\'') + "'"); if (tfmtJquery != null && tfmtJquery.toLowerCase().indexOf('z') >= 0) { // sb.append(", timezoneList: [{label: 'EDT', value: '-240'}, {label: 'other', value: '-480'}]"); } if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null)) { sb.append(", onClose: function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit(); return false;}\n"); } } else if (getSubmit() || !OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { sb.append(", onClose: function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;}\n"); } sb.append(" });\n"); sb.append("}\n"); // end jquery } } else if (!OAString.isEmpty(dfmtJquery)) { if (bIsInitializing) { sb.append("if ($().bsdatetimepicker) {\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').bsdatetimepicker({"); sb.append("format: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(dfmtBS, '\'') + "'"); sb.append(", showTodayButton: true, showClear: true, showClose: true});\n"); if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null)) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('dp.change', function (e) {"); sb.append("$('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit(); return false;});\n"); } } else if (getSubmit() || !OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('dp.change', function (e) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;});\n"); } sb.append("}\n"); // end bootstrap sb.append("else {\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').datepicker({ dateFormat: '" + dfmtJquery + "'"); if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null)) { sb.append(", onClose: function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit(); return false;}\n"); } } else if (getSubmit() || !OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { sb.append(", onClose: function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;}\n"); } sb.append("});\n"); sb.append("}\n"); // end jquery } } else if (!OAString.isEmpty(tfmtJquery)) { if (bIsInitializing) { sb.append("if ($().bsdatetimepicker) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + id + "').bsdatetimepicker({ "); sb.append("format: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(tfmtBS, '\'') + "'"); sb.append(", showClear: true, showClose: true});\n"); if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null)) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('dp.change', function (e) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit(); return false;});\n"); } } else if (getSubmit() || !OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('dp.change', function (e) {\n"); sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;});\n"); } sb.append("}\n"); // end bootstrap sb.append("else {\n"); sb.append(" $('#" + id + "').timepicker({ timeFormat: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(tfmtJquery, '\'') + "'"); if (!getSubmit() && bAjaxSubmit && OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { if (!getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null)) { sb.append(", onClose: function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); ajaxSubmit(); return false;}"); } } else if (getSubmit() || !OAString.isEmpty(getForwardUrl())) { sb.append(", onClose: function() { $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "'); $('form').submit(); $('#oacommand').val(''); return false;}"); } sb.append("});\n"); sb.append("}"); // end jquery } } if (isDateTime() && !getAutoComplete() && (getTypeAhead() != null) && getForm() != null) { if (bIsInitializing) { sb.append("$('#" + getForm().getId() + "').prepend(\"\");\n"); } } } else if (bIsInitializing && autoNum != null) { s = ""; if (autoNum.symbol > 0) { s = OAString.concat(s, "aSign: '" + autoNum.symbol + "'", ", "); if (!autoNum.symbolPrefix) { s = OAString.concat(s, "pSign: 's'", ", "); } } if (OAString.isNotEmpty(autoNum.min) || OAString.isNotEmpty(autoNum.max)) { if (OAString.isNotEmpty(autoNum.min)) { s = OAString.concat(s, "vMin: '" + autoNum.min + "'", ", "); } if (OAString.isNotEmpty(autoNum.max)) { s = OAString.concat(s, "vMax: '" + autoNum.max + "'", ", "); } } //if (autoNum.decimalPlaces > 0) { s = OAString.concat(s, "mDec: '" + autoNum.decimalPlaces + "'", ", "); // s = OAString.concat(s, "aPad: 'true'", ", "); //default //} sb.append("$('#" + id + "').autoNumeric('init',{" + s + "});\n"); } else if (bIsInitializing && !OAString.isEmpty(inputMask)) { if (inputMask.indexOf('d') >= 0) { sb.append("$.mask.definitions['d'] = '[0-9.]';\n"); } sb.append("$('#" + id + "').mask('" + inputMask + "');\n"); } String js = sb.toString(); return js; } protected String format; public String getFormat() { return format; } public void setFormat(String fmt) { this.format = fmt; } public boolean isDate() { return bIsDate; } public void setDate(boolean b) { this.bIsDate = b; } public boolean isDateTime() { return bIsDateTime; } public void setDateTime(boolean b) { this.bIsDateTime = b; } public boolean isTime() { return bIsTime; } public void setTime(boolean b) { this.bIsTime = b; } /** * Set regex example for email: "\S+@\S+\.\S+" */ public void setRegexMatch(String regex) { this.regex = regex; } public String getRegexMatch() { return this.regex; } /** * ex: '(999) 999-9999' last char optional: ("(99) 999-99-9?9") see: * * @return */ public String getInputMask() { return inputMask; } public void setInputMask(String inputMask) { this.inputMask = inputMask; } public boolean isRequired() { return required; } public boolean getRequired() { return required; } public void setRequired(boolean required) { this.required = required; } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean b) { this.bEnabled = b; } @Override public boolean getEnabled() { if (!bEnabled) { return false; } if (hub == null) { return bEnabled; } OAObject obj = (OAObject) hub.getAO(); if (obj == null) { return false; } if (OAString.isEmpty(enablePropertyPath)) { return bEnabled; } Object value = obj.getProperty(enablePropertyPath); boolean b; if (value instanceof Hub) { b = ((Hub) value).size() > 0; } else { b = OAConv.toBoolean(value); } return b; } public String getEnablePropertyPath() { return enablePropertyPath; } public void setEnablePropertyPath(String enablePropertyPath) { this.enablePropertyPath = enablePropertyPath; } @Override public void setVisible(boolean b) { this.bVisible = b; } @Override public boolean getVisible() { if (!bVisible) { return false; } if (hub == null) { return true; } if (OAString.isEmpty(visiblePropertyPath)) { return bVisible; } OAObject obj = (OAObject) hub.getAO(); if (obj == null) { return false; } Object value = obj.getProperty(visiblePropertyPath); boolean b; if (value instanceof Hub) { b = ((Hub) value).size() > 0; } else { b = OAConv.toBoolean(value); } return b; } public String getVisiblePropertyPath() { return visiblePropertyPath; } public void setVisiblePropertyPath(String visiblePropertyPath) { this.visiblePropertyPath = visiblePropertyPath; } public void setValue(String value) { if (value != this.value || value == null || value.length() == 0 || !value.equals(this.value)) { lastAjaxSent = null; } this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return this.value; } public String getPropertyPath() { return propertyPath; } public void setPropertyPath(String propertyPath) { this.propertyPath = propertyPath; boolean bDate = isDate(); boolean bDateTime = isDateTime(); boolean bTime = isTime(); if (hub != null && !OAString.isEmpty(propertyPath)) { for (OAPropertyInfo pi : hub.getOAObjectInfo().getPropertyInfos()) { if (!propertyPath.equalsIgnoreCase(pi.getName())) { continue; } if (pi.getClassType().equals(OADateTime.class)) { bDateTime = true; } else if (pi.getClassType().equals(OADate.class)) { bDate = true; } else if (pi.getClassType().equals(OATime.class)) { bTime = true; } break; } OAObjectInfo oi = hub.getOAObjectInfo(); OALinkInfo li = oi.getLinkInfo(propertyPath); if (li != null) { if (li.getType() == li.TYPE_MANY) { bPropertyPathIsManyLink = true; } else { bPropertyPathIsOneLink = true; } } } setDateTime(bDateTime); setTime(bTime); setDate(bDate); } private int dataSourceMax = -2; public int getDataSourceMaxWidth() { if (dataSourceMax == -2) { if (hub != null) { dataSourceMax = -1; OADataSource ds = OADataSource.getDataSource(hub.getObjectClass()); if (ds != null) { dataSourceMax = ds.getMaxLength(hub.getObjectClass(), getPropertyPath()); Method method = OAReflect.getMethod(hub.getObjectClass(), "get" + propertyPath, 0); if (method != null) { if (method.getReturnType().equals(String.class)) { if (dataSourceMax > 254) { dataSourceMax = -1; } } else { dataSourceMax = -1; } } } } } return dataSourceMax; } public int getMaxWidth() { getDataSourceMaxWidth(); if (maxLength <= 0) { if (dataSourceMax >= 0) { return dataSourceMax; } } if (dataSourceMax > 0 && maxLength > dataSourceMax) { return dataSourceMax; } return maxLength; } /** * max length of text. If -1 (default) then unlimited. */ public void setMaxWidth(int x) { maxLength = x; maxLength = getMaxWidth(); // verify with Datasource } public int getMaxLength() { return getMaxWidth(); } public void setMaxLength(int x) { maxLength = x; maxLength = getMaxWidth(); // verify with Datasource } public int getMinLength() { return minLength; } public void setMinLength(int x) { minLength = x; } public void setFocus(boolean b) { this.bFocus = b; } public void setFocus() { this.bFocus = true; } /** * True if autoCompelte should be enabled. */ public void setAutoComplete(boolean b) { this.bAutoComplete = b; } public boolean getAutoComplete() { return bAutoComplete; } public void setTypeAhead(OATypeAhead ta) { this.typeAhead = ta; } public OATypeAhead getTypeAhead() { return typeAhead; } /** * Called by browser if autoComplete is true. Uses oaautocomplete.jsp * * @param value user input * @return list of values to send back to browser. */ public String[] getAutoCompleteText(String value) { return null; } public Object getTypeAheadObject(String searchText) { if (typeAhead == null || searchText == null) { return null; } List al =; if (al == null) { return null; } if (al.size() == 0) { return null; } for (OAObject obj : al) { String displayValue = typeAhead.getDisplayValue(obj); if (searchText.equals(displayValue)) { return obj; } } return null; } public Object getTypeAheadObject() { String searchText = getValue(); Object obj = getTypeAheadObject(searchText); return obj; } /** * Called by browser Uses oatypeahead.jsp Must be json string using double quotes, and "id", "display" for values ex: String s = * "{\"id\":1,\"display\":\"m-1-1\"},{\"id\":2,\"display\":\"m-2-1\"}"; * * @param searchText user input * @return list of values to send back to browser. */ public String getTypeAheadJson(String searchText) { String json = null; try { json = _getTypeAheadJson(searchText); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting json for typeahead search, searchText=" + searchText, e); json = "{\"id\":0,\"display\":\"" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(e.getMessage(), '"') + "\"}"; } return json; } protected String _getTypeAheadJson(String searchText) { if (typeAhead == null) { return null; } List al =; if (al == null) { return null; } String json = ""; // ex: String s = "{\"id\":1,\"display\":\"m-1-1\"},{\"id\":2,\"display\":\"m-2-1\"}"; for (Object objx : al) { OAObject obj = (OAObject) objx; if (json.length() > 0) { json += ","; } OAObjectKey key = obj.getObjectKey(); Object[] ids = key.getObjectIds(); String id; if (ids == null || ids.length == 0) { id = obj.getGuid() + ""; } else { id = ids[0] + ""; } String displayValue = typeAhead.getDisplayValue(obj); if (displayValue == null) { displayValue = ""; } else { displayValue = OAJspUtil.createJsString(displayValue, '\"'); //was: displayValue.replace('\"', ' '); } String dd = typeAhead.getDropDownDisplayValue(obj); if (dd == null) { dd = ""; } else { dd = OAJspUtil.createJsString(dd, '\"'); //was: dd.replace('\"', ' '); } boolean bUseId = (bPropertyPathIsManyLink || bPropertyPathIsOneLink); if (!bUseId) { if (hub == null || hub.getLinkPath(true) == null) { bUseId = true; } } if (bUseId) { json += "{\"id\":" + id + ",\"display\":\"" + displayValue + "\",\"dropdowndisplay\":\"" + dd + "\"}"; } else { // need to send id=displayValue, since they will be stored in property and not the id // and then used when it has to reset the txt value from this data json += "{\"id\":" + displayValue + ",\"display\":\"" + displayValue + "\",\"dropdowndisplay\":\"" + dd + "\"}"; } } return json; } protected String getTypeAheadDisplayValueForId(int id) { if (typeAhead == null) { return null; } Class c = typeAhead.getToClass(); if (c == null) { return null; } OAObject obj = (OAObject) OAObjectCacheDelegate.get(c, id); if (obj == null) { return "id " + id + " not found"; } String s = typeAhead.getDisplayValue(obj); return s; } //qqq /* scrolling with heading not moving * * resize: * * * resize heading: * * resize heading (small) ::: */ @Override public String getTableEditorHtml() { // let cell take up all space width = 0; // so that the "size" attribute wont be set String s = ""; return s; } public void setMultiValue(boolean b) { this.bMultiValue = b; } public boolean getMultiValue() { return this.bMultiValue; } @Override public String[] getRequiredJsNames() { ArrayList al = new ArrayList<>(); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_jquery); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_jquery_ui); if (getAutoComplete()) { } if (getInputMask() != null) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_jquery_maskedinput); } if (getMultiValue()) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap_tagsinput); } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && (bPropertyPathIsOneLink || bPropertyPathIsManyLink)) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap_tagsinput); } if (getTypeAhead() != null) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap_typeahead); } if (isDateTime()) { if (getForm() == null || getForm().getDefaultJsLibrary() == OAApplication.JSLibrary_JQueryUI) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_jquery_timepicker); } else { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_moment); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap_datetimepicker); } } else if (isDate()) { if (getForm() == null || getForm().getDefaultJsLibrary() == OAApplication.JSLibrary_JQueryUI) { } else { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_moment); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap_datetimepicker); } } else if (isTime()) { if (getForm() == null || getForm().getDefaultJsLibrary() == OAApplication.JSLibrary_JQueryUI) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_jquery_timepicker); } else { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_moment); al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap_datetimepicker); } } if (OAString.isNotEmpty(getToolTip())) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_bootstrap); } if (autoNum != null) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_jquery_autonumeric); } String[] ss = new String[al.size()]; return al.toArray(ss); } @Override public String[] getRequiredCssNames() { ArrayList al = new ArrayList<>(); if (getAutoComplete()) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_jquery_ui); } if (getInputMask() != null) { } if (getMultiValue()) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap_tagsinput); } else if (getTypeAhead() != null && (bPropertyPathIsOneLink || bPropertyPathIsManyLink)) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap_tagsinput); } if (getTypeAhead() != null) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap_typeahead); } if (isDateTime()) { if (getForm() == null || getForm().getDefaultJsLibrary() == OAApplication.JSLibrary_JQueryUI) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_jquery_ui); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_jquery_timepicker); } else { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap_datetimepicker); } } else if (isDate()) { if (getForm() == null || getForm().getDefaultJsLibrary() == OAApplication.JSLibrary_JQueryUI) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_jquery_ui); } else { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap_datetimepicker); } } else if (isTime()) { if (getForm() == null || getForm().getDefaultJsLibrary() == OAApplication.JSLibrary_JQueryUI) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_jquery_ui); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_jquery_timepicker); } else { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); // al.add(OAJspDelegate.JS_moment); al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap_datetimepicker); } } if (OAString.isNotEmpty(getToolTip())) { al.add(OAJspDelegate.CSS_bootstrap); } String[] ss = new String[al.size()]; return al.toArray(ss); } public void setClearButton(boolean b) { this.bClearButton = b; } public boolean getClearButton() { return this.bClearButton; } public void setToolTip(String tooltip) { this.toolTip = tooltip; templateToolTip = null; } public String getToolTip() { return this.toolTip; } public String getProcessedToolTip() { if (OAString.isEmpty(toolTip)) { return toolTip; } if (templateToolTip == null) { templateToolTip = new OATemplate(); templateToolTip.setTemplate(getToolTip()); } OAObject obj = null; if (hub != null) { Object objx = hub.getAO(); if (objx instanceof OAObject) { obj = (OAObject) objx; } } String s = templateToolTip.process(obj, hub, null); return s; } protected String getEnabledScript(boolean b) { if (b) { return ("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('disabled');\n"); } return ("$('#" + id + "').attr('disabled', 'disabled');\n"); } protected String getVisibleScript(boolean b) { if (b) { return ("$('#" + id + "').show();\n"); } return ("$('#" + id + "').hide();\n"); } @Override public String getRenderHtml(OAObject obj) { return null; } @Override public String getEditorHtml(OAObject obj) { return null; } @Override public void _beforeOnSubmit() { } public void setPlaceholder(String placeholder) { this.placeholder = placeholder; placeholder = null; } public String getPlaceholder() { return this.placeholder; } public void setFloatLabel(String floatLabel) { this.floatLabel = floatLabel; floatLabel = null; } public String getFloatLabel() { return this.floatLabel; } private boolean bFloatLabelJsInit; protected void getFloatLabelJs(StringBuilder sb) { String s = getFloatLabel(); if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) { if (!bFloatLabelJsInit) { return; } } if (!bFloatLabelJsInit) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').addClass('oaFloatLabel');\n"); if (OAString.isEmpty(getFloatLabel())) { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').after('');\n"); } else { sb.append("$('#" + id + "').after('');\n"); sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('propertychange change keyup paste input', function() { if ($('#" + id + "').val().length > 0) $('#" + id + " + span').addClass('active'); else $('#" + id + " + span').removeClass('active'); });\n"); sb.append("if ($('#" + id + "').val().length > 0) $('#" + id + " + span').addClass('active');\n"); } bFloatLabelJsInit = true; } s = getFloatLabel(); sb.append("$('#" + id + " + span').html(\"" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(s, '\"') + "\");\n"); } public String getValidationRules() { // IMPORTANT NOTE: validation uses attr name as identifier, not id. // need to set nameIncludesObjectId=false //qqq oaweb needs to set name=id if (!getRequired()) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80); sb.append(id + ": {"); int cnt = 0; if (getRequired()) { if (cnt++ > 0) { sb.append(",\n"); } sb.append("required: true"); } int x = getMaxLength(); if (x > 0) { if (cnt++ > 0) { sb.append(",\n"); } sb.append("maxlength: " + x + ""); } x = getMinLength(); if (x > 0) { if (cnt++ > 0) { sb.append(",\n"); } sb.append("minlength: " + x + ""); } String s = getRegexMatch(); if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) { if (s.equals(RegexMatch_Email)) { if (cnt++ > 0) { sb.append(",\n"); } sb.append("email: true"); } else if (s.equals(RegexMatch_CreditCard)) { if (cnt++ > 0) { sb.append(",\n"); } sb.append("creditcard: true"); } } /*qqq add more later $("#my-forms-wizard").validate({ onsubmit: false, rules: { txt10: { required: true, minlength: 3, maxlength: 6, min: 100, max: 9999, rangelength: [3, 6], number: true, pattern: /^AR\d{4}$/, digits: true, creditcard: true, accept: "image/*", extension:"doc|docx|pdf|txt", alphanumeric: true, integer: true } }, messages: { txt10: { required: "please enter your fullname", minlength: "fullname needs to be {0} chars!!", maxlength: "max len msg", min: "min msg", max: "max msg", rangelength: "range msg", number: "must be a num", pattern: "pattern msg", digits: "digits msg", creditcard: "creditcard msg", accept: "accept msg", extension: "ext msg", alphanumeric: "alphanum msg", integer: "integer msg" } }, highlight : function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success').addClass('has-error'); }, success : function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); $(element).remove(); }, errorPlacement : function(error, element) { element.parent().append(error); } }); */ sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public String getValidationMessages() { if (!getRequired()) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80); sb.append(id + ": {"); String s = name; if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) { s = placeholder; if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) { s = id; } } sb.append("required: '" + s + " is required'"); //qqqqqq add more later sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } //qqqqqqqq 20171105 temp so that the attr name is same as attr id (needed by validation.js) public boolean nameIncludesObjectId = true; public void setMinimumColumns(int cols) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setMaximumColumns(int cols) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setToolTipText(String string) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void setEnabled(Hub hub, String pp, Object value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }

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