Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*;
* This class represnts an ESRI Shape file.
* You construct it with a file name, and later
* you can read the file's propertys, i.e. Sizes, Types, and the data itself.
* Copyright 1998 by James Macgill.
* Modified to allow reading the shapefile as a stream
* Martin Davis 2005-2007
* Version 1.0beta1.1 (added construct with inputstream)
* 1.0beta1.2 (made Shape type constants public 18/Aug/98)
* This class supports the Shape file as set out in :-
* "ESRI(r) Shapefile - A Technical Description"
* 'An ESRI White Paper . May 1997'
* This code is coverd by the LGPL.
public class Shapefile
static final int SHAPEFILE_ID = 9994;
static final int VERSION = 1000;
public static final int NULL = 0;
public static final int POINT = 1;
public static final int POINTZ = 11;
public static final int POINTM = 21;
public static final int ARC = 3;
public static final int ARCM = 23;
public static final int ARCZ = 13;
public static final int POLYGON = 5;
public static final int POLYGONM = 25;
public static final int POLYGONZ = 15;
public static final int MULTIPOINT = 8;
public static final int MULTIPOINTM = 28;
public static final int MULTIPOINTZ = 18;
public static final int UNDEFINED = -1;
//Types 2,4,6,7 and 9 were undefined at time or writeing
public static final int XY = 2;
public static final int XYM = 3;
public static final int XYZM = 4;
private URL baseURL;
private InputStream myInputStream;
private GeometryFactory geomFactory;
* Creates and initialises a shapefile from a url
* @param url The url of the shapefile
public Shapefile(URL url){
myInputStream= null;
try {
URLConnection uc = baseURL.openConnection();
myInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(uc.getInputStream());
catch (Exception e)
public Shapefile(InputStream IS){
myInputStream = IS;
private EndianDataInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
if (myInputStream == null)
throw new IOException("Could not make a connection to the URL: " + baseURL);
EndianDataInputStream sfile = new EndianDataInputStream(myInputStream);
return sfile;
* Initialises a shapefile from disk.
* Use Shapefile(String) if you don't want to use LEDataInputStream directly (recomened)
public GeometryCollection read(GeometryFactory geometryFactory) throws IOException,ShapefileException,Exception{
EndianDataInputStream file = getInputStream();
if(file==null) throw new IOException("Failed connection or no content for "+baseURL);
ShapefileHeader mainHeader = new ShapefileHeader(file);
if(mainHeader.getVersion() < VERSION){System.err.println("Sf-->Warning, Shapefile format ("+mainHeader.getVersion()+") older that supported ("+VERSION+"), attempting to read anyway");}
if(mainHeader.getVersion() > VERSION){System.err.println("Sf-->Warning, Shapefile format ("+mainHeader.getVersion()+") newer that supported ("+VERSION+"), attempting to read anyway");}
Geometry body;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int type=mainHeader.getShapeType();
ShapeHandler handler = getShapeHandler(type);
if(handler==null)throw new ShapeTypeNotSupportedException("Unsuported shape type:"+type);
int recordNumber=0;
int contentLength=0;
// file.setLittleEndianMode(false);
body =,geometryFactory,contentLength);
// System.out.println("Done record: " + recordNumber);
}catch(IllegalArgumentException r2d2){
//System.out.println("Record " +recordNumber+ " has is NULL Shape");
list.add(new GeometryCollection(null,null,-1));
}catch(Exception c3p0){
System.out.println("Error processing record (a):" +recordNumber);
list.add(new GeometryCollection(null,null,-1));
// System.out.println("processing:" +recordNumber);
}catch(EOFException e){
return geometryFactory.createGeometryCollection((Geometry[])list.toArray(new Geometry[]{}));
private EndianDataInputStream file;
private ShapefileHeader mainHeader;
private ShapeHandler handler;
private int recordNumber;
* Initialises a shapefile from disk.
* Use Shapefile(String) if you don't want to use LEDataInputStream directly (recomened)
public void readStream(GeometryFactory geometryFactory)
throws IOException,ShapefileException,Exception
geomFactory = geometryFactory;
file = getInputStream();
if(file==null) throw new IOException("Failed connection or no content for "+baseURL);
mainHeader = new ShapefileHeader(file);
if(mainHeader.getVersion() < VERSION){System.err.println("Sf-->Warning, Shapefile format ("+mainHeader.getVersion()+") older that supported ("+VERSION+"), attempting to read anyway");}
if(mainHeader.getVersion() > VERSION){System.err.println("Sf-->Warning, Shapefile format ("+mainHeader.getVersion()+") newer that supported ("+VERSION+"), attempting to read anyway");}
//ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int type=mainHeader.getShapeType();
handler = getShapeHandler(type);
if(handler==null)throw new ShapeTypeNotSupportedException("Unsuported shape type:"+type);
* Returns the next geometry in the shapefile stream
* @return null at EOF
* @throws IOException
public Geometry next()
throws IOException
Geometry geom = null;
// file.setLittleEndianMode(false);
int contentLength=file.readIntBE();
geom =,geomFactory,contentLength);
// System.out.println("Done record: " + recordNumber);
}catch(IllegalArgumentException r2d2){
//System.out.println("Record " +recordNumber+ " has is NULL Shape");
geom = new GeometryCollection(null,null,-1);
}catch(Exception c3p0){
System.out.println("Error processing record (a):" +recordNumber);
geom = new GeometryCollection(null,null,-1);
// System.out.println("processing:" +recordNumber);
catch(EOFException e){
return geom;
public void close()
throws IOException
//ShapeFileDimentions => 2=x,y ; 3=x,y,m ; 4=x,y,z,m
* Returns a string for the shape type of index.
* @param index An int coresponding to the shape type to be described
* @return A string descibing the shape type
public static String getShapeTypeDescription(int index){
case(NULL):return ("Null");
case(POINT):return ("Points");
case(POINTZ):return ("Points Z");
case(POINTM):return ("Points M");
case(ARC):return ("Arcs");
case(ARCM):return ("ArcsM");
case(ARCZ):return ("ArcsM");
case(POLYGON):return ("Polygon");
case(POLYGONM):return ("PolygonM");
case(POLYGONZ):return ("PolygonZ");
case(MULTIPOINT):return ("Multipoint");
case(MULTIPOINTM):return ("MultipointM");
case(MULTIPOINTZ):return ("MultipointZ");
default:return ("Undefined");
public static ShapeHandler getShapeHandler(Geometry geom, int ShapeFileDimentions ) throws Exception
return getShapeHandler(getShapeType(geom,ShapeFileDimentions));
public static ShapeHandler getShapeHandler(int type) throws Exception
case Shapefile.POINT: return new PointHandler();
case Shapefile.POINTZ: return new PointHandler(Shapefile.POINTZ);
case Shapefile.POINTM: return new PointHandler(Shapefile.POINTM);
case Shapefile.POLYGON: return new PolygonHandler();
case Shapefile.POLYGONM: return new PolygonHandler(Shapefile.POLYGONM);
case Shapefile.POLYGONZ: return new PolygonHandler(Shapefile.POLYGONZ);
case Shapefile.ARC: return new MultiLineHandler();
case Shapefile.ARCM: return new MultiLineHandler(Shapefile.ARCM);
case Shapefile.ARCZ: return new MultiLineHandler(Shapefile.ARCZ);
case Shapefile.MULTIPOINT: return new MultiPointHandler();
case Shapefile.MULTIPOINTM: return new MultiPointHandler(Shapefile.MULTIPOINTM);
case Shapefile.MULTIPOINTZ: return new MultiPointHandler(Shapefile.MULTIPOINTZ);
return null;
//ShapeFileDimentions => 2=x,y ; 3=x,y,m ; 4=x,y,z,m
public static int getShapeType(Geometry geom, int coordDimension ) throws ShapefileException
if ( (coordDimension !=2) && (coordDimension !=3) && (coordDimension !=4) )
throw new ShapefileException("invalid ShapeFileDimentions for getShapeType - expected 2,3,or 4 but got "+coordDimension+" (2=x,y ; 3=x,y,m ; 4=x,y,z,m)");
//ShapeFileDimentions = 2;
if(geom instanceof Point)
switch (coordDimension)
case 2: return Shapefile.POINT;
case 3: return Shapefile.POINTM;
case 4: return Shapefile.POINTZ;
if(geom instanceof MultiPoint)
switch (coordDimension)
case 2: return Shapefile.MULTIPOINT;
case 3: return Shapefile.MULTIPOINTM;
case 4: return Shapefile.MULTIPOINTZ;
if ( (geom instanceof Polygon) || (geom instanceof MultiPolygon) )
switch (coordDimension)
case 2: return Shapefile.POLYGON;
case 3: return Shapefile.POLYGONM;
case 4: return Shapefile.POLYGONZ;
if ( (geom instanceof LineString) || (geom instanceof MultiLineString) )
switch (coordDimension)
case 2: return Shapefile.ARC;
case 3: return Shapefile.ARCM;
case 4: return Shapefile.ARCZ;
return Shapefile.UNDEFINED;
public synchronized void readIndex(InputStream is) throws IOException {
EndianDataInputStream file = null;
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(is);
file = new EndianDataInputStream(in);
}catch(Exception e){System.err.println(e);}
ShapefileHeader head = new ShapefileHeader(file);
int pos=0,len=0;