com.viaoa.web.html.bootstrap.BsDateTime Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.viaoa.web.html.bootstrap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import com.viaoa.util.OADate;
import com.viaoa.util.OADateTime;
import com.viaoa.util.OAStr;
import com.viaoa.util.OAString;
import com.viaoa.util.OATime;
import com.viaoa.web.html.form.OAForm;
import com.viaoa.web.html.form.OAFormInsertDelegate;
import com.viaoa.web.html.form.OAFormSubmitEvent;
import com.viaoa.web.html.input.InputText;
import com.viaoa.web.server.OASession;
import com.viaoa.web.util.OAJspUtil;
* Create a bootstrap datetime text component.
* Note:
* need to make sure that there is a parent element that has: style="position: relative"
public class BsDateTime extends InputText {
protected static enum Type {
protected Type typeDateTime;
protected String format;
public BsDateTime(String id) {
this.typeDateTime = Type.DateTime;
public String getFormat() {
return format;
public void setFormat(String fmt) {
this.format = fmt;
protected String getInitializeScript() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String fmt = getFormat();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(fmt)) {
if (typeDateTime == Type.Date) fmt = OADate.getGlobalOutputFormat();
else if (typeDateTime == Type.Time) fmt = OATime.getGlobalOutputFormat();
else fmt = OADateTime.getGlobalOutputFormat();
// Jquery date/time formats
// see: http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#utility-formatDate
// http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker/formatDate
// http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/
// https://github.com/trentrichardson/jQuery-Timepicker-Addon
String dfmtJquery = null;
String tfmtJquery = null;
int pos = fmt.indexOf('M');
if (pos < 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('y');
if (pos >= 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('H');
if (pos < 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('h');
if (pos >= 0) {
dfmtJquery = fmt.substring(0, pos).trim();
else {
dfmtJquery = fmt;
if (dfmtJquery.indexOf("MMM") >= 0) {
dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "MMMM", "MM");
dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "MMM", "M");
else {
dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "M", "m");
dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "yy", "y");
dfmtJquery = OAString.convert(dfmtJquery, "E", "D");
pos = fmt.indexOf('H');
if (pos < 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('h');
if (pos >= 0) {
tfmtJquery = fmt.substring(pos).trim();
tfmtJquery = OAString.convert(tfmtJquery, "aa", "TT");
tfmtJquery = OAString.convert(tfmtJquery, "a", "TT");
if (typeDateTime != Type.DateTime) {
if (typeDateTime == Type.Date) tfmtJquery = null;
else dfmtJquery = null;
// Bootstrap date/time formats
// see: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
String dfmtBS = null;
String tfmtBS = null;
pos = fmt.indexOf('M');
if (pos < 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('y');
if (pos >= 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('H');
if (pos < 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('h');
if (pos >= 0) {
dfmtBS = fmt.substring(0, pos).trim();
else {
dfmtBS = fmt;
dfmtBS = OAString.convert(dfmtBS, "y", "Y");
dfmtBS = OAString.convert(dfmtBS, "d", "D");
dfmtBS = OAString.convert(dfmtBS, "E", "d"); // day of week
pos = fmt.indexOf('H');
if (pos < 0) {
pos = fmt.indexOf('h');
if (pos >= 0) {
tfmtBS = fmt.substring(pos).trim();
if (typeDateTime != Type.DateTime) {
if (typeDateTime == Type.Date) tfmtBS = null;
else dfmtBS = null;
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(dfmtJquery) && OAStr.isNotEmpty(tfmtJquery)) {
// supports jquery.datetimepicker and bootstrap datetimepicker (customized version: had to change name to bsdatetimepicker)
// see: https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/
sb.append("if ($().bsdatetimepicker) {\n");
sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').bsdatetimepicker({");
sb.append("format: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString((dfmtBS + " " + tfmtBS), '\'') + "'");
sb.append(", sideBySide: true, showTodayButton: true, showClear: true, showClose: true});\n");
else if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(dfmtJquery)) {
sb.append("if ($().bsdatetimepicker) {\n");
sb.append("$('#" + getId() + "').bsdatetimepicker({");
sb.append("format: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(dfmtBS, '\'') + "'");
sb.append(", showTodayButton: true, showClear: true, showClose: true});\n");
else if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(tfmtJquery)) {
sb.append("if ($().bsdatetimepicker) {\n");
sb.append(" $('#" + getId() + "').bsdatetimepicker({ ");
sb.append("format: '" + OAJspUtil.createJsString(tfmtBS, '\'') + "'");
sb.append(", showClear: true, showClose: true});\n");
return sb.toString();
public OADateTime getDateTimeValue() {
String val = getValue();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(val)) return null;
return new OADateTime(val, OADateTime.JsonFormat);
public OADate getDateValue() {
String val = getValue();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(val)) return null;
return new OADate(val, OADate.JsonFormat);
public OATime getTimeValue() {
String val = getValue();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(val)) return null;
return new OATime(val, OATime.JsonFormat);
protected void onSubmitAfterLoadValues(OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
String value = getValue();
if (OAStr.isEmpty(value)) return;
String fmt = getFormat();
boolean b = true;
if (typeDateTime == Type.DateTime || typeDateTime == Type.Time) {
if (OAStr.isNotEmpty(value)) {
if (!OAString.isEmpty(fmt)) {
String s = fmt.toUpperCase();
if (s.indexOf("X") >= 0 || s.indexOf("Z") >= 0) { // includes timezone in value
b = false;
if (!b) return;
OAForm f = getOAHtmlComponent().getForm();
if (f == null) return;
OASession sess = f.getSession();
if (sess == null) return;
if (typeDateTime == Type.DateTime) {
OADateTime dt = OADateTime.valueOf(value, fmt);
TimeZone tz = sess.getBrowserTimeZone();
if (tz != null) {
OADateTime d2 = new OADateTime(dt.getTime()); // use this computer's timezone
} else if (typeDateTime == Type.Time) {
OATime dt = (OATime) OATime.valueOf(value, fmt);
TimeZone tz = sess.getBrowserTimeZone();
if (tz != null) {
OATime d2 = new OATime(dt.getTime()); // use this computer/server timezone
public void getRequiredCssNames(Set hsCssName) {
public void getRequiredJsNames(Set hsJsName) {