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package com.visenze.visearch;
* Created by peng on 3/12/15.
public enum ResponseMessages {
// for all requests
SUCESS(0, "Success."),
INVALID_KEY(11, "Invalid access key or secret key."),
UNAUTHORIZED(12, "Unauthorized."),
INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE(21, "Exceeds image collection size limit."),
SYSTEM_BUSY(31, "System busy, please try again later."),
SYSTEM_ERROR(32, "A system error is reported and we are fixing it right now."),
NETWORK_ERROR(41, "A network error occurred when reading response from the ViSearch endpoint. " +
"Please check your network connectivity and try again."),
INVALID_ENDPOINT(42, "There was an error parsing the ViSearch endpoint. " +
"Please ensure that your provided ViSearch endpoint is a well-formed URL and try again."),
PARSE_RESPONSE_ERROR(43, "Could not parse the ViSearch response."),
INVALID_RESPONSE_FORMAT(44, "ViSearch response have wrong contents."),
// for data APIs
TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND(101, "Transaction not found with trans_id."),
DATA_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND(102, "Image not found with im_name."),
EXCEED_INSERT_BATCH_SIZE(103, "Exceeded maximum insert batch size of 100."),
NO_IMAGE_INSERTED(104, "No image inserted."),
EXCEED_IMAGE_PARA_NUM(105, "Number of parameters for image exceeds maximum limit of 32."),
EXCEED_IMAGE_PARA_LENGTH(106, "{parameter} exceeds length limit."),
INVALID_IMAGE_NAME(107, "Invalid im_name."),
MISSING_IMAGE_URL(108, "Missing im_url."),
INVALID_FIELD_TYPE(109, "{field} should be of data type {type}."),
IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR(201, "Could not download the image from im_url."),
DATA_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT(202, "Unsupported image format."),
DATA_INVALID_IMAGE_DIMENSION(203, "Unsupported image dimension."),
// for search APIs
QUERY_PROCESSING(1001, "The query image is still being processed, please try again later."),
SEARCH_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND(1101, "Image not found with im_name."),
SEARCH_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT(1102, "Invalid image file format."),
SEARCH_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_OR_DIMENSION(1103, "The image format or dimension is invalid."),
INVALID_IMAGE_OR_URL(1104, "Invalid image or im_url."),
DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_ERROR(1105, "Could not download the image, please try again later."),
DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TIMEOUT(1106, "Timeout while downloading image, please try again later."),
NO_IMAGE_INDEXED(1107, "App doesn't have any images."),
INVALID_IMAGE_SOURCE(1108, "Must provide either an image File, InputStream of the image, " +
"or a valid image url to perform upload search")
private int code;
private String message;
private ResponseMessages(int code, String message) {
this.code = code;
this.message = message;
public int getCode() {
return this.code;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;