com.viaoa.web.html.oa.OAHtmlSelect Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.viaoa.web.html.oa;
import java.util.*;
import com.viaoa.hub.*;
import com.viaoa.object.*;
import com.viaoa.uicontroller.OAUISelectController;
import com.viaoa.util.OAConverter;
import com.viaoa.util.OAStr;
import com.viaoa.web.html.HtmlOption;
import com.viaoa.web.html.HtmlSelect;
import com.viaoa.web.html.HtmlTD;
import com.viaoa.web.html.form.OAForm;
import com.viaoa.web.html.form.OAFormSubmitEvent;
// qqqqqqqqqqq need to add support for recursiveLinks
* HtmlSelect to work with OAModel.
* Notes:
* setDisplay rows to change to/from dropdown (=1) or scrollinglist (> 1)
* Set ajaxSubmit=true if other components need to change when and item is selected.
* @author vince
public class OAHtmlSelect extends HtmlSelect implements OAHtmlComponentInterface, OAHtmlTableComponentInterface {
private final OAUISelectController oaUiControl;
private String propName;
private String format;
private String nullDescription = "";
private static class LastRefresh {
Hub hubUsed;
OAObject objSelected;
// if hub is linked, then this is the current object that it's linked to and changing.
OAObject objLinkedTo;
private final LastRefresh lastRefresh = new LastRefresh();
public OAHtmlSelect(String id, Hub hub, String propName) {
this.propName = propName;
// used to interact between component with hub.
oaUiControl = new OAUISelectController(hub) {
protected void onCompleted(String completedMessage, String title) {
OAForm form = getForm();
if (form != null) {
form.addConsoleMessage(title + " - " + completedMessage);
protected void onError(String errorMessage, String detailMessage) {
OAForm form = getForm();
if (form != null) {
form.addConsoleMessage(errorMessage + " - " + detailMessage);
public String getFormat() {
return this.format;
public void setFormat(String format) {
this.format = format;
/* Called when form is submitted.
* Uses OAUISelectController to handle updating selected value.
protected void onSubmitAfterLoadValues(OAFormSubmitEvent formSubmitEvent) {
final String[] values = getValues();
if (values == null || values.length == 0) return;
// verify that hubs "have not moved", when using detailHub, linkHub, etc
if (getHub().getRealHub() != lastRefresh.hubUsed) {
if (lastRefresh.objLinkedTo == null) return; // it was not linked, so dont change AO
if (lastRefresh.hubUsed != getHub().getRealHub()) {
formSubmitEvent.addSyncError("OAHtmlSelect Id="+getId());
else {
Hub h = getHub().getLinkHub(true);
if (h != null) {
if (lastRefresh.objLinkedTo != h.getAO()) {
formSubmitEvent.addSyncError("OAHtmlSelect Id="+getId());
if ("oanull".equals(values[0])) {
// change AO
// if hub is linked, then it will update the linkedTo object
oaUiControl.onAOChange(lastRefresh.objLinkedTo, lastRefresh.objSelected, null);
else {
if (lastRefresh.objSelected == null || (lastRefresh.objSelected.getGuid() != OAConverter.toInt(values[0]))) {
// if a different option was selected, find the object using the value (guid) and set the AO in hub,
// ... if there's a linkToObject, then it will be updated during the hub.setAO
final int guidSelected = OAConverter.toInt(values[0]);
boolean bFound = false;
// look for object in hubUsed
for (F obj : (Hub) lastRefresh.hubUsed) {
if (obj == lastRefresh.objSelected) continue;
if (obj.getGuid() == guidSelected) {
oaUiControl.onAOChange(lastRefresh.objLinkedTo, lastRefresh.objSelected, obj);
bFound = true;
if (!bFound) {
// (currency issue) object can have been removed from hubUsed, get from cache.
F obj = OAObjectCacheDelegate.getUsingGuid(getHub().getObjectClass(), guidSelected);
if (obj != null) {
oaUiControl.onAOChange(lastRefresh.objLinkedTo, lastRefresh.objSelected, obj);
public Hub getHub() {
return oaUiControl.getHub();
public OAUISelectController getController() {
return oaUiControl;
protected void beforeGetScript() {
OAForm form = getOAHtmlComponent().getForm();
final boolean bIsFormEnabled = form == null || form.getEnabled();
boolean b = oaUiControl.isEnabled();
setEnabled(bIsFormEnabled && b);
b = oaUiControl.isVisible();
lastRefresh.hubUsed = getHub().getRealHub();
lastRefresh.objSelected = getHub().getAO();
Hub h = getHub().getLinkHub(true);
if (h != null) {
lastRefresh.objLinkedTo = (OAObject) h.getAO();
else lastRefresh.objLinkedTo = null;
for (HtmlOption ho : getHtmlOptions(lastRefresh)) {
protected List getHtmlOptions(final LastRefresh lastRefresh) {
final List alOption = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object obj : lastRefresh.hubUsed) {
HtmlOption ho;
if (obj instanceof OAObject) {
String label = ((OAObject) obj).getPropertyAsString(propName, format);
if (OAStr.isEmpty(label)) label = " "; // otherwise it will default to displaying value.
ho = new HtmlOption("" + ((OAObject) obj).getGuid(), label, (lastRefresh.objSelected == obj));
else {
ho = new HtmlOption(obj.toString(), obj.toString(), (lastRefresh.objSelected == obj));
String s = getNullDescription();
if (s != null) {
if (s.length() == 0) s = " ";
HtmlOption ho = new HtmlOption("oanull", s, lastRefresh.objSelected == null);
return alOption;
public String getNullDescription() {
return nullDescription;
public void setNullDescription(String s) {
this.nullDescription = s;
public String getTableCellRenderer(HtmlTD td, int row) {
if (row < 0) return "";
if (oaUiControl.getLinkToHub() == null) return "";
OAObject objLinkTo = (OAObject) oaUiControl.getLinkToHub().get(row);
if (objLinkTo == null) return "";
String s;
if (!oaUiControl.isVisible(objLinkTo)) s = "";
else {
Object objx = objLinkTo.getProperty(oaUiControl.getLinkPropertyName());
if (!(objx instanceof OAObject)) return "";
s = ((OAObject) objx).getPropertyAsString(propName, format);
if (s == null) s = "";
return s;
public String getTableCellEditor(HtmlTD td, int row, boolean bHasFocus) {
boolean bVisible = true;
if (oaUiControl.getLinkToHub() == null) bVisible = false;
else {
OAObject objLinkTo = (OAObject) oaUiControl.getLinkToHub().get(row);
if (objLinkTo == null) {
bVisible = false;
else bVisible = oaUiControl.isVisible(objLinkTo);
String s = "";
return s;