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com.vladsch.boxed.json.BoxedJson Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Mutable JSON classes with easy search and manipulation in Java
package com.vladsch.boxed.json;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.json.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static java.lang.Character.isDigit;
public class BoxedJson {
public static BoxedJsValue boxedOf(JsonValue jsonValue) {
if (jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsValue) return (BoxedJsValue) jsonValue;
if (jsonValue == null) {
return new BoxedJsValueLiteral(JsonValue.NULL);
switch (jsonValue.getValueType()) {
case ARRAY:
return new BoxedJsArrayImpl((JsonArray) jsonValue);
case OBJECT:
return new BoxedJsObjectImpl((JsonObject) jsonValue);
case STRING:
return new BoxedJsStringLiteral((JsonString) jsonValue);
case NUMBER:
return new BoxedJsNumberLiteral((JsonNumber) jsonValue);
case TRUE:
case FALSE:
case NULL:
return new BoxedJsValueLiteral(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsArray boxedOf(final JsonArray jsonValue) {
return jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsArray ? (BoxedJsArray) jsonValue : jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_ARRAY : new BoxedJsArrayImpl(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsObject boxedOf(final JsonObject jsonValue) {
return jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsObject ? (BoxedJsObject) jsonValue : jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_OBJECT : new BoxedJsObjectImpl(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber boxedOf(final JsonNumber jsonValue) {
return jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsNumber ? (BoxedJsNumber) jsonValue : jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_NUMBER : new BoxedJsNumberLiteral(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsString boxedOf(final JsonString jsonValue) {
return jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsString ? (BoxedJsString) jsonValue : new BoxedJsStringLiteral(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsValue boxedOf(final boolean jsonValue) {
return new BoxedJsValueLiteral(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber boxedOf(final int jsonValue) {
return new BoxedJsNumberLiteral(JsNumber.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsNumber boxedOf(final long jsonValue) {
return new BoxedJsNumberLiteral(JsNumber.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsNumber boxedOf(final BigInteger jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_NUMBER : new BoxedJsNumberLiteral(JsNumber.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsNumber boxedOf(final double jsonValue) {
return new BoxedJsNumberLiteral(JsNumber.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsNumber boxedOf(final BigDecimal jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_NUMBER : new BoxedJsNumberLiteral(JsNumber.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsString boxedOf(final String jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_STRING : new BoxedJsStringLiteral(JsString.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsObject boxedFrom(final @NotNull Reader json) {
return boxedOf(Json.createReader(json).readObject());
public static BoxedJsObject boxedFrom(final @NotNull InputStream json) {
return boxedOf(Json.createReader(json).readObject());
public static BoxedJsObject boxedFrom(final @Nullable String json) {
return json == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_OBJECT : boxedFrom(new StringReader(json));
public static BoxedJsObject from(final @NotNull Reader json) {
return boxedOf(MutableJson.from(json));
public static BoxedJsObject from(final @NotNull InputStream json) {
return boxedOf(MutableJson.from(json));
public static BoxedJsObject from(final @Nullable String json) {
return boxedOf(json == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_OBJECT : MutableJson.from(json));
public static BoxedJsValue of(JsonValue jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(MutableJson.of(jsonValue));
public static BoxedJsArray of(JsonArray jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_ARRAY : boxedOf(jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsArray && ((BoxedJsArray) jsonValue).isValid() ? of((JsonArray) ((BoxedJsArray) jsonValue).jsonValue()) : jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsObject of(JsonObject jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_OBJECT : boxedOf(jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsObject && ((BoxedJsObject) jsonValue).isValid() ? of((JsonObject) ((BoxedJsObject) jsonValue).jsonValue()) : jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber of(JsonNumber jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_NUMBER : boxedOf(jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsNumber && ((BoxedJsNumber) jsonValue).isValid() ? of((JsonNumber) ((BoxedJsNumber) jsonValue).jsonValue()) : jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsString of(JsonString jsonValue) {
return jsonValue == null ? BoxedJsObject.HAD_NULL_STRING : boxedOf(jsonValue instanceof BoxedJsString && ((BoxedJsString) jsonValue).isValid() ? of((JsonString) ((BoxedJsString) jsonValue).jsonValue()) : jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsValue of(final boolean jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber of(final int jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber of(final long jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber of(final BigInteger jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber of(final double jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsNumber of(final BigDecimal jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static BoxedJsString of(final String jsonValue) {
return boxedOf(jsonValue);
public static @Nullable Object[] parseEvalPath(final String partPath, final boolean allowEmptyIndex) {
String path = partPath.trim();
if (path.isEmpty()) return null;
ArrayList parts = new ArrayList<>();
int iMax = path.length();
int lastPos = 0;
boolean inArray = false;
char lastC = '\0';
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
char c = path.charAt(i);
if (inArray) {
if (c == ']') {
inArray = false;
if (lastPos < i) {
// have valid index
} else if (allowEmptyIndex) {
// have empty index
} else {
// invalid, no index
return null;
lastPos = i + 1;
} else if (isDigit(c)) {
index = index * 10 + c - '0';
} else {
// invalid index
return null;
} else {
if (c == '.') {
// object key part
if (lastPos < i) {
String part = path.substring(lastPos, i);
} else {
if (lastC == '.' || lastC == '\0') {
// not valid to have a .[ or start with .
return null;
lastPos = i + 1;
} else if (c == '[') {
inArray = true;
index = 0;
if (lastPos < i) {
// had string part before
String part = path.substring(lastPos, i);
} else {
if (lastC == '.') {
// not valid to have a .[ or start with .
return null;
lastPos = i + 1;
} else {
if (c == ']') {
return null;
if (lastC == ']') {
// after ] should have . or [
return null;
if (lastPos >= iMax && c == '.') {
// missing object part, trailing .
return null;
lastC = c;
if (inArray) return null;
if (lastPos < iMax) {
// add last part
parts.add(path.substring(lastPos, iMax));
return parts.toArray();
* Returns the end value of evaluating lookups based on a path of . or [n] separated
* parts. A dot designates an object key lookup, a [n] an array lookup. Returned value is
* either the last looked up element or
* @param path path to evaluate
* @return value at path (check for validity)
public static @NotNull BoxedJsValue eval(BoxedJsValue value, final String path) {
Object[] parts = parseEvalPath(path, false);
if (parts == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path argument");
else if (value.isLiteral())
return asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsLiteral();
BoxedJsValue element = value;
int iMax = parts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
Object part = parts[i];
if (part instanceof String) {
// object lookup
BoxedJsObject jsonObject = element.asJsObject();
if (jsonObject.isInvalidJsonValue()) return jsonObject;
element = jsonObject.get(part);
if (element.isInvalidJsonValue()) break;
} else if (part instanceof Integer) {
// array lookup
BoxedJsArray jsonArray = element.asJsArray();
if (jsonArray.isInvalidJsonValue()) return jsonArray;
element = jsonArray.get((Integer) part);
if (element.isInvalidJsonValue()) break;
} else {
// not valid index, should not happen
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected condition");
return element;
* Set the end of the path to given value
* If a part along the path is missing it will be set to the corresponding path part: object or array.
* new array will only be created for a missing part if its index is 0.
* for example: '{ "name": "abc", "arr": [1,2,3] }', .evalSet("arr[4]", true) will result in
* '{ "name": "abc", "arr": [1,2,3,true] }', you can also specify an empty index to mean one beyond the end,
* ie. previous is the same as .evalSet("arr[]", true) or you can use convenience function
* evalSetTrue("arr[]") for even less code
* '{ "name": "abc", "arr": [1,2,3] }'.evalSet("result.value.set[]", JsonValue.NULL) will result in
* '{ "name": "abc", "arr": [1,2,3], "result" : { "value": { "set":[ null ] } } }'
* @param path p
* @param jsonValue value to set
* @return result of setting the final part, array returns value, object returns value for new parts, or old value at part.
* If result.isValid() is false then no changes were made because of errors
public static @NotNull BoxedJsValue evalSet(BoxedJsValue jsValue, final String path, JsonValue jsonValue) {
Object[] parts = parseEvalPath(path, true);
if (parts == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path argument");
else if (jsValue.isLiteral())
return asHadNullOrInvalidType(jsValue).asJsLiteral();
BoxedJsValue element = jsValue;
int iMax = parts.length;
// new values, only to be added if successful
PostponedJsChanges postponedJsChanges = new PostponedJsChanges();
for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
Object part = parts[i];
BoxedJsObject jsObject = element.asJsObject();
BoxedJsArray jsArray = element.asJsArray();
if (part instanceof String) {
// object lookup
if (jsObject.isInvalidJsonValue()) return jsObject;
if (i + 1 == iMax) {
// last one, set it
jsObject.put((String) part, jsonValue);
return jsValue;
} else {
element = jsObject.get(part);
} else if (part instanceof Integer) {
// array lookup
if (jsArray.isInvalidJsonValue()) return jsArray;
if ((int) part == -1) part = jsArray.size();
int index = (Integer) part;
if (i + 1 == iMax) {
// last one, set it
if (index >= 0 && index <= jsArray.size()) {
if (index < jsArray.size()) {
// set
jsArray.set(index, jsonValue);
return jsValue;
} else {
// add, return value
return jsValue;
// invalid index, ie. Missing
return BoxedJsValue.BoxedValueType.HAD_MISSING.asJsOfType(jsValue);
} else {
element = jsArray.get(index);
} else {
// not valid index, should not happen
return asHadNullOrInvalidType(element).asJsOfType(jsValue);
// here we may have to add it
if (element.hadMissing()) {
// set it to a new object or a new array depending on the next part
final Object nextPart = parts[i + 1];
if (nextPart instanceof Integer) {
if ((Integer) nextPart == 0 || (Integer) nextPart == -1) {
// valid index for a new array
element = boxedOf(new MutableJsArray(1));
} else {
} else if (nextPart instanceof String) {
// an object
element = boxedOf(new MutableJsObject(1));
} else {
// not valid index, should not happen
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected condition");
if (part instanceof String) {
//jsonObject.put((String) part, element);
postponedJsChanges.add(new PostponedJsChanges.SetParams(jsObject, part, element));
} else {
postponedJsChanges.add(new PostponedJsChanges.SetParams(jsArray, part, element));
if (element.isInvalidJsonValue()) break;
if (element.isInvalidJsonValue()) return element.getBoxedValueType().asJsOfType(jsonValue);
return jsValue;
public static boolean isBoxed(JsonValue value) { return value instanceof BoxedJsValue; }
public static boolean isBoxedValid(JsonValue value) { return isBoxed(value) && ((BoxedJsValue) value).isValid(); }
public static boolean isBoxedInvalid(JsonValue value) { return isBoxed(value) && !((BoxedJsValue) value).isValid(); }
public static boolean isArray(JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.ARRAY; }
public static boolean isObject(final JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT; }
public static boolean isString(final JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.STRING; }
public static boolean isNumber(final JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.NUMBER; }
public static boolean isNull(final JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.NULL; }
public static boolean isTrue(final JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.TRUE; }
public static boolean isFalse(final JsonValue value) { return value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.FALSE; }
public static boolean isBoolean(final JsonValue value) { return isTrue(value) || isFalse(value); }
public static boolean isLiteral(final JsonValue value) { return !isArray(value) && !isObject(value); }
public static BoxedJsValue.BoxedValueType asHadNullOrInvalidType(JsonValue value) {
return isBoxedInvalid(value) ? ((BoxedJsValue) value).getBoxedValueType() : isNull(value) ? BoxedJsValue.BoxedValueType.HAD_NULL : BoxedJsValue.BoxedValueType.HAD_INVALID;
public static BoxedJsValue asJsLiteral(JsonValue value) { return isLiteral(value) ? boxedOf(value) : asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsLiteral(); }
public static BoxedJsArray asJsArray(JsonValue value) { return isArray(value) ? boxedOf((JsonArray) value) : asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsArray(); }
public static BoxedJsObject asJsObject(JsonValue value) { return isObject(value) ? boxedOf((JsonObject) value) : asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsObject(); }
public static BoxedJsString asJsString(JsonValue value) { return isString(value) ? boxedOf((JsonString) value) : asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsString(); }
public static BoxedJsNumber asJsNumber(JsonValue value) { return isNumber(value) ? boxedOf((JsonNumber) value) : asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsNumber(); }
public static BoxedJsValue asJsBoolean(JsonValue value) { return isBoolean(value) ? boxedOf(value) : asHadNullOrInvalidType(value).asJsLiteral(); }
public static BoxedJsValue asJsNull(JsonValue value) { return isNull(value) ? boxedOf(value) : BoxedJsValue.HAD_INVALID_LITERAL; }
public static BoxedJsObject of() {
return BoxedJson.of(MutableJson.of());