//SESSION: browser history
//drag and drop
//OA add duration
* The main "super" class for controlling any HTML element.
* The HTML element design does not map cleanly to OO classes using inheritance, etc.
* OA uses a composite design, where this class includes all of the functionality needed by all components,
* and then each component (java class) can "have a" OAHtmlComponent to do the work for it's subset of methods.
* This is used inside of HtmlElement (base class for all OA web components), to handle all html element features.
* "HtmlElement has an OAHtmlComponent" , and overrides the OAHtmlComponent public methods and
* makes them protected in HtmlElement. Since they are protected in HtmlElement and cant be directly called,
* just call HtmlElement.getOAHtmlComponent.methodName , which is a public method that HtmlElement has overwritten.
* This is designed to help hide methods (by making "public" here, but "protected" in HtmlElement),
* so that the OA web components appear to only have it's necessary subset for the html element that it
* represents.
* Notes: if a form component is disabled, then data is not sent to server during form submit.
* @author vvia
public class OAHtmlComponent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected String id;
protected OAForm form;
protected String name;
private boolean bDebug;
// true if the page needs refreshed (to call oaForm.getScript)
private boolean bNeedsRefreshed;
// see: onSubmitLoadValues that loads submitted values.
public static enum FormElementType {
Text(EventType.OnBlur), // value of input/text
TextArea(EventType.OnBlur), // value of input/text
StyledTextArea(EventType.OnBlur), // value of input/text
Range(EventType.OnChange), // value of input/text
Checkbox(EventType.OnChange), // value sent on submit
Radio(EventType.OnChange), // value sent on submit
Button(EventType.OnClick), // value is the button text
File(EventType.OnBlur), // does not use value
Select(EventType.OnChange); // selected option value
private EventType eventType;
FormElementType(EventType et) {
this.eventType = et;
public EventType getDefaultEventType() {
return eventType;
public boolean getUsesChecked() {
boolean b = (this == Radio || this == Checkbox);
return b;
protected FormElementType formElementType;
public FormElementType getFormElementType() {
if (formElementType == null) {
InputType it = getInputType();
if (it == null) return null;
this.formElementType = it.getFormElementType();
return this.formElementType;
public void setFormElementType(FormElementType fet) {
if (this.formElementType != fet) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.formElementType = fet;
public InputType getInputType() {
String s = getType();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(s)) return null;
for (InputType it : InputType.values()) {
if (OAStr.isEqualIgnoreCase(it.getDisplay(), s)) {
return it;
return null;
// Types used for an Input Element
public static enum InputType {
Button(FormElementType.Button, true, false),
DateTimeLocal("datetime-local", FormElementType.Text, true, true),
File(FormElementType.File, false, false),
Image(FormElementType.Image, false, false), // submit names: name+".x", name+".y" where value is point x,y ... does not have value attribute
private String display;
private FormElementType formElementType;
private boolean bUsesValue;
private boolean bUsesPrevValue;
InputType() {
display = name().toLowerCase();
InputType(FormElementType fet) {
this(fet, true, true);
InputType(FormElementType fet, boolean bUsesValue, boolean bUsesPrevValue) {
this.display = name().toLowerCase();
this.formElementType = fet;
this.bUsesValue = bUsesValue;
this.bUsesPrevValue = bUsesPrevValue;
InputType(String name, FormElementType fet, boolean bUsesValue, boolean bUsesPrevValue) {
this.display = name;
this.formElementType = fet;
this.bUsesValue = bUsesValue;
this.bUsesPrevValue = bUsesPrevValue;
public boolean getSubmitsByDefault() {
return this == Submit || this == Image;
public String getDisplay() {
if (display == null) return name();
return display;
public boolean getUsesValue() {
return bUsesValue;
public boolean getUsesPrevValue() {
return bUsesPrevValue;
public FormElementType getFormElementType() {
return formElementType;
protected boolean getUsesValue() {
InputType it = getInputType();
if (it != null) {
return it.getUsesValue();
FormElementType fet = getFormElementType();
if (fet != null) {
return (fet != FormElementType.File);
return false;
protected boolean getUsesPrevValue() {
InputType it = getInputType();
if (it != null) {
return it.getUsesPrevValue();
FormElementType fet = getFormElementType();
if (fet != null) {
return (fet != FormElementType.File) && (fet != FormElementType.Select) && (fet != FormElementType.Button);
return false;
private String type; // input type attribute, see InputType
protected String value;
protected String[] values;
protected String labelId; // Id of label element
protected String floatLabel; // display text above input control, once data has been entered. Works with placeholder.
protected String placeHolder; // works with input types: text, search, url, tel, email, and password
protected String pattern; // uses Regex to verify input.
protected String title; // used as a tooltip
* uses HTML "disabled" attribute
* WARNING: for input elements, if this is false, then the element will not be submitted.
protected boolean bEnabled = true;
protected boolean bReadOnly;
* uses HTML "hidden" attribute, does not use space ...
* same CSS display: none ... does not take up space
* WARNING: for input elements, if this is true, then the element will not be submitted.
* note: forms with input:hidden elements are be submitted.
protected boolean bHidden;
protected boolean bVisible=true; // uses CSS visibility:visible|hidden, ... does take up space
protected boolean bRequired;
private boolean bFocus;
protected String forwardUrl;
protected boolean bSubmit, bAjaxSubmit;
protected String toolTipText;
private boolean bIsPlainText; // true if the text is not HTML
private String autoComplete; // To disable, set to "off"
protected boolean bMultiple; // select, email, file
private String accept; // file
private String capture; // file
protected int maxFileSize; // file
protected boolean bFileUploaded; // for files
* List of choices suggested by browser to editor component.
protected String list; // id of dataList element
protected List dataList;
protected Map hmStyle;
private List alStyleAdd;
private List alStyleRemove;
protected Set hsClass;
protected Set hsClassAdd;
protected Set hsClassRemove;
protected String confirmMessage;
protected String height; // ex: 200px, 12em
protected String width; // ex: 200px, 12em
protected String minHeight; // ex: 200px, 12em
protected String minWidth; // ex: 200px, 12em
protected String maxHeight; // ex: 200px, 12em
protected String maxWidth; // ex: 200px, 12em
// number of chars for text, password
protected int minLength;
protected int maxLength;
// types: text, search, tel, url, email, and password ... also used for select, for number of rows
protected int size;
protected int cols; // textarea
protected int rows; // textarea
// input min/max values
protected String min;
protected String max;
protected int imageHeight;
protected int imageWidth;
protected boolean checked;
protected boolean spellCheck;
private List alOptions; // list of options for a select
protected char chAccessKey; // hot-key
protected int tabIndex = -2; // valid values are >= -1
protected boolean bUseTabIndex; // flag to know if tabIndex is used. Auto set to true if tabIndex is set.
protected String href;
protected String target;
// overflow: visible|hidden|clip|scroll|auto|initial|inherit;
// https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_pos_overflow.php
public static enum OverflowType {
Visible(), // (default) shows all, and will go outside of boundaries
Hidden(), // cuts off, can have program scrolling
Clip(), // cuts off, no program scrolling
Scroll(), // Hort & Vert scrollbars
Auto(), // only scrollbars that are needed
private String displayValue; // value
OverflowType() {
displayValue = name().toLowerCase();
OverflowType(String val) {
this.displayValue = val;
public String getDisplay() {
if (displayValue == null) return name();
return displayValue;
protected String overflow; // overflow visible, hidden, scroll, auto, etc
protected String source; // img src
// tells the browser what type of input device to display.
public static enum InputModeType {
private String display;
InputModeType() {
display = name().toLowerCase();
InputModeType(String cssName) {
this.display = cssName;
public String getDisplay() {
if (display == null) return name();
return display;
protected String inputMode;
// https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_eventattributes.asp
public static enum EventType {
private String display;
private boolean bUsesKeys;
EventType() {
EventType(boolean usesKeys) {
this.bUsesKeys = usesKeys;
display = name().toLowerCase();
EventType(String name) {
this.display = name;
public String getDisplay() {
if (display == null) return name();
return display;
public boolean getUsesKeys() {
return this.bUsesKeys;
protected String eventName;
// https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_cursor.php
public static enum CursorType {
protected String display;
CursorType() {
display = name().toLowerCase();
CursorType(String cssName) {
this.display = cssName;
public String getDisplay() {
if (display == null) return name();
return display;
protected String cursor;
protected String alt; // for image
protected String step;
protected String innerHtml;
public static enum WrapType {
protected String display;
WrapType() {
display = name().toLowerCase();
WrapType(String name) {
this.display = name;
public String getDisplay() {
if (display == null) return name();
return display;
// off, soft (default), hard. Can also use: CSS overflow-wrap + normal, break-word and anywhere
protected String wrap;
// internal flags
protected String lastAjaxSent;
private boolean bToolTipChanged;
private boolean bToolTipChangedInit;
private boolean bFloatLabelChanged;
private boolean bPlaceHolderChanged;
private boolean bPatternChanged;
private boolean bTitleChanged;
private boolean bRequiredChanged;
private boolean bEnabledChanged;
private boolean bReadOnlyChanged;
private boolean bHiddenChanged;
private boolean bVisibleChanged;
private boolean bValueChangedByAjax;
private boolean bDataListChanged;
private boolean bCursorChanged;
private boolean bAutoCompleteChanged;
private boolean bAcceptChanged;
private boolean bCaptureChanged;
private boolean bLengthsChanged;
private boolean bAltChanged;
private boolean bStepChanged;
private boolean bMinChanged;
private boolean bMaxChanged;
private boolean bImageChanged;
private boolean bCheckedChanged;
private boolean bListChanged;
private boolean bSpellCheckChanged;
private boolean bWrapChanged;
private boolean bInnerHtmlChanged;
private boolean bOptionsChanged;
private boolean bAccessKeyChanged;
private boolean bHrefChanged;
private boolean bTargetChanged;
public OAHtmlComponent(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.id, id)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.id = id;
public OAForm getForm() {
return this.form;
public void setForm(OAForm form) {
if (this.form != form) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.form = form;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.name, name)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.name = name;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.type, type)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.type = type;
public void setType(InputType type) {
setType(type == null ? InputType.Text.getDisplay() : type.getDisplay());
public String getLabelId() {
return labelId;
public void setLabelId(String id) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.labelId, id)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.labelId = id;
* Label that will appear above a text field once
* data has been entered.
* @see placeholder
public String getFloatLabel() {
return this.floatLabel;
public void setFloatLabel(String floatLabel) {
this.bFloatLabelChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.floatLabel, floatLabel);
if (bFloatLabelChanged && OAStr.isNotEmpty(this.floatLabel)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.floatLabel = floatLabel;
public String getPlaceHolder() {
return this.placeHolder;
public void setPlaceHolder(String placeHolder) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(placeHolder)) bPlaceHolderChanged = true;
else this.bPlaceHolderChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.placeHolder, placeHolder);
this.placeHolder = placeHolder;
public String getPattern() {
return this.pattern;
public void setPattern(String pattern) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(pattern)) bPatternChanged = true;
else this.bPatternChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.pattern, pattern);
if (bPatternChanged) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.pattern = pattern;
public String getTitle() {
return this.title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(title)) bTitleChanged = true;
else this.bTitleChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.title, title);
this.title = title;
public boolean getEnabled() {
return bEnabled;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return bEnabled;
public void setEnabled(boolean b) {
bEnabledChanged |= (b != this.bEnabled);
this.bEnabled = b;
public boolean getReadOnly() {
return bReadOnly;
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return bReadOnly;
public void setReadOnly(boolean b) {
bReadOnlyChanged |= (b != this.bReadOnly);
this.bReadOnly = b;
* HTML attr. If true, then space is NOT used on the page. same as CSS display:none
public boolean getHidden() {
return bHidden;
public boolean isHidden() {
return bHidden;
public void setHidden(boolean b) {
bHiddenChanged |= (b != this.bHidden);
this.bHidden = b;
* Space is reserved on the page. Uses CSS visibility: visible|hidden
public boolean getVisible() {
return bVisible;
public boolean isVisible() {
return bVisible;
public void setVisible(boolean b) {
bVisibleChanged |= (b != this.bVisible);
this.bVisible= b;
public void setVisibleChanged(boolean b) {
bVisibleChanged = b;
public boolean getRequired() {
return bRequired;
public boolean isRequired() {
return bRequired;
public void setRequired(boolean required) {
bRequiredChanged |= this.bRequired != required;
this.bRequired = required;
public void setFocus(boolean b) {
this.bFocus = b;
public void setFocus() {
this.bFocus = true;
* The value attribute is used differently for different input types:
* For "button", "reset", and "submit" - it defines the text on the button
* For "text", "password", and "hidden" - it defines the initial (default) value of the input field
* For "checkbox", "radio", "image" - it defines the value associated with the input (this is also the value that is sent on submit)
* Also, for "textarea"
public String getValue() {
return this.value;
public void setValue(String value) {
if (OAStr.isEqual(this.value, value, false, true)) return;
this.value = value;
this.bValueChangedByAjax = false;
public boolean getValueChangedByAjax() {
return this.bValueChangedByAjax;
public String[] getValues() {
return this.values;
public void setValues(String[] values) {
if (this.values == values) return;
if (OACompare.isEqual(this.values, values)) return;
this.values = values;
this.bValueChangedByAjax = false;
public String getForwardUrl() {
return this.forwardUrl;
public void setForwardUrl(String forwardUrl) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.forwardUrl, forwardUrl)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.forwardUrl = forwardUrl;
public boolean getSubmit() {
return bSubmit;
public void setSubmit(boolean b) {
if (this.bSubmit != b) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
bSubmit = b;
public boolean getAjaxSubmit() {
return bAjaxSubmit;
public void setAjaxSubmit(boolean b) {
if (this.bAjaxSubmit != b) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
bAjaxSubmit = b;
* Set the bootstrap tooltip.
* @see #setTitle(String)
public String getToolTip() {
return this.toolTipText;
public void setToolTip(String toolTip) {
this.bToolTipChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.toolTipText, toolTip);
this.toolTipText = toolTip;
public String getToolTipText() {
return getToolTip();
public void setToolTipText(String toolTip) {
public void reset() {
value = null;
lastAjaxSent = null;
bValueChangedByAjax = false;
public boolean isChanged() {
return false;
* Called when parsing the request data for a multipart form that has an Input type=File.
* @param contentLength is the total length of the submit, not just the file being uploaded.
* @return null to ignore.
public OutputStream onSubmitGetFileOutputStream(OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent, String fileName, String contentType) {
bFileUploaded = true;
return null;
// calls all components
public void onSubmitPrecheck(final OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
this.bValueChangedByAjax = formSubmitEvent.getAjax();
// calls enabled & !hidden components
public void onSubmitBeforeLoadValues(final OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
// calls enabled & !hidden components
public void onSubmitAfterLoadValues(final OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
* Called by OAForm.processComponentRequest to have a Component respond to a http or ajax request.
public String onGetJson(OASession session) {
return "";
public String getCalcName() {
String s = getName();
if (OAString.isEmpty(s)) s = getId();
return s;
// all enabled components called
public void onSubmitLoadValues(final OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
if (formSubmitEvent.getCancel()) return;
if (!getEnabled()) return; // disabled components do not get submitted. Note: readony do
if (getHidden()) return; // hidden components do not get submitted.
String s = getCalcName();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(s)) return;
String[] ss = formSubmitEvent.getNameValueMap().get(s);
final FormElementType formElementType = getFormElementType();
if (formElementType != null) {
switch (formElementType) {
case Checkbox:
boolean b = (ss != null && ss.length > 0);
case Radio:
b = (ss != null && ss.length > 0);
if (b) {
b = OAStr.isEqual(getValue(), ss[0], true);
case Button:
case Submit:
case Reset:
case Select:
if (ss != null && ss.length == 1) setValue(ss[0]);
else setValue(null);
List al = getOptions();
if (al != null) {
for (HtmlOption ho : al) {
if (ho instanceof HtmlOptionGroup) {
boolean bx = false;
if (ss != null) {
for (String sx : ss) {
if (OAStr.isEqual(ho.getValue(), sx)) {
bx = true;
bOptionsChanged |= (ho.getSelected() != bx);
case File:
// value not used, multipart-form processes the uploaded file(s)
case Text:
case TextArea:
case StyledTextArea:
case Range:
setValue(ss == null ? null : ss.length==0 ? null : ss[0]);
this.bValueChangedByAjax = formSubmitEvent.getAjax();
// only called on the component that submitted, if event was not previously cancelled.
public void onSubmit(final OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
// any cleanup
public void onSubmitCompleted(final OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
if (formSubmitEvent.getCancel()) return;
* Called by containers to get html to edit.
public String getEditorHtml(OAObject obj) {
return null;
* Called by containers to get html to render a view only version.
* This is used to display the non-activeObjects, instead of using the actual editor component.
public String getRenderHtml(OAObject obj) {
return null;
public String getTableEditorHtml() {
return null;
* id for <datalist>
public String getList() {
return list;
public void setList(String listId) {
bListChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.list, listId);
this.list = listId;
* Used for autocomplete, to show list of available suggested values.
public List getDataList() {
return this.dataList;
public void setDataList(List lst) {
this.dataList = lst;
bDataListChanged = true;
public String getStyle(String name) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(name)) return null;
if (hmStyle == null) return null;
String s = hmStyle.get(name);
return s;
public List getStyles() {
List al = new ArrayList();
if (hmStyle != null) {
for (Map.Entry ex : hmStyle.entrySet()) {
String sx = ex.getKey();
return al;
public void addStyle(final String name, final String value) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(name)) return;
if (OAStr.isEmpty(value)) {
if (name.equals("width")) this.width = value;
if (name.equals("height")) this.height = value;
if (hmStyle == null) hmStyle = new HashMap();
else {
String s = hmStyle.get(name);
if (s != null && s.equals(value)) return;
hmStyle.put(name, value);
if (alStyleAdd == null) alStyleAdd = new ArrayList();
if (alStyleRemove != null) alStyleRemove.remove(name);
public void removeStyle(final String name) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(name)) return;
if (hmStyle == null) return;
if (hmStyle.get(name) == null) return;
if (alStyleRemove == null) alStyleRemove = new ArrayList();
if (alStyleAdd != null) alStyleAdd.remove(name);
protected String getStyleJs(final boolean bIsInitializing) {
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
if (bIsInitializing) {
if (hmStyle != null) {
for (Map.Entry ex : hmStyle.entrySet()) {
String sx = ex.getKey();
String v = ex.getValue();
al.add("'"+sx + "':'" + v + "'");
else {
if (alStyleAdd != null) {
for (String name : alStyleAdd) {
String val = hmStyle.get(name);
al.add("'"+name + "':'" + val + "'");
if (alStyleRemove != null) {
for (String name : alStyleRemove) {
al.add("'"+name + "':'initial'");
//was: al.add("'"+name + "':'inherit'");
if (alStyleAdd != null) alStyleAdd.clear();
if (alStyleRemove != null) alStyleRemove.clear();
String css = null;
for (String s : al) {
if (css == null) css = "{";
else css += ",";
css += s;
if (css != null) css += "}";
return css;
public String getHeight() {
return this.height;
public void setHeight(String val) {
this.height = val;
addStyle("height", val);
public String getWidth() {
return this.width;
public void setWidth(String val) {
addStyle("width", val);
this.width = val;
public String getMinHeight() {
return this.minHeight;
public void setMinHeight(String val) {
addStyle("min-height", val);
this.minHeight = val;
public String getMinWidth() {
return this.minWidth;
public void setMinWidth(String val) {
addStyle("min-width", val);
this.minWidth = val;
public String getMaxHeight() {
return this.maxHeight;
public void setMaxHeight(String val) {
addStyle("max-height", val);
this.maxHeight = val;
public String getMaxWidth() {
return this.maxWidth;
public void setMaxWidth(String val) {
addStyle("max-width", val);
this.maxWidth = val;
public int getMinLength() {
return this.minLength;
public void setMinLength(int val) {
bLengthsChanged |= (this.minLength != val);
this.minLength = val;
public int getMaxLength() {
return this.maxLength;
public void setMaxLength(int val) {
bLengthsChanged |= (this.maxLength != val);
this.maxLength = val;
public int getSize() {
return this.size;
public void setSize(int val) {
bLengthsChanged |= (this.size != val);
this.size = val;
public int getRows() {
return this.rows;
public void setRows(int val) {
bLengthsChanged |= (this.rows != val);
this.rows = val;
public int getCols() {
return this.cols;
public void setCols(int val) {
bLengthsChanged |= (this.cols != val);
this.cols = val;
public String getMin() {
return this.min;
public void setMin(String val) {
bMinChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.min, val);
this.min = val;
public String getMax() {
return this.max;
public void setMax(String val) {
bMaxChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.max, val);
this.max = val;
public int getMaxFileSize() {
return this.maxFileSize;
public void setMaxFileSize(int val) {
bNeedsRefreshed |= val != this.maxFileSize;
this.maxFileSize = val;
public int getImageHeight() {
return this.imageHeight;
public void setImageHeight(int val) {
bImageChanged |= this.imageHeight != val;
this.imageHeight = val;
public int getImageWidth() {
return this.imageWidth;
public void setImageWidth(int val) {
bImageChanged |= this.imageWidth != val;
this.imageWidth = val;
public String getOverflow() {
return overflow;
public void setOverflow(String overflow) {
this.overflow = overflow;
addStyle("overflow", overflow);
if (OAStr.isEmpty(overflow)) {
else if (overflow.equalsIgnoreCase("hidden")) {
addStyle("text-overflow", "ellipsis");
public void setOverflow(OverflowType overflowType) {
setOverflow(overflowType == null ? OverflowType.Default.getDisplay() : overflowType.getDisplay());
public String getSource() {
return this.source;
public void setSource(String val) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(val)) bImageChanged = true;
else bImageChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.source, val);
this.source = val;
public String getSrc() {
return this.source;
public void setSrc(String val) {
public void addClass(final String name) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(name)) return;
if (hsClass == null) hsClass = new HashSet<>();
else if (hsClass.contains(name)) return;
if (hsClassAdd == null) hsClassAdd = new HashSet<>();
if (hsClassRemove != null) hsClassRemove.remove(name);
public void removeClass(final String name) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(name)) return;
if (hsClass == null) return;
if (hsClassAdd != null) {
if (hsClassAdd.remove(name)) return;
if (hsClassRemove == null) hsClassRemove = new HashSet<>();
if (hsClassAdd != null) hsClassAdd.remove(name);
public List getClasses() {
List al = new ArrayList();
if (hsClass != null) {
for (String s : hsClass) {
return al;
protected String getClassJs(final boolean bIsInitializing) {
String s = null;
Iterator itx;
if (bIsInitializing) {
if (hsClass != null) {
itx = hsClass.iterator();
for ( ; itx.hasNext() ; ) {
String sx = (String) itx.next();
if (s == null) s = "";
s += "$('#"+id+"').addClass('"+sx+"');";
else {
if (hsClassAdd != null) {
itx = hsClassAdd.iterator();
for ( ; itx.hasNext() ; ) {
String sx = (String) itx.next();
if (s == null) s = "";
s += "$('#"+id+"').addClass('"+sx+"');";
if (hsClassRemove != null) {
itx = hsClassRemove.iterator();
for ( ; itx.hasNext() ; ) {
String sx = (String) itx.next();
if (s == null) s = "";
s += "$('#"+id+"').removeClass('"+sx+"');";
if (hsClassAdd != null) hsClassAdd.clear();
if (hsClassRemove != null) hsClassRemove.clear();
return s;
public String getInputMode() {
return inputMode;
public void setInputMode(String mode) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.inputMode, mode)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.inputMode = mode;
public void setInputMode(InputModeType type) {
setInputMode(type == null ? InputModeType.Default.getDisplay() : type.getDisplay());
* Message for user to verify before submitting form.
* Requires either submit or ajaxSubmit to be true.
public String getConfirmMessage() {
return this.confirmMessage;
public void setConfirmMessage(String msg) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.confirmMessage, msg)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
confirmMessage = msg;
public String getCursor() {
return cursor;
public void setCursor(String cursorName) {
bCursorChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.cursor, cursorName);
this.cursor = cursorName;
public void setCursor(CursorType cursorType) {
setCursor(cursorType == null ? CursorType.Default.getDisplay() : cursorType.getDisplay());
public String getCalcEventName() {
String name = getEventName();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(name)) return name;
FormElementType fet = getFormElementType();
if (fet == null) {
InputType it = getInputType();
if (it != null) fet = it.getFormElementType();
if (fet != null) {
EventType et = fet.getDefaultEventType();
if (et != null) name = et.getDisplay();
// if (OAStr.isEmpty(name)) name = EventType.OnClick.getDisplay();
return name;
* The name the event that this component responds to.
public String getEventName() {
return eventName;
public void setEventName(String name) {
if (OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.eventName, name)) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.eventName = name;
public void setEventType(EventType eventType) {
setEventName(eventType == null ? null : eventType.getDisplay());
public boolean getPlainText() {
return bIsPlainText;
public boolean isPlainText() {
return bIsPlainText;
public void setPlainText(boolean b) {
if (this.bIsPlainText != b) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
bIsPlainText = b;
public String getAutoComplete() {
return this.autoComplete;
* To disable, set to "off"
* on (default), off, email, name, tel, credit-card, password, etc
* (not all work)
public void setAutoComplete(String val) {
bAutoCompleteChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.autoComplete, val);
this.autoComplete = val;
* Types of files that can be accepted for file uploading.
* examples:
* accept="image/png" or accept=".png
* accept="image/png, image/jpeg" or accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg"
* accept="image/*"
* accept=".doc,.docx,.xml,application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"
public String getAccept() {
return this.accept;
public void setAccept(String val) {
bAcceptChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.accept, val);
this.accept = val;
Used with input type=file attribute access,
values "user", "environment"
public String getCapture() {
return this.capture;
public void setCapture(String val) {
bCaptureChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.capture, val);
this.capture = val;
public boolean getMultiple() {
return this.bMultiple;
public void setMultiple(boolean b) {
if (this.bMultiple != b) setNeedsRefreshed(true);
this.bMultiple = b;
* Called by OAForm.
public void beforeGetScript() {
* Called by OAForm.
public void beforePageLoad() {
* Called by OAForm.
public void afterPageLoad() {
public String getInitializeScript() {
lastAjaxSent = null;
bValueChangedByAjax = false;
String s = _getInitializeScript();
return s;
protected String _getInitializeScript() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
final FormElementType formElementType = getFormElementType();
String s = getCalcName();
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('name', '"+s+"');\n");
s = getType();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('type', '"+s+"');\n");
final InputType inputType = getInputType();
if (inputType != null) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').blur(function() {$(this).removeClass('oaError');}); \n");
if (inputType != null && (getSubmit() || getAjaxSubmit() || inputType.getSubmitsByDefault())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').addClass('oaSubmit');\n");
if (getMultiple()) sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('multiple', 'multiple');\n");
else if (formElementType == FormElementType.File) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('multiple');\n");
if (getUseTabIndex()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('tabindex', '"+getTabIndex()+"');\n");
String confirm = getConfirmMessage();
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(confirm)) {
confirm = OAJspUtil.createJsString(confirm, '\'');
confirm = "if (!window.confirm('"+confirm+"')) return false;";
else confirm = "";
s = getLabelId();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
sb.append("$('#" + s + "').attr('for', '"+id+"');\n");
// note: the property is: "htmlFor"
/*qqqqqq called by form, used in it's internal oasubmit method
s = getVerifyScript();
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) {
String eventName = getCalcEventName();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(eventName)) {
if (eventName.startsWith("on")) eventName = eventName.substring(2); // ex: onclick -> click
if (getSubmit()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "')."+ eventName + "(function(event) {\n");
if (formElementType != null && getUsesPrevValue() && formElementType.getDefaultEventType() == EventType.OnBlur) {
sb.append("if (this.value === this.oaPrevValue) return false;\n");
sb.append("this.oaPrevValue = this.value;\n");
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(confirm)) {
sb.append(" "+confirm);
sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "');\n");
if (formElementType != null) {
EventType et = formElementType.getDefaultEventType();
if (et != null && et.getUsesKeys()) {
sb.append(" var keys = 'KEYS=';\n");
sb.append(" if (event.shiftKey) keys += '[SHIFT]';\n");
sb.append(" if (event.ctrlKey) keys += '[CTRL]';\n");
sb.append(" $('#oaparam').val(keys);\n");
sb.append(" $('#"+getForm().getId()+"').submit();\n");
sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('');\n");
sb.append(" $('#oaparam').val('');\n");
sb.append(" return false;\n");
else if (getAjaxSubmit()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "')."+ eventName+"(function(event) {\n");
if (formElementType != null && getUsesPrevValue() && formElementType.getDefaultEventType() == EventType.OnBlur) {
sb.append("if (this.value === this.oaPrevValue) return false;\n");
sb.append("this.oaPrevValue = this.value;\n");
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(confirm)) {
sb.append(" "+confirm);
sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('" + id + "');\n");
if (formElementType != null) {
EventType et = formElementType.getDefaultEventType();
if (et != null && et.getUsesKeys()) { // ex: button or image
sb.append(" var keys = 'KEYS=';\n");
sb.append(" if (event.shiftKey) keys += '[SHIFT]';\n");
sb.append(" if (event.ctrlKey) keys += '[CTRL]';\n");
sb.append(" if (event.altKey) keys += '[ALT]';\n");
sb.append(" $('#oaparam').val(keys);\n");
sb.append(" ajaxSubmit();\n");
sb.append(" $('#oacommand').val('');\n");
sb.append(" $('#oaparam').val('');\n");
sb.append(" return false;\n");
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getForwardUrl())) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"')."+eventName+"(function() {"+confirm+"window.location = 'oaforward.jsp?oaform="+getForm().getId()+"&oacommand="+id+"';return false;});\n");
s = getInputMode();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('inputmode', '"+s+"');\n");
String js = sb.toString();
return js;
public String getVerifyScript() {
return null;
public String getAjaxScript(final boolean bIsInitializing) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
String s = getValue();
if (s == null) s = "";
final FormElementType fet = getFormElementType();
if (getUsesValue()) {
if (!this.bValueChangedByAjax) {
s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(s, '\'');
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').val('"+s+"');\n");
if (getUsesPrevValue()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "')[0].oaPrevValue = $('#" + id + "').val(); //qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\n");
lastAjaxSent = null;
if (!bIsInitializing && bFileUploaded) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"')[0].value = null;\n");
lastAjaxSent = null;
bFileUploaded = false;
if (bIsInitializing || ((hsClassAdd != null && hsClassAdd.size() > 0) || (hsClassRemove != null && hsClassRemove.size() > 0))) {
s = getClassJs(bIsInitializing);
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) sb.append(s);
s = getInnerHtml();
if (bInnerHtmlChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(s))) {
bInnerHtmlChanged = false;
s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(s, '\'');
if (bAccessKeyChanged || (bIsInitializing && getAccessKey() != 0)) {
bAccessKeyChanged = false;
if (getAccessKey() != 0) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').attr('accesskey', '"+getAccessKey()+"');\n");
else {
if (bCursorChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getCursor()))) {
bCursorChanged = false;
s = getCursor();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(s)) s = CursorType.Default.getDisplay();
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').css('cursor', '"+s+"');\n");
if (bIsInitializing || (alStyleAdd != null && alStyleAdd.size() > 0) || (alStyleRemove != null && alStyleRemove.size() > 0)) {
s = getStyleJs(bIsInitializing);
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
if (bWrapChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getWrap()))) {
bWrapChanged = false;
s = getWrap();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').attr('wrap', '"+s+"');\n");
else {
if (bAcceptChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getAccept()))) {
bAcceptChanged = false;
s = getAccept();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').attr('accept', '"+s+"');\n");
else if (fet == FormElementType.File) {
if (bCaptureChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getCapture()))) {
bCaptureChanged = false;
s = getCapture();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').attr('capture', '"+s+"');\n");
else if (fet == FormElementType.File) {
if (bAutoCompleteChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getAutoComplete()))) {
bAutoCompleteChanged = false;
s = getAutoComplete();
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(s)) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').attr('autocomplete', '"+s+"');\n");
else if (fet == FormElementType.File) {
if (bListChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getList()))) {
bListChanged = false;
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getList())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('list', '"+getList()+"');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('list');\n");
if (bLengthsChanged || (bIsInitializing && (getSize() > 0 || getMinLength() > 0 || getMaxLength() > 0))) {
bLengthsChanged = false;
if (getSize() > 0) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('size', "+getSize()+");\n");
if (getMinLength() > 0) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('minlength', "+getMinLength()+");\n");
if (getMaxLength() > 0) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('maxlength', "+getMaxLength()+");\n");
if (getCols() > 0) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('cols', "+getCols()+");\n");
if (getRows() > 0) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('rows', "+getRows()+");\n");
if (bHrefChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getHref()))) {
bHrefChanged = false;
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('href', '"+getHref()+"');\n");
if (bTargetChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getTarget()))) {
bHrefChanged = false;
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('target', '"+getTarget()+"');\n");
if (bMinChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getMin()))) {
bMinChanged = false;
if (OAStr.isEmpty(getMin())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('min');\n");
else sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('min', '"+getMin()+"');\n");
if (bMaxChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getMax()))) {
bMaxChanged = false;
if (OAStr.isEmpty(getMax())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('max');\n");
else sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('max', '"+getMax()+"');\n");
if (bPlaceHolderChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getPlaceHolder()))) {
bPlaceHolderChanged = false;
if (OAStr.isEmpty(getPlaceHolder())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('placeholder');\n");
else {
s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(getPlaceHolder(), '\'');
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('placeholder', '"+s+"');\n");
if (bFloatLabelChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getFloatLabel()))) {
bFloatLabelChanged = false;
if (bPatternChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getPattern()))) {
if (OAString.isEmpty(getPattern())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('pattern');\n");
else {
s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(getPattern(), '\'');
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('pattern', '"+s+"');\n");
if (bTitleChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getTitle()))) {
if (OAString.isEmpty(getTitle())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('title');\n");
else {
s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(getTitle(), '\'');
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('title', '"+s+"');\n");
if (bImageChanged || (bIsInitializing && (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getSource()) || getImageWidth() > 0 || getImageHeight() > 0))) {
bImageChanged = false;
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('src', '"+getSource()+"');\n");
if (getImageWidth() > 0) sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('width', "+getImageWidth()+");\n");
if (getImageHeight() > 0) sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('width', "+getImageHeight()+");\n");
// tooltip
if (bToolTipChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getToolTipText()))) {
bToolTipChanged = false;
String prefix = null;
String tt = getToolTipText();
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(tt)) {
if (bIsInitializing || !bToolTipChangedInit) {
bToolTipChangedInit = true;
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tooltip();\n");
tt = OAJspUtil.createJsString(tt, '\'');
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').data('bs.tooltip').options.title = '" + tt + "';\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').data('bs.tooltip').options.placement = 'top';\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').tooltip('destroy');\n");
if (bFocus) {
bFocus = false;
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').focus();\n");
if (bEnabledChanged || (bIsInitializing && !getEnabled())) {
bEnabledChanged = false;
s = getEnabledScript();
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(s)) sb.append(s);
if (bReadOnlyChanged || (bIsInitializing && isReadOnly())) {
bReadOnlyChanged = false;
if (isReadOnly()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('readOnly', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('readonly', 'readonly');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('readOnly', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('readonly');\n");
// HTML hidden attribute does not take up space
if (bHiddenChanged || (bIsInitializing && getHidden())) {
bHiddenChanged = false;
if (isHidden()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('hidden', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('hidden', 'hidden');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('hidden', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('hidden');\n");
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getLabelId())) {
if (isHidden()) {
sb.append("$('#" + getLabelId() + "').prop('hidden', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + getLabelId() + "').attr('hidden', 'hidden');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + getLabelId() + "').prop('hidden', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + getLabelId() + "').removeAttr('hidden');\n");
// CSS visible=false does take up space
if (bVisibleChanged || (bIsInitializing && !getVisible())) {
bVisibleChanged = false;
if (isVisible()) {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').css('visibility', 'visible');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#"+id+"').css('visibility', 'hidden');\n");
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getLabelId())) {
if (isVisible()) {
sb.append("$('#"+getLabelId()+"').css('visibility', 'visible');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#"+getLabelId()+"').css('visibility', 'hidden');\n");
if (bRequiredChanged || (bIsInitializing && getRequired())) {
bRequiredChanged = false;
if (isRequired()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').addClass('oaRequired');\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('required', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('required', 'required');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeClass('oaRequired');\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('required', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('required');\n");
if (bAltChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getAlt()))) {
bAltChanged = false;
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getAlt())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('alt', '"+getAlt()+"');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('alt');\n");
if (bStepChanged || (bIsInitializing && OAStr.isNotEmpty(getStep()) ) ) {
bStepChanged = false;
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(getStep())) {
s = OAJspUtil.createJsString(getStep(), '\'');
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('step', '"+s+"');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('step');\n");
if (bCheckedChanged || (bIsInitializing && isChecked())) {
bCheckedChanged = false;
if (!bValueChangedByAjax) {
if (isChecked()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('checked', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('checked', 'checked');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('checked', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('checked');\n");
if (bSpellCheckChanged || (bIsInitializing && isSpellCheck())) {
bSpellCheckChanged = false;
if (isSpellCheck()) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('spellchecked', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('spellchecked', true);\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('spellcheck', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('spellcheck');\n");
if (bIsInitializing || bDataListChanged) {
bDataListChanged = false;
List dataList = getDataList();
if (dataList != null) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "DataList').remove();\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('list', '"+id+"DataList');\n");
String list = "";
for (String option : dataList) {
option = OAJspUtil.createJsString(option, '\'');
list += "";
list += " ";
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').append('" + list + "');\n");
if (bIsInitializing || bOptionsChanged) {
bOptionsChanged = false;
List al = getOptions();
if (al != null && al.size() > 0) {
String list = getOptionsJs(al);
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').html('" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(list, '\'') + "');\n");
String js = sb.toString();
if (!bIsInitializing && lastAjaxSent != null && lastAjaxSent.equals(js)) {
js = null;
else {
lastAjaxSent = js;
this.bValueChangedByAjax = false;
return js;
public String getOptionsJs(final List al) {
String list = "";
boolean bInOptGroup = false;
for (HtmlOption ho : al) {
String s = ho.getLabel();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(s)) s = ho.getValue();
if (ho instanceof HtmlOptionGroup) {
if (bInOptGroup) {
list += "";
bInOptGroup = true;
list += "";
else {
list += ""+s;
if (ho instanceof HtmlOptionGroup) {
else {
list += " ";
if (bInOptGroup) {
list += " ";
return list;
protected void getDataListJs(StringBuilder sb) {
List dataList = getDataList();
if (dataList == null || dataList.size() == 0) return;
if (OAStr.isEmpty(getList())) return;
sb.append("$('#" + getList() + ").remove()");;
sb.append("$('#" + id + ").append('");
for (String s : dataList) {
sb.append(" ');\n");
public String getInnerHtml() {
return innerHtml;
public void setInnerHtml(String html) {
if (OAStr.isEmpty(html)) bInnerHtmlChanged = true;
else bInnerHtmlChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.innerHtml, html);
this.innerHtml = html;
protected void getFloatLabelJs(StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').addClass('oaFloatLabel');\n");
if (OAString.isEmpty(getFloatLabel())) {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').after(' ');\n");
else {
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').after(' ');\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').on('propertychange change keyup paste input', ");
sb.append("function() {\n");
sb.append(" if ($('#" + id + "').val().length > 0) $('#" + id + " + span').addClass('active');\n");
sb.append(" else $('#" + id + " + span').removeClass('active');\n");
sb.append("if ($('#" + id + "').val().length > 0) $('#" + id + " + span').addClass(\'active\');\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + " + span').html('" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(getFloatLabel(), '\'') + "');\n");
protected String getEnabledScript() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
final String lblId = getLabelId();
if (getEnabled()) {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(lblId)) {
sb.append("$('#" + lblId + "').prop('disabled', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + lblId + "').removeAttr('disabled');\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('disabled', false);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').removeAttr('disabled');\n");
else {
if (OAString.isNotEmpty(lblId)) {
sb.append("$('#" + lblId + "').prop('disabled', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + lblId + "').attr('disabled', 'disabled');\n");
sb.append("$('#" + id + "').prop('disabled', true);\n");
// sb.append("$('#" + id + "').attr('disabled', 'disabled');\n");
return sb.toString();
public String getValidationRules() {
return null;
public String getValidationMessages() {
return null;
public void getRequiredJsNames(final Set hsJsName) {
public void getRequiredCssNames(final Set hsCssName) {
public String getAlt() {
return this.alt;
public void setAlt(String alt) {
this.bAltChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.alt, alt);
this.alt = alt;
public String getStep() {
return this.step;
public void setStep(String step) {
this.bStepChanged |= OAStr.isNotEqualNullEqualsBlank(this.step, step);
this.step = step;
public boolean getChecked() {
return this.checked;
public boolean isChecked() {
return getChecked();
public void setChecked(boolean chk) {
this.bCheckedChanged |= this.checked != chk;
this.checked = chk;
this.bValueChangedByAjax = false;
// Text values in input elements (not password) Text in