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com.vladsch.kotlin.jdbc.Migrations.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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A thin library that exposes JDBC API with the convenience of Kotlin and gets out of the way when not needed.

The newest version!
package com.vladsch.kotlin.jdbc

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.sql.SQLException
import kotlin.system.exitProcess

class Migrations(val sessions: Map, val migrationSessions: Map, val dbEntityExtractor: DbEntityExtractor, val resourceClass: Class<*>) {
    constructor(session: Session, migrationSession: Session, dbEntityExtractor: DbEntityExtractor, resourceClass: Class<*>)
        : this(mapOf(DEFAULT_PROFILE to session), mapOf(DEFAULT_PROFILE to migrationSession), dbEntityExtractor, resourceClass)

    companion object {
        private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(!!
        val MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME = DbEntity.TABLE.addSuffix("migrations")
        val CLEAN_COMMENT = "(?<=^|\n)#".toRegex()
        val DEFAULT_PROFILE = "default"
        val MIGRATIONS_TABLE = "migrations"

    var quiet = false
    var verbose = false
    var detailed = false
    var dbProfile: String? = null
    var migration: MigrationSession? = null

    fun getVersions(): List {
        return getResourceFiles(resourceClass, "/db/$dbProfile").filter { it.matches(DbVersion.regex) }.map { it.toUpperCase() }.sortedWith(Comparator(String::versionCompare))

    fun getDbProfiles(): List {
        return sessions.keys.toList()
        //        val dbFiles = getResourceFiles(resourceClass, "/db")
        //        val dbProfiles = dbFiles.filter { it != "templates"}
        //        return dbProfiles.filter { sessions.containsKey(it) }

    fun getPreviousVersion(version: String): String? {
        val versions = getVersions()
        var lastVersion: String? = null
        for (availVersion in versions) {
            val versionCompare = version.versionCompare(availVersion)
            if (versionCompare <= 0) break
            lastVersion = availVersion
        return lastVersion

    fun getLatestVersion(): String {
        val versions = getVersions()
        return if (versions.isEmpty()) "V0_0_0" else versions.last()

    val session: Session get() = sessions[dbProfile] ?: sessions[DEFAULT_PROFILE]!!
    val migrationSession: Session get() = migrationSessions[dbProfile] ?: sessions[DEFAULT_PROFILE]!!

    private fun doForEachEntity(entity: DbEntity, tablesDir: File, entities: List, consumer: (tableFile: File, tableScript: String) -> Unit) {
        val entityFixer = dbEntityExtractor.entityScriptFixer(entity, session)
        for (entityName in entities) {
            val entityFile = entity.getEntityFile(tablesDir, entityName)
            val entitySql = sqlQuery(dbEntityExtractor.getShowEntitySql(entity, entityName))
            val entityCreate = session.first(entitySql) {

            if (entityCreate != null) {
                // remove auto increment start value
                val fixedCaseSql = entityFixer.cleanScript(entityCreate)
                consumer.invoke(entityFile, fixedCaseSql)

    fun forEachEntity(entity: DbEntity, dbDir: File, dbVersion: String, consumer: (tableFile: File, tableScript: String) -> Unit) {
        val tablesDir = entity.getEntityDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion, true)
        val tables = dbEntityExtractor.getDbEntities(entity, session)
        doForEachEntity(DbEntity.TABLE, tablesDir, tables, consumer)

    fun forEachEntity(entity: DbEntity, dbVersion: String, consumer: (tableFile: File, tableScript: String) -> Unit) {
        val tablesDir = entity.getEntityResourceDirectory(dbProfile!!, dbVersion)
        val tables = dbEntityExtractor.getDbEntities(entity, session)
        doForEachEntity(DbEntity.TABLE, tablesDir, tables, consumer)

    fun forEachEntityFile(dbDir: File, dbVersion: String, consumer: (tableFile: File) -> Unit, entity: DbEntity) {
        val tablesDir = entity.getEntityDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion, true)
        val tableFiles = entity.getEntityFiles(tablesDir)

        // delete all existing table sql files
        tableFiles.forEach {
            val file = File(it)

    fun forEachEntityResourceFile(entity: DbEntity, dbVersion: String, consumer: (tableFile: File) -> Unit) {
        val tablesDir = entity.getEntityResourceDirectory(dbProfile!!, dbVersion)
        val tableFiles = entity.getEntityResourceFiles(resourceClass, dbProfile!!, dbVersion)

        // delete all existing table sql files
        tableFiles.forEach {
            val file = tablesDir + it

    fun dumpTables(dbDir: File, dbVersion: String) {
        forEachEntityFile(dbDir, dbVersion, { tableFile ->
        }, DbEntity.TABLE)

        forEachEntity(DbEntity.TABLE, dbDir, dbVersion) { tableFile, tableScript ->
            if ( != MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME) {
                val tableWriter = FileWriter(tableFile)

    fun doesResourceExist(resourcePath: String): Boolean {
        return getResourceAsStream(resourceClass, resourcePath) != null

    fun equalWithOutOfOrderLines(text1: String, text2: String): Boolean {
        val textLines1 = text1.trim().split('\n').filter { !it.isBlank() }.map { it.trim().removeSuffix(",").trim() }
        val textLines2 = text2.trim().split('\n').filter { !it.isBlank() }.map { it.trim().removeSuffix(",").trim() }
        if (textLines1.size == textLines2.size) {
            val textLinesMap = HashMap()
            textLines2.forEach {
                textLinesMap[it] = (textLinesMap[it] ?: 0) + 1

            for (line in textLines1) {
                if (!textLinesMap.containsKey(line)) return false
                val count = textLinesMap[line]!! - 1

                if (count <= 0) textLinesMap.remove(line)
                else textLinesMap[line] = count

            if (textLinesMap.isEmpty()) return true
        return false

    fun logTableDetails(tableName: String, errorAppendable: Appendable?, resourceScript: String?, databaseScript: String?) {
        if (detailed) {
            val out = StringBuilder()

            if (resourceScript != null) {
                out.append("\n------------------------------------------ RESOURCE ------------------------------------------\n$resourceScript\n")
            if (databaseScript != null) {
                out.append("\n------------------------------------------ DATABASE ------------------------------------------\n$databaseScript\n")

            if (resourceScript != null || databaseScript != null) {


    fun validateTableResourceFiles(dbVersion: String, errorAppendable: Appendable? = null): Boolean {
        val tableSet = HashSet()
        var validationPassed = true
        val entity = DbEntity.TABLE

        // validate that all table resources are valid
        forEachEntityResourceFile(entity, dbVersion) { tableFile ->
            if ( != MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME) {
                val tableSql = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, tableFile.path)
                val tableName = entity.extractEntityName(dbEntityExtractor, tableSql)
                if (tableName == null) {
                    val s = "Invalid SQL ${entity.displayName} file ${tableFile.path}, cannot find ${entity.displayName} name"
                    logTableDetails(entity.displayName, errorAppendable, tableSql, null)
                    validationPassed = false
                } else if (tableName + entity.fileSuffix != {
                    val s = "File ${tableFile.path} for ${entity.displayName} $tableName should be named $tableName${entity.fileSuffix}"
                    logTableDetails(entity.displayName, errorAppendable, tableSql, null)
                    validationPassed = false

        forEachEntity(entity, dbVersion) { tableFile, tableScript ->
            if ( != MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME) {

                if (doesResourceExist(tableFile.path)) {
                    val tableSql = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, tableFile.path)
                    val tableName = entity.extractEntityName(dbEntityExtractor, tableSql)
                    if (tableName == null) {
                        val s = "Invalid SQL ${entity.displayName} file ${tableFile.path}, cannot find ${entity.displayName} name"
                        logTableDetails(entity.displayName, errorAppendable, tableSql, null)
                        validationPassed = false
                    } else if (tableName + entity.fileSuffix != {
                        val s = "File ${tableFile.path} for ${entity.displayName} $tableName should be named $tableName${entity.fileSuffix}"
                        logTableDetails(entity.displayName, errorAppendable, tableSql, null)
                        validationPassed = false
                    } else {
                        if (tableSql.trim() != tableScript.trim()) {
                            // see if rearranging lines will make them equal
                            if (!equalWithOutOfOrderLines(tableSql, tableScript)) {
                                val s = "Table validation failed for ${tableFile.path}, database and resource differ"
                                if (validationPassed) {
                                    //                                    val tmp = 0
                                if (verbose) LOG.error(s)
                                if (errorAppendable != null) {
                                    if (!verbose) LOG.error(s)
                                logTableDetails(entity.displayName, errorAppendable, tableSql, tableScript)
                                validationPassed = false
                } else {
                    val s = "Table validation failed for ${tableFile.path}, resource is missing"
                    if (verbose) LOG.error(s)
                    if (errorAppendable != null) {
                        if (!verbose) LOG.error(s)
                    logTableDetails(entity.displayName, errorAppendable, null, tableScript)
                    validationPassed = false

        if (validationPassed) {
            forEachEntityResourceFile(DbEntity.TABLE, dbVersion) { tableFile ->
                if ( != MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME) {
                    if (!tableSet.contains(tableFile.path)) {
                        val s = "Table validation failed for ${tableFile.path}, no database table for resource"
                        if (verbose) LOG.error(s)
                        if (errorAppendable != null) {
                            if (!verbose) LOG.error(s)
                        validationPassed = false

        return validationPassed

     * Create all tables which exist in tables snapshot but not in the database
     * Creating new tables does not use migrations and uses snapshot instead
     * @param migration migration session
    fun createTables(migration: MigrationSession) {
        val entity = DbEntity.TABLE

        // may need to create table directory
        val tables = dbEntityExtractor.getDbEntities(entity, session)
        val tableSet = { it.toLowerCase() }.toSet()
        val entities = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, migration.migrations.dbProfile!!, migration.version)

        runEntitiesSql(migration, entities, "Creating table", null) { tableSet.contains(it.toLowerCase()) }

    private fun runEntitiesSql(migration: MigrationSession, entities: Map, opType: String, dropEntityIfExists: String? = null, excludeFilter: ((String) -> Boolean)? = null) {
        for ((entityName, entityEntry) in entities) {
            if (excludeFilter == null || !excludeFilter.invoke(entityName)) {
                val entityRealName = entityEntry.entityName
                val entityFile = entityEntry.entityResourcePath
                val entitySqlContents = entityEntry.entitySql

                val query = sqlQuery(entitySqlContents)
      "$opType $entityRealName from $entityFile")
                migration.invokeWith { session ->
                    migration.insertMigrationAfter(entityFile, entitySqlContents) {
                        if (dropEntityIfExists != null) {
                            session.execute(sqlQuery(dbEntityExtractor.getDropEntitySql(dropEntityIfExists, entityRealName)))

    fun updateEntities(entity: DbEntity, migration: MigrationSession, excludeFilter: ((String) -> Boolean)? = null) {
        // may need to create table directory
        val entities = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, migration.migrations.dbProfile!!, migration.version)
        runEntitiesSql(migration, entities, "Update ${entity.displayName}", if (entity == DbEntity.TABLE) null else entity.dbEntity, excludeFilter)

        // delete all which do not exist in files
        val dbEntities = dbEntityExtractor.getDbEntities(entity, session)
        dbEntities.forEach { dbEntityName ->
            if (!entities.containsKey(dbEntityName.toLowerCase())) {
                val dropEntitySql = dbEntityExtractor.getDropEntitySql(entity, dbEntityName)
      "Dropping ${entity.displayName} $dbEntityName")

    fun copyEntities(entity: DbEntity, sourceVersionDir: File, destinationVersionDir: File, deleteDestinationFiles: Boolean, excludeFilter: ((String) -> Boolean)? = null) {
        // may need to create table directory
        if (deleteDestinationFiles) {
            val destEntities = entity.getEntityFiles(destinationVersionDir + entity.dbEntityDirectory)
            destEntities.forEach {
                if (excludeFilter == null || !excludeFilter.invoke(it)) {
                    val fileName = File(it).name
                    val destinationFile = (destinationVersionDir + entity.dbEntityDirectory) + fileName

        val entities = entity.getEntityFiles(sourceVersionDir + entity.dbEntityDirectory)
        entities.forEach {
            if (excludeFilter == null || !excludeFilter.invoke(it)) {
                val fileName = File(it).name
                val sourceFile = (sourceVersionDir + entity.dbEntityDirectory) + fileName
                val destinationFile = (destinationVersionDir + entity.dbEntityDirectory) + fileName

     * Take the latest actual fully applied migration or rollback version, failing that take version with latest steps
    fun getCurrentVersion(): String? {
        return migrationSession.first(sqlQuery("""
SELECT version FROM migrations
WHERE rolled_back_id IS NULL AND last_problem IS NULL AND script_name IN ('', '')
ORDER BY migration_id DESC
""")) { row ->
        } ?: migrationSession.first(sqlQuery("""
SELECT version FROM migrations
WHERE rolled_back_id IS NULL AND last_problem IS NULL AND migration_type IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY migration_id DESC
""")) { row ->

    fun initMigrations(dbVersion: String? = null): MigrationSession {
        val entity = DbEntity.TABLE

        var migration: MigrationSession
        val entityFixer = dbEntityExtractor.entityScriptFixer(DbEntity.TABLE, session)
        val entitySql = sqlQuery(dbEntityExtractor.getShowEntitySql(DbEntity.TABLE, MIGRATIONS_TABLE))
        val entityCreate = try {
            session.first(entitySql) {
        } catch (e: Exception) {

        if (entityCreate == null) {
            var latestMatchedVersion: String? = null

            if (dbVersion == null) {
                val versionList = getVersions()

                versionList.forEach { it ->
                    if (validateTableResourceFiles(it, null)) {
                        latestMatchedVersion = it

                if (latestMatchedVersion != null) {
          "Matched version $latestMatchedVersion based on table schema")
                } else {
          "No version matched based on table schema, setting version to V0_0_0")

            val useDbVersion = dbVersion ?: "V0_0_0"

            val dbTableResourceDir = entity.getEntityResourceDirectory(dbProfile!!, useDbVersion)
            val tableEntities = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, useDbVersion)

            // create the table
            val scriptName: String
            val scriptSql: String
            migration = MigrationSession(1, useDbVersion, this)

            if (tableEntities.contains(MIGRATIONS_TABLE)) {
                // run the file found for the version
                val tableEntry = tableEntities[MIGRATIONS_TABLE]!!

      "Creating migrations table from ${dbTableResourceDir.path}/${tableEntry.entityResourcePath}")
                scriptName = tableEntry.entityResourcePath
                scriptSql = tableEntry.entitySql
            } else {
                scriptSql = migration.createTableSql
                scriptName = ""

            // create migration table
            migration.insertMigrationAfter(scriptName, scriptSql) {

            // switch to latest if none given
            migration = migration.withVersion(latestMatchedVersion ?: dbVersion ?: getLatestVersion())

            if (latestMatchedVersion != null || dbVersion != null) {
                // insert  line so the rest know what version it is
                migration.insertUpMigrationAfter("", "") {}
        } else {
            val sqlQuery = sqlQuery("SELECT MAX(batch_id) FROM migrations")
            val batchId = session.first(sqlQuery) {
            } ?: 0
            migration = MigrationSession(batchId + 1, dbVersion ?: getCurrentVersion() ?: getLatestVersion(), this)

        return migration

    fun migrate(migration: MigrationSession) {
        // here need to apply up migrations from current version to given version or latest in version sorted order
        val entity = DbEntity.MIGRATION
        val currentVersion = getCurrentVersion() ?: "V0_0_0"

        val versionCompare = currentVersion.versionCompare(migration.version)
        if (versionCompare > 0) {
  "Migrate: requested version ${migration.version} is less than current version $currentVersion, use rollback instead")
        } else if (versionCompare <= 0) {
            // need to run all up migrations from current version which have not been run
            val migrations = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, currentVersion).values.toList().sortedWith(DbEntity.MIGRATIONS_COMPARATOR)

            if (!migrations.isEmpty()) {
                val appliedMigrations = migration.getVersionBatchesNameMap()

                migrations.forEach { entityScript ->
                    val migrationScriptPath = entityScript.entityResourcePath
                    val currentMigration = migration.withVersion(currentVersion)

                    if (!appliedMigrations.containsKey(entityScript.entityResourcePath)) {
                        // apply the migration
                        val sqlScript = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, entityScript.entityResourcePath)
                        currentMigration.insertUpMigrationAfter(entityScript.entityResourcePath, sqlScript) {
                  "Migrate ${entityScript.entityResourcePath}")
                            runBatchScript(entity, currentMigration, migrationScriptPath, appliedMigrations, sqlScript, entityScript)
            } else {
                LOG.debug("Migrate: no migrations in current version $currentVersion")

            if (versionCompare < 0) {
                // need to run all migrations from later versions up to requested version
                val versionList = getVersions()
                    .filter { it.versionCompare(currentVersion) > 0 && (it.versionCompare(migration.version) <= 0) }

                versionList.forEach { version ->
                    val versionMigrations = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, version)

                    val versionMigration = migration.withVersion(version)

                    if (!versionMigrations.isEmpty()) {
                        versionMigrations.forEach { entityScript ->
                            // apply the migration
                            val appliedMigrations = versionMigration.getVersionBatchesNameMap()
                            val sqlScript = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, entityScript.entityResourcePath)
                            versionMigration.insertUpMigrationAfter(entityScript.entityResourcePath, sqlScript) {
                      "Migrate ${entityScript.entityResourcePath}")
                                runBatchScript(entity, versionMigration, entityScript.entityResourcePath, appliedMigrations, sqlScript, entityScript)
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("Migrate: no up migrations in version $version")

        // run all updates from requested version
        updateEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, migration)

        // validate that current db tables and their definition matches the table list
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        validateTableResourceFiles(migration.version, sb)
        if (!sb.isEmpty()) {
            // insert migration line
            migration.insertMigrationAfter("", sb.toString()) {}

        updateEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, migration)
        updateEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, migration)
        updateEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, migration)

        migration.insertMigrationAfter("", "") {}

    private fun runBatchScript(
        opType: DbEntity,
        migration: MigrationSession,
        migrationScriptPath: String,
        appliedMigrations: Map?,
        sqlScript: String,
        entityData: DbEntity.EntityData
    ) {
        val sqlParts = sqlScript.replace(";\n", "\n;").split(';')
        var line = 1
        var index = 0
        sqlParts.forEach { sql ->
            if (!sql.isBlank()) {
                val partLines = sql.count { it == '\n' }
                val startLine = line
                line += partLines
                val migrationPartName = "$migrationScriptPath[$index:$startLine-${line - 1}]"
                val query = sqlQuery(sql)
                if (opType == DbEntity.MIGRATION) {
                    if (appliedMigrations == null || !appliedMigrations.containsKey(migrationPartName)) {
                        migration.insertUpMigrationAfter(migrationPartName, sql) {
                  "Migrate ${entityData.entityResourcePath} part [$index:$startLine-${line - 1}]")
                            try {
                            } catch (e: SQLException) {
                                LOG.error("SQLException: ${e.message} on SQL:\n$sql\n")
                                throw e
                } else {
                    if (appliedMigrations == null || appliedMigrations.containsKey(migrationPartName)) {
                        migration.insertDownMigrationAfter(migrationPartName, sql) {
                  "Rollback ${entityData.entityResourcePath} part [$index:$startLine-${line - 1}]")
            } else {
                val partLines = sql.count { it == '\n' }
                line += partLines

    fun rollback(migration: MigrationSession) {
        // here need to apply down migrations from current version to given version or if none given then rollback the last batch which was not rolled back
        val entity = DbEntity.ROLLBACK
        val currentVersion = getCurrentVersion()
        if (currentVersion == null) {
            // no current version nothing to rollback
  "Rollback: nothing to rollback")
        } else {
            val versionCompare = currentVersion.versionCompare(migration.version)
            if (versionCompare < 0) {
      "Rollback: requested version ${migration.version} is greater than current version $currentVersion, use migrate instead")
            } else if (versionCompare >= 0) {
                // need to run all down migrations from current version for all up migrations that were run
                val migrations = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, currentVersion)

                val appliedMigrations = migration.getVersionBatchesNameMap()

                if (!migrations.isEmpty()) {
                    migrations.forEach { entityScript ->
                        val migrationScriptPath = DbEntity.MIGRATION.addSuffix(DbEntity.ROLLBACK.removeSuffix(entityScript.entityResourcePath))
                        val currentMigration = migration.withVersion(currentVersion)

                        if (appliedMigrations.containsKey(migrationScriptPath)) {
                            // apply the down migration
                            val sqlScript = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, entityScript.entityResourcePath)
                            currentMigration.insertDownMigrationAfter(entityScript.entityResourcePath, sqlScript) {
                      "Rollback ${entityScript.entityResourcePath}")
                                runBatchScript(entity, currentMigration, entityScript.entityResourcePath, null, sqlScript, entityScript)
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Rollback: no down migrations in current version $currentVersion")

                if (versionCompare > 0) {
                    // need to run all migrations from earlier versions down up to but not including requested version
                    val versionList = getVersions()
                        .filter { it.versionCompare(currentVersion) < 0 && it.versionCompare(migration.version) > 0 }

                    versionList.forEach { version ->
                        val versionMigrations = entity.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, version)

                        val versionMigration = migration.withVersion(version)

                        if (!versionMigrations.isEmpty()) {
                            versionMigrations.forEach { entityScript ->
                                // apply the migration
                                val migrationScriptPath = entityScript.entityResourcePath
                                val sqlScript = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, entityScript.entityResourcePath)
                                versionMigration.insertDownMigrationAfter(entityScript.entityResourcePath, sqlScript) {
                          "Rollback ${entityScript.entityResourcePath}")
                                    runBatchScript(entity, versionMigration, migrationScriptPath, null, sqlScript, entityScript)
                        } else {
                            LOG.debug("Rollback: no down migrations in version $version")

            if (versionCompare == 0) {
                val prevVersion = getPreviousVersion(migration.version)
                if (prevVersion != null) {
                    val prevMigration = migration.withVersion(prevVersion)

                    updateEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, prevMigration)

                    // validate that current db tables and their definition matches the table list
                    val sb = StringBuilder()
                    validateTableResourceFiles(prevVersion, sb)
                    if (!sb.isEmpty()) {
                        // insert migration line
", sb.toString()) {} } updateEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, prevMigration) updateEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, prevMigration) updateEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, prevMigration) prevMigration.insertMigrationAfter("", "") {} } else { // no previous version to roll back to for table or proc info LOG.debug("Rollback: rolled back to start of history at pre-migrations for ${migration.version}") migration.insertMigrationAfter("", "# start of history") {} } } else { updateEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, migration) // validate that current db tables and their definition matches the table list val sb = StringBuilder() validateTableResourceFiles(migration.version, sb) if (!sb.isEmpty()) { // insert migration line migration.insertMigrationAfter("
", sb.toString()) {} } updateEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, migration) updateEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, migration) updateEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, migration) migration.insertMigrationAfter("", "") {} } } } fun updateSchema(dbDir: File, dbVersion: String) { dbDir.ensureExistingDirectory("dbDir") val versionDir = getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion, false) val dbProfileDir = dbDir + dbProfile!! dbProfileDir.ensureExistingDirectory("db/$dbProfile") val schemaDir = dbProfileDir + "schema" schemaDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema") val versionFile = schemaDir + "version.txt" versionFile.writeText("""# Version: ${dbVersion}""".trimIndent()) val functionsDir = schemaDir + DbEntity.FUNCTION.dbEntityDirectory //val migrationsDir = schemaDir + DbEntity.MIGRATION.dbEntityDirectory val proceduresDir = schemaDir + DbEntity.PROCEDURE.dbEntityDirectory val tablesDir = schemaDir + DbEntity.TABLE.dbEntityDirectory val triggerDir = schemaDir + DbEntity.TRIGGER.dbEntityDirectory val viewsDir = schemaDir + DbEntity.VIEW.dbEntityDirectory functionsDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema/" + DbEntity.FUNCTION.dbEntityDirectory) // migrationsDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema/" + DbEntity.MIGRATION.dbEntityDirectory) proceduresDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema/" + DbEntity.PROCEDURE.dbEntityDirectory) tablesDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema/" + DbEntity.TABLE.dbEntityDirectory) triggerDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema/" + DbEntity.TRIGGER.dbEntityDirectory) viewsDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/schema/" + DbEntity.VIEW.dbEntityDirectory) // copy all entities from given version except migrations to snapshot dir copyEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, versionDir, schemaDir, true) //copyEntities(DbEntity.MIGRATION, versionDir, snapshotDir) //copyEntities(DbEntity.ROLLBACK, versionDir, snapshotDir) copyEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, versionDir, schemaDir, true) copyEntities(DbEntity.TABLE, versionDir, schemaDir, true) { it.toLowerCase() == MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME } copyEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, versionDir, schemaDir, true) copyEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, versionDir, schemaDir, true) } fun newVersion(dbDir: File, dbVersion: String) { val versionDir = getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion, null) if (versionDir.exists()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Version directory '${versionDir.path}' must not exist") } if (!versionDir.mkdirs()) { throw IllegalStateException("Version directory '${versionDir.path}' could not be created") } val functionsDir = versionDir + DbEntity.FUNCTION.dbEntityDirectory val migrationsDir = versionDir + DbEntity.MIGRATION.dbEntityDirectory val proceduresDir = versionDir + DbEntity.PROCEDURE.dbEntityDirectory val tablesDir = versionDir + DbEntity.TABLE.dbEntityDirectory val triggerDir = versionDir + DbEntity.TRIGGER.dbEntityDirectory val viewsDir = versionDir + DbEntity.VIEW.dbEntityDirectory functionsDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/" + DbEntity.FUNCTION.dbEntityDirectory) migrationsDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/" + DbEntity.MIGRATION.dbEntityDirectory) proceduresDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/" + DbEntity.PROCEDURE.dbEntityDirectory) tablesDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/" + DbEntity.TABLE.dbEntityDirectory) triggerDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/" + DbEntity.TRIGGER.dbEntityDirectory) viewsDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/" + DbEntity.VIEW.dbEntityDirectory) // copy all entities from previous version except migrations val previousVersion = getPreviousVersion(dbVersion) if (previousVersion != null) { copyEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir, true) // copyEntities(DbEntity.MIGRATION, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir) // copyEntities(DbEntity.ROLLBACK, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir) copyEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir, true) copyEntities(DbEntity.TABLE, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir, true) { it.toLowerCase() == MIGRATIONS_FILE_NAME } copyEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir, true) copyEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, previousVersion, true), versionDir, true) // copy additional files from the templates directory copyExtraTemplateFiles(dbDir, dbVersion) } } fun copyExtraTemplateFiles(dbDir: File, dbVersion: String) { val versionDir = getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion, false) val extraResourceFiles = getExtraSampleFiles(resourceClass) extraResourceFiles.forEach { val resourcePath = File(it) val resourceName = if (!DbEntity.isEntityDirectory(resourceName)) { val entityFile = versionDir + resourceName val entitySample = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, it) entityFile.writeText(entitySample.replace("__VERSION__".toRegex(), dbVersion.replace('_', '.'))) } } } fun newEntityFile(entity: DbEntity, dbDir: File, dbVersion: String, entityName: String): Pair { val versionDir = getVersionDirectory(dbDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion, false) val entityDir = versionDir + entity.dbEntityDirectory entityDir.ensureCreateDirectory("db/$dbProfile/$dbVersion/${entity.dbEntityDirectory}") if (entity == DbEntity.MIGRATION || entity == DbEntity.ROLLBACK) { var lastMigration = 0 entity.getEntityFiles(entityDir).forEach { val (num, _) = File(it).name.extractLeadingDigits() if (num != null && num > lastMigration) { lastMigration = num } } entity.getEntityFiles(entityDir).forEach { val (num, _) = File(it).name.extractLeadingDigits() if (num != null && num > lastMigration) { lastMigration = num } } lastMigration++ val migrationFile = entityDir + "$lastMigration.$entityName${DbEntity.MIGRATION.fileSuffix}" val rollbackFile = entityDir + "$lastMigration.$entityName${DbEntity.ROLLBACK.fileSuffix}" val migrationSample = DbEntity.MIGRATION.getEntitySample(dbDir, resourceClass) val rollbackSample = DbEntity.ROLLBACK.getEntitySample(dbDir, resourceClass) migrationFile.writeText(migrationSample.replace("__VERSION__".toRegex(), dbVersion).replace("__TITLE__".toRegex(), entityName)) rollbackFile.writeText(rollbackSample.replace("__VERSION__".toRegex(), dbVersion).replace("__TITLE__".toRegex(), entityName)) return Pair(migrationFile, rollbackFile) } else { val entityFile = entityDir + "$entityName${entity.fileSuffix}" val entitySample = entity.getEntitySample(dbDir, resourceClass) entityFile.writeText(entitySample.replace("__VERSION__".toRegex(), dbVersion).replace("__NAME__".toRegex(), entityName)) return Pair(entityFile, entityFile) } } fun newEvolution(evolutionsDir: File, dbProfile: String, dbVersion: String) { evolutionsDir.ensureExistingDirectory("evolutions path") val evolutionsProfileDir = evolutionsDir + dbProfile evolutionsDir.ensureExistingDirectory("evolutions path/dbProfile")"Generated new play evolution in ${evolutionsProfileDir.path}") val sb = StringBuilder() val versionMigrations = DbEntity.MIGRATION.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, dbVersion) .values val versionRollbacks = DbEntity.ROLLBACK.getEntityResourceScripts(resourceClass, dbEntityExtractor, dbProfile!!, dbVersion) .values val migrationsMap = { it -> it.entityResourceName.replace("up.sql$".toRegex(), "") to it }.toMap() val rollbacksMap = { it -> it.entityResourceName.replace("down.sql$".toRegex(), "") to it }.toMap() val entityNames = HashSet() entityNames.addAll(migrationsMap.keys) entityNames.addAll(rollbacksMap.keys) val entityNameList = entityNames.toList() .sortedWith(DbEntity.MIGRATIONS_NAME_COMPARATOR) entityNameList.forEach { entityName -> migrationsMap[entityName]?.let { it -> appendEntityScript(sb, it, "# --- !Ups") } rollbacksMap[entityName]?.let { it -> appendEntityScript(sb, it, "# --- !Downs") } } if (!sb.isEmpty()) { var lastMigration = 0 evolutionsProfileDir.list { _, name -> val (num, ext) = name.extractLeadingDigits() if (num != null && ext == ".sql" && num > lastMigration) { lastMigration = num } false } lastMigration++ val evolutionFile = evolutionsProfileDir + "$lastMigration.sql" evolutionFile.writeText(sb.toString())"Generated new play evolution $lastMigration.sql in ${evolutionsDir.path}") } else {"No migrations in $dbVersion for generating play evolution") } } private fun appendEntityScript(sb: StringBuilder, it: DbEntity.EntityData, commentPrefix: String): StringBuilder { sb.appendln(commentPrefix) val sqlScript = getResourceAsString(resourceClass, it.entityResourcePath)"Adding to !Ups ${it.entityResourcePath}") sb.append("-- ").appendln(it.entityResourcePath) return sb.appendln(sqlScript.replace(CLEAN_COMMENT, "-- ")) } fun importEvolutions(evolutionsDir: File, dbVersion: String, minEvolution: Int, maxEvolution: Int?, dbPath: File) { evolutionsDir.ensureExistingDirectory("evolutions path")"Import play evolutions in ${evolutionsDir.path}, from [$minEvolution, ${maxEvolution ?: ""}]") val files = ArrayList() val useMaxEvolution = maxEvolution ?: Int.MAX_VALUE evolutionsDir.listFiles().forEach { if (it.isFile && it.canRead()) { val evolutionNumber = it.nameWithoutExtension.toIntOrNull() if (evolutionNumber != null) { if (evolutionNumber in minEvolution .. useMaxEvolution) {"Adding evolution file $it") files.add(it) } } } } files.sortBy { it.nameWithoutExtension.toInt() } files.forEach { file -> val lines = getFileContent(file).split("\n") // find the "# --- !Ups" and "# --- !Downs" val commonPrefix = StringBuilder() val ups = StringBuilder() val downs = StringBuilder() var sawUps = false var sawDowns = false var part = 1 lines.forEach { line -> // SQL comment // make the Ups/Down flexible to handle user input val UPS = "# -{2,3} !Ups".toRegex() val DOWNS = "# -{2,3} !Downs".toRegex() val trimmed = line.trim() when { trimmed.matches(UPS) -> { if (sawDowns || sawUps) { // one part is done generateMigration(dbPath, dbVersion, file, part, ups, downs, true) sawUps = false sawDowns = false part++ } // copy common prefix to both ups.append(commonPrefix) downs.append(commonPrefix) commonPrefix.clear() sawUps = true sawDowns = false ups.append(line).append("\n") } trimmed.matches(DOWNS) -> { downs.append(commonPrefix) commonPrefix.clear() sawDowns = true downs.append(line).append("\n") } else -> { if (!sawUps && !sawDowns) { commonPrefix.append(line).append("\n") } else if (sawUps && !sawDowns) { ups.append(line).append("\n") } else { if (trimmed.isEmpty() || trimmed.startsWith("#") || trimmed.startsWith("-- ")) { commonPrefix.append(line).append("\n") } else { downs.append(commonPrefix) commonPrefix.clear() downs.append(line).append("\n") } } } } } generateMigration(dbPath, dbVersion, file, part, ups, downs, false) } } private fun generateMigration(dbPath: File, dbVersion: String, file: File, part: Int, ups: StringBuilder, downs: StringBuilder, moreParts: Boolean) { val partText = if (part > 1 || moreParts) ".$part" else "" val (migrationFile, rollbackFile) = newEntityFile(DbEntity.MIGRATION, dbPath, dbVersion, "evolution.${file.nameWithoutExtension}$partText") migrationFile.appendText(ups.toString(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")) rollbackFile.appendText(downs.toString(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))"Generated migration ${} and rollback ${} for evolution ${file.nameWithoutExtension}$partText") ups.clear() downs.clear() } /** * Execute db command * * @param args Array * * flags * * -v - verbose: show each comparison failure message in log * -d - detail: * for validate-tables on failure log both scripts * -q - quiet: sets quiet mode (turns off some default logging) * * init - initialize migrations table and migrate all to given version or latest version * * path "resources/db" - path to resources/db directory * * version "versionID" - migrate to latest version and compare to snapshots * * "versionID" must be of the regex form V\d+(_\d+(_\d+(_.*)?)?)?" * * where the \d+ are major, minor, patch versions with the trailing .* being the version metadata. * Versions are compared using numeric comparison for major, minor and patch. * * The metadata if present will be compared using regular string comparison, ie. normal sort. * * new-major - create a new version directory with major version incremented. * new-minor - create a new version directory with minor version incremented. * new-patch - create a new version directory with patch version incremented. * * new-evolution "play/evolutions/directory/path" - create a new evolution from requested versions migrations and add this to the given play evolutions path * * new-version - create a new version directory for the requested version. * The directory cannot already exist. If the version is not provided * then the current version with its patch version number incremented will be used. * * All entity directories will be created, including migrations. * * If there is a previous version to the one requested then its all its entity scripts will be copied * to the new version directory. * * new-migration "title" - create a new up/down migration script files in the requested (or current) version's migrations * directory. The file name will be in the form: N.title.D.sql where N is numeric integer 1..., * D is up or down and title is the title passed command. * * new-function "name" - create a new function file using resources/db/templates customized template or built-in if none * new-procedure "name" - create a new procedure file using resources/db/templates customized template or built-in if none * new-trigger "name" - create a new trigger file using resources/db/templates customized template or built-in if none * new-view "name" - create a new view file using resources/db/templates customized template or built-in if none * * migrate - migrate to given version or to latest version * * rollback - rollback to given version or to previous version * * dump-tables - dump database tables * * create-tables - create all tables which exist in the version tables directory and which do not exist in the database * * validate-tables - validate that version table scripts and database agree * * update-all - update all: functions, views, procedures, triggers. This runs the scripts corresponding to * the database object. * * update-procedures * update-procs - update stored procedures * * update-functions * update-funcs - update functions * * update-schema - update db/schema directory with entities from selected version (or current if none given) * * update-triggers - update triggers * * update-views - update views * * exit - exit application */ fun dbCommand(args: Array) { var dbVersion: String? = null var dbPath = File(System.getProperty("user.dir")) dbProfile = null var i = 0 while (i < args.size) { val option = args[i++] when (option) { "-v" -> verbose = true "-d" -> detailed = true "-q" -> quiet = true "profile" -> { if (args.size <= i) { throw IllegalArgumentException("profile option requires a profile argument") } if (dbProfile != null) { throw IllegalArgumentException("db profile command must come before commands that require profile") } val profile = args[i++] if (!sessions.containsKey(profile)) { throw IllegalArgumentException("profile $profile is not defined in sessions passed to Migrations.doCommand()") } // val versions = getVersions() // if (!versions.contains(version.toUpperCase())) { // throw IllegalArgumentException("version $version does not exist in classpath '/db'") // } dbProfile = profile } "version" -> { if (args.size <= i) { throw IllegalArgumentException("version option requires a version argument") } if (dbVersion != null) { throw IllegalArgumentException("db version command must come before commands that require version") } val version = args[i++] // val versions = getVersions() // if (!versions.contains(version.toUpperCase())) { // throw IllegalArgumentException("version $version does not exist in classpath '/db'") // } dbVersion = version } "path" -> { if (args.size < i) { throw IllegalArgumentException("path option requires a path argument") } val path = args[i++] val pathDir = File(path).ensureExistingDirectory("path") dbPath = pathDir } "new-evolution" -> { if (args.size < i) { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-evolution option requires a path argument") } val path = args[i++] val pathDir = File(path).ensureExistingDirectory("evolutions path") execute(dbVersion) { if (dbVersion == null) dbVersion = getCurrentVersion() if (dbVersion != null) { newEvolution(pathDir, dbProfile!!, dbVersion!!) } else { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-evolution option requires a database which has a current migration version") } } } "import-evolutions" -> { if (args.size < i) { throw IllegalArgumentException("import-evolution option requires a path argument") } val path = args[i++] if (args.size < i) { throw IllegalArgumentException("import-evolution option requires a min evolution argument") } val minEvoText = args[i++] val maxEvoText: String? = if (args.size < i) { null } else { args[i++] } val pathDir = File(path).ensureExistingDirectory("evolutions") if (dbProfile == null) dbProfile = DEFAULT_PROFILE if (dbVersion == null) dbVersion = getCurrentVersion() ?: "V0_0_0" val evolutionsProfileDir = (pathDir + dbProfile!!).ensureExistingDirectory("evolutions/dbProfile") val minEvolution: Int = minEvoText.toIntOrNull() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("MinEvolution argument must be an integer") val maxEvolution: Int? = if (maxEvoText == null) null else { val maxEvo = maxEvoText.toIntOrNull() if (maxEvo == null) i-- maxEvo } if (dbVersion != null) { importEvolutions(evolutionsProfileDir, dbVersion!!, minEvolution, maxEvolution, dbPath) } else { throw IllegalArgumentException("import-evolution option requires a database which has a current migration version for selected profile") } } "dump-tables" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val useDbVersion = dbVersion ?: getCurrentVersion() if (!it) dbVersion = useDbVersion dumpTables(dbPath, useDbVersion!!) } } "update-schema" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val useDbVersion = dbVersion ?: getCurrentVersion() if (!it) dbVersion = useDbVersion updateSchema(dbPath, useDbVersion!!) } } "validate-tables", "validate" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val useDbVersion = dbVersion ?: getCurrentVersion() if (!it) dbVersion = useDbVersion validateTableResourceFiles(useDbVersion!!) } } "init" -> { if (migration != null) { throw IllegalArgumentException("db init command must be first executed command") } execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance } } "migrate" -> { // here need to apply up migrations from current version to given version or latest in version sorted order execute(dbVersion) { val useDbVersion = dbVersion ?: getLatestVersion() if (!it) dbVersion = useDbVersion val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(useDbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance migrate(migrationInstance) } } "rollback" -> { // here need to apply down migrations from current version to given version or if none given then rollback the last batch which was not rolled back executeProfile(option, dbVersion) { migration = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion ?: getPreviousVersion(getCurrentVersion() ?: "V0_0_0")) rollback(migration!!) } } "create-tables", "create-tbls" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance createTables(migrationInstance) } } "update-all" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance updateEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, migrationInstance) updateEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, migrationInstance) updateEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, migrationInstance) updateEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, migrationInstance) } } "update-procedures", "update-procs" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance updateEntities(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, migrationInstance) } } "update-functions", "update-funcs" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance updateEntities(DbEntity.FUNCTION, migrationInstance) } } "update-views" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance updateEntities(DbEntity.VIEW, migrationInstance) } } "update-triggers" -> { execute(dbVersion) { val migrationInstance = migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion) if (!it) migration = migrationInstance updateEntities(DbEntity.TRIGGER, migrationInstance) } } "new-major" -> { executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = DbVersion.of(migration!!.version).nextMajor().toString() newVersion(dbPath, version) } } "new-minor" -> { executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = DbVersion.of(migration!!.version).nextMinor().toString() newVersion(dbPath, version) } } "new-patch" -> { executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = DbVersion.of(migration!!.version).nextPatch().toString() newVersion(dbPath, version) } } "new-version" -> { executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { val version = dbVersion ?: DbVersion.of((migration ?: initMigrations(dbVersion)).version).nextPatch().toString() newVersion(dbPath, version) } } "new-migration" -> { if (args.size < i || args[i].isBlank()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-migration option requires a non-blank title argument") } val title = args[i++].trim() executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = dbVersion ?: migration!!.version newEntityFile(DbEntity.MIGRATION, dbPath, version, title) } } "new-function" -> { if (args.size < i || args[i].isBlank()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-function option requires a non-blank name argument") } val title = args[i++].trim() executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = dbVersion ?: migration!!.version newEntityFile(DbEntity.FUNCTION, dbPath, version, title) } } "new-procedure" -> { if (args.size < i || args[i].isBlank()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-procedure option requires a non-blank name argument") } val title = args[i++].trim() executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = dbVersion ?: migration!!.version newEntityFile(DbEntity.PROCEDURE, dbPath, version, title) } } "new-trigger" -> { if (args.size < i || args[i].isBlank()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-trigger option requires a non-blank name argument") } val title = args[i++].trim() executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = dbVersion ?: migration!!.version newEntityFile(DbEntity.TRIGGER, dbPath, version, title) } } "new-view" -> { if (args.size < i || args[i].isBlank()) { throw IllegalArgumentException("new-view option requires a non-blank name argument") } val title = args[i++].trim() executeProfileDefault(option, dbVersion) { if (migration == null) migration = initMigrations(dbVersion) val version = dbVersion ?: migration!!.version newEntityFile(DbEntity.VIEW, dbPath, version, title) } } "exit" -> { exitProcess(1) } else -> { throw IllegalArgumentException("db option $option is not recognized") } } } } fun execute(version: String?, command: (multi: Boolean) -> Unit) { if (dbProfile == null) { if (version != null) { dbProfile = DEFAULT_PROFILE transaction { command.invoke(false) } } else { val dbProfiles = getDbProfiles() dbProfiles.forEach { dbProfileName -> dbProfile = dbProfileName transaction { command.invoke(true) } migration = null } } dbProfile = null } else { transaction { command.invoke(false) } } } fun executeProfile(option: String, version: String?, command: () -> Unit) { if (dbProfile == null) { throw IllegalArgumentException("$option option requires a specific profile") } else { transaction { command.invoke() } } } fun executeProfileDefault(option: String, version: String?, command: () -> Unit) { if (dbProfile == null) { dbProfile = DEFAULT_PROFILE } transaction { command.invoke() } } fun transaction(command: () -> Unit) { session.transaction { tx -> try { command.invoke() } catch (e: Exception) { val migrationSession = migration if (migrationSession != null) { tx.rollback() tx.begin() val migrationSql = migrationSession.getMigrationSql( migrationSession.lastScriptName ?: "", migrationSession.lastScriptSql ?: "" ).inParams("lastProblem" to e.message) tx.execute(migrationSql) tx.commit() } // re-throw exception throw e } tx.commit() } } }