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com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.TemplateEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Mybatis generic mapper plugin for solving most basic operations,
simplifying sql syntax and improving dynamic execution efficiency
* Copyright (C) 2017 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import com.greenpineyu.fel.FelEngine;
import com.greenpineyu.fel.FelEngineImpl;
import com.greenpineyu.fel.context.FelContext;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.Constants;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.builder.base.TemplateBuilder;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.function.BlankFunction;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.function.EqualFunction;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.function.NotBlankFunction;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.function.NotNullFunction;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.template.function.NullFunction;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.utils.CaseUtil;
import com.viiyue.plugins.mybatis.utils.MapUtil;
* The SQL script template engine parsing tool class, all the parts about the
* template used in the plugin are parsed by this tool class.
* @author tangxbai
* @since 1.0.0
* @see NotBlankFunction
* @see EqualFunction
* @see NotBlankFunction
* @see NotNullFunction
* @see NullFunction
* @see Constants#ENV_PROP_NAMES
public final class TemplateEngine {
* Template engine singleton object
private static final FelEngine engine;
* Template engine context environments
private static final Map environments;
// private static final String paramsNameKey = "params";
// private static final String translatedTemplateKey = "template";
// private static final Pattern pramemterPattern = Pattern.compile( "(['\"]([^'\"].*?)['\"])" );
// private static final Map expressions = new ConcurrentHashMap();
private TemplateEngine() {}
// Register the default available environment variables
static {
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
List propNames = Constants.ENV_PROP_NAMES;
environments = new HashMap( propNames.size() );
for ( String propName : propNames ) {
environments.put( CaseUtil.toCamelCase( propName, '.' ), properties.getProperty( propName ) );
// Registration template helper function
static {
engine = new FelEngineImpl( context() );
engine.addFun( new NullFunction() ); // isNull( ? )
engine.addFun( new NotNullFunction() ); // isNotNull( ? )
engine.addFun( new BlankFunction() ); // isBlank( ? )
engine.addFun( new NotBlankFunction() );// isNotBlank( ? ) - default function
engine.addFun( new EqualFunction() ); // equals( ?, ? )
* Provide access to some system data
* Currently supported
* Description
* Example
* Value type
* Result style
* Generate UUID
* eval("system.uuid")
* String
* 30803fc4-c22a-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4
* Get a random number
* eval("system.random.nextInt(100)")
* Integer
* 0 - 100
* Get system time
* eval("")
* Date
* new Date()
* Get system millisecond time
* eval("system.systime")
* Long
* 4564646132487
* @return partial system data
private static Map systemContext() {
Map systemContext = new HashMap( 4 );
systemContext.put( "now", new Date() ); // now -> Date
systemContext.put( "uuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString() ); // uuid -> 30803fc4-c22a-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4
systemContext.put( "random", ThreadLocalRandom.current() ); // rundom.nexInt(maxValue)
systemContext.put( "systime", System.currentTimeMillis() ); // systime -> 4564646132487
return systemContext;
* Generates a template context object that has environment variables and
* system help properties, and can automatically box array objects of
* similar key-value pairs in the parameters into a Map object and set them
* into the context object.
* Note : The key must be a string, the value can be any type or even null.
Call sample:
* 1. No parameters
* context() -> {
* "env" : {},
* "system" : {}
* }
* 2. Two parameters
* content("name" : "mybatis-mapper") -> {
* "env" : {},
* "system" : {},
* "name" : "mybatis-mapper"
* }
* 3. Infinite parameter
* content("key", Object, "name" : "mybatis-mapper", "description", "A powerful myabtis generic mapper plugin" ) -> {
* "env" : {},
* "system" : {},
* "key" : Object,
* "name" : "mybatis-mapper",
* "description" : "A powerful myabtis generic mapper plugin"
* }
* @param properties an array similar to a Map key-value pair
* @return full template context object
public static FelContext context( Object ... properties ) {
return context( MapUtil.newMap( properties ) );
* Generates a template context object that has environment variables and
* system help properties, and set the Map parameter to the context.
* @param metadata your own metadata
* @return full template context object
public static FelContext context( Map metadata ) {
MapContext context = new MapContext();
context.set( "env", environments );
context.set( "system", systemContext() );
context.putItems( metadata );
return context;
* Parse the target expression using the template engine
* @param expression template expression
* @param properties an array similar to a Map key-value pair
* @return the value solved by the template engine
* @see #context(Object...)
* @see #eval(String, FelContext)
public static Object eval( String expression, Object ... properties ) {
return eval( expression, context( properties ) );
* Parse the target expression using the template engine, and you must
* explicitly pass in the context object of the template engine
* @param expression template expression
* @param properties an array similar to a Map key-value pair
* @return the value solved by the template engine
* @see #context(Map)
* @see #eval(String, FelContext)
public static Object eval( String expression, Map metadata ) {
return eval( expression, context( metadata ) );
* Parse the target expression using the template engine, and you must
* explicitly pass in the context object of the template engine
* @param expression template expression
* @param properties an array similar to a Map key-value pair
* @return the value solved by the template engine
public static Object eval( String expression, FelContext context ) {
return getResolvedValue( context == null ? engine.eval( expression ) : engine.eval( expression, context ) );
// public static Object resolve( String content, Object ... properties ) {
// return resolve( content, context( properties ) );
// }
// public static Object resolve( String content, Map context ) {
// return resolve( content, context( context ) );
// }
// public static Object resolve( String content, FelContext context ) {
// Map paramBindings = getParamBindings( paramsNameKey, content );
// String template = paramBindings.remove( translatedTemplateKey );
// FelContext finalContext = prepareContext( content, context, paramBindings );
// Expression expression = getExpression( content, template, finalContext );
// return getResolvedValue( expression == null ? engine.eval( content, context ) : expression.eval( context ) );
// }
* Get the resolved value, if the return is the internal Builder object,
* then call the builder's getContent method to get the real content.
* @param resolved resolved object value, it can be any object or a template Builder object.
* @return the resolved value, usually most of the time is String.
private static Object getResolvedValue( Object resolved ) {
if ( resolved == null ) return Constants.EMPTY;
if ( resolved instanceof TemplateBuilder ) {
return ( ( TemplateBuilder ) resolved ).build();
return resolved;
// /**
// * Prepare the context object and put the template parameter name into the
// * context object for the template engine to handle properly
// *
// * @param content template content
// * @param context template context object
// * @param paramBindings parameter binding mapping
// * @return the final template context object
// */
// private static FelContext prepareContext( String content, FelContext context, Map paramBindings ) {
// if ( context == null ) {
// context = context( paramsNameKey, paramBindings );
// } else if ( context.get( paramsNameKey ) == null ) {
// context.set( paramsNameKey, paramBindings );
// }
// return context;
// }
// /**
// * In fact, through testing, I found that the compilation will consume a lot
// * of time, and the efficiency of the post-compilation execution is almost
// * the same as the efficiency of the direct eval execution, so I temporarily
// * gave up the compilation.
// *
// * @param content template content
// * @param template translated template string content
// * @param context template context object
// * @return compiled expression object
// */
// private static Expression getExpression( String content, String template, FelContext context ) {
// Expression expression = expressions.get( template );
// if ( expression == null ) {
// synchronized ( expressions ) {
// expression = engine.compile( template, context );
// Assert.notNull( expression, "Template compilation failed, the template is '{}', original input is '{}'", template, content );
// expressions.put( template, expression );
// }
// }
// return expression;
// }
// /**
// * The input text is parsed to get the fixed template content so that we can
// * cache the same kind of expression object
// *
// * @param parameterName defined parameter name
// * @param input original input content
// * @return parameter template and parameter mapping object
// */
// private static Map getParamBindings( String parameterName, String input ) {
// String paramName = null;
// int index = 0; // String clipping start subscript
// int paramIndex = 0; // Parameter number suffix
// int initialCapacity = input.split( "\\)" ).length; // Just guessing
// input = input.replaceAll( "\\s+", Constants.EMPTY ); // Remove extra white space
// String newInput = input;
// StringBuffer replacement = new StringBuffer();
// Map params = new HashMap( initialCapacity + 1 );
// Matcher matcher = pramemterPattern.matcher( input );
// while ( matcher.find() ) {
// paramName = "param" + ( paramIndex ++ );
// params.put( paramName, 2 ) );
// replacement.append( input.substring( index, matcher.start() ) );
// replacement.append( parameterName ).append( "." ).append( paramName );
// index = matcher.end();
// }
// if ( index > 0 && index <= input.length() - 1 ) {
// replacement.append( input.substring( index ) ); // Last part
// newInput = replacement.toString();
// }
// params.put( translatedTemplateKey, newInput );
// return params;
// }